InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Darkness Falls
Author: Dying Dreams
Fandom: Inuyasha
Feedback: Feedback is always welcome!
Summary: Approximately one hundred fifty years have passed since Sesshoumaru, son of Toga the Inu no Taisho, Lord of the Western Lands, was captured and enslaved by human priest. Upon his return, the once feared eldest son is nothing more than a cowering mass of fur, no bigger than a common wolf. Constantly fearing that which has been instilled in him, he has become the epitome of an obedient pet, bending to his master's will, aiming to please and ultimately avoid the beatings given for disobedience. Upon return to his home, courtesy of an eagle youkai from Britain, Inuyasha and his father learn first hand just how obedient he has become.
Sesshoumaru: I hate you.
Dream: I hate me too.
Inuyasha: Why?
Dream: Why not?
Sesshoumaru: You enjoy this don't you.
Dream: Of course I do. I wouldn't do it if I didn't. You know that.
Inuyasha: Bah. You're a bitch.
Dream: That I am. So before these two decide to kill me or something, here's the prologue. Updates will come randomly as I have other stories I'm working on as well. Enjoy. -Runs for her life-
Warnings: There's nothing that actually needs to be warned about. Nothing much happens in the prologue.
Disclaimer: Does it look like I own it? Didn't think so. Idiots. I'm not profiting from this either.
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Magenta colored lids remained closed over golden orbs, labored breaths passing through thin lips. The fight had taken a lot out of him, and his youki was tired and weak. He sorely wished now that he'd allowed his little brother to come along. At least then he could get home. He was far to weak at the moment to really care about his pride. He'd never ask for help unless absolutely necessary, and now seemed to be one of those times he could actually use it.
His eyes cracked open as a light breeze blew past him. A slight frown formed on his lips. Now he needed his little brother's help. He barely had the energy to lift even his arm to use the whip.
Shit, he swore internally. The humans would surely kill him. He was far to weak to put up a lasting defense against them. They would easily overpower and slay him. He sighed heavily and leaned his head back against the trunk of the tree, his breath still coming in heavy, labored gasps. His eyes closed, knowing there wasn't much he could do to stop them.
Such a shameful death it would be. To die at the hands of humans after a battle that had drained him of his energy. He could hear them as they approached, their feet crunching over small twigs and dry leaves underneath their feet. Pathetic. If they were trying to sneak up on him, they certainly weren't doing a very good job of it. He flexed the fingers of his right hand, unable to gather enough energy to even form the beginnings of the whip. He was as good as dead. He knew this, and now he accepted this. He would not be able to escape death, and no one could bring him back.
His eyes opened when he heard their voices. What were they saying? He didn't understand. It was a language he had never learned. Only when he felt something binding him did he understand. They weren't here to kill him. No. They were here to take him prisoner, but for what purpose? Surely not ransom. His father would kill them first before they could get anything. No. There must be another purpose, but what? He couldn't possibly fathom what it was. He didn't understand it then.
He had no energy to move as the human's bound his arms against his body, his legs stretched out and bound as well. His golden eyes shifted and he gazed up at the man dressed in the robes of a priest, a smirk on his lips.
“It seems the eldest son of the great Inu no Taisho is a weakling after all. To be captured and enslaved by humans, how fitting for a dog, don't you think?”
Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed as he glared at the man.
“Though it seems we may have to wait a bit before we can force you into your true form. You'll surely fetch us a good price when we're done with you.”
Sesshoumaru remained silent as the man spoke. So they were going to force him into his true form? What the hell where they going to do to him? He could feel the blades at his side being carefully removed and cast aside, the humans not daring to lay their hands upon the pulsing weapon exuding its dark power in waves. The priest must have warned them not to touch the weapon.
Even as something was injected into his blood stream, he remained silent. His weakened body succumbing easily to the drug. His vision blurred and began to fade into nothingness. Decidedly, this was not good. His body slumped forward as he fell into the cold embrace of unconsciousness.
Hours later, Sesshoumaru awakened, screaming in pain as his body was forcibly being twisted. They were forcing him into his true form, and the pain of how they were doing it was unbearable. Unbound, he writhed upon the hard floor as he went through the transformation, screams of pain tearing from his throat. He could barely even hear the chanting around them as his limbs shifted into the legs of a dog, his face twisting and shaping itself into that of a dogs. His mouth and nose painfully moved, elongating into his muzzle.
He screamed as his body began to enlarge, the tail pushing out forcefully from his body, tearing through his flesh. His ears shifted closer to the top of his head and grew longer as well. He could feel his fur ripping out of his body to cover his enlarged body, and when it was done, he lay on his side, body heaving as he took in great gasps of air. All he could feel was the pain, and kami-sama did it hurt. His entire body was sore, and he was unable to move. Bastard humans, he thought to himself. He would surely kill them all if he'd had the strength to.
He felt a hand upon his wet nose, and he could barely see the smirk of the human priest from before.
“Such a beautiful animal,” he said. “You will certainly fetch us a high price. Especially after all the effort we're going through to make you perfect.”
Sesshoumaru tried to open his mouth to snap at the man, but found himself unable to do that as well.
“Where is the collar?” the balding priest asked.
Two younger dark haired monks approached, holding the thick strip of blackened leather between them.
“Secure it around the beast's neck so we can begin. It will be easier for that old hag once he's in a smaller form.”
The two monks nodded and few others joined them, lifting the dog's head slightly to push on end through to the other side, a monk crawling beneath the white animal, holding the end of the leather in his hand tightly as he moved. The head was dropped heavily to the ground as the man slipped out. The other end was brought up and across his neck, both ends secured together with a thick heavy black rope. At the very center of the leather collar, a small slip of paper began to glow as once more, the priests chanted.
Sesshoumaru's pained whimpers and whines echoed in the large room as the glowing spread and enveloped his entire body. The chanting grew louder in his ears as he felt his body begin to shrink.
What the hell are they doing to me? he gasped out in his mind, eyes clenched tightly shut as wave after wave of pain ripped through his body. One eye cracked only slightly open, he could see everything else becoming bigger. He... they were forcing him into a smaller form? Sesshoumaru found this extremely degrading despite his pain. What would they do with him after all of this? He didn't understand any of this.
“It is done,” the man said, approaching the much smaller form of the great Sesshoumaru. Lying before him, the beautiful white dog was no bigger than a wolf. “Where is the old hag?” he demanded.
“She is coming, sir,” a young monk replied.
“Very good,” the man replied, a smirk on his lips. Indeed. Sesshoumaru would fetch them a handsome price if the old hag's magic worked like she said it would.
“It is done?” the woman asked as she stepped into the room, dark eyes looking from the panting dog to the priest standing over him.
“Yes. Begin your work hag, and it had better work or the life of your son is forfeit.”
The woman snorted and knelt beside the weakened demon, removing the bag from her shoulder. “Leave me,” she said.
The man scowled but did as he said, the other priests and the young monks following him out, heavy wooden doors slamming shut behind them.
“My poor lord,” she said softly, running fingers over his head. “I do not wish to do this, but they hold my son against his will. I would do anything to assure his safety. I am truly sorry my lord. I will attempt to inform your father. I only hope they can save you.”
Her hands moved to her bag and she pulled out a small pouch. “I truly am sorry, my lord,” she said again. One hand lifted and opened his mouth, the other digging into the pouch and pulling out a small vial.
Sesshoumaru's eyes widened in fear. What was she doing? What the hell was she going to do? What was in that vial?!
He never got his answer. The bitter liquid was poured into his mouth, and before he could even think to spit it out, she held his muzzle closed between her hands, forcing him to swallow the vile mixture or risk choking. He swallowed the last of it, and she released him, setting his head gently down on the floor.
He felt her hands slide along his body, and rest over his stomach. “Forgive me,” she whispered, her hands glowing with power as she chanted the spell under her breath. Anything else she said, he didn't not hear as once again pain ripped through his body. He vaguely felt something shifting within him before he blacked out from the pain, silently sending out a plea for help to both his brother and his father.
Save me.