InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Darkness Falls
Author: Dying Dreams
Fandom: Inuyasha
Feedback: Feedback is always welcome!
Dream: I didn't like the end of the series. I really didn't.
Inuyasha: Why?
Dream: Because! It would have been way better if Rumiko had ended it with you and Kago-whore never seeing each other again. That would have been oh so satisfying to see.
Sesshoumaru: I agree. She even had the audacity to call me oni-san.
Dream: At least you gave her a nice glare. That was at least a little satisfying.
Sesshoumaru: -Sighs- I still hate the bitch.
Dream: Who doesn't.
Inuyasha: You two are so mean.
Dream: What? She's a fucking bitch! Fuck you're even still wearing the rosary on the last pages. Lame. >>
Sesshoumaru: Bah. She's a nuisance and I hate her.
Dream: On a side note, I'm looking for another beta so if anyone is interested please contact me. My e-mail address should be available on all three sites.
Demitria Miriam: I think we're all a little excited to find out what happens to him. I can't guarantee all of them will get what's coming, but at least one will. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Memorietrail: Glad to know you're enjoying it. Enjoy the chapter.
addiesmoon: Chapters come as they will. ;D Hope you enjoy this chapter as well.
moosemix: Glad to know you like it. Enjoy the chapter. n-n
Kuragari:Good to know. Yeah it was pretty fucked up. I didn't see them myself, but my sister says she did. When I heard about it I just couldn't help thinking “What the fuck?” Tornadoes in Southern California... I think the world is coming to an end. xD
Nikkie23534: x3 Glad your liking it. Hope you enjoy the chapter.
TamaRose: I like going outside the norms. A lot of the stories I have read tend to follow the same path.
evily: I can't really stand short chapters like most authors right. I like the longevity of it.
ash2009: I update when I can. Enjoy the chapter.
Dragon77: n-n Well I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I hope you like this chapter as well.
Pen-Name-Kitsune-chan: Updates come when chapters are finished. n-n For the most part anyways. Well I hope you enjoy the chapter.
Snowfall: I have a really bad memory it comes to writing chapters so I tend to leave things out and screw things up when I write. I'll most likely end up going back and editing things later if I can find the time, and as for character descriptions at this point I wasn't to focused on them. Yes I will flesh out more of the OCs later on, and Runa will be given a description next chapter as last chapter was more of an introductory kind of thing. I don't think I actually realized what I was doing because I mostly likely forgot what it was supposed to be so I'll have to go back and fix the issue with the bed- thanks for mentioning that. Believe me when I say that they are pissed, but at this point in time after having not found him on their own after all this time they'd started to give up hope. It's a different story in the beginning, but obviously things do change.
I understand perfectly what you're saying, and really it all helps a lot. I'm just really bad at clarifying things sometimes, and like I said I always leave things out I shouldn't have. I know damn well I have to go back and edit some things in the previous chapters because I was being to much of a lazy bastard to do it at the time. I usually end up rereading the chapters to match things when I use them later, and for whatever reason I didn't.
A lot of these chapters that take place in the past tend to be more from Sesshoumaru's point of view, so he tries not to think about what certain people look like, and he'll avoid looking at them. So he won't have to remember their faces later on. It'll start changing though and OCs as I said will be fleshed out, just not right now or this chapter.
I need to start writing things down so I can remember certain things.... Time to go fix things, yay~!
buzzk97: Unfortunately pretty much none of the parents were ever named. I think. I mean Touga is possibly a name because apparently from the third movie, I think, he was referred to as Touga in the Japanese version. I like that suggestion. Might just use it. Netherlands huh. Didn't think about adding that country in, but I think I can. Ah I should probably mention whether or not they should be human or youkai, and if youkai what kind. Age to... xD I'd be happy to have any other suggestions you could offer. My thoughts on Rin eh? Well... she's a little annoying personality wise, but she's probably about 500 steps above Kagome. She's actually got a reason for being a coward because she's a human child. Paired with Sesshoumaru? No.
Sesshoumaru isn't the type that should ever be paired with people like Kagome or Rin especially as a demon. If he were to get mad at them and it got physical they'd seriously get hurt, and the fact that people tend to turn Kagome into a hanyou for even a youkai from the mating pisses me off because it doesn't work like that. She pisses me off to no end, and a relationship between them would never work. A relationship with Rin could potentially work for awhile, but I just don't see it lasting or being very happy after awhile. Rin's devotion and affection for Sesshoumaru isn't returned to the same extent. Yes he cares, but not in any romantic sense. It just doesn't fit.
Warnings: Uh... I really didn't try on the fight scene that happens in this chapter.
Disclaimer: It's a shame because I still don't own it. And if I did, you can bet your asses that I would have killed Kagome early on, and then demand that people stop trying to ruin Sesshoumaru's name by pairing him with the whore of doom in the abominations they call fan fiction. I hate the bitch.
Chapter 4
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Sesshoumaru's eyes glazed over as he watched the scenery pass from the back of the wagon, steel bars surrounding him and preventing escape. A heavy chain fastened tightly around his neck secured him to the cage. His nightmare was becoming reality. He was never going to see his family again. The thought horrified and terrified him.
Horror because of his new role in life, and terror because he knew it would never end. He would never again be free to do with his life as he pleased. Not as long as the collar was around his neck suppressing his youki.
He was weak and powerless. He was a captive. A prisoner. A slave. He would not give in to them. He would not let them break his spirit. That small glimmer of hope had to always remain with him that perhaps one day he would be free. Be it death or otherwise. He would be free again. He simply knew that the former option was far more likely than the other.
He eyed the hoofed beast plodding along behind his prison, long ears pricked forward as the animal moved. He remembered this beast. They called it a horse. Annoying creatures that left a bad taste in his mouth. He never had seen the reason for the beasts to exist. Youkai were far more efficient in hauling heavy loads than these creatures were. Besides that, they insulted his delicate senses with their distasteful stench. Youkai at least tried to hide it.
He turned his gaze away from the beast, eying the low wooden wall of the wagon.
Seven days had passed since his purchase by the bastard lord known as Urai. A ripple of fear passed through him as he remembered the youkai lords words. “Perhaps mine will be your first.” He hated to think that that bastard would touch him, but he would rather die before he gave in to such a cruel fate. If he managed to get himself killed, he would be happy to die. He was not going to live this life. He was not going to live as a slave.
He shuddered to think that he would not be able to end his life, or at least escape all of this.
He had begun to believe he would never see his family again, and though the thought terrified him it was better he never seen them again lest they learn of his miserable fate.
No. It was better if he never returned to them. If he escaped he would live freely, and hope he could find someone kind enough to remove the spell. If he did not then he would surely find a way to end his life. The son of a youkai lord should never live the life of a slave. In times of war it was different, but these past few years had seen only peace.
He was positive though that a war would begin should his father start the search for him. Fairly positive anyways. He doubted the the great Inu no Taisho would ever give up the search for him.
This. All of this made him angry. Furious. He was not supposed to live this life. He was supposed to be free! It wasn't fair. It just was not fair. Why had this happened? He never fully understood why. He knew the bastard wanted to breed him, but to do so this way was cruel. It was his body, and only he was supposed to decide what happened to it while he lived.
A sudden jolting stop sent him crashing into one side of the cage, his back thudding against the bars. He grunted weakly and remained lying on his side. Bastards.
“Remove the beast from his cage,” a familiar voice called. “The lord wishes to show off his new pet before we board.”
A deep growl rumbled in Sesshoumaru's throat as he watched the back wall of the wagon be pushed down. A well muscled servant unlocked and pulled open the cage door, reaching in and unhooking the chain from a metal bar. Sesshoumaru bared his fangs at the youkai, his eyes glimmering with blood lust. Oh how he desired to tear this fool apart.
A sudden yank on the heavy chain disrupted his thoughts as his body suddenly jerked forward. The growl resumed, fury edging into it at such treatment to his body.
“Move cur,” the servant growled, dragging the inu from the confines of his metal prison.
Sesshoumaru thudded heavily to the ground, lying still on the dirt for a moment before he was roughly dragged up to his unsteady feet. He panted heavily, digging his claws into the soft earth to try to prevent being pulled along. This was inexcusable! His body was exhausted, and without nourishment he was getting weaker. The servant though care not for his weakness as he tugged harshly on the chain, jerking the unsteady animal forward.
Sesshoumaru snarled as he tried to resist, his claws leaving small gouges in the earth as the youkai dragged him around the wagon and towards the front of the procession. The chain tightened around his neck as the servant pulled harder. Limbs locked, Sesshoumaru did his best to prevent himself from moving forward. It was all for not though as he was dragged forward, the end of the chain handed off to the lord seated upon the white stallion.
Why the youkai lord rode a horse, Sesshoumaru neither knew nor cared. He was not going to be led along like some pet.
When the procession didn't resume, Sesshoumaru lifted his eyes from the ground to see booted feet in front of him. Teeth still bared, he looked up to the face of his jailer as the lord knelt in front of him. Before he could bite, a strong hand wrapped tightly around his muzzle, squeezing harshly. A pathetic series of pained whimpers escaped him as the youkai stared him in the eyes.
“You will move,” Urai stated. “For every moment of disobedience you show to me that will be one lash. As beautiful a pet you are I will mar your pretty hide if I must. Make no mistake about that. I can be a kind master if you but show the respect I deserve. I will not be made fun of for your insolence. Is that clear?”
Sesshoumaru managed to snarl at him and tried to jerk his head away. For that he was cuffed on the ear by the lord's free hand.
“That's one lash,” Urai said calmly. “Anymore.”
Sesshoumaru snarled again but did not jerk away. The cuff to the side of his head had been painful. More painful than he'd thought it would. His body was weak and far more receptive to pain than it should be. He made no motion to reply, the snarl rumbling through his teeth.
Urai smirked. “It seems we've come to an understanding then,” he mused. “You will walk as you should. Do not force me to humiliate you as long to do.”
Sesshoumaru growled and snapped his teeth at him for good measure when the youkai pulled away. Urai just laughed, knowing his pet had missed on purpose. He was positive the inu knew what he would do, and that he would be powerless to stop it. the young lord smiled and remounted the youkai horse.
Securing the chain with one hand, he nudged the horses sides with his boots. The beast snorted and started forward, hoofed feet plodding forward.
Sesshoumaru remained in place until the chain was jerked and pulled him forward. He kept at a steady pace as far behind the bastard lord as possible. He'd be damned to hell before he walked beside the asshole.
He didn't expect the harsh jerk that pulled him up to the horse's side, and the fact it had happened made him growl in anger. He tried to jerk back to resume his more favored position, but the tension from the chain prevented him from moving back. With a growl he angrily trotted along beside the beast, head lowered as far to the ground as possible.
Another jerk pulled his head up. Of course the chain had to be at the base of his head instead of his neck. The bastard wouldn't want his head down as far as he'd gotten it. instead it was held high, nearly to the height of the man's boot. It was uncomfortable walking like this, and he'd been forced to walk on his toes. Unable to see the ground, he nearly tripped several times as his toes caught on some protruding rock.
The bastard would pay for this. He would tear out his throat as soon as the first chance arrived. He was a dignified and respected inu youkai. He should not be treated this way!
His teeth remained bared as they approached the city port. The chain had relaxed slightly to allow him to walk normally on his feet, but still his head was held up high.
His neck was completely sore and nearly numb by the time they reached the dock. The uncomfortable position was hurting him, and as soon as the chain was loosened he dropped to the ground and curled in on himself, trying to soothe the ache away by turning his neck to a more comfortable position.
“Is he not beautiful?” Urai said of his pet to the captain of his ship as he dismounted the steed.
“Aye, me lord,” the dark skinned youkai replied, looking down at the miserable white beast curled in on itself. “He the son o' tha' mighty inu lord, eh?”
Urai smirked. “He is. I've been told it was made possible to breed him as well, but that spell won't fully set in for quite some time. We'll have quite the wait.”
The captain smirked. “Aye, but those offspring be powerful, won' they?”
“Of course,” Urai replied. A victorious smile graced his lips. “I have even decided that mine will be his first.”
The captain chuckled. “Good choice, me lord,” he replied, grinning down at the beast.
Urai shrugged. “How are the preparations? I wish to return home soon.”
“Nearly complete, me lord. We 'ave but ta load yer things and then we can set sail.”
Urai nodded as he handed off the reigns of his mount to a servant. He looked down at the weakened youkai and smirked. “The cage is ready, yes?”
Urai grinned. “Then I shall be in my cabin. See to it food is sent for myself and my pet. The journey was hard on him.”
“Aye, me lord,” the youkai replied. He turned to leave, not watching as his lord dragged the beast to its feet and up the walkway to the deck of the vessel.
Sesshoumaru grunted in discomfort at being pulled to his feet. He tried to resist the pull as he was lead up and onto the ship. He barely payed attention to his surroundings as he staggered behind the bastard lord, his body swaying as he moved.
He kept his head down as he was lead to rather large and magnificently decorated cabin. He barely noticed a change as the chain was pulled from his neck and he was shoved into yet another cage. His body slumped unceremoniously to the wooden floor, curling in on itself again.
His ears pressed against his head, he ignored the movement in the room. He didn't care. He wanted to fall into an endless sleep and never wake again. Maybe he could try that out. See how well it worked for him.
If he could just do that he wouldn't have to suffer like this. He silently prayed that he could just die. His family would miss him, but they would agree with his choice. He knew they would. They would not want to see him suffer as he would under this bastard's rule, or any others for that matter. Sesshoumaru was not a creature meant to be controlled. His was a free spirit, yearning always to do as it pleased even when he had to follow the rules.
Behind that mask of perfection Sesshoumaru had once been as wild as his little brother. As a child he would have spent hours upon hours roaming and exploring the vast territory his father controlled, and knowing that he was always watched and protected never bothered him. It was simply the freedom to be out that exhilarated him so much. Even as he grew those feelings remained deeply embedded within, and that would never change. He would always yearn for that freedom.
As he lay there on the floor of his prison, desperately wishing for death, someone had opened the door of his cage and pushed a wooden bowl of raw, bloody meat inside. His nose twitched, but he moved no more to acknowledge the presence what smelled like fresh food. Not the rotten stuff he'd been given before. The thought of it made his stomach twist just remembering as it slid down his throat, and making him want to throw it back up as soon as it was down.
He had resigned himself some days ago that he would never be able to free himself, but still he knew he would always try, unless these bastards managed to completely break him of his will. He doubted they ever would, but he would not ignore the notion. He knew he was likely to go insane and lose himself completely the longer he was confined and unable to do as he pleased.
He could not break the chains they placed around him, not even the leather strip around his neck with that o-fuda that kept him confined to this small, cramped body. He was slowly adjusting, but it still hurt to be in such a small form. He had been but a child the last time his true form had been this small. Barely ten years old when that one day happened and he managed his transformation. His father had been so amazed and proud at what he had done that day, bragging to everyone how strong his child was already. He had basked in the attention for months.
Now. Now he was once again the same size as his child form, fated to bear the spawn of who so ever chose to rape him. He would never give himself willingly. Not to any bastard that just wanted to use his body, but no spawn of their would ever survive should he live to the first breeding. He was no fool. He would never acknowledge ill begotten offspring. They would die without him, and he would never care for them. If he could not kill them in the womb, he would let them starve to death.
One thing the bastards would never be able to force him to do was produce and provide milk. His body was equipped now to bear life, or it would be in the near future, but unlike the females of any race that produced it automatically he knew he alone would have control over that one simple aspect. They could beat him all they like, but he would starve the brats. Let them suffer. He did not care. He never would.
One eye cracked open as he heard something smack against one of the metal bars, his ears beginning to ring from the noise.
“Eat,” the voice of the bastard Urai demanded. “Or I will force it down your throat.”
Sesshoumaru snorted and closed his eye. Fuck him. He had no desire to eat. He did not see the scowl on Urai's face, and quite frankly did not give a damn. He heard the cage open once more and the scruff of his neck was grabbed roughly and he was yanked from the cage.
His eyes snapped open and he turned his head as best he could to glare up at the mother fucker holding onto him.
“You will eat,” Urai said again. “I will not allow you to waste my money. You belong to me now, Sesshoumaru, and you will do as I say.”
He was dropped to the floor and the bowl of meat was pushed in front of his mouth. He refused to move to it, going so far as to snarl and recoil, drawing back from the wooden bowl. Kick to his stomach suddenly had him gagging and he frantically scrambled away from the foot as it came at him again. He clawed his way to the far wall and crouched against it, his legs tucked underneath him as he glared up at Urai.
Saliva dripped from his mouth as he snarled at the approaching youkai, ignoring the bowl in his hand in favor of staring the man down. No way was he going to bend to his will. Urai knelt and harshly smacked his muzzle once before long fingers wrapped around his mouth, preventing him from opening his mouth and biting the bastards hand.
“Cheng!” Urai called out. “Come restrain my pet.”
A dark haired youkai with slightly pointed ears, and wicked looking tail immediately entered the room moving to his lord's side. He knelt beside the struggling inu, and wrapped tan, muscular arms around the white beast, pressing him into the floor as he held him still for Urai.
Urai smiled and released his pet, picking up one of the chunks of meat in the bowl. He turned back to look at the snarling youkai. Moving quickly, his hands moved to pry open the jaws of his pet, drop the meat onto the tongue and close his mouth before the beast could spit it out.
Sesshoumaru snarled as the savory blood began to coat his tongue, just asking to be chewed and swallowed. He refused and used his tongue to press the meat against his teeth, trying in vain to open his mouth so he could push it out. He was having trouble breathing as Urai pressed harder on his mouth. A hand moved over his nose, and before he had time to think about it he was swallowing the meat and his mouth was released. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and he panted heavily, dragging in as much air as he could. The few seconds of pressure on his nasal passage had hurt like hell.
Urai smirked. “Are you going to eat or do you need another lesson?”
Sesshoumaru growled and snapped his teeth at the bastard. Urai just sighed and began repeating the process, forcing his suddenly close mouth open, and dropping in another chunk of fresh, bloody meat. Again the blood coated hos tongue, and he tried to resist swallowing. As that hand came up to cover his nose yet again he quickly swallowed, and his mouth was released.
Urai smiled. “Good boy. Now finish your meal.”
He growled again and looked down at the bowl in disdain. He had no desire to feel that painful loss of breath again and lowered his head, reluctantly eating the oh so delicious bloody chunks of meat. God was it good, but he felt sick eating it, knowing he was forced to either do it this way or have it forced into his mouth and eaten that way.
The bowl was taken away, and he was released once the meat was gone. He was dragged back to his cage and once more shove inside.
“In time I will allow you out, but only when I know I can trust you, my pet,” Urai said, looking down at him.
Sesshoumaru growled. Fuck that. He would always try to escape when given the chance. He would not remain here.
Urai just smiled and turned away, following the other youkai out of the large room, the door closing behind him.
Sesshoumaru wallowed in despair, only hoping for one of three choice. Death, escape, or rescue. He could not do this. He could not remain a slave.
Sesshoumaru had never been so grateful in his life when he was finally once again on dry land. He had to restrain the urge to lick the dirt beneath his feet as he was pulled from the dock. During the voyage he had emptied the contents of his stomach seventeen times, and it was most unpleasant. He had never been so sick in his entire life, and he had been laughed at for it. Before this he had never been at sea, and he never wanted to go back. The rocking motions had flipped his stomach upside down and twisted it several times.
The chain around his neck tugged and he was forced to follow the Bastard, as he had dubbed Lord Urai. Behind him crewmen were unloading the ship, and he was being dragged to who knew where.
He had been forced-fed and additional three times before he finally got the message that he should just fucking eat whatever he was given. Despite not wanting to live he still liked to breathe while he was still alive. Force-feedings were more unpleasant than the sea sickness had been.
He vaguely paid attention as he was dragged into one of the better inns in the seaside port town. A key was handed to Urai, and he was dragged down hallways to one of the most expensive rooms the inn boasted. The walls were decorated in fine tapestries, and silk covers were piled on the thick futon in the middle of the room.
Sesshoumaru barely lifted his head as he was dragged towards one of the side walls, and one of the links in the chain was hooked to the wall. He just let his body slump to the floor when the chain was released and Urai moved away from him.
Depression was already deepening within him, and as time passed he was slowly beginning to lose himself. He held on desperately to his sanity and his hopes to be saved from this wretched existence. He would fight for as long as he could, and he refused to acknowledge he was losing a war he had no hope of winning.
He had to hold onto something that would help him escape this dreary existence that threatened to swallow him whole. This captivity was already destroying his mind, and it would only be a matter of time before it was destroyed completely.
Sesshoumaru growled at Urai as the Bastard as the youkai walked ahead of them, head held high.
A month had passed since his arrival in China, and today would be his first fight. He wondered vaguely if he would be able to get himself killed. It seemed to be a promising way to escape, but he knew it would not be an honorable death. Not for one such as himself anyways. If his opponent was to weak he would have to kill it, and if not he could let it kill him. It was perfect.
He could hear the voices in the distance, roars from spectators watching a fight already in action. They were all crazy fucking bastards. He could smell fresh blood in the air as one of the fighters was cut open. It was thick, and quite disgusting as the scent clogged his nose the neared they got to the arena.
The arena itself was pathetic. Around it were the stands for the spectators, and through the legs of the bastards he could see a high barred area with a pit below. He had no idea how deep it was because he could not see it clearly just yet.
He lifted his head slightly as he was pulled towards the fighters area, and watched in annoyance as Urai spoke in a language he did not understand to another youkai. The dirty youkai the Bastard was speaking to looked at him, and smirked. He couldn't help but snarl back at him.
He had been trying to learn the Chinese language during the time he'd already been here, but he was finding it hard to comprehend. It would take more than a month to understand, but he was already picking up words and phrases, occasionally an entire sentence.
“...perfect opponent,” the dirty, greasy youkai said. An ugly smirk form on dark lips, and Sesshoumaru shuddered slightly as he turned away.
From the look on Urai's ugly face, they had already found him an opponent. He hoped this one could kill him. An uproar from the crowd alerted them to the end of the previous fight, and already he could smell death in the air. He watched as a bloody corpse was dragged up the dirt ramp and out of the arena, taken to who knew where. Behind it the bloody victor emerged, a smirk on the elongated mouth of a darkly colored lizard youkai.
He growled when the ugly creature looked at him. It didn't stay as it was dragged away by its masters, or so he assumed they were his masters. He didn't care. He looked away then, eying the thick metal bars that surrounded the pit he was moments from entering. The wide hole was several feet deep, and at least fifty feet in diameter. From where he stood the only access route was the ramp aside from jumping out, but his small body couldn't handle a jump of nearly thirty feet. The most he could achieve was probably twenty to twenty five if he was lucky. His body had become far to weak in the past few weeks. There went that plan.
He snorted and turned back to watch as his apparent opponent was led forward. They stared at each other, Sesshoumaru's lips curling back from his teeth as he watched the chains be removed from the disgusting lizard youkai. What joy. Every lizard youkai he encountered was usually weak, and this one seemed like it would be like the rest. He would have to kill it. he knew he could.
He growled when he was dragged forward, and the chain around his neck was pulled off of him. He barely had time to act before he was being pushed through the metal gate. He would have jumped out had it not been for the metal bars above his head that prevent such an act.
Fucking great. He growled and slowly made his way down to the arena floor, stopping in the entrance to walk as his opponent circled the ring, throwing up scaled arms to get the crowd to cheer for him.
Sesshoumaru just snorted and stepped forward. This match would be over in no time. Lizard youkai were just so fucking weak. The crowd roared, and he barely heard the signal to begin before the lizard was upon him.
Sesshoumaru resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he deftly leapt away from those long claws attached to the lizard's scaly hands. They circled each other, Sesshoumaru's long tail flicking behind him, ears twitching. This was definitely going to be easy.
They moved around the pit, sizing each other up. Sesshoumaru could see the glint in the lizard's eye, and he waited for it to make it's move. When it lunged for him, Sesshoumaru stepped to the side and clamped his fangs down on the lizard's long tail. The youkai screeched as he bit down, drawing blood. Sesshoumaru nearly gagged at the vile taste flooding his mouth, but he held on as he dragged the lizard towards the center of the pit.
As the youkai tried in vain to turn and swipe it's claws at him, Sesshoumaru merely avoided them by jumping away, twisting the lizard's body with his movement. If anything the inugami was simply teasing the lizard, playing with him. He released the tail in his mouth and leapt forward, digging his claws into the scaly back of his opponent. Again the lizard screeched, reaching back to try and tear him off. Sesshoumaru was having none of this as he bit down in the back of the lizard's neck, digging his teeth in towards its spine.
He was right. It had been easy.
His teeth biting down hard on the bones of the youkai's spine he jerked his head back, taking with him scaly flesh and bone as he tore out a chunk of the spine. The youkai screamed in pain, the sound hurting his sensitive ears even as he jumped away from the youkai and spit the flesh and bone onto the dirt floor.
He watched as the lizard flailed before it fell heavily to the ground, unable to move any longer. The body twitched as Sesshoumaru drew closer to the downed youkai.
“Kill me,” it hissed at him.
Sesshoumaru pushed the body over with one of his paws and lowered his head, teeth grasping the throat presented to him. He was not known for his mercy, but this was a fight to the death. He had no desire to remain here any longer than necessary. Jaws pressing down his teeth dug into lizard's throat, and he crushed it's wind pipe for a moment before he jerked back, taking with him part of the youkai's throat. The youkai gurgled and spluttered as the blood flowed from his throat and mouth, and it's body twitched minutely before it died, body slumping uselessly to the ground. Sesshoumaru dropped the flesh in his mouth and turned back towards the entrance. He left a light trail of blood behind him as he made his way towards it. The wounds made were not deep, but the lizard had managed to dig its claws into his sides when he was on its back. He barely even felt the wounds now, but still they stung just a bit to remind him they were there.
The chain was immediately around his neck as soon as he was out, and he held back the snarl that would have come out of his mouth had he not remembered who it was on the other end of the chain. He listened as the Bastard spoke, and tried to pick up more phrases and words. He had always been a quick learner, and it was only a matter of time before he could understand the Chinese language.
He followed unwillingly as he was pulled away from the arena, and the scent of death and decay. He would be back. He knew he would, and idly he wondered if perhaps his next opponent would have the power to kill him.
He doubted it.
Sesshoumaru lay curled on the floor of his cage, golden orbs flicking as he watched the Bastard's clothed legs move about the room. He had the strong desire to attempt to break out of this cage and rip the youkai's throat out like he had done to the lizard, but he knew he would not get that far. The chain around his neck was attached to a metal bar which was deeply embedded in the floor of the room. It went through the wooden boards and ran deeply through one of the upright support beams holding the floor up.. He would not be able to break this chain. He could try, but he knew he would fail. This body was weak now.
He had no idea what the Bastard was doing, and he didn't particularly care either. He just wanted him out so he could sleep in peace. Not once since he had been caught had he had a restful sleep. If someone was in the room with him he was awake and wary, watching their every move. He had no desire to beaten again, and he resigned to keep to himself and eat as instructed.
For now.
He had been beaten after his last fight for refusing to finish off his opponent. He had left the youkai lying on the dirty ground, gasping heavily for breath as he lay curled against the wall, watching it bleed to death.
He had learned that no outside interference could finish a fight, and he had gotten a little time to himself away from that dreadful chain. He had heard the outraged cries from the crowd for him to finish off the youkai, but he outright refused to do anything about it. The youkai had slowly bled to death, and only then did the Bastard come in and drag him from the arena. The chain had been tight around his neck, and he had barely been able to breath because of it. He had gagged and choked as he tried desperately to drag air into his lungs.
That night he had been beaten severely by the Bastard. His body ached just remembering it, and he had not been back to the pit since then.
Even as he slowly lost his mind, Sesshoumaru refused to give in. He fought back at every turn, doing anything he could to piss the Bastard off. Several times he had done a most distasteful thing, and something only a creature far beneath him would do. When the Bastard slept he would rise to his feet, lift his leg and pee on the floor outside of his cage. The liquid would seep into the floor boards during the night, and twice the boards had to be replaced because the servants couldn't get the smell out.
He had no idea how the scent became so strong, but if the servants couldn't get it out the scent would linger for days until the board could be replaced. If anything it amused him greatly to see the Bastard fuming as he had.
Even for this he had not been punished, and he quickly found he could get away with it. The constant supply of fresh water in his bowl helped to fill his bladder during the night the more he drank. The Bastard had at one point removed the water during the night, and had had to suffer hearing Sesshoumaru's whines for it. Sesshoumaru had not actually needed the water, but he had found yet a new way to annoy the Bastard. If he wanted to keep Sesshoumaru in his room then he was going to suffer for his decisions.
He looked up as the Bastard stood over his cage, staring down at him. In some odd way the youkai reminded him of a snake youkai he had once met. As he thought about it now, perhaps the man was a snake? He didn't know, nor did he care. He eyed the chain in his hand, and remained unmoving as the door was opened and the new chain was hooked around his neck, the other removed as soon as it was on. He did not budge as the chain was tugged. If anything he just curled in on himself more than he already was. He just wanted to sleep damn it.
He snarled when he was roughly pulled to his feet and out of the cage. He dug his claws into the floor as the Bastard began pulling him towards the door, resisting as much as possible to stop himself from being pulled out. His entire body was pulling himself back, trying in vain to resist the Bastard's pulling. Muscles strained as he was slowly but surely dragged towards the door.
His snarls and resistance went unheeded as he was dragged out of the room and down the hallway to the set of stairs that led to the first floor. He dug his claws into the top step as the Bastard began walking down. His resistance was for nothing as he began to tumble down the steps with one harsh jerk to the chain around his neck, desperately clawing at anything to stop his fall. He landed heavily at the bottom of the stairs, his side heaving to regain lost air, and the Bastard merely laughed before he was pulled to his feet again and dragged across the main hall towards the door that led outside.
The bright light of the outside world blinded him for a moment as he was dragged into the sun. Sesshoumaru didn't understand what was going on. He had done nothing wrong this time, and he knew he wasn't going to a fight. The Bastard would have told him otherwise.
He tried to resist as he was dragged around a building and towards a small hut near the trees beside the wall. He growled and pulled back on the chain, resisting with all his might to not be taken there.
Urai just continued on his way, a servant joining him at his call. Sesshoumaru fought as best he could to avoid being taken there, but the fight was for nothing as he was dragged in side and a leather strap was around his mouth. He didn't have time to try and get off before he was being moved and strapped down, his feet strapped to the floor with metal cuffs around his legs, to tight and far to small to get his paws through without cutting them up badly should he try. A thick leather strap was pulled under his stomach close to his hips, and he was lifted to stand straight as another was pulled under his chest just behind his forelegs. He could feel both straps tightening to hold him up. A leather brace went around his neck, and it to was pulled up, lifting his head as high as possible without damaging it.
His body was not held up by the leather straps, but by his legs. All of his weight was fully on his legs, and the straps were merely for keeping him in place so he could not get free.
Sesshoumaru didn't understand why this was being done to him, and the Bastard said nothing. He and the servant merely walked away, closing the door and completely surrounding him in darkness. The inugami whined softly in distress. He would be here for days, and his sleep would be uncomfortable.
He wished someone would save him as he close his eyes, and let himself sink into the welcoming darkness. Positioned as he was he knew he would not sleep for long. He wanted to kill this fucker, and everyone like him.
The strain on his legs was already becoming apparent as he dozed fitfully where he stood. His undernourished body was making him weak, and his being forced to stand like this for who knew how long was only going to make things worse. They were trying to break him, and he knew that they believed it was working.
He growled at the thought as his eyes opened into the darkness, quite unable to rest. He tried to twist his neck, but the leather straps around his neck prevented his movement. It had been specifically designed to restrain most movement of the neck, and the metal bars wrapped in leather along the length of his neck easily prevented it. As his body shifted he could feel the leather rubbing uncomfortably against his shoulders through his matter fur.
Never did he allow anyone to touch his fur. If he began to stink they would throw buckets of cold water on him after they chained him to a post outside. He would try to get away, but soon he would be drenched and shivering from the cold. They always did it at night. He had rolled in the dirt several times after these baths, but eventually it led to the chain being hoisted up to cross beam and secured in a way that he would be unable to lie down as soon as they were done. He would be left there for a time until some came to drag him back inside, and throw him once more into his prison.
The hours passed, and the noises of the house began to lessen. The sounds of the night became louder, and he was sure he heard scurrying little feet move across the ground of the rickety little hut. Rodents. Disgusting vermin. He felt something touch his paw, and he snarled at it. the little bastard took no notice of his snarls before it scampered off to he didn't care where so long as it was gone.
He was glad for his thick, albeit matted fur as he stood here in the cold, dark shed. It provided him with a least a little warmth, but still his body shivered from whatever cold could get to the paled skin underneath it all. He was angry at the youkai that kept him here. He was angry at himself for being caught in the first place.
He was angry because he was failing to free himself.
“Any news?” Toga asked, looking away from his son to the messenger standing in the doorway to the dining hall.
“The scent trail ended at Kanazawa(1). Our suspicions were confirmed when the dock master informed us that ship had left the port two weeks ago. A white dog was seen being dragged aboard the ship, and that same day the ship left. No destination was confirmed, but they are probably heading for China,” the messenger replied.
Inuyasha sighed and stared down at his plate of food.
“Did you get a name?” Touga asked.
“The Lord of ship is known as Urai. He is a youkai of unknown origins. Few know what he is or where he comes from. The ship itself was not named, and it was given only a short series of numbers that the dock master refused to give us.”
Touga sighed. “I see. See to it that a message is sent Xing Kuan-Yin asking for his aid in finding my son.”
“Yes, my lord,” the messenger replied, bowing to the family before he left, sliding the door behind him.
Touga turned to look at his youngest son, watching as the young inu visibly wilted. As much as Inuyasha wanted to go out and join the search, Touga wanted Sesshoumaru's location to be found before they could move in. He did not want to lose his youngest son along with his eldest. His mate could give him another heir, but he loved his children and no other could replace them.
He wanted Sesshoumaru found just as much as Inuyasha did. Their family was incomplete without him there. Touga could see that Inuyasha was becoming more depressed the longer Sesshoumaru was away from them. It hurt to see that defeated look in his youngest child's eyes. He wanted it to be gone, and the only way to do that was to find Sesshoumaru and bring him home.
He just hoped they found him soon. Touga didn't want to think of what would become of his eldest son should it be to late. There were few choices Sesshoumaru would leave for himself, and he was sure that death was one of them. If Sesshoumaru could not escape on his own, he was sure his son would try to find a way to end his life. No son of a daiyoukai should ever live the life Sesshoumaru was being forced to live now. He knew that they had little time left to find him before it came to that.
Inuyasha again as he lifted a bit of meat to his lips with the wooden sticks in hand. He missed his brother, and he wanted him back. He barely tasted the food he was eating as he thought about his missing sibling. The blood of the meat coated his tongue, but all he wanted was to see his elder brother. He wanted him to be back home with them.
He could feel his father's eyes upon him, but he said nothing for the moment, lost in his thoughts.
“Inuyasha,” Touga said quietly, gazing at his forlorn son. “We will find him.”
“I know father, but I miss him.”
“As do we all,” the daiyoukai replied quietly. “With your grandfather's help it will only be a matter of time before he is home again. Sesshoumaru will be returned to us. Soon. I have faith that he will be found.”
Inuyasha looked up at his father. “I want to go look for him, father. I want to help them search. I can't keep waiting around like this!”
Touga frowned. “No, Inuyasha. I will not lose you as well. I will not let you be taken from me as well! You will stay here until he is found.”
Inuyasha slammed his fist down on the table. “No! I can't sit and wait!” he growled. “For all I know he could be dead! I can't wait around and not know! I have to find him! You don't understand!” He pushed his chair back from the table and rose to his feet. “I have to, damn it!”
Touga rose from his seat and approached his son, wrapping the younger youkai in his arms. “I do understand, Inuyasha. Believe me. I understand perfectly how you feel, but I can not lose both of my sons. Kuan-Yin will help us. I know he will. When Sesshoumaru is found we will go, and we will save him. We will destroy the bastards that took him from us, but for now, my son, we must wait.
“The ones who enslaved him will be brought to justice, and the ones who have him now we will kill them for the wrongs they have committed against him and our family. You must trust me, Inuyasha. I want revenge as much as you do, but for now we must be patient. We must wait. I will not lose you.”
Inuyasha fisted his hands against his father's chest, pressing his face against it as he felt the tears pool in his eyes. His father was right, but he hated this. He hated all of this. He just wanted his brother back. He needed his brother to be here with them. It was just so damn hard not having him here like he usually was. It was just so difficult knowing that he didn't have his older brother around to argue and spar with.
Touga pressed a hand to the back of his youngest child's head lightly, his other rubbing gently the boy's back. “We will find him,” he murmured. “We will find him, and he will be home again. I swear it.”
Inuyasha choked back a heart-wrenching sob as he nodded against his father's chest. He want his brother....
“My lord,” a voice spoke from the doorway. “The priest who imprisoned Sesshoumaru has been found. The man and those who worked for him are outside of Edo.”
Touga looked to the servant. “Excellent. Have them keep an eye on him. Inuyasha and I will deal with them ourselves.”
The servant bowed low to his lord. “Of course, my lord.” The dark haired youkai turned and quickly left to relay the orders to the waiting soldier.
Inuyasha pulled back enough to look up at his father. “I will kill him,” he vowed, a light trail of tears trickling from his eyes. “I'll make him pay for this.”
Touga smiled down at his son and hugged him before he released the boy. “Of course,” he replied. He gestured for Inuyasha to sit back down as he moved to sit once more beside his mate. “We will finish our meal first. I do not think the man will be going anywhere any time soon.”
Inuyasha slowly sat back down and nodded. “I understand. “Thank you, father.”
Touga nodded. “Of course, my son. I will happily allow you the pleasure of killing this bastard with your own hands. His men though will be mine.”
Inuyasha nodded and picked up his chopsticks. “Yeah,” he replied, picking up a piece of meat and bringing it to his mouth. He could wait to get his hands on the fucker and gut him like a fish. The asshole would pay for taking his brother from him. That was for damn sure.
Touga smiled as he to returned to his meal. He could feel the blood lust rolling off of his youngest son in waves. The carnage would be glorious, and the body of the priest would be left to rot. It would be a sign to all who saw it that one should never mess with a daiyoukai and his family. His was certainly not a family to cross paths with and anger.
Touga lifted his gaze watch as he dog eared child consumed his meal of raw meats and boiled vegetables. He could tell that Inuyasha was eager. Eager to destroy the bastard that had taken Sesshoumaru from them. He would let his son indulge in the blood bath that would soon begin. When his son lifted his head, Touga could see the gleam in his eye. He couldn't help bu smirk as he ate.
Inuyasha finished his meal and looked to his father. Touga looked back, and father son gazed into each other's golden eyes.
“We will leave in two hours, Inuyasha. I suggest you go get ready.”
Inuyasha smiled and nodded, pushing himself back from the table and getting to his feet. The younger inugami grinned as he made his way from the dining hall. He was going to rest for a bit, and get ready. He couldn't wait to get his revenge on the bastard that hurt his brother, and took him from him. Nothing would be sweeter than to hurt the man in return when his brother could not.
He would prolong his suffering for as long as he thought necessary. Here and now he vowed that the man would receive a slow, painful death at his hands. It was normally not his nature, but Inuyasha would show him no mercy. The bastard priest was undeserving of such treatment, especially from the brother of the youkai he had so stupidly taken.
As he settled himself into his bed for a short rest, Inuyasha couldn't help the smirk that formed on his lips. Oh he simple could not wait for the blood bath to begin.
Chapter word count: 7,636
Story word count: 29,854
(1) I don't actually know if this place was around during the 14th century, but I probably spent at least four hours trying to find a decent map of the country during the Ashikaga Bakufu era. Unable to find one I settled for this. If anyone has information on where I could find decent maps from the 1300s to the 1500s that would be a big help to me. Not just Japan but the entire mass of land that consists of Africa, Asia and Europe along with surrounding islands and what not.