InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Darkness Falls
Author: Dying Dreams
Fandom: Inuyasha
Feedback: Feedback is always welcome!
Dream: I'm going to let you all know now that chapters alternate between the past and the present.
Sesshoumaru: Why?
Dream: Because that's how I want to do it.
Inuyasha: Fucking weirdo.
Dream: Oh. And I'm going to let you all know now that Inuyasha is not going to be a hanyou in this. He's a full youkai. It's more fun that way.
Inuyasha: Awesome!
Sesshoumaru: You just had to do it didn't you.
Dream: Of course I did. There's a reason it's like this anyways. Despite the fact that it is an AU fic. It's not really that hard to figure out with this chapter anyways. I think. Well whatever. Sesshoumaru already wants to kill me anyways so I need to go run and hide again. Ja! -Runs-
Sesshoumaru: I despise her more than you and Naraku.
Inuyasha: Is that possible?
Sesshoumaru: It is now. -Follows her-
Inuyasha: ...right. Warnings and disclaimer. I'm going to go watch the carnage.
Dream: -Peeks back in- You know what's creepy?
Inuyasha: What?
Dream: Sess/Kag pairing. -Shudders violently- It's wrong on so many levels.
Sesshoumaru: People sully my good name by pairing me with that disgusting whore? I feel violated.
Dream: Tch Sesshy with any human is damn near creepy, unless the story is AU where he actually is a human or there's a plausible explanation as to why he's even with a human in the first place. Just not Kagome-whore. That's gross. Would anyone care if Kagome died in the series? o_O I sure as hell wouldn't.
Sesshoumaru: Can we just kill her now?
Dream: If you get any satisfaction from it, I might just pull her in later on in the story and let you kill her. How about that?
Sesshoumaru: Sure. I doubt Rumiko would let me kill her in the series anyways. What a shame.
Dream: I agree.
BTW: This chapter isn't betad. My beta was taking to long getting it back to me so I just sad screw it. If I have spelling errors and what have you, go ahead and let me know so I can fix them. I don't feel like going back through it myself.
ame: The prologue is bound to be that short. Actual chapters will be much longer. Probably averaging twenty pages or so. Even at request I can't do as you ask. This story has for the most part already been planned out. I won't change it.
Wolfluv: Does that make you a fish? Yes. Yes they did. For the most part anyways.
DemonLadySesshoumaru: Ah it's gonna be fun. I haven't tortured Sesshoumaru yet. I can't really help it either. I just have to do it.
Vyperbites: A sad fate indeed. It's quite possible it will despite my urge to completely and utterly destroy everything. Ah well. After everything I'm going to do to him he deserves at least some semblance of happiness.
Dragon: Woosh. I look forward to more reviews. xD
memorietrail: Well of course there's more. I don't do one-shots. Not now. Not ever. I'd rather stab a kitten than post a one-shot. Not that I ever would stab a kitten. I like the kitties.
ayillici: I'm interested to see where it leads too. :D
Nikkie23534: I should certainly hope so. My sadistic nature doesn't allow me to give those little happy moments other authors do. I tried it once... and let's just say that that day became ve~ry bad. It's completely in my nature to destroy happy things. Happy is bad. I can get close, but completely happy moments just do not happen. It's impossible. Unless by some miracle it does... otherwise I assure I can and will find a way to make it less happy.
God_of_Insanity: Ah thank you thank you.
Anon: Hm yes yes. I update when I can. Enjoy.
Warnings: I didn't tell my ff readers in the prologue, but characters will be OOC. That's just how it works. Uh let's see.... Actually not much from what I can tell.
Disclaimer: Still don't own it. How sad. Not like I'd ever obtain ownership of it either. I'm special, but I'm not that special.
Chapter 1
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Inuyasha scowled and looked away from his father. Nearly one hundred and fifty years had passed since they discovered Sesshoumaru had disappeared. That had been one of many horrid days for the young youkai. His beloved brother had vanished without a trace. They had searched for years, and yet their efforts were all in vain. He was not to be found. He cursed the bastards to hell for what they'd done, knowing already that they had died long ago. He had made sure of that.
He and his father had gone in search of the elder brother, only to instead of finding him, they found both of his swords lying at the base of a tree, the aura of one pulsing with anger and hatred. They had secured the weapons and followed the faint scent of Sesshoumaru.
Toga had recognized the scent of the priest that must have ordered his capture, and yet when they found the man, Sesshoumaru was nowhere to be found. Toga had tortured the man and his followers, demanding to know what they had done with his son, and yet all the man did was laugh, telling them they would never see him again. The pathetic creature was already gone, and they would never be able to find. Sesshoumaru was as good as dead, as the priest had put it.
Toga had left his youngest son to do with the man as he please. The priest had died a painful death that day, and yet even with the satisfaction of his death they still knew nothing of what had happened to Sesshoumaru.
Inuyasha twisted around and slammed his fist into the nearest wall in frustration. All of Japan had been searched before his father began contacting allies in other countries, asking for their aid in finding his beloved elder son. Again, their efforts were in vain. Messages were sent back that while they had searched and been on the lookout, nothing came of it. No one saw the inu youkai in either his ningen form or his true form. It was like he'd vanished off the face of the planet.
Toga's contacts only went so far before the search had been brought to a screeching halt. They had requested for Toga's contacts to continue the search, and they had done all they could before their search to came to a halt. They had yielded little information on Sesshoumaru's whereabouts. There had been a single instance roughly a hundred years ago where the demon had been located, but by the time anyone could get close enough to do anything, he was already gone, the trail along with him.
Inuyasha pulled his fist away from the wall and continued the way he was going, his bare feet padding quietly against the floor as he moved. His father was having guests from Europe, why, he didn't know. Perhaps a new alliance. At least this time is wasn't some stupid ningen.
He was sure what this youkai lord was that was arriving today, but if remembered even vaguely of what his father had said, it was some sort bird. He didn't really remember, but that's what he thought anyways. He didn't really care. It didn't matter. He passed a few servants on the way, the young youkai rushing to finish preparations for the arrival of the guests.
He barely acknowledged them as they bowed in passing. They didn't matter as his father had requested his presence in the main hall. He crossed his red clothed arms over his chest, wishing he could just go back to his room. It was drawing closer to the day they had first discovered Sesshoumaru's disappearance. He hated this time of year most of all. He sorely missed his brother.
He wished sometimes that he could go back and kill the damn bastard priest again. The fucking bastard had caused countless problems doing what he'd done. The bastard had been burning in hell for nearly a hundred and fifty years now, but that didn't even come close to being good enough for what he'd done by taking Sesshoumaru in the first place.
He'd never admit it to anyone, but his love for his half brother had long ago transcended what one would call 'brotherly affection'. He wasn't sure how or when it had come about, but the feelings had been developing for years. Every time he saw any part of his brother's exposed flesh, he longed to reach out and caress the seemingly smooth, pale skin, wishing to know what the elder youkai's flesh tasted like. He longed to pleasure the perfect body of the inugami.
He'd seen Sesshoumaru naked once by accident, and that oh so perfect body had invaded his mind and dreams for months. On more than one occasion he'd awakened... wet.
Inuyasha kept his hopes and desires to himself with increasing difficulty, knowing perfectly well his brother saw him only as an annoyance sired by his foolish father. There would never be anything more to the relationship they had. He had long since accepted that, and over time the dreams had slowly dwindled away into nothingness. He held firmly to his hopes desires, always keeping perfectly in mind that they would never come to fruition.
As he turned a corner, he glanced at two more servants hauling a heavy bucket of something between them. He didn't pause to wonder what it was as he headed for the main hall. His father was waiting and he hadn't the time to dilly dally, much as he would have liked to.
He slid open the shoji door and stepped into torch lit room, his golden gaze finding his father quite easily. With hidden resignation, he slid the door shut and approached his father, silence falling between him and youkai lord he had been speaking with.
“Ah. Lord William, this is my youngest son, Inuyasha.”
The dark haired youkai bowed in respect to the young inu youkai. Inuyasha bowed his head in return.
“It is a pleasure to meet you,” William responded as he straightened.
Inuyasha nodded slightly. “How was your journey?” he inquired politely.
“Very interesting, I must say,” the youkai returned thoughtfully.
“What do you mean?” Inuyasha asked, his curiosity peeked.
“Ah. I was just about to explain to your father what I found just before departure. As my men were loading my ship, I happened to glance at another ship docked at the port, and I watched in curiosity as they loaded wooden crates onto the deck of the ship, a row of holes lining the top. In my experience, such crates always contained animals. Yet what intrigued me was what was still sitting on the dock.
“An open crate had been placed next to the man giving instructions to the workers. My curiosity further peeked, I took it upon myself to meander over and discover what could possibly be in an open crate that was not being loaded. Few questioned me as I neared them. The man whose name eludes me paused in his orders to greet me, and I asked what was in the crate. He told me it was just a stupid filthy mutt being sold to some bastard in Spain. I inquired, and he allow me to take a look inside. What I found, my lords, took me entirely by surprise.”
“What was it?” Inuyasha asked, leaning forward a bit.
William smiled and pushed a lock of dark brown hair out of his face. “Why don't I show you, young lord?” the man replied, smiling at the two inu youkai.
Father and son exchanged a look before both nodded.
“Alright,” Toga replied. “Please. Show us.”
William smiled again and gestured for them to follow him outside. The bird youkai turned, and with dark wings folded firmly against his back, strode towards the main doors. The wooden things swung open for him, pulled open from the outside.
William moved along the line of horse-drawn carriages, giving none even a glance. He sighed softly as he watched two of his own men further down along the line doing something to one of the carriages. Of course he would be difficult to deal with.
He dismissed the two men and turned around as he stopped beside the the door of the black carriage. “My lords,” William said. “I believe this belongs to you.” He pulled open the black door and moved away as soon as a deep growl rumbled from within the dark area.
Father and son exchanged another glance before they stepped forward and look inside. Huddled against the opposite wall was a growling white mass of fur. Red eyes shone in the dark as the animal snarled at them, fangs bared, ears pressed firmly back against it's skull.
Inuyasha jerked back in surprise, staring around at the smiling William. He turned back and stared at dog huddled against the wall.
“Father,” he whispered.
“I know,” Toga replied, stilling watching the growling beast.
Inuyasha stepped closer to the door, gaze firmly held on the youkai inside. He lifted a hand and beckoned for it to come to him. As if it understood something they did not, the growling ceased and the teeth were covered by lips. The ears remained pressed against its head, tail tucked between it's legs as it slowly crawled forward, belly dragging against the floor of the carriage. A wet nose pressed against Inuyasha's palm for a brief moment before it pulled away, the head lowering to the floor.
Inuyasha smiled and gently pushed his hand along the soft muzzle, moving along the side of its head before trailing up to the top, scratching gently the crown of its head. The inu whimpered, not understanding what was happening to him. No master before had ever touched him like this.
The inu youkai before him took a step back and gestured for the animal to come down. Hesitantly he did. His posture remained submissive as he crawled forward and dropped to the ground. He crawled forward and lay down at Inuyasha's feet.
Inuyasha turned in question to William who only shook his head. “I don't know all of it, but appears that all of his masters like to beat him. I don't know if they took pleasure in it, or if they did it when they believed he was being disobedient or not. When I look into that crate, he was huddled against the back of it, trembling in what I assumed was fear.
“Even during the journey he would cower before everyone, even the servants. I believe that perhaps the first masters were severe with the beatings and ingrained the idea into him that he was nothing but a toy or some such. That collar around his neck renders him completely weak and unable to effectively defend himself against whoever his master was. A priestess I know tried to remove it, but doing so was beyond her power and she didn't understand the intricacies of the spell. Perhaps you can find someone who will be able to.”
Toga's gaze remained fixed upon the bird. “I thank you for returning my son to us,” he said quietly.
William smiled at the elder youkai. “No, my lord. Do not thank me. I did what was right. No youkai should be enslaved such as he was. Had he been any other youkai, I would have done the same. Any decent youkai would have. ningen have no right to enslave our kind.”
Toga nodded in agreement and looked to his youngest son. “Take him inside, Inuyasha. Let him get used to being home again.”
Inuyasha nodded and reached down, gently touching the top of the inu's head. The white animal looked up at him, soft red orbs meeting glowing gold. Inuyasha smiled and gestured for him to follow. The inu nodded and pushed himself to his feet, trotting along behind Inuyasha as they headed to the castle.
Toga watched them for a moment before returning his attention to Toga. “May I ask how you got him?”
“Certainly, my lord,” William responded with slight amusement in his voice. “To be completely sure who it was, I asked the name of the animal huddled in the crate. The man responded in garbled English what sounded like Sesshoumaru. I knew then and there that I would take him and return him to his proper home. The man tried to resist, but I would have none of it. I would have slit his throat if he tried to deny me. I had a few of my own men collected the crate and load it onto my ship. It didn't seem like he would leave the crate anytime soon so it seemed easier at the time. I never allowed it to be closed though. I would not subject him to that.”
Toga nodded and gestured for them to return to the castle as well. William nodded and walked beside him. “May I also asked how he behaved with you during the journey.”
“Ah. That is difficult to speak of. It seems my lord that it is fully ingrained into his mind that he is not allowed to do anything without permission. The first day after departure during meal time, a servant had given him food and left him alone. Roughly two hours later I happened to pass by and I found him lying on the floor staring hungrily at the untouched food. He looked at me and it dawned on me that he hadn't eaten because he hadn't been given permission. After that day him eat in my quarters so when the food was brought to him he would be allowed to eat straight away. I tried several times to coax him into eating without my having to tell him, but he wouldn't do it.
“Often times I would find him somewhere on the ship, sitting, standing or lying down, remaining perfectly still. I watched him the first few times and for about two hours he hadn't moved his body of his own free will. The rocking of the ship would cause him to slide a bit, but that was all. It appeared someone had told him to stay, and stay he did. He moved for no one, and only when I told him to would he leave the area.”
Toga frowned, and William continued.
“It's the same issue with going to the bathroom. I woke up sometime during the night, hearing a whine outside my door. I opened it to find him sitting their, body tense and looking like he was about to explode. I took him back to the room specially prepared for him to sleep in and told him to go to the bathroom. I tell you my lord, it's the oddest thing. Anyone who had him had almost complete control over him. None of my men ever told him what to do, and neither did I. It was only necessary to tell him to do something he wouldn't do for himself. I let him wander freely around the ship and explore to his hearts content. Anytime we docked for supplies, not once did he leave my side. Whatever they did to him has made him forget who he really is. You have your work cut out for you my lord.”
Toga nodded. “I believe I can trust my son to get his brother back. Once that collar is removed, it will only be matter of time before Sesshoumaru is back.”
“Ah. There is one other thing my lord,” William said when the inu stopped speaking.
“What is it?”
“It appears my lord, that the ability to bear young was bestowed upon him around the same time he was taken. I got as much information from the man I took him from as I could. Apparently they tried to turn him into some kind of breeding bitch, but it didn't work well.”
“What do you mean?”
“No amount of mating would ever produce a successful litter when his masters were ningen. Though whatever was done had actually worked, shortly after conception he would miscarry and the entire litter would die. They were never able to discover why it happened, nor did they ever see him eat something he wasn't supposed to. He was watched carefully by his masters, and they ensured he ate only what they gave him. I think perhaps something else may have happened, or his body simply rejected the pregnancy of it's own free will.”
Toga nodded slightly. “That is... disturbing.”
“Yes,” William agreed. “I've no idea how it went with youkai masters though. The man simply did not know. Quite disturbing. I think perhaps his body is waiting for the right mate. I cannot say for sure as I do not fully understand it. Though if I may be so bold, my lord, if it were indeed the right mate his body yearns for, I would have to recommend your youngest son.”
Toga chuckled. “You may be right. Even before all of this, I could see the way Inuyasha looked at his brother. I don't know how long before it started, but Inuyasha has loved him as more than a brother. He simply never acted upon his feelings because Sesshoumaru saw him only as one thing.”
William nodded. “I know how that is. Two of my own sons are like that, yet one of them naturally has the ability to breed. Perhaps given time they can be together. Who knows.”
“Yes,” Toga replied quietly, chuckling again. “I hope for the best. Sesshoumaru is in desperate need for happiness and stability, and it seems that only Inuyasha can do that for him.”
William smiled as they passed through the doors and reentered the castle. “I am inclined to agree, my lord. Your youngest son certainly seems capable of taking care of his brother. Hoping for the best seems to be all we can do at this point.”
Toga nodded slightly in agreement, watching as Inuyasha stood at the bottom of the main stairway, his eldest son standing just behind him, tail tucked between his legs. Inuyasha turned and looked directly at him.
“Father,” he called out. “Where should he sleep?”
“Hm. I believe your room might be best. We can't leave him in his own room until he's back in his normal body.”
Inuyasha nodded.
“My lords, if I may be so bold,” William interupted.
Both Inu youkai turned to him in question.
“It may be in his best interest if you ensure he stays within the castle grounds. As you should know, he is quite vulnerable like this without being able to access his youki. I neglected to inform you that under no circumstances should you order him to do anything unless absolutely necessary, as an incident proved he will follow nearly any order without question. I unintentionally angered one of my personal servant, and she took it upon herself to order me to slam my head into the nearest wall. Mind you, she does something like this whenever I piss her off. It seems though that he heard this. If I hadn't stopped him he would have done just what she'd told me to do. Giving any kind of order around him doesn't seem to be a wise decision.”
Both youkai nodded in understanding. “Thank you, Lord William,” Toga said, watching as his son bowed slightly to the bird youkai before turning and heading up to the second floor, Sesshoumaru at his heels. Toga did not like this at all.
The inu obediently followed his new master with his long ears pressed back against his head, tail tucked firmly between his legs. He walked three steps behind the youkai, knowing from previous lessons that he was never to walk directly at master's side. It had always been forbidden. He dared not think it would ever changed. He had realized though that three steps was a safe enough distance. If master became angry with him, it gave him just enough time to drop down and moved into a submissive position, belly up with his throat bared.
His mistakes in the beginning had taught him to obey master and not misbehave. Master never tolerated disobedience from a pet such as him. He understood all of that perfectly well. To the masters, he was nothing but a toy, a breeding bitch. Roughly ten years after his capture, what that vile woman had done to him fully settled within him at that time, and not six months later during mating season, master had attempted to breed him. He remembered it had been truly been his first Master, driven by the scent his changed body emitted. Master had been nearly feral as he at his pet, restrained as he was. That first attempted mating had been brutal, and had left him bleeding and weak, the snake's seed finding its way to his new womb.
Not a month had passed when he miscarried. He knew then that he could not allow the things growing inside of him to live. During that first month he had discovered an herb that would not only allow him to miscarry, but it would leave barely a sign of it's usage. The master had sought to blame him, but he had played the perfect part of the brooding bitch, found whimpering in the corner of a room. He was forgiven, and the following mating season master tried again. The results were always the same, and the ningen who had been his masters never discovered it was his own doing. He willingly disobeyed the master, knowing the consequences of his actions, and yet still he did it. The ningen were stupid enough to fall for his scheme.
He could never allow such weak abominations to come into the world. A mix between a youkai such as himself and any other youkai was not to be had. Not if he had any say in it. The masters had never thought to see another inu youkai. They may have had a chance. They had always used some strong demon they happened to have at the time, rarely ever canine in nature. One master had tried some sort of feline at one point, only to have the feline in question die at Sesshoumaru's jaws. The youkai had insulted what little honor he had left, and he could not stand by and let it do as it pleased. There were no offspring that year to destroy.
Youkai masters were another story entirely. They had beat him nearly to the point of death after his first and only forced miscarriage. They'd broken all four of his legs, cracked several of his ribs, pierced one lung and ruptured his spleen. His body had been covered in lacerations from the whips, metal rods, blades and other things he didn't quite remember. He'd spent nearly a year in healing, his youki unable to help him. He had learned his lesson. The following mating season after that year he bore his first litter of mix-breeds. He had tried other means to destroy them while they grew in his womb, but his masters prevented every attempt. His abominable spawn were a cross between inu and okami. He refused to have anything to do with them after the birth. His masters couldn't even get him to feed them. His mind's will was strong enough that he did not produce the needed milk for them. They were still given his blood, and if not for the bitch that had given birth a few days before him the damned things would have perished.
His attention returned to the present when his new master suddenly stopped and turned around. Immediately dropped to the ground, preparing to roll onto his back when a gentle hand stayed him. He did not dare lift his gaze to the master. That hand that had stopped him from rolling moved to his head, gently scratching one of his ears. He nearly pressed his head into that gentle touch. Cautiously, he lifted his gaze to meet his masters. The master looked... he couldn't explain it. There was happiness there though. He didn't understand why. No master had ever shown him that emotion. No master had ever shown him the love he could see in this ones eyes at this moment. He was beyond confused.
The hand moved away and the master rose, beckoning him to follow. He rose and hesitated, waiting for his master to move. Instead, the master beckoned him forward to his side. He took a step back in fear. That gentle smile, never left his face though. The youkai crouched down and beckoned him forward. Slowly, he moved forward, taking small steps towards the white haired beauty that was his master. He felt gentle hands on his head as he stopped in front of him.
“I will never hurt you,” the youkai murmured. “You may not believe me, but I promise it. no one in this castle shall ever lay hand upon you with intent to harm you. You are safe here, my beloved aniki.”
Sesshoumaru jerked back in surprise, golden eyes going wide as he stared at the still smiling youkai crouched before him. Confusion overcame him and he whimpered, not understanding any of it. What did he mean by that? Who was this youkai that was being so kind to him? Why did hearing him say that not completely surprise him.
“Don't be afraid,” the youkai said softly. “You will remember in time. I am just happy you are finally home. Father and I have missed you, Sesshoumaru.” The youkai smiled again and rose to his feet, turning slightly. “Come with me. I will show you where you will sleep.”
Sesshoumaru watched the master as he turned to walk again. He followed quickly. He did not understand. Why did he feel this way? Why did a sense of happiness and content pass through? Why did the master say such things to him? Memories of his life before his capture were hazy at best, and he remembered nothing much from that time. In his dreams he had vague glimpses of people he had once known, but upon waking their faces were long forgotten, and he had not the power to recall them.
At the end of the hallway he could see a wide ornately carved wooden double door. He had the feeling it belong to the other, older master. His... father? He didn't quite know. To his right, the younger master slid open a door and passed through into a spacious room beyond. Slowly he followed.
“This is my room,” he explained. “You'll sleep here until you are back to yourself.”
Sesshoumaru looked from his master to the room, taking everything in. This was new. No master had ever allowed him to sleep in their room. Usually he was outside with the more common dogs, chained to a post to prevent his escape. It was with ningen when he was out there. Only with youkai masters was he allowed to sleep indoors with other royal pets, chained instead to a wall, but he was given a comfortable bed to sleep on.
The young master before him was not only allowing him to sleep inside, but in his own room. This was different indeed.
“You can sleep wherever you want,” the youkai explained. “And as long as you stay within the castle grounds, you are free to do as you please.”
Sesshoumaru stared at him. They were giving him freedom? Limited freedom, but freedom none the less. Why? Who were these youkai? Why did they care so much about his well being?
“Father will probably send for a priestess soon. We have to get that collar off of you,” the youkai continued, sliding the door shut now that Sesshoumaru was inside the room. “We'll probably talk more about that later.”
Sesshoumaru watched as the master approached the bed of furs and sat down heavily on them, legs splayed on the floor, golden eyes watching him. The master smiled and beckoned him over. He obeyed.
“You'll probably eat in here as well,” the master continued. “Lord William said you don't eat unless given permission. We'll have to fix that. For now, as long as you eat in here you won't ever have to wait to eat. Okay?”
Sesshoumaru nodded in understanding. He would do as master asked. He had to please master. He didn't want to be punished. The beatings left him completely weak, usually unable to move. He found it a miracle that he was even still alive today, but perhaps he accredited that to the master's desires to breed him. He was a powerful in his own right. He knew this. It was this power that the masters all desired. Ningen and youkai alike. He was nothing but a tool. A means to something much greater.
Ningen would never have his spawn, but the youkai masters did. Most of them had offspring of his own. Yet they did not know that these would be weak. Never would they be equal or surpass his own strength. They were destined by failure. This. This amused him. Those that still live would die horrible deaths. Either at their master's hand or at an enemies. They would be far to weak to accomplish much of anything. The masters would be very displeased with this.
Though for him, he would live. It was the master's wish that he live despite the harsh punishments bestowed upon him. The master always made sure that he was never given fatal injuries. Not even from the time he had nearly died. The master had made sure he lived.
His fate was a cruel one. Bound in this small form, bending to the will of any master who would take him. He no longer anything resembling a free will. If a master wanted his death, he would die. If a master wanted him to be bred, he would breed. He would never hold any emotion except hatred towards the vile abominations, but he would breed none the less. His life and his body were in the hands of the master. Always the master. The master got what he wanted. There was no other way for it to be.
Beside his new master's bed, he lay himself down and curled in on himself, white tail covering his black nose. Golden eyes peered around at what he could see from his spot on the floor.
This master did not seem to be a cruel one, but he had learned long ago not to trust his own emotions or feelings. Any master could seem kind until he disobeyed. This one would be just like the rest. This master would punish him for even the slightest transgression just like the rest. He would do everything within his power to please the master. Master's happiness was above all else.
These thoughts were what kept him alive. As the years had passed the masters became more cruel. The beatings more savage. The mates more brutal. He still bore the scars of his first mating, and the fresh ones on his back were a reminder of the most recent one.
Some sort of reptile, he believed. It had been a violent creature even before the mating. The master had let the beast tear into him upon first meeting. Chunks of flesh and fur had been torn from his back, his tail broken. He had bled profusely, and his master had simply laughed and egged the other youkai on. He'd been tied down, a muzzle secured around his mouth to prevent him from fighting back. Master had found this all amusing. When the beast finally did mount him, it had been beyond painful. Blood leaked from the inside of his body, as the youkai thrust harshly into him, not care or acknowledging his cries of pain as muscle and tissue tore inside of him. The offspring had died at birth, his body unable to deliver them safely. The youkai that had mated him that year was slaughtered brutally by the master. He had looked on as the dead whelps were taken away to be burned. Master forgave him for his failure.
He took a deep breath, held it for a moment and released. Master's room was decorated interestingly. In his opinion anyways. From a side view he could partially see the tapestry hanging on the other side of the double glass doors leading out to a balcony beyond the room. From where he lay it appeared to be two youkai. He couldn't tell what they looked like. The image was to distorted at the angle.
Somewhere over on the futon his master shifted on his bed, and he felt that gentle hand back on his head again, clawed fingers gently scratching one of his ears. Master's kindness confused him. Thought it seemed as if the youkai knew him, he did not know him in return. His confusion grew as the moments passed. Master wasn't angry that he was just lying on the floor in his room. Master hadn't said he'd sleep outside or even in a cage. Master just let him be. Why? Why did master do this? Why didn't master act like all of the masters before him? He didn't quite know what to think. Though he did believe that this would eventually become what he was used to. He would soon be thrown out of masters room to sleep with the common cur. Mating season would come and the master would breed him in hopes of him bearing strong pups.
He curled in on himself more at the thought and whined softly, his body tensing as those fingers stopped their scratching. He heard the furs shift and then master was on the floor beside him, gentle hands lifting his head to look at the master's face. His eyes close, not daring enough to meet his masters gaze. He must not look into master's eyes. To do so always invited punishment. Master would see it as a challenge. Other masters had.
Gentle fingers rubbed his muzzle, and a soothing voice said something. Golden eyes cracked open and he stared at master's nose. Any higher and he would suffer soon. No. he could not take that.
One hand moved against the left side of his head, fingers tracing a scar that had not disappeared from his cheek.
“What's wrong?” the master murmured, still rubbing his muzzle and head.
He whined softly, pressing his head into the hand on the left side of his face. Those gentle fingers caressed him. Almost lovingly. Or what he thought was lovingly. He could not tell. He still could not fully understand any of this. Master's kindness. Master's wish for him to have a semblance of freedom. He questioned the meaning of it all, but still he did not know. He decided he would probably never know.
He moved his head away from the master's gentle hands and lowered it, resting it on the wooden floors between his white paws. Even if he were to think his questions over, he would find no answers to them.
Master did nothing to stop him. He watched with slight curiosity as the master rose from the floor and moved towards the door. As he rose to follow, master shook his head, and he remained where he was, golden eyes watching his master's retreating figure. He had never been left alone in a room before. In a cage maybe, but never like this. What the hell did it all mean?! He couldn't help the trembling of fear that suddenly consumed him.
Inuyasha sighed and scratched the side of his head as he left the room, closing the door behind him. He wasn't really to pleased to discover that Sesshoumaru was like this. To be perfectly honest it scared him. His brother had fallen in fear before when he turned around. He wouldn't even lift his head to meet his gaze. Though he supposed he did all of this because it was expected of him. He'd been a slave for over a hundred years. A toy to cruel ningen and youkai alike. He wished he knew what the bastards had done to him. And who they were for that matter. Any living youkai and ningen he would gladly kill for the injustice. His brother did not deserve to be treated like some common cur. He was royalty damn it!
He scowled as he made his way to his father's study, following the scent of the inu lord and the eagle youkai from England. He wanted to speak with his father about what was to be done with Sesshoumaru. He wanted his brother back. Not some cowering ball of fur that bent himself to his demands. It was not pleasing. He detested this.
He lifted a hand and rapped it twice against the wooden oak doors that separated the hallway from the room. One glance at them and anyone would see the intricate design carved onto the heavy doors. It was more vine-like than anything really. With seemingly random shapes all over the place. He'd wondered once who had made it, but never asked. It wasn't important.
“Enter,” came the deep voice from with.
Inuyasha pushed the door open just enough to slip through, closing it behind him.
“OtÅsan,” the young inu began. “I wanted to speak with you about what happens now. What do we do?”
“Take a seat, Inuyasha,” Toga responded, not looking up from a document on his desk. “We were just about to address that very issue.” The brush in his hand flowed across the paper as he signed the document and stacked with the rest piled to one side of the surface. He set the brush down and looked towards his youngest son.
“My lord,” William said. “I believe it may be best to wait before you call in the priest or priestess. As you do not know how he will react, it may be the best course for now to do so.”4
Toga nodded solemnly. “I must say I agree with you on that. My son was captured and enslaved by a priest. I fear he may lash out at one if they try to help him now.”
“How long must we wait then?” Inuyasha asked.
Toga sighed. “I do not know, Inuyasha. This is a rather delicate situation. Sesshoumaru's mind is not what it used to be. I could sense the fear coming from him when he was within the carriage, and even when he followed you into the castle. He is afraid of what we will do to him. He believes that we are probably like anyone who had him before.”
Inuyasha growled under his breath. “What are we supposed to do then?”
We do nothing,” Toga replied. “You on the other hand, my son, must do what you can. I believe it is only you who can change things for him. I am quite positive you know what must be done.”
Inuyasha frowned and nodded slightly. He believed he did.
“Mating season is soon,” William commented offhandedly.
“Yes,” Toga replied. “Keep Sesshoumaru with you at all times, Inuyasha. Let no one touch him. If he gives off the scent of a bitch in heat, many will try and come to claim him. No other matings created a bond with him, which leads me to believe now some may try if they know who he is. You cannot let that happen.”
Inuyasha growled again. “Of course not,” he snapped. “I won't let anyone touch him. Especially not like that.”
Toga nodded. “Make sure you don't either.”
Inuyasha glared, and his father chuckled. “You think I don't know that? I wouldn't dare hurt him anymore than he's been hurt. If I knew who the bastards were I'd kill them all.”
“I am sure you would,” the great lord responded, a small amused smirk on his lips “I trust you to protect your brother, Inuyasha. You know that.”
“Yes, otÅsan.”
Toga eyed his son for a moment before speaking again. “What is on your mind, Inuyasha?”
“I was just wondering, otÅsan,” he replied, “if it would be possible for Sesshoumaru to have his voice. I figured it might be easier to communicate with him if he could speak to us, you know?”
Toga nodded slightly, looking thoughtful. “I must say I agree. Though how we would accomplish this, I am not quite sure.”
“My lord, if I may interject?” William said. Both youkai turned to him. “I believe I may know of someone who can do this. She is a youkai sorceress of some sort. I can contact her if you wish. She may be willing to aid you.”
Toga nodded. “Would she be able to removed the collar?”
“No, my lord. She does not have the abilities a human priest or priestess possess. I myself do not know of any strong enough to undo the spell in the o-fuda. I am afraid I cannot help you with that.”
Toga nodded again. “That is understandable. I will see to it myself that someone is found that cane remove the collar from my son. You need not worry yourself with that. Though if you could contact this sorceress, that would be most helpful. Gaining a better understanding of Sesshoumaru's current state of mind is beneficial. We need to know what we must do, and that may be the only way.”
Inuyasha nodded his agreement, and William bowed. “I will see that it is done,” the eagle replied. “I will have it done as soon as we are done here.”
“Thank you,” Toga replied. “Your assistance is greatly appreciated, Lord William. An ally such as yourself is indeed a fortuitous thing.”
William smiled in response and bowed slightly. “I would gladly help one as great as Inu no Taisho himself. I am fortunate to have you as an ally as well. I could ask for no better.”
Toga smirked at the eagle. He watched as the younger youkai toss his head slightly, flinging dark, brown speckled hair out of his eyes.
“If we are done,” William continued, “I will take my leave. I would like to send my messenger as soon as possible. The sorceress is not known for staying in one place for very long. Three months at the most. I will hope to catch her before she decides to move again.”
“Where was she last seen?” Toga asked.
“Somewhere near Persia,” he responded, somewhat unsure. “The last time I contacted her was about six months ago. She could have possibly remained somewhere near the area, but she may have gone farther north. She tends to spend a lot of time in Siberia. I am unsure as to why.”
Toga frowned and nodded once again. “I see. Well do what you can then,” he said.
William nodded in response. “I will,” he replied. “I will leave you to do so then.” Without waiting for a response, William turned and left, leaving father and son alone.
Toga eyed his fidgeting son as the door close behind the youkai. “What is on your mind, Inuyasha?”
“Father I...” he trailed off, a small sigh escaping him as he look down at his knees. “Never mind. I will ask you some other time. I'm going to go back and get Sesshoumaru. I should show him around the castle to let him familiarize himself with it again.”
Toga nodded and watched as his youngest son rose from his seat and moved towards the door. “Remember Inuyasha. Take care of him.”
“Of course father,” he replied. He pulled the door open and slipped out into the hall. He lifted a clawed hand and ran his fingers through his hair, another sigh escaping him. He moved silently, walking back the way he'd come to his room.
He wasn't sure what to expect upon his return, but the sight of Sesshoumaru curled up beside his bed was almost cute, he dared to venture. He had never before seen Sesshoumaru sleep in this form, but it was certainly pleasing. Possibly more along the lines of amusing. Before Sesshoumaru never would have allowed him to see him like that. Before, he had never really seen his elder brother sleep. Sesshoumaru had never allowed it. now, he had no choice.
He slid the door quietly shut behind him and silently made his way to his bed. He left the sleeping inu undisturbed and dropped down onto his bed, lying on his stomach and watching his brother. He would make him happy again. He just had to.