InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When A Raven Meets A Blonde ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: `Sup?……. Okey pokey, I'm Jessica…..and I'm Hannah……We're your Fairly odd parents……..wait wrong A/N……….Shit……..Any who…… That word gives me the giggles….in the non- giggly way….Wait Sorry about Jessica yall she's blonde……..what can I say…..Sorry about Hannah yall she's jealous she's a brunette…….Shouldn't we get on with this God damn A/n:…………………….Oh right, any who…(lol) Me and Hannah decide it would be cool to get our fanfiction writing to a start……SO many people have been wondering why the Hell me and Hannah post about freaky fanfictioners writing stuff, on both of our profiles…….Some say we lied, some say we die…But we say we were just to lazy……. We hope you enjoy our stupidity and our perverted minds as we attempt to write random fanfiction…….You were warned!
DISCLAIMER: We claim the humping, we would claim everything else but sadly there are laws against that and wee don't want to go back jail.
Here is the delio…..Obviously it is an alternate universe if you haven't already figured that out, I deem you DIPSHIT……. Samantha and Kagome are two different girls from the same worlds and situation. Both are trying to get away from their badboy boyfriends and are trying to free them selves from their grasps. All goes wrong when their boyfriends decide to pay them a visit at Hogwarts.
They are both 15. Voldemort is dead, Sesshoumaru is abusive, not really that much Inyuasha, That's all we are telling you to find out more we need reviews and you'll have to read if you want to know what happens.
Kagome: (Hannah is using this one…….becuz she is a copy writer…) Kagome is 15. She attended a magic academy in Japan where Inyuasha and Sesshoumaru Tashio met her. Kagome immediately fell for Sesshoumaru. She seemed to have fallen too hard and to fast. Sesshoumaru is abusive in their relationship, it seems all hope is lost for her to find real love until she gets unexpected news from her mother. She is to start attending Hogwarts this year instead. . Leaving behind her boyfriend she goes to Hogwarts feeling alone and bored………What happens when she meets a headstrong girl.
Samantha: (this is Jessica's character. Jessica does not approve of copy righters Jessica needs to stop typing in the third person) Samantha Rose is anything but average. She is 15 dating the best Quidditch seeker in the world and everyone thinks her life is absolutely perfect. Sometimes people don't understand what goes on behind closed doors. Fights, and the wanting of more is something she secretly want to get away from. Lucky for her, her parents find in their best interests for her to go to Hogwarts. Where she goes expecting to spend time alone, When actually she is never alone she makes a new best friend and she possibly meets the boy of her dreams.
Chapter 1
Kagome walked slowly towards the Tashio manor, fear rising as she did so. The little voice telling her to go back had now given up. Hoping with all the hope she had in her that Sesshoumaru was not in a beat the shit out of Kagome mood , she opened the gate revealing the path that lead her to the door.
As se walked the path, she recollected on the days where she didn't have to run home in tears and use makeup to cover up all those bruises and cuts. Come to think of it there were none. It was sad really, you never really know a person till you spend nights getting the crap beat of you for no reason. Having to pretend everything is okay so you don't get punched several times in the stomach. Having to wake up knowing you good day will soon turn sour, it was not a normal persons way of life…..but it was Kagome's.
Noticing her thoughts had carried her to the door faster than she had wanted, she hesitated before ringing the door bell, the little voice in her head decided to make itself noticeable again
'Don't do it! Turn back now, run and never look back'
`'ill have to look back
`because he'll be running after me'
and with that the doorbell was ringing….
Samantha sighed as she walked forward in to her house, she was a little relieved in not having to visit Victor right now, but the way her parents had asked her to come home on the phone did not sound good. She walked through the hallway and in to their living room. As Samantha walked in she realized how odd her parents were acting, trey were whispering frantically as if to sort out some kind of problem, looking up to noticed Samantha had entered the room, they immediately went silent. After a hesitated decision, Her father spoke
“Sam, how are you sweetie”
Samantha eyed her parents suspiciously, they were obviously beating around the bush, and Samantha didn't care much for that kind of thing.
“I've been better I suppose” Her parents didn't know exactly what she meant. Her reasons for visiting krum, were of an argumentative sort. She had a feeling he was cheating on her, and she decided to investigate. But the more she investigated the more stuff he bought. She stared down at the diamond promise ring she was now wearing. Her mother spoke
“Your father and I have been thinking, and we see fit for you to attend Hogwarts in England, rather than Durmstrang this year. ”
Samantha's mouth dropped….'oh god, he is not going to like this' she shifted her eyes left and right before going into her screaming trance.
“Why am I never included in anything that is decided about me?” Samantha was steaming, her parents were not exactly involved in her krum situation, they knew they were together but they didn't know what all went on in the relationship, how protective he was, how he didn't want her out of his sight, the only thing he didn't do was hit her, he wasn't that stupid to do physical abuse, but mental abuse he could handle.
“Samantha be reasonable, you have changed so much when you started dating that Tom or vector or what ever his name is, I want my little ball of sunshine back!”
“How about you be reasonable, His name is Victor Krum mom, best Quidditch seeker in the world, he has been over for dinner several times, he is on every magazine that comes in the house kind of like Zac Efron”
“Who the hell is Zac Efron?”
“-sigh-, Why cant I finish out my school career here.?”
“Because Sam,” her dad replied “Your mother and I have your best interest at heart and right now this seems to be the best interest.”
Knowing she would never get out of this one even with puppy dog eyes she angrily nodded and went to grab her coat, she would have to tell Victor now, he didn't like for her to keep things from him for to long. As she was halfway out of the door she heard her mother.
“Seriously who the fuck is Zac Efron?”
Kagome waited patiently at the door, worry feeling her heart as she realized why she had come here tonight. Thew fear of what he would say. It was grinding at her heart because she knew he would not like it one bit why did her mother torture her so
“WHAT!!!” birds flew as the yell echoed from the small quiet house in Tokyo in the heragahi shrine.
“Don't you what me, you heard exactly what I said” Kagome's mother scolded. Her daughter was being so unreasonable.
“Your being so unreasonable Kagome” She winced as her Daughter screamed back at her.
“I'M BEING UNREASONABLE? YOPUR THE ONE BEING UNREASONABLE ASKING ME TO LEAVE MY SCHOOL, MY HOME., MY FREINDS” and most fortunately Sesshoumaru, she thought to herself, she pulled down her shirt sleeve as hard as she could at the thought if Sesshoumaru, She didn't want to get in to it with her mother about him now., anger rising in her chest at her mothers incapability in understanding her.
Her mother rolled her eyes `teenagers ' she thought to her self……. Why was it so easy for her daughter to do the wrong thing verses the right thing “You haven't even gotten there yet and your already playing the guilt card.…. Id-” Kagome's mothers eyes darted to her daughters wrist, it was turning blue. Her eyes widened as Kagome, noticing her mother starring, tried to wrench the sleeve back down, she was to late.
Her mom, ran over to her and threw up the sleeve “KAGOME!WHAT HAPPENED?”
Kagome was throwing uneasy glances every where searching for a good lie….they were all gone. "Uhhh er uhh…….would you believe me if I told you I was part chameleon?” Kagome asked knowing the answer that lie ahead
“”NO. it was that stupid boy wasn't it?
Kagome sighed, Her mother had never appreciated Sesshoumaru. Even when they first met, The future abuse was obvious. Coming home with cuts and bruises, and excuse after excuse as to how she acquired them…Kagome didn't love Sesshoumaru out of love, she loved him out of fear. Though she knew this she would never tell Sesshoumaru, she enjoyed life enough toi want to experience it a bit longer. The sad thing about it was the fact sye hadnt told she was leaveing yet…..
She looked into her mothers eyes, it was like looking at a much older version of her self. Long black hair, saphire blue eyes, and that will to keep going on with loife no matter whjat happernd, if only her mother understood how much Sesshoumaru ment to yher, maybe she wouldn't bw such abitch.
“that boy is the exact reasion I want youout of here. Iwantr you t o be around peop,e who don't beat the shit out of people bewacuase they have nothing else better to do with their time.”
“He loves e mom!”
I wouldn't cval that love honey I would call that Illegal.
H”He knows whats best for me he is just protective. You don't understand You'll never understand just because your relationships last about as long as Candi Hall beiong ungrouinded doesn't mean you can try to make mine lokedc horribel.
“Oay first off sall whonthe fuck is candi hall, second of hall He BERAT YIOUO!!! He doesn't love you, he may love to beat you but I don't think he love you persaonaly and He is s terrible influence and the sooner you get to hogwarts the better.””
Kagome huffed. Hewr mother wasn't going to cave in “What if I don't want to go?” Kagome answered in the most sarcastic way she coiuld
“And what if Idont care?” oh her mother was good “Kagome you could stay here if the police would o something about that sesshomaru, but no0 one on planet earth would dare cross him, because it would be the last thing they do.”
He rmood didn't inprove when the door was opend revealing Sesshoumarues father.
“Kagome what a pleasnt surpise, here to see sess don't don't huh?” he sent her a warm smile
Kagome had so much respect for Mr. Tashio, all though shewished he knew about how horrible his son was, the sesshomaru he saw was not the same sesshoumaru every one else saw. `Right this way” he said ashe led her into the kitchen.
“Can I get you anything, Pepsi, butterbeer, orange juice? ” he went to grab a class from the cabinet assuming she would want something.
“Noi thanks ” she replied as he opend the cabinet door, he shrugged an closed the cabnet. “Well, okay then sess is up in his room as usual probably working over fighting stategies, I swer if that oy would wrokn as hard in his studies as he did on his fighting he would be almost as smart as you” he winked.
Kgome gave a half hearted laugh, if she agrreed with him she would pay, especially if sess heard her. She huuried over to the stairs and stumbled oj her way up. Leaving a very suspicios Dsd in her wake.
As samtha walked she grimaceed at the images of how Krum woiuld react to this. He didn't know if his abvuse would turn physical or stay mental. She was so confused. She wasntone to be opushed around but how cpuld she help herselfd this was vickor krum girls would give their arms and legs to be able to wash his laundriopy and all Samantha hadto do was compky toi hi every nee and want and smoeies she felt he wanted a bit much.
Samantha looked up in to the sky, hoping a night in shining armour would come nd take her away to unknown land. Heklpher to be frre to do as she wished, to be in love u f love not out of haste. She continued wlking whn she reached the front door of krums flat.
Hesitated slightly she knowcked on the door. There was no answer. She knocked again, becoming slightly agigtated, Still no one she went to jiggle athe handel and lo and behole it iopends reviela a very awkward bachelor pad. Pictures of Krum were hanging everfy where, Vicktor had even sighned some of them to himself. Samantha rolled her eyes and suppressed a snort. He was soi full of himself. That I was rather disgusting. She lookd into the empty kitche, thoi was were most of heir fights took place,
Flash back
“I said I was sorry” Krum yelled at the top of his voice
“I don't care that is all you ever seem to say now adays, All ou every want to do is havce sex and I am tired f it, I want something more than that. I don't want sex I want to makelove” tears running down Samanthas face and she tried frantically toput her bra back on she was so fruustrated she gave up and shoved her shirt on.
“It is the same thing, whats the diifernce?” Victor was getting angrier by the second
“Making love is something you do when you love some one”
“Thenwhat is sex”
“Sex is what you have when you have nothing better to do with the person your having sex with.”
Krum rard back his hand and let it connect hard with Samanthas fsace face, Blood pouring fomr her mouth, she fell to the floor.
Samatha relized she was on the verge of tears. That was the only tiem krum had ever hit her. After tht is when she truly changed, Scard when they were left in the same roomagain, she tried breaking it of but he would have none oif that. She walked over t his bedroom door the door was shut and she was curios as to why. His doior was never shut, even when they were doing thins samantha didn't even relized could be done by normal people it was always opend.
She wallked slowly to the door, as she reached for the handle she wondered if she should even be opening this curiosity gettting the better of her she opends the door.
Kagome finished climbing the stairs she looked at the door leading into sesshomaru room. )on the outside door read the words
Kagome s taken, just like your life will be if you touch her.
Kagome was now stareing at the ground, fear rising through her as she knocked on the door.
“Who is it” sesshoumauy called out
“It…its..m-me Ka-kagome” she was stutterng, a sing of weakness, sesshomaruo didn't aprove of weekeness .
Before she could think twice she was wrenched into the darkened bedroom but a fearful and familiar hand.
Kagome wimpered and lkook into sesshoumarus eyes all she cuould see was hatred and lus.
“Kagome I expected you earlier what keopt you, was it a boy7” he reached for his sord as he saidnthis as if waitin to strike as she replkied
taking in sharp brreahed she shook her head, she didn't know if she could bring herself to tell him she was leaving. She griited her she nee1ed to get ti over with.
“there I ssomething I have to tell you” there was so much fear and serious ness in her vioce that sesshomaru actually lowerd his sword. Keeping their eyes loked he nodded for her toi continue.
“It is my mother wish that I go to hpgwrts in england for school this year.”
Kagome threw her haarms ver her head expecting a blow. When none came she was curios very curioes. She let her arms go limp at her side so she could see what sesshomaru was dpoijg.
Sesshamoars eyes widend and his face was slowwly turning red. HE looked as if he was a bout to bloew. HE glared at her.
Out of anger sessho,maru ran over to kagpe and flung hr on the bed.
She wimpred and screamed but her sounds were drowned out but sesshoumayrus forcible lips. Her body ws desperat.y tring to free itself but with lkittle effort. Sesshomaru unbutton her jeams and flung them to ththe floor. He rshrit was soon ripped off and all that was left was kagom in her irthday suit. Sesshomaru a already relieved himself of his loths.
“Please don't do this, not again” Kagome cried she was shakeing and wishing his dad would come up here and put a stop to this.
Sesshomarusaid nothing to this ple instead he forcedhim self in to her and humped with great force.
As smantha opend the door krum came into view. HE was lying on his bved reading a letter and blushing as he read silentlyu HE looked up”Oh hey sam” he turned back to his letter as his eyes widend “SAM!” he yelled as he hrriedly stuffed the letter underhis bed. “Whn did you get here?”
“Abiut 15 minutes ago you never answered my knocks any way what were yoyu reading?” Samantha had a feeling she didn't want to know
“oh..that I- it was n-n thing you know just stuff, So why are you so late?” HE apparently wanted the subject changed.
“Well my parenrt have de-”
“Hold that thought” krum smirkfe=d a he walked over to Samantha and began nibbling on her neck. Saamantha olled her eyes Here we go again.She tried her best to push him away but he was to string. He grabbed on to her wait so tighjt it was starting to hurt. She groaned out of pain as he started biting his way down her chest finnallyu she tried to peak again
“L:ook why don't w just talk?” she asked earnetly, samtnah wqasnt all fo rsex she liked to actually talk to.
“Sex now tsalk later” he moaned as he tried to ge her o feast n his neck for a change. Shwhen she didn't compy he started tong4t impatient
“Look I need you tonight.”
Samantha huffed “you don't need me you want me.”
“Isnt that enough?”
Samantha roilled hjer eyesnand headed fir the do “why do I even try she thought to herself. As she reached for the handel she was forced from her feet and thrown to the bed. She looked up to see a very ' aggravated krum
She statrted ti protest but was shu tup due to the face that he was trryihg to dornw her mouth out with his tounge. He wrenched of her pants and long with his. Lfung himslef on top of heer and gto down to ver much unwamed business.
Kagome sniffed it had beren 10 minuted past since sesshomaruy had useed her for a sperm bucket . Her mascara was dripping down her face and she pulled the covdrs tighter around her and she tried to hide herself. Sesshomaru had gone to the bsathroom, anf he usually came back fo r secoinds. She quickly sat up and tried to frantically put her clothas back on she was in the middle pf butooning up ner pant when she wass spoken to
“And justwhat doyoiu think yiour doing” sesshoumar sneered, she knew bvetter than ton walk out on him.
Kagome looked nervously around and potted a glass globe. Eyeing it care fullhy she procfceeded to th edoor.

Sesdshoimaru stepped forward “I said what doyou think your dointg?
Kagaome scresamed as sesshomaru leaped topwmards her she grabbed the glkss gloe and hit hjim sqare in the chest the glass explodong as part of it broke3 on his chest and the other broke on the floor. “GOD DAMNIT”was tht last thing kagome heard as shje escaped throught the door.
Samantha layed still, as she heard Victor peeing in the batheroom. She closed her eyes wondering if this was the way her life was going to be. Evrey waking moment being thrown on thebrd and used as a weiner warmer. It was not the life she wanted. She thoiught to herself. Maybe hogwarts isnt such a badIdea after all. She just wished sh could ge it out to krum before he wanted seconds.. She relized all had went silent in th bathroom, and there was now a hand resting on her wast.
“I love you” jrum announced as though everyone shouldalready know this.
“I love ..y-you to.” Samatha klied, she was usually good at lieing just l;ieing about loveing someone was harder than it looked.. Her breath hithed ass krum moved loser to her
She cild barely be satisfied th firt time let slone sanothert time, just as he was aboutt o gret back on top of her she spoke ohim.
“My paretns want tme to go to hogwarts in england this year.” She sadi it fast and hoped it was to the piont. She noticed he paused in putting his other leg over her. He brought it back down. “Why?” He was nither angry nor sad, he was indifferent.
That scared Sam…”well they just said that was were there best interest were so I said okay, nd I cam eto tell you.”
Kru seemedto be thinkniong about something and nearing conclusion said”you mkjnow I don't like this one bit. I don't ike new guys around you. Maybe Is hould enroll there to”
“NO” Samanth ascreamed atr once, imeedatly wishing she hadnt.
Krum cocked and eyebrow”Why is that, I need to make sure you don't fuck around while I'm not ther t o watch over you.”
“we-well” samtnah was searching for an answer so she could end this convosation. “I need a little break tho think abuot things,ya know like where I am going after school.”
“You know exactlyu where your going and that is with me.”
Samatha gave a half hearted smile,”Of course but youknow” She started in a tantilizing vioce, she hope she could seduce him in to not following her “Me being aweay from you for a while would make me very randey the next time I see you again.”
Krum seem to be pondering this fact and a wicked grin spred across his face, he leant in to kiss her, she lazily kissed back. She went to get her lcoths back n she needed to get dsome sllep before heading off o hogwartstommooro. She pulled on her jeans, and headed for the door. Krum walked her out of his bedroom and plled open the front door.
She wass just about to leave and a hand grabbed her wrist. ZSh eturned t face a veryu ticked looking victor. “”what she she said wondeering why he was now msad
“Just reeber on thing, while you wear thag ring you are mine.and he slammed the door in her face.”
Kagone flew dwon the stairs of the tashio nmanr. Almost running in to Mr.tashio who was carry three drinkd up the staris.
“I'm so sorry” Kagome whined as he jumped out of the way to let her by.
“Kagome what is the ush, I asm brining up drinks and I was thinking we could plsay a game of scrable.”
Kagome looked a thim strange, this was nop tht etime fo scrabble.
“NO Im sorry, I need to go home.” She grabedd her wrist it wa hutrting from when she was throm in he bed, ahd now her hankle was killing her, she thre a stear filled smile and limped out of the house. Mr tashio starred after her wondering what was going on, he had a strange feeling ithe answr was just ight up these stairs. HE walke casually up tull hje was just out side of sesshomaru s room he listend a bit befor eknocking
“Insolent litte tramp, she will soon learn her lesson.” Saesshomaor was wa bandaging up his hadn. Thy was blood on the floor and glass every where.There was blood o the bed, sesshomaru wasn't sure but he had a hunh that was from kagome. HE shook his head as he poured alcholo onhis hand, and wisperex `fuck”
There was a knock on th door, and sesshomaru wasn't in the mood for anymore visitores right now. “Who is it.”
Whoeger it was idnt wait tp reply, they just walked in carry three drinks and a game akopf srable.
“Dad what don you want
His dad said nothing as he laid the drinks and the board game down on the tablke. HE surveyed his son closely, studing the glasson the floor, sesshomarus bandaged hand and the blkood on the bed.
HE let out a sigh “What happen”
“Nothing that copncerns you pop.” Sesshomaru didn't think it was his fathers buisiness.
“Son why does kagome barely talk touus an more?, Why does she flinched evry time you raise you hand.” HE waited for his son to reply, when none came he continueed.
“Son kagome is a beutifgul young lady, Why did she run out of our house she looked like she wa in pain, I really need top know.”
He looked sternly at his soj.
Sesshomarus eyes met his fathers
“I love her dad and that's all you really need to know.”
Woop-woop- I cant believe we actulaly finnished Chapter 1. Me and hannah are such procatinators it is nt even funny….wait yeahi it is. If you want chapter 2 we need review. Our hopes for this story are pretty big. We hope to make sequals to it if you think it is good please let us know by reviewing