InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When all is said and done ❯ Struck By Love ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I thought this chapter earlier today, and started writing it down. Gets better the deeper we go in the story!! REVIEW REVIEW!!!

Chapter Two: Struck By Love


Inuyasha turned to the sound of Kagome's voice, and was surprised to find her there.


Kagome ran to him and glared at Kikyo with disgust. "I wont let you kill him!"

Kikyo smirked." Leave girl, your not wanted here."

Kagome looked up to Inuyasha to find his face emotionless. She tried to grab his arm but he pulled away gently.

His eyes hardened, "Kagome go back to the village."

She was struck with both confusion and hurt at his words. Did Inuyasha really intend on dieing with Kikyo? She shook her head in disapproval and clung onto his arm tightly.

"Why should I? I mean she's trying to-"

"Kagome just do what I say!" He snapped

She searched for some kind of answer in those golden orbs, as he looked down at her with angry eyes. With that she turn and ran. Whatever Inuyasha was trying to do, she knew he didn't wasn't her to be there for it. All that went through her head was if he was going to leave them…leave her?


Inuyasha's eyes softened with sorrow as he watched Kagome retreat back to the village. Just as he turned to face Kikyo once more, he watched as she let her arrow fly. It was headed right for Kagome!


All he could do was watch in horror as the arrow struck the young girl in the back. Forgetting about Kikyo, Inuyasha ran to catch Kagome as she fell to the ground. He hugged her close and tried to pull the arrow out.

"Inu...yasha?" she questioned, still unsure of what just had happened. "It hurts so bad...I-"

"Shhh its ok Kagome...I'm right here."

As her body went limp, he knew she had fallen asleep due to the amount of blood she had already lost. He picked her up, careful of the fatal wound on her back. As he cradled her close his eyes looked up to meet Kikyo's.

"Why did you do this to her?!" He snarled

Still no emotion played on her face as she responded

"She is just getting in the way of us Inuyasha."

His eyes narrowed dangerously, "Bullshit!"

Suddenly soul collectors surrounded her as she prepared to take her leave.

"Kikyo come back! I wont let you get away fr-"

She was gone


Inuyasha sighed in frustration and turned towards the village. While hurriedly running towards his destination, he peered down at the women who lied still in his arms.

"Kagome... please don't die on me!"