InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Darkness Falls
Author: Dying Dreams
Fandom: Inuyasha
Feedback: Feedback is always welcome!
Dream: Still looking for Betas.
Sesshoumaru: You're an idiot.
Dream: I am not.
Sesshoumaru: You're a lazy idiot.
Dream: Nu uh!
Sesshoumaru: You are. You used to read over your chapters to find mistakes yourself, and now you're trying to pawn it off on someone else.
Dream: Meh. Oh well. I still do it from time to time. Just not as often as before. Besides. Betas will catch the ones I miss, and give me an opinion about the chapter and if I should change something. Stop being a bastard.
Inuyasha:That's impossible for him. You know that.
Dream: You're right. Not much hope left for him is there? Poor fluffy.
Sesshoumaru: Don't call me that!
Dream:Why not? It's cute.
Sesshoumaru: No it isn't!
Dream: Would you rather I called you Sesshy-kins?
Sesshoumaru: ...
Inuyasha:I vote for that.
Dream:Yeah? Okay then! Onto the story!
Sesshoumaru:I despise you both.
sinfulangl31: Nyah. Glad you liked him. n-n I'm trying to make him as angry as I can without going overboard.
Aleabeth: Probably a good idea. I just didn't think about it before. Mostly what I was finding with maps was just that, and it's annoying as hell. Thank you though.
Pen-Name-Kitsune-Chan: You're welcome. xD Ah yes. Poor little Sesshy-kins. I have to admit that I do love torturing him. I can't help it.
Dragon77: Glad you're liking it. n-n
YaoiHellian: No I don't. I don't know why you say that, and I don't really care if you don't like the chapters. They serve a purpose because otherwise you never would have known what happened to him. I'm not about to do massive flashbacks just to tell a story. You'll probably end up missing important details later on, but whatever. That's your choice.
Du Weldenvarden Farcai: You're trying to make me eyes bleed aren't you? Dx How mean. As the series progressed I realized more and more how much of a bitch she really is. She has few redeeming qualities about her. I believe there is no hope for the evil girl. Glad you're liking it though. n-n
mshutts: That site I actually looked at before. Not so much because the dates aren't in centuries I need them. Thank you though.
Izzanami: Oh that's a long time in coming. We've got a hundred and fifty years of suffering to go through. Yay another person who shares my sentiments about the stupid bitch. She just gets on my nerves. All the time.
memorietrail: Glad you like it. x3
ydjessy: That's right. I did mention it before, but that's how it goes. If I didn't do it this way no one would ever know what happened to Sesshoumaru, or why he is the way he is. You only would have known that he'd been taken, made a slave, and things done to him. You wouldn't know what had happened to completely destroy him. This way you get to know all his dirty little secrets.
Kuragari: Maybe. Maybe not. I don't really know. It's possible though.
katsushika: Ah thank you. n-n
GrafSesshoumaru: You really think so? Oh you have no idea how happy that makes me. I love that people are loving this story so much. X3 Wish granted. I've been working on this chapter for awhile now, but life got in the way and eh. Shit happens. What can I say?
buzzk97: Believe it or not, I had no idea about that. I hadn't actually taken the time to look up anything relating to torture devices, so I just wrote it in figuring what the hell. It just kind of spawned out of nowhere. That would be nifty though. The more maps I have the happier I'll be. n-n
chibirin8: Oh? Well I'm glad you like it. n-n
tiffy: n-n Glad you like. Hope you enjoy the chapter.
Warnings: Unexpected events just kind of happened, and Runa gets to have a little fun.
Disclaimer: It's a shame because I still don't own it. And if I did, you can bet your asses that I would have killed Kagome early on, and then demand that people stop trying to ruin Sesshoumaru's name by pairing him with the whore of doom in the abominations they call fan fiction. I hate the bitch. I don't think I'll ever finish my first story now. Ah well.
Chapter 5
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Inuyasha's head turned to look at his parents as they ate breakfast in the dining hall. At his feet Sesshoumaru was laying quietly, ears pressed against his head, and his tail tucked next to his left back leg. He'd made sure to get him food shortly after waking, and he knew Sesshoumaru was content with his full belly.
The past three weeks had flown by quickly. Improvement was little, but Sesshoumaru was gradually getting better. He was becoming accustomed to the castle, and rarely would he hide when something frightened him. Instead he would run to Inuyasha for comfort and reassurance that nothing was going to happen to him.
He still remembered his dreams from his sleep, and more often than not he would be awakened in the middle of the night by a worried Inuyasha hovering over him. He would look at him with fear in his eyes as he struggled to get away from what tormented him. Sesshoumaru was beginning to understand that in this place he was safe. He still firmly believed he was nothing but a breeding bitch, and years of abuse had instilled this idea firmly into his mind. It was not likely to be forgotten any time soon.
Touga glanced up from his meal and looked to his youngest son, a warm smile on his face. “How is he doing?”
“A lot better. He's not as skittish anymore,” Inuyasha replied, glancing down at Sesshoumaru underneath the table.
Beside Touga his mate smiled. “I am glad,” she replied.
Touga chuckled softly. “I think we all are. Riziki tells me he's been eating more. Is this correct?”
Inuyasha looked back to them and nodded. “Yeah. Little by little we've been giving him more food every day, and this morning he nearly ate two whole rabbits all by himself. Riziki said it's incredible progress that he was able to eat that much and not get sick from it.”
Touga chuckled and looked back to his mate. “Tsukihana, my love. I think we may have to give Riziki more time to spend with her family.”
The female inugami smiled and nodded her head. “I believe you are right. She is a certainly a blessing to this family.”
Inuyasha grinned. Riziki was a wonderful youkai. A little rough around the edges sometimes, but it was thanks to her that Sesshoumaru was starting to put on weight. She would regularly add in chunks of pure fat to Sesshoumaru's meal, and usually it would help him. She had deduced just yesterday that Sesshoumaru had gained nearly a pound since he'd arrived, and he'd only been there for a little under a month. The jackal had proceeded to explain that in his weakened form it would be harder to gain weight, and that little amount was amazing progress. She had thought before that it would take much longer, but if Sesshoumaru's appetite was growing than she was sure he would be gaining weight in no time at all.
Inuyasha swore he loved the woman for all she was doing to help them. Even her children were helping to bring Sesshoumaru out of his shell little by little. He would still shiver and cower in fear when someone was angry, but playing with the children tended to settle him down a bit most of the time.
Tsukihana motioned for one of the servants to come forward, a tall dark skinned feline youkai. She couldn't remember what he was, but she was sure he was a panther. “Will you tell Riziki we'd like to see her after breakfast?”
The panther nodded, stepped away from her, and disappeared through a doorway.
“William,” Touga said, looking to the eagle sitting a few seats down. “How soon will she be here?”
“Runa should arrive by night fall, my lord. I am sure she is already on land, and despite being a creature of the sea she travels fast,” the eagle replied. He lifted a hand and pushed speckled hair out of gray eyes.
Touga nodded and smiled at the pale skinned man. Unlike their own wardrobe, Lord William's was unique in this country. Few youkai of the west ventured so far to the east, and few youkai ever saw garments such as his. He had taken the time to explain what the clothes he wore were called, and that at the time it was the current fashion in Brittan.
Though unlike many, William chose to wear a flatter version of the doublet. He may have been a bird youkai, but he had no desire to have an egg-shaped or pigeon-breasted silhouette. He said it was unbecoming for an Eagle to resemble in any fashion a pigeon. The birds he liked to refer to as flying rats.
The doublets he wore were almost always hip-length, a few of them a little longer, but most at hip-length. The quality of the cloth, he explained, noted that he was of the Upper Class. He'd found it amusing that laws had been created that would prevent the middle class from dressing above themselves, but the laws were ignored and the people wore whatever they wished. It was primarily the rich that could afford the silks, higher quality wools and cotton.
All classes though wore hose. Earlier on as the cotehardie had grown increasingly shorted and tighter, evolving into the doublet, more of the braies, undergarment, and chauses were revealed. The result was that the chauses grew to cover the cotte's retreat, culminating the fully joined hose. The garment followed the fashion for fitted garment, and pointed directly to the doublet. It added it's own interesting challenge to performing the necessities, and recently saw the introduction of a new element to men's fashion- the codpiece.
Touga had snickered openly at it when William explained, and the eagle had blushed lightly.
After the laughter had subsided, he explained his shoes, belt and anything else he wore.
When Touga asked why the sleeves were puffed out, William simply shrugged and said it was the fashion. The eagle apparently wasn't fond of the clothes he wore, but he didn't protest it much if at all. He wasn't going to be singled out by the mortal lords simply because he chose not to wear what they wore no matter how ugly the fashion was. He did not see the appeal in the clothes. He never had. Even his mate disliked the dresses she wore. He could only hope it didn't get worse from there.
Inuyasha looked to his parents again, a strip of raw meat in his hand under the table. Sesshoumaru was sniffing at the offering, and took it between his teeth. “I think we'll go for a walk after breakfast,” Inuyasha said, stopping the snicker when Sesshoumaru started licking his fingers. It had become a regular thing to randomly feed Sesshoumaru strips of meat during meals, and no one seemed to care at all that he was doing it. Hell, he was sure if Sesshoumaru would go to them, both his parents and Lord William would happily give the inu table scraps. He was, after all, slowly becoming a glutton. The increase in his diet was an obvious sign of that anyways.
Toga simply nodded as his mate smiled at Inuyasha. “Oh, and Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha's attention turned immediately to his father. “Yes?”
“Give him a bath today. I hear he's been rolling in mud the last few days, and I'm sure he's still quite filthy from that. His fur isn't as white as it should be.”
Inuyasha snickered and nodded. “Yeah sure. I'll do it when we get back.” He fed another strip of meat to his brother as he finished his meal, rose from the table, and pushed his chair back in as he moved away with Sesshoumaru padding after him.
The higher, more western, table had been brought out shortly after Lord William's arrival. Toga knew that the eagle tended to develop severe aches and pain in his legs and lower back when he was forced to sit on the ground for prolonged periods of time. He had been sitting in chairs for over a millennium, and it was hard for the bird's body to adjust to sitting on the ground like they did in Japan.
It didn't matter to Toga though, and he was happy to indulge his guest. Now if only he could get the eagle to wear clothes they wore. He had a feeling the man would look better in Japanese garb than in his homeland's clothes. The taiyoukai would at least like to see it once. He just smiled inwardly to himself. He could always try.
Toga watched as his sons disappeared through the door. He hoped this Runa could give Sesshoumaru his voice, and a little hope for the rest of them. He hoped even more it could be done before mating season rolled around.
Sesshoumaru padded quietly behind the Master as they left the interior of the castle, and headed into one of the large gardens rarely visited by others. Things had changed dramatically in the past weeks, and he found it a little unnerving. It was strange to be treated as he was considering his position. He was a pet. Plain and simple. A beast to be used that had no will of its own. He had learned years before that he would never escape the path he had been pushed along. He accepted this cruel fate because he knew he could not fight against it.
He did realize though that he was less frightened than before. He was given things he had never dreamed of having before. The resident children played with him, and the Master had even allowed him to roll in the mud! Oh the wonderful, soothing, cool mud! He wondered if he could find another mud puddle to roll in. Master clearly did not understand just how wonderful it could be. Granted when it dried it made his fur heavier, but it came off easily enough with the quick roll in the grass. Not all of it, but at least enough that he was not weighed down by the dried stuff clumping in his fur.
His tail wagged at the end as he trailed after his wonderful, white haired Master. Countless Masters he had belonged to before were all cruel to him. They beat him. They tortured him. They deprived him of essential necessities. He remembered several occasions being forced into a small crate, given barely enough food and water, and having to live in his own feces and urine until he was let out, eager to keep his Master happy with him so he would not have to go back into the wretched box of doom. He shuddered at the mere remembrance of those horrifying events. Afterward he would have been bathed in near freezing water to get the stench out of his skin and fur.
He watched his Master as they walked along the pathway to the garden. Perhaps his favorite of the ones he had seen since his arrival. Of those it was by far the largest, and most impressive of the lot. It was beautiful, and he was glad that unlike normal canines he could see in color. An anomaly to his befuddled mine, but he loved it nevertheless. It meant he could truly appreciate the beauty around him.
He paused as the Master walked towards one of the low stone benches, and sat down. When those golden eyes turned to look at him he quickly bounded over, and jumped up. Paws planted on the Master's thighs, he gave the youkai's face a bath. His tongue covered every inch of his face. Nose. Mouth. Eyes. Everything.
The Master was laughing and had to push him away to get Sesshoumaru to stop licking him.
“Alright, alright! Go play!”
Sesshoumaru barked and bounded off into the garden. Ever since the children had begun playing with him he had found a new joy of chasing small animals because they had encouraged the act greatly. Fortunately the small rodents were abundant in this particular garden. Finding one such rodent he immediately raced after it. He started barking when the tree-climbing rodent fled up a tree, and he tried in vain to jump after it. He knew the Master was laughing at his antics, but he didn't care. He just wanted that damn rodent! He growled when it seemed to be taunting him from a branch he couldn't quite reach.
He relented when the little bastard vanished into the foliage and searched for new prey. When he didn't find one he simply grabbed the nearest stick, and raced back to his Master. Stick dropped at his feet, he jumped back, and his tail waved furiously behind him. Another new found joy thanks to the children. Whenever he brought the stick back to them they would lavish him with affection, and he basked in attention being thrust upon him. He was still fearful of many things, but he had learned that children were okay for him to play with.
“Jeez, Sesshoumaru,” Inuyasha said. “Those brats really suckered you into this huh?”
Sesshoumaru just barked at him in reply, wanting him to throw the stick. Inuyasha just laughed and tossed the thing as far as he could, watching as his brother turned around and raced after it. Instead of going through or around a small line of bushes the inu simply jumped over it, and continued going. He didn't even stop running as he grabbed the stick in his mouth, made a wide turn and raced back towards him. Tail wagging the entire time.
It was strange to see in how so short a time Sesshoumaru had changed. He knew his brother would never be the same person he remembered from before, but at least there was room for change. He could bring back at least part of his beloved elder brother if not all. That was all he could hope for at this point.
There were no doubts in his mind that Sesshoumaru's enslavement would affect in him in some way. They just were not sure how yet.
This happiness he was expressing now. It wouldn't last. Inuyasha hated to admit it, but it was true. They would be forced to ask him all kinds of questions if this Runa could successfully give him his voice back, and he was certain Sesshoumaru would withdraw into himself again. It was inevitable. They didn't want to do it, but they needed the answers only he could provide. The only way they could help him was if they could get him to talk about it.
Inuyasha crouched down as Sesshoumaru returned to him with the stick in his mouth, dropping it at his feet and taking several steps back, tail wagging furiously. It was still so strange to see this behavior coming from his once reserved elder brother. Sesshoumaru had always been so calm and collected, and right now he was a wriggling mass of fluffy energy. It was highly amusing to the younger brother as he lifted the stick, and tossed it for him again.
Inuyasha rose back up to watch as Sesshoumaru raced after it, jumping over the bush again. He stared in horror as one of his back legs caught between the branches and sent him crashing down, yelping in pain and terror.
He swore colorfully under his breath as he darted forward, jumping over the low hedge with ease, and pivoting on his heel to free Sesshoumaru's leg from the accursed branches. Sesshoumaru's whines of pain didn't stop even when Inuyasha had finally freed the twisted limb, and lowered him carefully to the ground. Sesshoumaru tried to move himself to lick at his leg, but Inuyasha pushed him back to examine it himself.
Tenderly examining the leg, he was thankful that nothing had broken. Inuyasha moved himself behind his brother, and carefully lifted the whimpering animal into his arms, holding him against his chest. Sesshoumaru's soft whines and whimpers of pain didn't stop as Inuyasha slowly lifted himself back up, and made his way back into the castle. He needed a healer to properly look at the leg just to make sure it hadn't been broken. Inuyasha was not able to completely tell if it had or not, and he didn't want things to get worse if it was broken. He was not taking any chances here.
Sesshoumaru whimpers echoed in the halls as Inuyasha hurried towards the Healer's chambers, a passing servant rushing to slide open the door for him as he approached. He didn't even look at the girl as he rushed into the room, sinking to his knees beside one of the thin futons on the floor, carefully setting his brother down on it.
The healer immediately approached them, kneeling down beside the injured animal.
“What happened?” he demanded, brushing stray strands of blue green hair out of his eyes.
Inuyasha looked up at the dragon youkai. “His back leg got caught in some branches jumping over a bush. I don't think it's broken, but I wanted to make sure.”
The dragon nodded and looked down at Sesshoumaru. “Which leg?”
“The right one,” Inuyasha replied. He'd lain Sesshoumaru down on his left side, not wanting to put pressure on it.”
Again the dragon nodded, and moved his hands to life the leg gently. Sesshoumaru yelped in surprise and pain when it went up too high, and he stopped moving it immediately. The dragon frowned and set the leg carefully back down.
The inu panted heavily, whining softly as a gentle hand was placed against his thigh. Inuyasha sat back on his feet as he watched the dragon work, eyes glowing gold, emitting a green glow from his hand as he examined the leg. Inuyasha would never understand how healers worked the way they did. Especially not youkai healers. They were obviously far more efficient than the humans were, thus proved by the Dragon before him.
The hand was pulled away after a moment when he finished examining the limb. “There is a minor break in one of the lower bones,” the healer said, brushing a clawed finger along the area of the break. There was no definite label of broken bone, but the dragon knew where it was all the same. “I will have to set it, and splint it so it will heal properly.”
Inuyasha sighed and nodded. “Do it.”
The dragon nodded. He would give Sesshoumaru something to numb the pain while he worked on setting the leg, and he left the whimpering animal on the futon to retrieve the necessary supplies.
Inuyasha smoothed his hand across Sesshoumaru's fur along his neck and side. The inu panted heavily, soft whines of pain and discomfort still coming from him. Inuyasha sat with his legs crossed by the inu's head, gently lifting it into his lap. Sesshoumaru whimpered and rubbed his head against Inuyasha's thigh.
The younger male smiled warmly as he rubbed his brothers head, scratching behind his long ears, running his fingers along the length of his head from his nose to the back of his head. He was settled after a few long moments of the repeated actions, his leg still stinging from the pain, but for the moment bearable with his mind concentrated on something else.
Inuyasha looked up when the dragon finally returned with a bowl, a length of bandages and a splint for Sesshoumaru's leg. The inu didn't dare look at the dragon, instead his lids closing tightly over pain filled golden eyes. Inuyasha coaxed his mouth open as the dragon scooped something out of the bowl with one finger. Sesshoumaru let his jaws part, and licked the stuff obediently from the finger pushed into his mouth. As the hand was pulled away he felt his leg being shifted, and something was placed underneath it to keep it elevated for the time being.
Sesshoumaru pressed his head hard against Inuyasha's thigh when it was lifted again. The pain had dulled, but he knew what was coming next. He yelped loudly at the sudden pain as the split bone was forced back into its proper place. Not even his Master's soothing hands could calm him as he whimpered and whined loudly.
The dragon healer ignored the cries of pain from the trembling animal as he set the splint against his leg, and wrapped the bandages firmly around it and the leg. He knew it would take some time for Sesshoumaru's leg to heal because of his size and the lack of youki. Before it would only have taken a matter of days for the break to heal completely on its own, but seeing him like this really hit home. It made them realize just how weak and defenseless Sesshoumaru truly was at this point. He depended on those around him to keep him alive. He looked to them for everything he needed to survive in the cruel world because the gods knew Sesshoumaru would die on his own. As he was now, he no longer possessed the same survival instincts he once had. That, like everything else, had more than likely been beaten out of him.
He gently set the leg down when he finished, and fed more of the numbing herbs to Sesshoumaru to dull the pain. Make it more manageable. It took time, but eventually he settled down again. The pain backed down to a low level, and Sesshoumaru found himself relaxing against his Master.
“Make sure he keeps off that leg as much as possible. In this state it will take him much longer for him to heal.”
Inuyasha nodded his understanding. “I get it. I'll keep a close eye on him.”
The dragon smiled at the younger brother before looking to the elder. “I miss the days of you two constantly coming to me after beating each other bloody.”
Inuyasha grinned as he stroked Sesshoumaru's ears. “I miss those days, too.” He lifted Sesshoumaru's head off of his thigh, and moved to crouch behind the unmoving Inu. Carefully he lifted the inu into his arms, Sesshoumaru's body complete dead weight in his arms. Inuyasha rose back up onto his feet, and looked to the dragon. “Thank you.”
The dragon chuckled softly, and inclined his head. “Anything for the sons of my Lord.”
Inuyasha smiled, and left the room to take Sesshoumaru back to his own for some much needed rest. Even with the herbs now numbing the pain in his leg Sesshoumaru continued to whimper softly. The sound was so completely and utterly pathetic, Inuyasha wanted to get him back to his room and hold the older male until he finally settled down. He certainly had no qualms about doing it either. If that was what the inu needed, then that was what the inu would get.
For as many years as Sesshoumaru had been tortured, he would spoil him double that. No. Not double. For all eternity. For as long as they were alive, and even in the afterlife. They would be together always, and always would Inuyasha spoil his brother and hopefully future mate. Never would he let harm befall him again. Never again would Sesshoumaru be out of his sight. Well. For long periods of time anyways.
His love for his brother had grown stronger during the years they'd spent apart, and Inuyasha knew he would let no other touch what would surely belong to him. As cruel as it may have seemed, Inuyasha found that the only fortunate part of Sesshoumaru's enslavement was his newfound ability to bear pups. No one would dare contest the mating of the great Inu no Taisho's two sons if one of them could continue the line, and it wasn't like incest was taboo among youkai like it was among the humans. Unlike the humans the youkai did not suffer the same consequences. Inuyasha assumed it had something to do with the blood, but he didn't care all that much to remember those lessons from long ago on youkai mating. It hadn't been important at the time. Well it had, but apparently not important enough to stay awake for. He did remember though, that youkai blood was far stronger than human blood, and could thus handle the joining of blood between siblings with no ill effects to the child.
Inuyasha beckoned a servant to follow him as he continued on to his room, nodding his thanks when the youkai opened the door wide enough to permit Inuyasha to carry Sesshoumaru straight through. The servant bowed slightly, and slid the door shut before leaving the two young lords alone.
Sesshoumaru's whines increased minutely in sound as he was laid down on the furs, his broken limb meeting some resistance as it slid against them. A gentle hand smoothed over the side of his face and along his neck as his body was shifted to a more comfortable position.
How he adored his Master. He hoped that this one would never send him away like the others before him. He hoped this Master would always be good, and kind to him. Keep him always at his side. He still did everything in his power to please his Master, and he knew without a doubt his efforts were paying off. His exceptional behavior seemed to please his Master and his family. Even playing with the children living in the castle made them all happy, and he had to admit that playing with them made him feel more at ease. He found immense joy in this one thing.
It had been so long since he had last known happiness, and he couldn't help but wonder when he had ever felt such an emotion. Certainly he had never been happy with his previous Masters. They had always abused him even when he obeyed. He knew they found some sort of sick pleasure in it, and he hated them for it. He at least knew he had never done anything to deserve this life. He knew this just as well as he knew he couldn't fight back. He had become what they had wanted him to be. The perfect little brood bitch. Sesshoumaru knew without a doubt he would lead no other life. Not even with this new Master.
Those gently, soothing hands were on him again as soon as his leg was placed in a more comfortable position. A soft sigh escaping him as he relaxed into the inviting furs of his Master's bed, and he felt them shift as the Master slid closer to him. Sesshoumaru eyes closed, those hands running along the length of his body, scratching his ears. It was all so heavenly. He wished it would never end. He wasn't aware just when he had fallen asleep, but he knew it had been bound to happen eventually with the soothing hands of his beloved Master touching him.
“Note to self. Stop forgetting that fresh water is icky.” Ah yes. The child-like words of the great youkai with the awkward heritage. Maybe not great, but great enough to actually have some kind of following. She was known throughout the world as the Wanderer, and she had earned her title well. There were few places she had not been, but these places generally consisted of those high heat places like the desert. Those she could not venture into for long before she began to overheat. Such was the curse of a water youkai.
Not that Runa cared. Maybe there would be a time when she would be able to venture there, but for now she was content with the places she could go. It allowed her to meet nearly every type of youkai that had ever existed, and she was still amazed at the vast variety. It was nearly endless.
She smiled to herself as she walked along at the same steady pace she'd been going for several hours now, the long dual colored tail dragging along the ground behind her. It was far to heavy to completely suppress the entire thing, and would take far to much energy she didn't care to spend to do so anyways. Besides, it left the ground behind her relatively smooth. Even with most of it concealed it was still heavy enough to press rocks into the dirt almost completely. Small rocks anyways. It amused her greatly whenever she would look back to see what her tail had done to the ground.
Runa barely paid attention to her surroundings, and thus barely noticed what villages she passed. There had been a few instances where the human residents had rushed out at seeing her, brandishing farming tools at her. She ignored them all though as she just continued along. She made no move to attack, and even the way she carried herself gave them the revelation that she was not there to slaughter them mercilessly like another youkai might. Runa wasn't that type. She found humans far to amusing for such disgusting acts as to murder them without cause. Humans were stupid of course, but they provided endless amounts of entertainment.
Most of them anyways. It wasn't always the case with the more violent ones. She kept away from those types. The ones that killed needlessly. Raped women. Raided villages. She detested the cretins. The same went for youkai that mindlessly attacked humans without cause. Or even other youkai simply for the sake of it.
That wasn't to say that neither side of her own family was without such problems. It was common enough that they both attacked sharks or other types of sea youkai, but that was generally a territorial thing on their part. The sharks did tend to be a bit more violent than her own families, but most of that led back to their animal instincts. Their mortal cousins were often much the same way with other creatures of the deep.
She didn't know how long she'd been traveling, but by the position of the sun it had been several hours of walking since dawn. She'd set out probably an hour before the sun had risen, and gathered she had a few hours left until dusk fell upon her. Her pace was long, easy strides. Her oddly colored legs hidden beneath a swath of dark cloth easily carried her nearly a meter forward with each step. It was one benefit to her heritage. The humanoid form of one side was notoriously tall, and she had taken after them in that aspect. Along with the heavy tail still dragging behind her. Another lovely gift from the larger species of her family.
It was boring to walk. Mainly because she couldn't hunt along the way. Her tastes lay only in fish. Anything else completely repulsed her. She'd tried poultry once. Hadn't gone so well. She'd been ill for several days after that little incident, and since then she'd stayed as far away from land animals as possible.
She just hoped though that this fellow William that wanted her to meet had an ample supply of fish. She could only imagine the looks she would receive when she ate in front of them for the first time. Which would probably be in a few days. She'd gorged herself on fish shortly before coming to land, and even now she still felt full. Those fish had been delicious.
She was vaguely aware of the passage of time as she continued along the well-worn path to her destination somewhere inland. The directions the eagle had given her were simple to follow, and it was unlikely she'd become lost in her travels. Never had before. Though a common event was to be attacked by a roaming youkai. She was surprised it had yet to happen.
Of course as soon as the thought passed through her mind she heard a sound. Something was lingering in the bushes not fifty yards from where she walked.
Well there went that stroke of luck.
She ignored it for now as she simply kept walking onwards. If they wanted to attack then she would allow them the first move. If they were weak enough she would simply immobilize it, and keep going. Her dislike for confrontation rarely allowed her to kill an opponent. She would be forced, though, to defend herself in that way if it was the other type.
She sighed in annoyance as the noise grew louder, and she stopped in her tracks when a small youkai tumbled out of the bushes, rolled a few feet, and stopped. She stared. Black eyes wide with surprise.
It was just a little one. An adorable little one at that. She turned on her heel and approached the little one, wondering what he was doing out here all alone. Where were his parents?
“Are you lost, little one?”
The little youkai's head shot up to stare at her, eyes wide. “N-no,” he stuttered fearfully.
“Where are your parents?”
He looked down, eyes filling immediately with tears. He didn't answer her. She didn't need one.
She reached down a gathered the sad little youkai into her arms, holding him in a warm embrace. “I'm sorry, little one.”
She could hear his muffled heart wrenching sobs as he buried his face against her stomach and cried. Tears dampened her robes, but she didn't care. He needed to cry. It wasn't surprising that the little one wasn't try to fight his way out of her arms, but that was probably because his youki realized she wasn't a threat to him. No. She was much needed maternal figure at that moment, and she was what he needed right now as his grief overtook him.
“It's alright now, little one.” She had seen the bruises and cuts on his face. Most likely gained from running from the ones that had slain his parents. She rose to her feet, and looked in the direction he had come. Blast it all that such a young one was left all on his own. From the looks of it the little one had barely reached fifty. In human years he looked to be only five or six. Much to young for any child to be out in the wild.
She sighed as she lifted the little one up higher, closer to her chest. He pressed his little face instead against her shoulder as she turned and began walking again. She could never keep the little one with her, but perhaps someone in the Lord's home she was going to visit would take him in and care for him. She couldn't very well leave him to die like this, for surely his pursuers would eventually find him, and kill him like they had done his parents.
She swore vehemently when not an hour later the little one's pursuers caught up to her. She eyed the two warily as she took a step back, cradling the little one protectively in her arms.
“Hand the kid over and we might not kill you,” the more human looking one said.
Runa snorted. “Now why would I believe a low life creature such as yourself? You mindlessly slew this one's parents, and now you seek to do the same to him? I think not, foolish weakling.”
He glared darkly at her, eyes flashing dangerously. “I'm warning you woman. Hand him over.”
“You know not who you threaten, young one. Back down or I shall be forced into action.”
He just laughed deeply at her words. “Fine. You can die with him!”
Runa sighed and shifted the child into one arm, resting him against her left hip. She felt tiny hands clutching her robes as the braided male lunged for her, pike held at the ready to strike. She eyed the item hovering at his ankles. Ah. So that was what allowed him to move through the air like that. Figures.
As he neared her, she withdrew the only physical weapon on her. A gilded dagger hidden deep within her robes. A priceless gift from her Grandmother on her Father's side. The pike moved to strike her, the dagger and blade of each met with a deafening clang. The male's eyes widened in surprised, and pushed harder upon his weapon to break her defense.
The dagger though, was an enchanted one. In such a way that it gave her the strength to defend herself from powerful attacks such as this. She didn't carry weapons of any other type because the dagger itself had its own spell of concealment already placed upon it. It took much work to imbue the same effect onto other weapons, and that was not a skill Runa possessed.
Not that she cared though. She was content with the dagger.
The pike pulled away, and he swung it again at another angle, this time to her left. Her right arm moved quickly to ward off the attack, knowing that it would have hit the little one had she moved to slow.
“I told you, young one. You know not whom you threaten.”
He glared at her. “Manten! Help me out here damn it!”
“Right brother!”
The other lumbering fool moved in to attack, and Runa swore under her breath. She shoved the pike back, and jumped several feet away from Manten as he landed barely a foot from where she'd just been,
She was at a disadvantage with the child in her arm, and she didn't dare put him down for surely one of the two would go after him. She could not defend herself properly. Sure they had attacks hidden up their sleeves. She needed both of her hands to form a defense with her youkai magic, and she swore under her breath as she jumped back again, tail slapping against the dirt. She had no choice. She had to flee.
She lifted her heavy tail off the ground, slammed it down onto the hard ground, sending shock wave to the surrounding area around her. Mildly stunned from the sudden blow, Runa turned and fled from her attackers, long legs carrying her quickly across the ground.
Both had been touching the ground at the instant of her attack, and that had been the only reason they felt the effect of it. Behind her she could hear them cursing and swearing, and as she tucked the dagger back into her robes, tiny hands dug sharply into her skin. She pried them off, and shifted the little one into both arms as she put on a burst of speed.
She needed to get to the Lord's home as quickly as possible. She couldn't defend herself properly holding the little one, and two-on-one with her handicap would easily result in the loss of not only her life, but also the life of the little one she sought to protect.
She knew they were following her now, but she held the advantage. Her long legs gave her the ability to run fast, and she could use her tail by slamming it against the ground in such a way that would propel her several meters forward each time she did it.
The little one in her arms was crying still, face buried in her robes as he still clung to her. One of them she could handle, but the little bastards had ganged up on her. They would pay for that. That and the murder of the little one's parents.
Runa knew she was putting distance between them as she fled. They may think her a coward, but that would change when she could hand the child off to another for safe keeping until she could finish with them. A mountain range loomed ahead of her, and she knew she was close. Closer than she had thought.
Runa was relived to learn this, and another burst of speed came to her when she spotted the castle. Her feet easily found the path leading up to the main gate, and as she drew closer she ignored the calls coming from the guards ahead to identify herself.
Instead she demanded they summon William.
The guards called out for their Lord to be summoned, and as Runa passed the guards and entered the courtyard, both William and the Lord were exiting the castle. She pried small hands from her robes, tossed the child towards them before she pivoted on her heel, and sprinted back out. She had troublemakers to deal with.
Touga and William had immediately gone out to see what was going on, and golden orbs widened when a little kitsune child was suddenly being thrown at them. He had no choice but to catch the kit, and watch as the woman whom thrown him turned quickly and ran back out through gates without so much as word.
At his side, William was staring after her.
“That,” he said. “That was Runa.”
Touga stared at him as he cradled the whimpering kit in his arms. “What?”
William just stared. “That was Runa. Something must be going on for her to have run in like that, and then suddenly leave. She must have a reason.” His head turned to look at the crying child in Touga's arms. “My guess is someone was after this one, and she protected him. I doubt she would have wanted to put him down.”
Touga looked down at the little red headed kitsune crying in his arms. “You may be right, but I don't know for sure. I'm not sure this one is coherent enough to speak just yet.”
William looked at the kitsune and nodded. “I'd assume so. Something terrible must have happened, though I wonder how she came upon him.”
Touga sighed and looked to his guards, undecided whether or not he should send someone to aid her. His warriors may not be enough. Instead he handed the child over to William.
“I want to know what this is about,” he said as he moved to follow.
William simply nodded. “I understand. I'll inform your mate, shall I?”
“Please do.”
William nodded once more, and watched as the Lord of Western Lands took off after Runa, followed by a small contingent of armed warriors.
Touga followed quickly behind the female youkai William had said was Runa. It wasn't every day a child was brought to his home, and he wanted to find out the reason for it.
He arrived soon enough to find the engagement between three youkai. One a female, and the other two he recognized easily as the infamous Thunder Brothers of the Lightening Clan. He should have figured as much it was them.
Touga and his warriors slowed to watch the battle impressed that Runa was fending them off with only a dagger and basic youkai magic. She was toying with them. He was sure of that.
“I told you,” he heard the female youkai said. “You should have backed down.”
“You bitch!” the one with hair shouted as he lunged for her again.
“Give up now and I will spare your miserable lives,” Runa snapped.
“Hiten!” Manten shouted at his elder brother.
“Shut up!” Hiten snarled as he swung his pike at the female again.
The dagger in Runa's hand lifted to block the blow, and she forced herself back away from it as he hands moved to form a seal. One Touga recognized as a binding spell of some type. He never had been to familiar with youkai magic, and Touga had had endless amounts of trouble with it when tutors had tried to teach him as a pup.
Runa was amazing though, and he and his warriors watched in wonder and lines of transparent, glowing script flew from her hands, and swirled around Hiten, effectively freezing his movements. The elder Raijuu Youkai howled his fury as he attempted futilely to break free of her spell. His struggles had no effect as the spell cemented in place, and prevented the youkai from escaping its grasp.
A self-satisfied smirk formed on Runa's lips as she repeated the action towards the younger brother.
“I grow weary of this game,” she said.
Touga wondered though how the female knew his native language, and he guessed though that perhaps she possessed a natural talent for learning tongues of all sorts. She was known to travel widely as it was.
A similar howl of fury escaped the younger brother as she bound him with her spell, one of the three hairs a top his head suddenly pulling out, and fluttering uselessly to the ground. An enraged howl escaped him, and he struggled fiercely to free himself. Just as his brother, the attempt was futile. They were bound. Unable to move.
Runa stepped back to admire her work. “I told you to give up, did I not?”
The brothers snarled at her.
“Now then. What should I do with you two, hm? Should I kill you like you were going to do to me? What say you, Lord of the Western Lands?”
The two brothers heads turned to stare at the white haired youkai as he approached.
“These two have killed on your lands. Innocents, my lord. It is to my understanding they mercilessly slaughtered the little one's parents. The proof lies in the pelt wrapped around that one's waist.” Her hand lifted to indicate Manten.
“Hm. They will be punished for their crimes. Perhaps a lengthy servitude. I do not wish to kill more.”
Runa smiled. “A fine choice, my lord. Though I suggest we seal their youki before I release them. Know you of anyone with this ability? I cannot do such myself.”
Touga nodded. “I believe I may know of a human priest with such an ability. He may restrict their access to their youki, but not hinder them so greatly as was done to another.”
Runa nodded her understanding. “Ah yes. The reason I am here as per your request. That I believe should be attended to soon.”
Touga nodded, and looked to the brothers. “Will the spell affect my warriors?”
“Not at all, my lord. Feel free to touch them all you like. The binding spell prevents them from moving or accessing their youki to free themselves. I wish I did, but I have no way of altering this spell to bind only their youki. Only this I can do.”
Touga nodded once more. “I understand. Bring them along. They need punishing.” Touga's warriors smirked at the two Thunder Brothers as one divested them of all their weapons, two others their armor, and fourth, a kitsune, carefully removed the pelt from around the bald one's waist. Touga watched as the kitsune folded the pelt carefully, and held it cradled to his chest. Perhaps this one had been kin to him. Perhaps not, and it was simply respect for the dead.
Touga signaled them to go on ahead back to the castle with their prisoners as he lingered behind to speak with Runa.
“Your son is precious to you,” Runa said as she walked beside him.
“Yes. We were devastated when he was lost to us for all those years. He is no longer the same child I knew.”
“Understandable. The poor dear, I will do everything I can to aid him.”
“Thank you,” Touga said.
Runa waved it off. “Do not thank me just yet. I make no promises on my abilities. I may not be able to help him at all. Only when I have seen it for myself will I know.”
Touga nodded. “I understand than. I just hope there is something you can do for him.”
Runa smiled faintly as they walked the road up to the castle gates.
“I'm curious about something though.”
Runa looked to him. “Ask away.”
“Forgive me for asking, but what exactly is your heritage?”
She couldn't help but laugh. “I've been asked that so many times. It's a highly unusual pairing, but Father is an Orca and Mother is a dolphin.”
Touga blinked. “That is unusual. I always thought those two races did not like one another.”
“You're right. They don't. But my parents are another matter entirely. They somehow managed to find love in each other, and though it goes against the ways of both families their union was blessed. As far as I know I am the only child born of their mating. I left when I was old enough to venture out on my own. Always have been possessed by wanderlust. I could never stay somewhere for long because I grow easily bored.”
A small smile graced Touga's lips. “I was like that in my younger days. Can't say my father was too pleased with me about that.”
Runa chuckled at that.
“I did meet Izayoi that way though.”
“Izayoi?” Runa queried, eying the youkai lord walking beside her.
“Inuyasha, my youngest son's, mother. She was from China.”
“Ah. I see. Did you ever go far?”
Touga shook his head. “I did not. I stayed along a main road for most of my travels before I turned back to return home. When my mother passed I was summoned home, and my father handed everything off to me. He said he had no wish to rule without her by his side.”
“Ah,” Runa replied. “I imagine I could see why. If they ruled together for so long it may have been unusual to do it alone.”
Touga nodded. “My father never said as much, but we suspect that was it. Now though he lives in the south with my siblings.”
“You have siblings?” Runa inquired.
“Two brothers. One elder. One younger.”
“May I ask why your Father chose you and not the elder?”
“According to him I have a better sense of politics. My brother and I are evenly matched as warriors, but I am more suited to dealing with other nobles. He has quite a short temper.”
Runa chuckled softly. “Ah yes. I can understand that.”
Touga shrugged as they passed through the gates into the vast courtyard, heading for the main entrance to the castle within. William and Tsukihana greeted them as they stepped inside, the little kitsune in William's arms struggling to get back to Runa when he lifted his head and noticed her there.
Runa smiled and took the little red head into her arms, cradling him against herself as he buried his face in her shoulder once more.
“Seems he's taken a liking to you,” William teased.
Runa smirked at him. “That or he knows that birds are evil.”
William looked at her in mock hurt, and hand lifting to his chest. “You wound me!”
“I do more than that.” Runa snickered, and William laughed. “It's good to see you my friend.”
William nodded. “Aye. You should visit soon. My mate misses you.”
“Is that all? Only your mate? Well don't I feel loved.”
“Oh don't be like that,” William said. “You know the little ones miss you, too.”
“Well. At least the important ones miss me. I suppose I will visit next time I pass by. Now then!” Runa said, changing the subject, and turning to face the Lord and his Lady to formerly introduce herself.
“I am Runa the Wanderer. I am sure William has told you some things about me, but perhaps not nearly enough. As I have said before I can make no promises in what I can aid you with. I am familiar with spells of sealing and binding, but my talents do not lie in releasing many of these spells, as that has never been my field. What little I do know is that a powerful spell has been placed upon your eldest son, and I may be able to identify it if I can get a good look at it and him.
“So I suggest we begin this as soon as possible. If I am able to help in some way it may take me some time to make preparations to do what I can for him.”
Touga and Tsukihana nodded. “Of course. This way then. I believe they may be in Inuyasha's room,” Tsukihana said.
Runa nodded and followed behind the Lord and Lady, the little kitsune still cradled in her arms. She couldn't help herself as William walked beside her, and she stuck her foot just enough in front of him. William gave an indignant squawk as he tumbled to the floor, cursing colorfully. Runa could help but burst with laughter as Touga and Tsukihana turned to see what was happening. The sea dweller was snickering as William pulled himself up from the floor, scowling at her.
"I thought you would have learned by now."
"I thought you would have grown up by now," he shot back.
Runa grinned. "You thought wrong, my dear. You're far to trusting of me."
William snorted. "Apparently so. Perhaps I should walk behind you. Walking ahead will cause you to step on my shoes."
Runa smiled. "That it will my avian friend. You know me too well. Now then, let's continue on shall we? I feel William may grow belligerent with me if I continue my games with him. He always was a spoil sport about all that."
Touga and Tsukihana simply nodded as they turned and continued on, leading them through the halls to their youngest son's room. A gentle knock against the wooden frame easily caught the younger youkai's attention when they heard him call for them to enter. As the door slid open, Touga was surprised to see Sesshoumaru on Inuyasha's bed with a splint on one of his legs. How had his eldest been injured? Inuyasha's golden gaze followed his father's to the wounded limb, and he quickly explained Sesshoumaru's little tumble in the gardens.
Touga smiled warmly and approached the bed, kneeling down beside his eldest, and reaching out to stroke his head. Sesshoumaru pressed his head up into that gentle hand, and Touga scratched behind his long, soft ears. Tsukihana sat beside him on the bed, legs folded to one side on the floor in front of her.
At the door Runa stood silently watching them, William beside her. It wasn't often either of them were witness to such a tender family moment, and neither wanted to interrupt that just yet. Couldn't say the same for the little kitsune in Runa's arms. She laughed softly when the little one whimpered from hunger, and looked down as green eyes turned up to her face. She smiled at the little kitsune and lifted him higher in her arms.
The little one nodded. He was starving.
“Hm? I didn't hear you.”
The kitsune pouted at her, and forced himself to speak. “Y-yes.”
“Ah! That's what I thought you said. Well then. I suppose someone should get you food, hm?”
He nodded again.
Runa looked to the family. “Inuyasha,” she said, eying the furry-eared youkai sitting closest to the animal on the bed.
Golden eyes shot to her in surprise. He'd never met her before. How did she know his name?
Runa smiled and tilted her head in the direction of his father. “Do me a favor and take this one to get food?”
Inuyasha eyed the little kitsune in her arms, and sighed. “Alright.” He looked down at his brother before he rose from the floor to take the kitsune from the female's arms. The little kitsune went willingly from one to the other at the promise of a meal, and Inuyasha reluctantly left the room.
Runa's attention turned then to Sesshoumaru. “If the rest of you wouldn't mind? An evaluation is easier done alone.”
Touga and Tsukihana looked down at their eldest son before they pushed themselves to their feet, bowed to Runa, and left the bedroom. William trailed along behind them, sliding the door shut as he went out.
She turned to look at Sesshoumaru, and slowly approached the bed. She knelt on the floor in front of him, legs tucked underneath her. Golden eyes look warily up at her, the white body they belonged to trembling in fear. Runa sighed and shifted her body, turning around to stretch her legs out on the floor, and lean back with her elbows on the bed. Completely ignoring Sesshoumaru for the time being, she just lay there, thinking about the spell upon him. She could sense the magic coming from the collar, and there was something clearly sinister about it. Something dark, and foreboding. For the situation this did not bode well. She would certainly have her work cut out for her if she was do anything about it.
Behind her Sesshoumaru's shaking had yet to cease, and still she ignored him. She would let him make the first move, and in the mean time she would concentrate on the spell. Work out the deep layers that constructed it. She knew she would be able to identify them, but of all the layers there were few that could be dispelled by her own abilities. At least one of the barriers she would be able to destroy completely, and that was an important one. His human speech. It would give him and his family the chance to connect, as they had not been able to in years. Now all he had was animal, and his family had not delved deep enough to get to that level of speech.
That though was easy for Runa. Most days she was surrounded by animals, and had long since learned to open herself up to her surroundings. To simply listen to the voices of those who could not speak. Not in the way she was used to.
She could hear his fear. He hid nothing from her. He could hide nothing from her because he had no idea she could even hear him.
Sesshoumaru whimpered softly as he watched this strange youkai. He didn't understand why he'd been left here alone with her. Was she going to take him away? He didn't want that.
Runa sighed softly. “Lay your fears aside, young one. I am not here to take you away.”
Sesshoumaru blinked in surprise. “W-what?”
Runa rolled onto her stomach, folding her arms on the bed, and resting her chin on them as she watched him.
I am not here to take you away. I am here to help you.”
I... I don't understand. How are you doing this?”
Hm? Oh! The talking? I've learned over the years how to open my mind to my surroundings. I am constantly surrounded by those without voice, and the silence becomes hard on those who spend most of their life alone. I hear your voice now just as easily as I hear the voices of your parents, and your brother.”
I don't understand.”
I wouldn't dare to think so. You've spent a great portion of your life in slavery, but you're safe now. You should know that. Your family wants only to give you what you have been denied.”
Sesshoumaru turned his head slightly to look at her, his head on the bed between his paws. “What do you mean?”
Runa smiled at him. “I want to give you a connection to them. I want to give you back your voice. I've been going through the layers of spells infused in the o-fuda, and I may remove the barrier that restricts your voice. You will be able to speak with your family again, and the hope is that they can begin to help you heal.”
Sesshoumaru's head lifted from the bed to stare at her. “I don't understand. How?”
Runa shrugged. “I'm not going to lie to you and tell you its just one of my abilities. I've been training for years in the way of youkai magic, and even now I am nowhere near an expert. If I were I'd be able to remove that collar completely, but I cannot. The extent of my abilities reaches to binding spells, some sealing spells, and a list various minor spells.”
Runa pushed herself up onto her knees, and sat back on her legs to look down at the inu. “I hope you will understand what this means.”
Sesshoumaru sighed. Did he want this? Did he want to do this? If they were telling him the truth then maybe this was his family. Maybe he had finally found someone that wouldn't hurt him. And maybe. Just maybe. He would no longer suffer.
Runa smiled at him. “If you'll let me I'd like to get a closer look at the collar.”
Sesshoumaru hesitated before nodding slowly his consent. Runa smiled and crawled forward onto the bed next to him, settling down as he lifted his head up. Runa's hands were gentle as she twisted herself to look at the collar around his neck, her fingers digging into his fur, and underneath to see how tight it was. She frowned when she could barely get her second finger underneath.
It seems I'll need to find a way to loosen this. If I had to guess, would I be correct in assuming you have trouble breathing sometimes?”
Sesshoumaru nodded. “Yes.”
Runa sighed and nodded. “Understandable. I won't be able to remove it as I'd like to, but I should be able to loosen it for you.”
Sesshoumaru lowered his gaze. “Thank you.”
Runa smiled and lifted her hand to pat his head. “Think nothing of it dear. Though the person you should be thanking is William. If it weren't for him you wouldn't be home now, and I wouldn't be here helping you now.”
Sesshoumaru nodded. “I,” he said. “I will.” Sesshoumaru could still hardly believe the things he'd been told since arriving here in this place. This wonderful place where everyone was always so kind to him. So caring. So loving. He hadn't ever had anyone be so kind to him. All he'd never know was the hatred his Master's felt for him. The torture. The beatings. He had never known the kindness they showed him here. He didn't want to lose that. He was happy here. He couldn't admit it, but he loved this place. He loved everyone in this place.
Runa smiled. “That's what I like to hear. Now then. I'd like to say I could, but I can't begin straight away. I have a few things to collect, and preparations to do before I can begin undoing that part of the spell. I advise you to rest as much as possible. Trust me when I say you'll need it.”
Sesshoumaru nodded at her. “I. Yes. I understand.”
Runa smiled, pat his head one final time, and rose to her feet. She watched as Sesshoumaru rolled onto his side, golden eyes closing. She turned away to leave the room as he began to drift off to sleep. She glanced back only briefly as she slid the door open silently, and slipped out in time to see Inuyasha coming back to his room with the little kitsune still in his arms.
She stopped him as she slid it shut. “I've examined the layers of the spell,” she began, “and I believe I can give him his voice back.”
Inuyasha's eyes widened. “You're sure?”
“Quite positive. The entire spell is far to complex for me to undo on my own, but I am fairly sure I can do this. It may take me a few days to make my preparations so I suggest you let him sleep as much as possible. After his leg is healed I'll begin. I don't want that to get in the way of what I need to do. I also hope I shouldn't have to warn you about a certain upcoming period.”
Inuyasha shook his head quickly. “No! No I won't forget. I wouldn't do anything to him in this state.”
Runa smiled. “We can only be sure of that if he stays away from you and any others during this time. If I may be so bold I would suggest I take him into my care for the time being. He is not at risk with me around, and none here would be influenced by my own cycle. I can protect him from any that would dare approach him. Yourself included. I know you have told me you would not, but you know as well I that heat cycles get the best of males most times. You have no way of insuring his safety in this.”
Inuyasha sighed and nodded his assent. “I understand perfectly. If that's what needs to be done, then that's what we'll do. I wouldn't want to risk impregnating him.”
Runa nodded. “Yes. I'm sure your Father will agree to this, and I assure you he will be perfectly safe in my hands.”
Inuyasha sighed. “Thank you.” His attention shifted when the kitsune wiggled in his arms. “What about him?”
“Ah yes. The little one I rescued. I had meant to ask your Father to find someone, but I need someone to take him in. I admit I am not a capable parent for land creatures. It would be impossible for me to take him as my own.”
Inuyasha watched as the kitsune turned his head to look at her before looking up at Inuyasha.
“Is it safe to assume your Father has told you what happened to his parents?” Inuyasha nodded. “Then you'll understand that he needs someone to care for him.”
“I'll do it,” Inuyasha said, moving his head to ruffle red hair. “I'll take care of him. Other than the guards I don't know any other kitsune, and their lives are too busy to take care of him. I mean, you said he needs someone, and I can do that. Sesshoumaru won't mind.”
Runa nodded. “Alright then. I leave the little one in your hands.”
“Shippou,” a small voice said, and both looked to the kitsune. “My name. My name is Shippou.”
Runa smiled and extended her hand to him. “It's good to meet you Shippou,” she said as a small hand settled in her own. “I am Runa.”
Shippou offered her a small smile as he withdrew his hand and settled against Inuyasha. He liked the female that had rescued him, and he liked the inu youkai holding him now. The inu may not be his father, but he felt he could trust him to take care of him. He sighed softly and closed his eyes. Small stomach full, his exhaustion was finally taking over him. Days of running had completely worn him out, and the delicious meal sent him over the edge.
Runa smiled. “I will see you again when I have finished my preparations.” With that Runa bowed, and left the young lord and his new ward.
The coming days would bring them a sliver of hope.
Chapter word count: 11,124
Story word count: 40,978