InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Darkness Falls
Author: Dying Dreams
Fandom: Inuyasha
Feedback: Feedback is always welcome!
Dream: I think my brain exploded.
Sesshoumaru: Good.
Dream: You're mean.
Sesshoumaru: So.
Dream: Bah. Demons are evil. >> Anywho... I find it amusing that I actually wrote this chapter during my Art History class. XD I'd write instead of listen and take notes. I'm such a bad student aren't I? Ah well.
Sesshoumaru: You fail at life.
Dream: I'm sure I do. What's your point?
Sesshoumaru: That was my point....
Dream: Your logic is flawed! You fail!
Sesshoumaru: Whatever. Where's Inuyasha?
Dream: I made him do the dishes for me.
Sesshoumaru: So he's finally doing what he's good for?
Dream: Uh huh!
Inuyasha: Hey! I am not a servant damn it!
Dream: You are now. Enjoy the chapter! -Runs from enraged hanyou-
Inuyasha: Bitch! -Chases-
Dream: I actually had a few issues making the chapter longer when I discovered it was to short for my liking when I typed it up, so I had to find a way to extend it. I don't know if I said this or not, updates will most likely be anywhere from two weeks to a month. I am, however, not making any promises on that. I cannot guarantee a set time frame for it. What with the other stories I'm working on and school. So yeah. Please be patient with me if I don't update for awhile.
One more thing. For any of you that actually read the drivel I write here, I need name suggestions. I know I have some in my mind, but for future chapters I need names for masters as the story progresses. It should be obvious by last chapter that Sesshoumaru doesn't stay with the same master the entire time. So any name suggestions along with the country would be incredibly useful and I'd be totally grateful. Please remember though that the time line in this is skewed, so when Sesshoumaru was taken it was somewhere around the 1300s or so, which means it progresses into the late 1400s or early 1500s. I haven't quite figured it out yet. So if you do suggest a name, please look into finding out if that particular country was around at the time.
Thank you to all in advance if you choose to help!
Before I forget. I also need name suggestions for Sesshoumaru's mother. I'm being to lazy to come up with a decent name, and as no name has been released for her in the series... the need kind of arose. Oh, and please add the name meaning if it's an actual Japanese name.
OrlandosLover09: Well I couldn't very well keep it restricted to Japan. It would have made Sesshoumaru's slavery more difficult to keep up than it is going to be. I had already known when I was planning this that it would encompass most of the world, the Americas being left out for what should be obvious reasons. I think most people keep it to Japan because they don't want to deal with the kind of research it would take to successfully include other countries. Hence the reason certain chapters in the future will take longer to get done. I'm glad you're enjoying it though.
Alexsei: Oh wow. I'm totally happy to know you think that. n-n It makes me happy knowing my readers can enjoy my stories as much as I love writing them.
Warnings: Does starving Sesshoumaru count as a warning?
Disclaimer: If you haven't figured it out by now, then I feel sorry for you. In no way can I actually claim ownership of Inuyasha, characters or otherwise. I don't even own any of the manga. I have one of the movies though... or two. I forget. Oh! Any and all OC's belong completely to me and in no way should anyone take them for their own use. I will find you and devour your soul. Mm. So~uls.
Chapter 2
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Sesshoumaru awoke in a haze, pain coursing through his exhausted body. Weary gold eyes opening, he found himself alone in the dark, his body shifting as the crate he was sealed inside moved. At that moment it all came rushing back to him.
He had been captured by humans, forced into his true form, and forcefully reduced to the size of a wolf, Possibly a bit larger, but he didn't care to compare. He could smell and feel the dirt, grime and blood coating his fur and body.
He tried to rise, but his body was far to weak for that. His strength, or lack there of, was basically non-existent, his youki suppressed to the barest levels to keep him alive, leaving him with nothing to pull forward and use. Despite his sudden weld not resign himself to the miserable fate before him. He would attempt escape as soon as his prison was opened to him he was the son of the Inu no Taisho. He would not remain prisoner to these disgusting humans. He would sooner die then to remain so.
He hit one of the walls hard when the crate was shifted harshly to one side. A deep growl escaped him as a jolt of pain shot through his aching limbs. Just wonderful. His body slid the short distance to the other side, his back slamming harshly into the opposite wall as once again the crate was shifted harshly. Another growl rumbled deep in his throat, echoing in the confining space. These damnable mortals would perish for the injustice done to him! This crime was most unforgivable. They would pay for this.
A brief wave of relief passed through him when all movement stopped. He could hear the dull hum of voices outside of his small prison, but he was unable to discern what was being said between them.
He struggled to rise, but his body was failing him. Slowly, he managed to roll onto his stomach, pulling his legs painfully beneath him. He had to escape. He would not let them keep him here like this. Sesshoumaru was not some weak minded cur that would let himself be controlled by a weaker species.
He waited patiently, ears perked forward as he listened to the voices outside. The voices eventually died out, and something else was starting to happen. The panel before him was being removed. Nails were pulled from the wood, and gradually small beams of light found their way inside of the dark box. He inhaled a deep breath of fresh air, thankful for at least that much.
“How long has it been since he last ate?” and unfamiliar voice inquired curiously.
“About nine days or so, my lord. He has been given small amounts of water to keep him hydrated,” came the response from the terribly familiar voice of that retched priest.
“And he shouldn't be able to move much, correct?”
“Correct, my lord. He will be weak from hunger, and his youki has been suppressed to the lowest levels possible. It is enough to allow him to continue living.”
The panel was pulled away, and bright light flooded the inu's eyes, forcing him to close them momentarily. When he opened them, his lips curled back from white fangs, a snarl resonating in his throat. In a vain attempt, the inugami tried to push himself to his feet, fur bristling as he growled and snarled at the humans before him.
“Ah. He is indeed a beautiful creature. And you say he can be bred?”
“Hai, my lord. A witch we employed has made it possible for him to do so. however, she said that the spell wouldn't fully set in for another ten years or so. After that, it can never be removed.”
“Ah. That is perfect then. What is the opening bid?”
“Five hundred, my lord. As the son of the Inu no Taisho, a high price will be expected for him.”
“I see. how many others want him?”
“Quite a few. He is a much sought after possession, my lord. Most of the others have seen him while he slept, and there is still another who wishes to see him.”
“Ah. You will be sure to inform me when it begins, correct?”
“Of course, my lord. Messengers will be sent to everyone to be notified when the auction begins.”
The man nodded and turned his attention to the golden eyed beauty still try to rise to his feet within his prison.
“He seems angry,” the man mused.
“Yes, my lord. This one will require a lot of training.”
The lord nodded and turned away from the crate and its occupant. “Do feed the miserable beast, won't you? You wouldn't want him to die before you can sell him.”
“Of course, my lord. It shall be done.”
By the Sesshoumaru managed to push himself up on his aching feet, the panel was replaced, and the crate was being nailed shut again. An angry growl of frustration escaped him and his body slumped back to the floor, his legs curled underneath him. His last remaining reserves of strength had finally left him.
He was barely aware of anything when the panel was pulled away a second time and two small bowls were placed inside near his head. The panel was replaced, and he barely acknowledged the sound. The scent of meat permeated the air and drifted into his nose. He lifted his head slightly off of the floor, nose twitching as he took in the smell. One eye shifted and looked at the bowl, deciding whether or not he should put forth the effort. He scowled at the meat, the underlying scent filling his nose as he inhaled deeply.
He sighed in resignation when a deep rumble sounded somewhere down near his stomach. He lifted his head and shifted himself a bit closer to it, catching the lip of the bowl with his nose. He tipped it towards himself, the meat sliding down the side of the bowl to the edge. A small portion of it slid onto the wooden floor. He released the bowl and turned his head, sniffing at the meat. The rancid smell coming from it was almost enough to stop him from taking it, but the hunger pains overrode that feeling and he grabbed the small chunk with his teeth. A growl resonated in his throat as he chewed the rotted meat.
'Bastard humans,' he growled inwardly to himself as he swallowed the chewed meat. This was the best they would give him, and his weakened body didn't exactly complain about it despite the taste. He had to resist the strong urge to regurgitate it. He snagged another small chunk with his teeth and pulled it into his mouth with the aid of his tongue. He gnawed on the fetid meat, tearing it apart in his mouth and suppressing his gag reflex as he forced it down.
He moved his head and tipped the bowl a second time, a bit harsher to get more of the meat out without flipping the bowl completely over. Despite his effort, the bowl turned over anyways, but luckily enough did not cover the rancid meat already on the floor from the initial tip. He devoured the meat in the same fashion as the second chunk.
He was apprehensive about the water though. He managed to scoot himself closer to that bowl and tilt his head towards it. Lowering his head, he sniffed and stared into the clear water at the dark brown bottom. Nothing seemed off about it, so perhaps it was drinkable. The water before usually was. Undeterred by his lack of youki, his five senses still worked well enough. He sighed and scooted himself closer, lowering his head into the bowl. He sniffed at it one last time before he opened his mouth and lapped up the cool liquid. The untainted water was a relief to his parched throat and mouth.
Well, he had assumed the water had been untainted anyways. His lids grew heavy, and his body felt more sluggish than it had moments before. He growled and his head dropped, muzzle tipping the bowl and splashing the remaining water over his face. He glared at the panel as he heard it being removed again. The last thing he saw before the darkness claimed him was a pair of hands and a blurry brown mass of something.
He awakened hours later, blurred gaze focusing on the thick metal bars surrounding him. He growled and attempted to open his mouth, only to discover it to be restrained by something. What the hell was holding his mouth shut?!
Sesshoumaru rolled onto his stomach slowly, lowering his head and lifting his paws above the restraint strapped around his mouth. He dug his dew claws beneath the leather strap and pushed, trying to force it off. He growled his frustration, not understanding why it wouldn't come free. His dew claws tore into the flesh of his muzzle as he put more force into it, trying in vain to remove the damn thing.
The restraint enraged him, and he continued his efforts to remove it, digging his claws further into his mouth as he tried to remove it. The tips of his claws scrapped against his teeth as the dug further inside. His fury at being treated like some common cur raged through him. How dare they do this to him! The retched mammals would pay for the injustices done to him! He would destroy them all!
A vicious snarl ripped itself from his throat when something blunt jabbed into his side. His head shot up and he glared at the man that dared to touch him, blood dripping from the wounds on his muzzle. The tears in his lips had not healed like they should have. The inability to access his youki was the cause of it.
A feral growl sounded within his throat as the man sneered and jabbed him harshly in the side again. He would have bared his fangs at the human had his jaws been free to do so. he settled for a vicious snarl for the moment, his claws digging into the wood beneath him. He vaguely wondered somewhere in the back of his mind why there was no thick metal sheet instead of the spaced metal bars he was lying uncomfortably on. Unfortunately the space was nowhere near big enough for him to slip through should the cage tip anyways.
“Ah good,” that annoying familiar voice spoke. “He's awake.” A pause. “What has he done?”
“He tried to remove the muzzle, sir,” the human that had jabbed him replied.
“Ah. Fetch the healer then. The auction is to begin soon.”
“Yes, sir,” he replied. The man turned and hurried away to fetch the healer.
The priest looked down at him, and in return Sesshoumaru snarled at him.
“You won't get it off,” the priest began. “It has an o-fuda, just like your collar. Since you haven't notice though, it wraps around the back of your head as well. You'll only hurt yourself the more you try to remove it. There is no point in resisting, Sesshoumaru. You will learn this soon enough I suppose. I am quite sure that your new master will not be as kind to you as I have been. They have all assured me that until you are able to breed, they will most likely fight you in addition to training.
“They will not tolerate disobedience from you. Remember that. You are no longer the son of Inu no Taisho. You are a pet. A slave. A plaything. No better than a mortal dog. You would do well to learn your place no. they will break you in the harshest ways possible.
“Do not expect to be saved either. Once your new master has you, you will be all but untraceable.” The man laughed cruelly, and the bleeding youkai snared viciously, desperately wishing he could destroy this aggravating human before him.
“Sir. I have brought the healer.”
“Ah good. Patch him up then. I do not want the lords thinking I have been hurting the beast myself. That I leave to them.”
“Of course,” the healer replied, bowing low to the priest.
The priest and servant left, leaving her to work.
The old woman sighed softly as she looked down at the once great inugami. “I'd free you if I could, for no demon deserves this. However, I am no priestess, and I do not possess the powers required to release the seals holding you like this. Many of these here are cruel lords. They seek pleasure from torturing those that are naturally stronger than themselves. I suppose it would be best to tell you to do as they say, but I know better. I know you will rebel against them, and in return they will destroy who you are/ i have seen it many times in my six decades of life. You are unfortunate to have met this fate.”
She silenced herself and set about to cleaning the wounds on his face. Thread and needle followed as she sewed his flesh back together.
Sesshoumaru lay still for her, believing mildly the sincerity in her words. He was to be a toy, a slave, to some cruel bastard lord. Fate had dealt him a cruel hand, and he could not fight back intensely enough to break free of its hold. He would become weak in both body and min, and eventually, against his very being, he would break and give in. Reluctantly so, but he new that he would be powerless to stop it no matter how he struggled to resist.
“Three hundred pieces!” a deep voice growled at the back of the small crowd.
“Three hundred fifty!” another shouted.
“Four hundred!”
“Five hundred!”
“Seven hundred fifty!”
“One thousand pieces!”
The priest smirked smugly as the rich lords bit on the beautiful prize behind him. The white canine lay curled on the floor of his cage, muzzle and paws free of blood.
“Three thousand!” a young lord called out.
It seemed he may get more than he thought he would for the exquisite inugami. The bids continued to grow, and a few of the lords eventually dropped out. It was fortunate that these gold pieces were in fact gold bars. Not big bars, but big enough to make him happy to sell his prized catch.
“Seven thousand bars!”
The priest was dumbfounded. This demon was going to make him a rich man. Exceedingly so. These gold bars were worth roughly twenty five normal gold pieces each. He was quite pleased with how this was going.
The bidding had narrowed down to two lords. The lord whom had told him to have the youkai fed, and the young lord that had bid seven thousand.
“Ten thousand,” the young lord voiced calmly. To the untrained eye, the lord appeared all but human. Pointed ears hidden beneath thick locks of hair. The priest knew though that he was a youkai. A powerful youkai at that, and it seemed he would be the one to get the prize.
The other lord, a human male in his late forties wanted the precious inu for himself. “Twenty thousand,” he countered.
The young youkai lord frowned. He leaned slightly to confer with another youkai. An advisor of sorts, perhaps. The lord nodded and looked towards the priest. “Thirty five,” he returned smugly, a smirk gracing his lips.
The human lord scowled at this. He knew this young lord must be quite wealthy to have bid that much, going up by fifteen thousand. He had never expected there to be such competition for the youkai. When the priest looked towards him, he reluctantly shook his head. He would not win this. Withholding his annoyance, he stepped down.
The priest looked back to the young youkai lord, a smile on his retched lips. “Congratulations my lord. He is yours.”
The youkai smirked and leaned slightly to converse with his advisor. The other nodded and left his side, moving towards the raised platform. The lord in question turned and departed. He would leave it to the other to collect his new pet.
The crowd dispersed, the human lord clearly displeased with the outcome of todays events. He had hoped that he would have the pleasure of breaking the inugami, but it was clearly not to be so. He called for his men and ordered there departure. There was no longer a reason to stay.
The advisor of the youkai lord approached the priest. “My lord will have it sent to you tonight,” he explained. “He wishes for the beast to be presented to him now.”
“Of course. Shall I have someone assist you with the cage?”
“No. my lord wishes for the beast to be out of the cage. He has no need for it. a chain if you will. I will do it myself.”
“Of course,” the priest replied, lifting a hand and summoning the nearest servant to him. “Fetch a chain.”
The young boy nodded and ran off to do as he was bid. He returned within moments, dragging a thick, heavy chain behind him. The priest relieved the boy of his burden and dismissed him, turning to the youkai advisor. He moved to aid the youkai, but when the chain was removed from his hands, he realized his aid was not needed. A gesture towards the cage had him moving to unlock the door. The dark eyes of the youkai watched the growling beast before him. His lord would be pleased with this one.
The white beast didn't lash out as expected as the door was pulled open. The youkai reached in and wrapped the heavy chain around his neck without pause or any indication of hesitation. The inu would have lashed out had he the strength to do so.
The priest departed once he was no longer needed, leaving the two youkai alone. One growling at the other. A tug of the chain jerked him forward, but Sesshoumaru did not rise. He couldn't even if he had wanted to. Another harsh tug and his body slid a few centimeters forward.
“Get up,” the youkai commanded.
Sesshoumaru remained unmoving. A third, more violent, tug pulled him from the confines of the cage and onto the wooden platform outside the small prison. He was jerked upwards and forced onto unsteady, wobbly legs.
Pleased with himself, the advisor tugged the chain yet again, turned and started walking. Sesshoumaru stumbled and tried to walk as best he could, but after only a few steps his legs gave out and he collapsed into a heap on the platform. His sides heaved as he tried to take in as much air as he could.
The youkai scowled and jerked his head up, trying to force him to rise again. The inu remained unmoving, gasping for air as the chain restricted his breathing. His body was far to drained to do much of anything. Again, the irate youkai jerked harshly on the chain, but to no avail. The inu would not rise.
Another servant of his lord approached, eying the unmoving animal sprawled on the ground. “Lord Urai is tired of waiting and wishes to know what is taking so long.”
The advisor scowled again. “The beast refuses to move on its own.”
The servant knelt and touched a finger to the youkai's head. “His body is weak. He cannot possibly walk until he has regained enough strength to do so. Carry him.” The servant rose, glanced at the animal one last time before he turned and headed back to his lords pavilion.
The advisor glared down at the pathetic beast his lord had purchased, severely wishing he could beat the thing. He could not, but this one would be easy to break. He assumed so anyways as he knelt down beside the animal, sliding one arm beneath its stomach and the other under his shoulders and neck. With a grunt, he heaved himself and the animal up.
The white dog lay limply in his arms, head hanging down over his arm. The youkai wished his lord hadn't purchased the annoying creature. The damnable thing should have been walking on its own! It was an injustice to him to have to carry his lord's new pet. The lord better be pleased with his actions
As he neared the pavilion, a flap was thrown open and the servant from before stood to the side, waiting. He scowled at the boy and brushed past him, entering the large tent.
Sitting before him in a decorated chair was his lord. The youkai smiled at the animal in his arms.
“My pet,” he mused. “Bring him closer.”
“Yes, my lord,” the advisor replied. He moved, stepping closer to the table situated in the center of the tent. The lord gestured, and the dog was lowered onto the flat, wooden surface, a deep growl coming fro the beast.
The lord waved his hand in a gesture of dismissal. The advisor bowed and turned away, leaving the pavilion.
He smiled down at Sesshoumaru, a hand caressing matter fur. “Such a beautiful creature,” he murmured. “The priest told me you were a fighter. This pleases me, because you will be so much fun to train. I simply cannot wait for that.”
A snarl tore itself from the inugami's throat, body tensing as smooth hands touched his face.
“Once you are well, you will be fought. I want you to be stronger before you are bred. I am quite positive your offspring will be strong. An army of inu youkai, unfortunate that they will be mixes though. Perfect otherwise with you as the bearer.”
The lord paused as he ran a hand down the dirty back. “I think I will taste you first. This form isn't nearly as pleasing as your humanoid one is, but I do suppose I can make do. The eldest son of Inu no Taisho. My little pet. I couldn't ask for anything better than this.”
Harsh fingers tugged on his ear. “Listen well, my beautiful pet. You would do well to learn your place fast. You'll come to realize that disobeying me will do you no good. No one will come for you. No one will find you. You are mine.”
A hand smoothed the fur on top of his head. “My beautiful pet. My perfect pet. I know you will please me.” A cold finger touched his anal passage, pressing in momentarily past the small ring of puckered muscles. An angry growl and the tensing body forced the finger to leave.
“I long to feel the heat of your body surrounding me.” Words whispered in his ear. “Perhaps mine will be your first.” Cold laughter, and the voice was gone.
He had been left alone to his thoughts. The voice of the lord sent shivers down his spine. He had meant every word, and to be quite honest, it scared him in a way he had never before known. He was at the mercy of a sadistic bastard, and he didn't know how to help himself.
He regretted never being nicer to his younger brother. He regretted never getting to know him better. He had many regrets, but did it matter anymore? Neither his father nor his brother knew of his location. Neither of them could help him now.
Deep in the recesses of his mind, he felt the unbidden tears that threatened to overcome him. It was against his nature to let them come, so there they remained. Despite the sadness and the inability to cry, he knew he would never see his family again.
It was better that way. He did not want them to see him so disgraced, so far fallen from his pedestal.
He was to be a breeding bitch. He could not escape his fate. He could certainly try, but he did not know if he would ever succeed.
White lids covered golden orbs, and the inugami let the darkness take him. Against his better judgment, his mind cried out for one.
Save me.
I need you.
Inuyasha's gaze darkened the more he listened to the report. His father stood rigid beside him, the fury obvious. Nearly three weeks, and they had no useful clues. It was almost like Sesshoumaru had vanished. Strong magick would be at work to hide such a powerful youkai. The only plausible conclusion was some powerful device that had managed to suppress most of his youkai. Maybe some bastard priest had done it, but why? Who would even be such a fool as to take the son of Inu no Taisho? A feared daiyoukai? Who could be so stupid? Did they not realize they would be found and slaughtered mercilessly for the injustice?
They had been left with nothing. No message came asking for any type of ransom for the youkai's return. No indication what so ever that anything like that would ever happen.
Nothing but the feeling of the cold, frigid darkness surrounding him
His brother was gone.
Possibly never to be seen again.
The youngest son of the Inu no Taisho was furious.
The deep urge welled within him. He need blood. He needed to exact his revenge upon someone. Preferably one of those that had dared to take his precious brother from him. When he found them, for there was no if, Inuyasha would mercilessly destroy the bastards that had taken him.
The rage would build within him until he could do at least that much.
The search for Sesshoumaru would continue as planned, but Inuyasha desperately needed his revenge.
Few saw it, and he had never admitted it, but his brother was dear to him no matter how much of a bastard he was.
Father never saw the clues, but Sesshoumaru's mother certainly did. Inuyasha's own mother had died shortly after his birth, and yet Sesshoumaru's had willingly accepted him as her son.
It was common practice among Youkai Lords to have more than one mate. Most never went beyond two, but in all cases, the alpha female had to agree with her mate's decision in a second mate.
Inuyasha's mother had been a creature of beauty. Rare coloring for their species, but the youkai had been a full inuyoukai just like his father. The mating had partially been to form an alliance between his father and his mother's family, but his father had been enamored with her upon their first meeting.
Sesshoumaru's mother had met the younger youkai, and she herself had felt to drawn to her. When Toga had expressed his interest, she had willingly accepted the younger youkai, informing her mate that she was a more than perfect selection as a second mate.
The illness had been unexpected. The gestation had gone well, but within days after Inuyasha's birth, Izayoi had contracted a rare illness that made itself known once every few generations. Both Toga and his remaining mate had been devastated when she passed on, leaving her one month old son without his mother. It had been fortunate that Toga had managed to find a wet nurse for him. Even with his father's blood being fed to him on a regular basis, without the much needed milk he surely would have died.
Newborn Inu, youkai and hanyou alike, were notorious for dying without a mother's milk as a main source of nutrients. The blood of the father helped, but their bodies desperately needed what only the milk could give them. Nothing else would suffice.
Inuyasha had grown up knowing Sesshoumaru's mother was not his biological one, but it didn't matter. He loved her all the same. She was kind and loving to both her sons.
Neither had ever admitted it, but both parents had always found it highly amusing that Inuyasha would always manage to find a way to ruffle his brother's feathers.
The child would often be found sneaking into his brother's room while he slept, and outraged yells would echo throughout the castle. It was a wonder that Inuyasha always made it out alive and unscathed. They figured Sesshoumaru didn't really want to kill him, no matter how many times he claimed wanting to do so.
It had dwindled some, but Sesshoumaru would always show his little brother nearly unlimited kindness, easily manipulated by the curious child. He had a knack for it. Sesshoumaru would do just about anything for him when he was younger.
As they grew, their relationship changed as most siblings would. Inuyasha would seldom be able to manipulate him, and they slowly grew apart. As Sesshoumaru immersed himself in his studies to become a lord like his father, Inuyasha turned more or less into the wild child. He wasn't overly rambunctious or over the top, but he seldom attended his lessons and was often found outside in the forest or one of the many gardens. The younger sibling simply could not stand all that they were trying to force upon him. He figured since Sesshoumaru was older, he didn't need to ;earn all that stuff since his brother would be taking over anyways. So long as he could read, write and know the family history, what did it matter?
If he was required to attend political meetings, he could sit back and let his father or Sesshoumaru take charge. He'd never had any interest in that stuff anyways. It just bored him to death.
A heavy sigh and a deep growl escaped him as the runner finished his report.
“The remains of an auction lot,” his father repeated.
So they had found something?
Toga looked to his son. “It would seem we have our first clue, Inuyasha.”
The runner bowed when Toga waved his hand in dismissal, quickly leaving the room.
“It seems that Sesshoumaru's scent was strong on a raised platform. Recent, but not recent enough. They are following what remains of the trail as we speak. We can only hope that they will find him.”
Inuyasha nodded his head solemnly. He just wanted his bastard of a brother back. He needed someone to argue with. Someone to fight and spare with. Sesshoumaru was the only one who never went easy on him because he was the Inu no Taisho's son. They were brothers after all. It would be a disgrace to go easy on your own brother in a fair fight.
His father understood that he missed his brother most of all. The two, despite their many differences, were exceptionally close, even if Sesshoumaru was incredibly cold towards him. It's just the way he was. No one truly understood his eldest son's cold indifference. No one understood how it came about. No one really cared all that much. Sesshoumaru was who he was, and he was accepted by all.
“I will contact your grandfather.” Inuyasha's head shot in his direction, golden orbs wide. “If they have left Japan, then he should know. He has allies all over China and in surrounding countries. He knows you would want your brother back, and he'd do anything for that.”
“But... but I thought he hated me,” Inuyasha replied quietly.
“No, my son. He loves you. He could never hate you. He never did. When your mother died, it hurt him more than any of us. She was his only child after the death of his mate and son during the war. Your grandfather loves you, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha turned away, bowing his head. The lack of contact for nearly two hundred years had led him to believe that maybe... just maybe his grandfather hated him and blamed him for the death of his mother. If what his father had said was true, then maybe it wasn't so. He wasn't particularly sure about this though.
“Father?” Inuyasha inquired softly, his voice weak.
“What is it, Inuyasha?”
“Do you think we'll find him?”
Toga stared at his son. Why did he seem so unsure? Why did it seem like Inuyasha believed they would never find him? They had to find him. They couldn't just leave him out there in the hands of some bastard. His status as heir to the Western Lands didn't matter. It was the fact that Sesshoumaru was his son. Cold hearted and nearly emotionless as he was, Sesshoumaru was still his son. He couldn't allow anyone to keep him prisoner.
“We will. I have no doubts that we will find Sesshoumaru.”
Inuyasha nodded. He had to believe that they would find him. His elder brother was not only important to him, but to his entire family and even many of the servants. They all loved and respected the eldest son of Inu no Taisho. Well. Maybe not loved per se, but they cared about him. The youkai may not have been the nicest of nobles, but at least he could say that he didn't demean others for being of a lower station than him. On the rare occasion, Sesshoumaru would even thank a servant for something they had done. Usually something of great importance, but he had done it.
Inuyasha had to believe that they would find him. He didn't dare to give up hope. His brother meant to much to let himself do that.
He had known from a young age that he loved his brother. Possibly more than he should, but still he loved him. Sesshoumaru was important to him. Sesshoumaru was one of his precious people, one he held closer than many others. They would get him back. The belief implanted itself firmly in his mind.
“Any word?” a feminine voice inquired as the door slid open and a tall, beautiful youkai stepped into the room.
“They have found where he was sold from, if the report is correct. They caught scent of large amount of gold moved across the ground. The scent of that disappears, but they've fount a faint trace of Sesshoumaru's scent. They are following it as we speak.”
The female youkai nodded as she approached her mate and youngest son. The downcast look on Inuyasha's face told her all she needed to know. For the longest time she had known that Inuyasha loved his brother more than he should. If it were not for the fact that neither male had been born with the ability to bear pups, she would have certainly blessed their mating if it had ever come about. But as it was, the union would never exist. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha would be expected to either take a female as a mate, or another male that had the ability. Her youngest son would be happy, but she felt that there was little to be done about the issue.
It amused her to no end that Toga had never noticed Inuyasha's infatuation. The boy had been enamored with his elder brother for the longest time, and the signs were as clear as day. Yet somehow through it all, Toga remained blissfully unaware. She supposed though that it was a good thing he never noticed. He would have taken Inuyasha aside long ago and told him to give up on his little fantasies. It was mostly because he wouldn't want Inuyasha to be hurt when Sesshoumaru finally decided to take a mate.
They both loved the youngest dearly, but there was only so much they could protect him from. He would be considered and adult in the eyes of all youkai in about a hundred years or so. For now though, he was still her precious little Yasha.
She realized that if things continued as they were and Sesshoumaru was never found, Inuyasha would have to return to his lessons that he had forgone so long ago to learn how to be a lord. They both knew Inuyasha would hate it, but in the off-chance that Sesshoumaru was lost to them forever, Inuyasha would have to take his place as heir to the Western Lands.
“May I be excused?” Inuyasha asked quietly. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts. Being in the presence of his parents didn't help the fact that Sesshoumaru was gone. If anything, it just hurt more. A pounding ache was making it's way through his head, and his lids were dropping over his eyes the longer he remained. He just wanted to sleep now. Bury himself deep within his never-to-be fantasies of himself and his beloved elder brother.
Toga looked to his son, noting the depressed air about him. He didn't understand why his youngest felt this way, and a small sigh escaped him. “You may,” he replied.
Inuyasha bowed his head in thanks before he moved away from his father and approaching mother. A clawed hand lifted, and he pulled open the sliding door. He didn't have to look to know his mother was looking at him with that knowing look as he closed the door behind him. She had always known.
Slowly, he made his way to his room, navigating the hallways easily as he did. His bare feet padded against the wooden floor. He never wore shoes. They felt to constricting to him, and they made his feet ache the longer he wore them. He would never understand why the rest of his family and even other nobles wore them. Feeling the earth beneath ones feet and squishing between the toes was ever so refreshing and relaxing. He absolutely loved it.
Servants bowed to him as he passed, but unlike what he would normally have done, he ignored them. None said a word, but they all knew that Inuyasha was sad about his brother's kidnapping. Most of the castle's residents were sad. He was missed.
Stopping just outside his door, Inuyasha turned his head to look over his shoulder at the door behind him. Sesshoumaru. The name passed through his mind, nearly making its way to his lips. He remembered all those times when he was a child. Slipping out of bed, sliding his door open and sneaking into Sesshoumaru's room to crawl into his bed after a nightmare. His brother would hold him close, and he would feel safe once more in his arms. His brother chased away his nightmares. His brother protected him.
But now... now there was no brother to protect him. No brother to hold him close when the terrors of his dreams assaulted him. His protector was gone, taken by some bastard for whatever means. He didn't know. He didn't care. He just wanted Sesshoumaru back.
As he prepared for bed, tossing his clothes into a pile by the door, leaving them for the servants to collect in the morning, he made a promise to himself.
He extinguished the lights that had been lit earlier, and settled onto his bed of furs, pulling his blanket over his body. With the fast approaching winter, he needed the heavy furs that surrounded him now.
Golden orbs gazing upwards at the dark ceiling, he voiced his promise to the darkness.
“I will find you, Sesshoumaru. I will save you, and I will be the one to protect you.”