InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When a Heart Melts ❯ In Your Arms ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Fireash: well it has been a while. Did you guys miss me? I figured it was time to update again. I
must say I am a little disappointed. Fanfiction has caught up to mediaminer reviewers. This last
chapter only got 7 from mediaminer and 18 from fanfiction. Well time for the responses...

Aurora_thorn: No problem. I am just happy you reviewed. Thanks for the compliment. I did
work really hard on this one.

Winter's Tears: Glad you like it so far. I think you got it so far. It can be confusing.

Death Bringer: Glad you like it as well. No it wasn't an illusion just an alternate reality. Don't
worry I think you will like how it ends when I get that far.

Lil'Inu: Thanks for reviewing. I tried to make people really get into it. I hope I can continue to
write quality chapters everyone can enjoy.

VampirePrincessMiyu: Glad you love it. I know everyone says that is the easy way out but I
think it takes a lot of guts to do it actually. Not that I encourage people to do so.

Trainer01: Glad you like it so far. Thanks for reviewing. Hope you like the update.

Iy lvr: No problem. Just glad you reviewed. I do like the story of yours so far. Like I said I will
help you out if you ever get stuck.

KagomeResurrected: Glad you like it so far. I try to be nice in my reviews. I don't like flames.
They only make the author feel bad. Wow you've reviewed 3 times since last time. Don't be
sorry you are one of my frequent reviewers. I am glad I had that affect on you. Yes poor fluffy

SessRin2003: Hehe. Glad I moved you so. There will still be a little sadness but don't worry I
love happy endings.

Marnika: glad you like my story. Hope you continue to read it.

TinckerBell: Glad you like it. Hehe yeah I don't think they care about what other people think.

Miyu Yomano: Well here is the update. Hope you like it.

Touchi-chan: glad you like it. Yeah I think he has it in him too. When she mated sesshy I think
she was about 33 or so. But when he went into the other reality she was back to being 8 years
old. She is 18 when she commits suicide. No she doesn't remember being youkai. Sesshomaru
is the only one that remembers.

Rshield16: Don't worry about it. They will just have to deal with it. She hasn't reviewed since
anyway. So which one did you think was my best? Anyway I did have fun. Hope you like the
new chapter.

?: Glad you like it. Here is the next chapter.

Christa: Sorry you didn't have a happy Christmas since I couldn't update. Hope this makes up
for it.

Sesshoumaru24: glad you love it. Well she had to be demon in that part of the story.

Sesshomamaru27: Don't worry I am crazy for happy endings. Rin would never cheat on him or
him on her. Thanks for the compliment. So are you also sesshomaru24? Hmmmm maybe he
will have to choose....dun dun dun

anhimals: yes the end is near. Hope you have enjoyed it so far.

Kouga-fan: just a little more and it will be done. Glad you like it.

Hinomi: I am writing now. Glad you love it. It makes me happy to hear things like that.

Anna: wow! In your life I am honored! I have considered a sequel with them but the main
characters would be their children. Would you read it?

NoZoMi aNd HoTaRu: thank you! Glad you like it. Here is the update.

Rin-Pup: Ooooh I just love getting reviews like yours. They make me happy. Glad you like it.

Serena: well this one confused me. They don't air it anymore because of low ratings. The last
series had nudity that they couldn't hide in it and guys that turned into girls. So I've heard
anyway. You can always buy it on ebay.

Wow that was a lot of reviews. The most for any chapter. Well my friends we are nearing
the end. I will take a vote. Who would like to see a sequel of this story?

Story time
Chapter 15
In Your Arms

Rin finally opened her eyes. ‘Where am I? I must be in heaven for I am surrounded by

riches.' (an: she never got to see his castle in human form) Her clothes had been changed and her

makeup had been removed. Rin tried to sit up but was pushed gently back down. "Sesshomaru-

sama, but how?" He did not answer her but gently caressed her cheek. His face betrayed no

emotion. "Rest now, we will speak tomorrow." Happy that she was with him she surrendered to

the darkeness.

When she awoke again she felt a strange weight holding her down. Curious she turned to

her side and went stiff with shock. ‘Sesshomaru!' He was asleep beside her and had his arm

wrapped around her waist. She tried to slide from his grip without waking him. Surely he would

hate to wake up beside a human! But as she moved away from him his arm pulled her closer.

She was now face to face with her lord. Rin could feel his body heat radiating off of him. ‘Well

since I cannot escape then I will enjoy it to the fullest' she smiled. Moonlight fell on his face

making the demon lord appear almost angelic. Her eyes traced his every feature memorizing

them in her heart. She brought a hand up to his face and brushed his bangs aside and sighed

longingly. "I am yours Sesshomaru, I just wish you were mine..." she whispered.

She didn't realize that the moment she tried to move Sesshomaru awoke. He used it to

his advantage and pulled her closer knowing that she thought he was asleep. He felt her relax

and brush his bangs away. His sensitive ears heard her whisper. He opened his eyes. Gold

staring into brown. "I am yours Rin." He leaned close and brushed his lips across hers. "Now

go back to sleep." ‘Yes,' she thought, ‘definitely in heaven.' Rin smiled and snuggled closer

into his embrace.

When morning came Rin found herself alone on the bed. ‘Well I guess I am still alive.

Was last night a dream?' Her questions were answered when he walked into the bedroom with a

tray in his hands. "I would have had the servants carry this in but I ordered them all to leave for a

few days." He set it down beside her. Rin thought it strange that he would serve her. She

nervously picked up a piece of bread and bit into it. Oh the flaver! Bread had never tasted so

good before. She felt a blush rise as he continued to stare at her. "Are you going to eat

Sesshomaru-sama?" "I do not eat human food. I have already eaten this morning though." (an:

what does he eat?) "I will take you to the baths so you may wash after you have eaten and then I

wish to discuss something with you." Her curiosity made her rush through the meal.

He picked out one of his late mother's kimonos that would fit her and led her to the baths.

"I will be outside if you need anything." with that he walked out and slid the door shut. Rin was

a little apprehensive. The last bath she had taken was to prepare for her death. She took off her

clothes and slid into the hot water. The bath was a hot spring! Rin scrubbed her skin clean from

dirt, sweat, and blood. Excited about speaking with Sesshomaru she hurried out of the bath. She

didn't mind drying and dressing herself. She did it before she knew she was a noble and she

liked the privacy. Now clean and clothed she went out to meet her lord.

She found Sesshomaru waiting for her in the hallway. "Let's talk in the garden. Why

break tradition?" He took her hand in his and led the way. The garden was more beautiful than

she had ever imagined. "You always did like flowers." he mused. "What is it you wish to speak

of my lord?" she tore her gaze away from the flowers to his face. "Rin, would you be my mate?"

Rin couldn't contain her joy as she lept into his arms. "Yes!"

That night he claimed her as his. He made sure as not to hurt her. Humans were more

fragile than demons. It seemed everything was right in the world at least for one night. The new

mates found peace in each others arms. "I love you Sesshomaru." Rin whispered into his ear.

"And I love you Rin."

The years came and went and soon like before Rin was with child. Sesshomaru was

excited but at the same time sad. He wasn't sad because the pup would be hanyou but he still

mourned for the one he lost. He knew that soon one of his soldiers would come with a message

that the dragons had invaded his border. He also knew that the tigers were waiting to capture his

mate. This time he was ready.

"Lord Sesshomaru, the southern border has been invaded by the dragons. We are trying

to hold them off but we need your help." the messenger said. "I am aware of this. Gather the

army and send them south. Leave a few guards here to guard the castle. I will escort you

halfway to the battle but I will turn north. You see the tigers have invaded the north unawares.

Once I take care of them I will return south and help with the dragons." The messenger didn't

question as to how he knew about the north attack when the border patrol hadn't seen anything.

He didn't want to loose his life.

His plan succeeded. The tigers thought he went south and moved in towards the castle.

They didn't expect him to turn around. Using the pain of his other life as a weapon he defeated

the tigers easily. After that he went back south. By that time the dragons had heard of the tigers

defeat. They decided it was best to retreat. Their reason for fighting was so they could overtake

the west. With their allies defeated they didn't have the edge they needed to win. Sesshomaru

was just glad that he already knew what was going to happen before time so he could stop it. He

decided it was time to go home to his pregnant mate that was probably worried sick over him.

Rin watched the sun set in the horizon. It had been many days since her mate left for
battle. Soon a large white dot appeared. Her heart sped up knowing it was Sesshomaru. As he

stepped into the courtyard he transformed into his humanoid form. She ran out to embrace him.

"Your home!" He spun her around as he hugged her back smiling. He leaned down to kiss her

gently. "I missed you." he whispered. "I love you Sesshomaru." "And I love you Rin."

Suddenly Sesshomaru was once again pulled into the darkness.



"Noooooooooo" he shouted as he fell into the abyss.



Sesshomaru stopped falling. "So," the mysterious voice from last time said, " it seems

you still love her as a human. Well demon lord. It is time for you to choose who you love more.

The human Rin or the demon Rin." Two doors appeared in front of him. "The door on the left is

the human Rin. The door on the right has the demon Rin. They will both know of your choice

and one will be alone. If you choose the demon then the human one will think you don't love her

because she is human. If you choose the human then the demon will go through a very long life

of misery. Or either one could die at the hands of your enemies. So which will it be?"

Dun dun dun.....I'd say maybe one more chapter to go. So who do you think he will choose?
There is no vote though it will be who I pick of course but you will have to wait till I update.
Hope you enjoyed it. Read and Review.