InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Falls ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: When Darkness Falls
Author: Dying Dreams
Fandom: Inuyasha
Feedback: Feedback is always welcome!
Dream: I has betas now. I just forgot to mention it last chapter. Offer stands though if anyone else would like to do it. n-n
Sesshoumaru: I detest you.
Dream: I know you do. Sesshy-kins.
Sesshoumaru: Do not call this Sesshoumaru Sesshy-kins!
Dream: I will call this Sesshy-kins whatever the hell I want. Sesshy-kins!
Sesshoumaru: Why do you insist on torturing me?
Dream: Because I love you ever so much.
Inuyasha:-Snickers- Sesshy-kins. -Falls over laughing-
Dream: Well your brother seems to enjoy it.
Sesshoumaru: Inuyasha is a foolish little worm. I shall kill him here and now. -Draws Bakusaiga-
Inuyasha: -Can't stop laughing even at the threat of imminent death-
Dream: Now now, Sesshy-kins. Let's calm down, okay?
Sesshoumaru: I will not allow either of you to call me such a horrid name!
Dream: Sesshy-kins. Who rammed Tokijin up your ass?
Sesshoumaru: ... -Glares at Dream- I shall kill you one day. -Leaves to sulk-
Inuyasha: -Still rolling on the ground laughing-
Dream: -Kicks Inuyasha- You can stop now. Successfully chased him off. He might be going to either sulk about this, or be angry about what I'm going to do to him in this chapter.
Inuyasha: -Sighs- Should I go find him?
Dream: Best to leave him alone for now.
Inuyasha: Fine.
Dream: Onto the story!
YaoiHellian: xD Well I'm glad you're enjoying it.
ash2009: x3 Good to know you do.
Dragon77: I'm sure everyone else is feeling that way about now, eh?
Call Me Cyrus: She induces the urge to stab her repeatedly with a spoon. Meh. It happens. Just like I randomly leave out words. X3 Shippou is absolutely adorable. I just had to bring him in, and I figured I could do it along the same way he was brought in the series. Obviously not exactly the same, but still with the general idea that they were after him to kill him. I figure it'll be more fun to torment Hiten and Manten rather than killing them, too. x3
Sesshoumaru is everyone's' favorite character. Or should be anyways. Cause what's not to love?
Darkshadowarchfiend: Glad you're enjoying it.
Sess101: n-n Good to know you do. Well considering the basic plot of the story and how I'm writing it, it has to go nice and slow like this. Else it might implode. Sesshoumaru won't be returned to that form for a long time to come. A little extra bit of torment, and simply that this is just how it's working out so far. ;3 Enjoy the chapter.
Nikkie23534: Yeah? Well that's good.
Kuragari: I love him playing fetch, too, because it gives us a chance to see how drastically different things made him. I mean aside from his major fear of pretty much everything his personality was bound to have changed because of what happened, and this, though different, is just an example of how he's changed from what he used to be. Working Shippou happened randomly. None of that was actually planned out, and it didn't come in until I had Runa traveling. Of course I could just keep letting her go without having some kind of confrontation, and the Shippou thing worked wonderfully. I'm interest to see how things go as well. xD
Werewolf Mistress: Glad you like it. n-n If I remember to I will.
Maria Sesshoumaru: I think everybody is wishing them happiness by now. I'm sure it will be long. I've got a long way to go still with Sesshoumaru's slavery. ;3 Awh thank you. N-n
tolani: Glad you like it. Enjoy the chapter.
Sabriel: I had fun research to do before this chapter could come out. What with having to find some nifty torture devices I could use on our poor little Sesshy-kins. Enjoy the chapter.
Kerbear: Glad you think so. Can't say that I have read it though.
Snowfall: An interesting character deserving interesting heritage. Always a plus saving little foxes, eh? The thing about talking to Sesshoumaru though certainly is plausible. After all she is youkai, and unlike most from either side of her family she does spend the vast majority of her time alone. Silence makes you feel lonely after a time, and that works out anyways. Wouldn't you? I mean hell after being nothing but a breeding bitch for about one hundred forty years do you really think Inuyasha would want to make himself out to be like the bastards that mistreated Sesshoumaru by doing what they did to him? Hell no. Thus Runa steps in to save the day. Wooh.
It was, wasn't it? It gives him this whole new side no one ever would have seen before. I had to injure him. Had to do it because it drives it home hard that Sesshoumaru is that defenseless, and unable to properly defend himself from almost everything. Ah yes. The whining. I'm just making him more pathetic every time aren't I? Can't be helped. -Pets Sesshy-kins-
I think everyone is hoping that, but we'll see how things go next chapter. Yup. No bath time for Sesshoumaru. I'm not so sure it would have scared him, maybe made him a little curious. Bath time for him previously consisted only of near freezing water being throw on him by the bucket full. A warm bath would be an entirely different experience.
Yeah pretty much. I've imagined it that underneath all that fur his ribs and hip bones are practically pushing through his skin. They aren't of course, but his 'Masters' were so cruel that they did starve him and fed him only enough to keep him alive. Now imagine being in that condition for almost the entire time he spent as a pet and you'll realize that that one pound is an amazing feat considering how often he was fed and again how little he was actually given at those times. Of course he's not like normal dogs so his weight gain will be slower than theirs is simply because of the fact that he was starved as he was. That and he was never given the opportunity to even scavenge for food, or hunt for small rodents that could have offered him at least some nutrition. Aside from the times he was pregnant though that's what he went through.
Should be. William is at least over a thousand years old so he's seen enough changes in human fashion to be allowed to make as much fun of it as he wishes. You'll see that Runa can be quite immature at times. Tripping him is just a favorite past time. Ah yes. Couldn't have her able to eat just anything you know. Loads and loads of fishes will have to be brought in frequently for whenever she eats. Muahahahaha. xD
Inuyasha loves his brother. What else is there to say to that? Beating each other bloody is totally a typical brother thing.
Well I'm glad you thought so. I wasn't so sure about some parts, but I decided to simply leave them as they are. Yeah I actually catch most of my errors anyways, but having a beta means I can have someone else do my work for me. I used to go back and read chapters a few times over just to make sure I got everything. Not anymore though. xD I've actually got a beta now. Last chapter was the first one she worked on for me.
Buzzk97: Ha! Yeah right. I love this far too much to let it die. I had writer's block for awhile so yeah. x3 I admit I did adore the name. The more help I have the happier I am. Yes he is a full demon. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it earlier, but the ears have something to do with his mother's side of the family. I have said in earlier chapters that he had them if I'm not mistaken. I could not in all honesty leave Shippou out. As big of a brat as he is I still love the little brat, and to make him Inuyasha's ward is simply the icing on the cake. I couldn't very well give him to someone else if I were to bring him in.
Warnings: Sesshoumaru receives the first of many severe beatings, and something else that's not so nice.
Disclaimer: It's a shame because I still don't own it. And if I did, you can bet your asses that I would have killed Kagome early on, and then demand that people stop trying to ruin Sesshoumaru's name by pairing him with the whore of doom in the abominations they call fan fiction. I hate the bitch. I don't think I'll ever finish my first Inuyasha story now because of my dislike for her. Ah well.

Chapter 6
- - - - - - - - - -
Several days had passed before he would see his Master again. he had been fed once about three days ago. He could not exactly tell how many days had passed since he had been confined. Little light came into the detestable little shed, and telling the time of day was an increasingly difficult task. Lack of food, movement, and proper rest was making his body weak. He was sure by now the only thing holding him up were the straps of leather under his body. Without them he would be a crumpled mass of fur on the dirty ground. The rats had at least stopped chewing on his fur, and only now it was the insects bugging him.
One of his ears was bringing him so much pain now. The flies had torn away the fur, and eaten through the skin. He would shake his head violently to dislodge them, but they would return within seconds to continue their little feast. His whines of pain and discomfort went ignored until the last day of confinement.
The light suddenly shining in his eyes blinded him momentarily, and his eyes snapped shut. He felt hard hands suddenly all over them, another wrapping a bandage around the wound on his ear to stop the flies from getting to it any longer. He collapsed almost immediately as soon as the straps of leather holding him up were removed, sides heaving rapidly.
“Get up,” a voice snarled at him.
Sesshoumaru struggled to rise. His body quivered, and as he slowly pushed his front legs up they suddenly collapsed, sending him straight back to the ground. His legs were to sore for him to be able to use them at the moment. He could not walk. Not on his own anyways. Probably not at all for now. It was just too much for him to handle.
He knew he was losing weight though. Had been ever since he had first been captured. The stress and lack of food was making his already weak body weaker, and as he saw it things were not likely to change any time soon.
There was still that dying hope inside of him that his Father would come to his rescue. Take him away from these cruel bastards that sought to use him for their own game. He hated them. He hated them all, and one day he would kill them. He would get his chance, and when that day came he would slaughter them all mercilessly.
“I said get up!” the voice said, kicking him hard in the side.
Sesshoumaru yelped in pain. Could the damned fool not see he could not do as he wanted? Could he not see just how weak his body was? Idiots all of them! Sesshoumaru cursed them in his mind, wishing to do nothing more than tear these bastards limb from limb, and escape this accursed place. Another yelp escaped him when he was suddenly flipped onto his back, and dragged unceremoniously from the shed by his hind legs. He struggled weakly to pull his legs free, but he knew he would be unable to do so. Still he fought to free himself. Jerking the limbs uselessly. The bastard had the nerve to laugh at him. At him! Sesshoumaru! Son of the great Inu no Taisho! One of the most feared youkai in all of Japan!
It was obvious to him that even though they knew this they did not care. They felt confident that they would never be found by the powerful inu. They were safe from him. Their scent trails all but gone. If Sesshoumaru could not escape on his own then what hope was there that his beloved Father would come to his aid?
He was doomed. He would not accept it, but his fate had been sealed. He would never see his family again. If they continued to destroy his body like this then he would never return home. He would never be able to. He would be dead before that chance ever came to him.
There was no doubt in his mind that if he could he would be crying at that moment. It was all becoming so painfully obvious to him. He was lost to his family. He would become nothing but memory. It terrified him that he would die alone at the hands of some cruel bastard.
He would never see his Father again, nor his Mother. Not even his beloved little brother, Inuyasha. The arrogant little whelp he truly did care for even if he was always insulting him. He had never meant it. Never. It was just a game. He loved his brother, as any brother should. Inuyasha would never know that. There was no chance of that not now.
Sesshoumaru cried out in pain as his head thumped against a hard,wooden stair. That was wonderful. Now he was being dragged up the stairs. He struggled weakly to get his legs under himself to stop the immense pain to his head. Kami it hurt so much! Sesshoumaru whined in pain as his head thumped against the last stair, and he was dragged across the wooden floor.
He knew Urai was not pleased with him, but he did not care. He wanted the bastard to know how much he hated him. If that meant committing such childish acts as peeing on the floor then so be it. He would do whatever it took to get his message across to the bastard. Consequences be damned. His only wish was that they would just kill him, and be done with it.
He hated to think that the remainder of his miserable life would be spent like this. As a pet. A breeding bitch. He was lower than low, and he knew it. He refused to accept it, but he knew there was little to no chance of his escape. Not with his youki suppressed as it was.
His sides heaved when his legs were finally released, thudding uselessly on the wooden floor. He did not bother to move. Did not even bother to look up when he heard the bastard walking away. He was not listening even as the footsteps of his cruel master drew near to where his tired body lay. It hurt far too much to care. His head was throbbing, and he was severely disoriented from the sharp throbbing pain stabbing his skull.
Sesshoumaru did not feel the sharp yank to his long tail, or when smooth hands tugged harshly at his drooping ears. He was lost in his miserable thoughts, consumed by the pain still racing through his body.
Urai huffed in annoyance as he looked down at his precious little pet. The damn thing should be groveling at his feet, not lying uselessly on the floor. Scowling, he crouched beside the white inu's head. Tugging harshly on his tail hadn't worked, and neither had tugging on the ears. Either the little shit was ignoring him, or he had not felt it.
Muttering something under his breath he rose up, and kicked the little bastard with a booted foot hard in the stomach. A pleased smile came to his lips when his pet yelped in pain at the brutal blow. He proceeded to whine pitifully, golden eyes slitting open to look up at his Master.
Sesshoumaru swore that one day he would kill the bastard tormenting him so. He did not care if he angered he youkai, but he did not care to be punished for being the way he was. The son of a Daiyoukai did not submit so easily to some egotistical, maniacal psycho. No chance in hell. If he was not so weak he would be ripping his throat out by now.
Urai paced back and forth, further mumbling to himself and taking occasional glances at the pathetic beast on his floor. He knew he would have to do more to break the little bastard. He would not stand for his pet's rebelliousness for much longer. Beatings were certainly in order and most definitely more sessions in the dark shed outside. His pet would learn to become docile, and submit to his will completely. It could be no other way than this, especially if he planned to breed his little pet in about a decade or so.
Although, the prospect of taking him now certainly seemed to become a better idea as time passed. It would certainly give him some control over the little bastard. The thought immensely pleased Urai, and he stopped in his pacing to look down upon his pet with a wicked smile on his lips. Oh yes. A little sexual pleasure was in order. At the thought of taking the once powerful inugami he could feel himself hardening.
Sesshoumaru would have to be a little stronger to handle it though, or he would risk killing his recently acquired acquisition. He simply could not have that. Not before he had his own little army of half inugami. The pet would be fed decently, and allowed rest in order to regain a little of his strength before Urai exerted his power over him. The idea of taking his pet immensely thrilled him, and he could not wait.
As Sesshoumaru's nose scrunched up there was no doubt that the inugami had caught the scent of his arousal. Not that it mattered at all anyways. He would scent it again in a few days time when Urai decided to lay claim to his beautiful little pet. He knew for a fact the inugami was virgin, and he delighted in that he would be his first. Oh he could not wait.
He turned to a waiting servant, and instructed him that Sesshoumaru was to be fed decently for the next few days and allowed rest. Without a doubt the servant had also scented his Lord's arousal, and could easily put the pieces together in order to understand his plans. The elder youkai knew what the young Lord had planned for his precious little pet.
“Of course, my Lord,” he said malevolently as he approached the unmoving inu still lying on the ground.
Urai just watched with disinterest as the chain around his pet's neck was jerked harshly upwards, pulling the reluctant creature onto its feet despite his earlier failure to walk on his own.
Sesshoumaru struggled to get his feet under his body, claws scrabbling on the wooden floor for purchase to get his body up. A nearly impossible feat, he managed to get wobbly legs underneath himself, and shaking terribly he managed to stumble after the servant, tripping over himself as he followed along behind as best as he could manage given his condition. His body ached in places he had not even known existed before his punishment.
Such was the horror of his unforeseen fate.
His movements were hard and sluggish as he trailed behind the servant, body swaying, his legs nearly tangling together, his feet moving sideways every few feet, nearly sending him into the wall several times. It was a horrible thing to have to be like this. So weak he could barely stand, and at the mercy of a mere servant. Being dragged along like some pet.
Although he would never admit it, but that is what he was. He knew this, but he would not accept it. He would never accept it. He was not some lowly creature to be owned. He was far better than that. He was the eldest son of a powerful Daiyoukai. He would submit to no one. Not now. Not ever.
He would not shame himself or his family by giving in. He would fight them every step of the way until he was either dead, or had lost every last shred of his sanity. Whichever happened to come first. He prayed death took him before anything else.
Well, if his family could not find him before then. He was losing hope. It had been too long, and his hope that they would find him was dwindling away to nothing. He was scared that he would never see them again. Never feel his great Father's comforting arms around himself, or his annoying brother's grating voice. Never would he hear his dearly beloved Mother's voice again. A mother who loved him unconditionally with everything she was.
His life was taking turns it never should, and he was admittedly terrified of what the future held for him.
His body jerked forward at the sharp tug to the chain around his neck, and he did not even try to stop the yelp that came from his mouth. He would have growled if not for the threat of imminent pain to himself, and he was not sure how well he would hold up to more of it at the moment. Even if he did want to die.
It was far from an honorable death by his families' standards or even his own, but he knew it would be better to perish long before anything could happen to him.
He eyed the servant dragging him along the hallways, trying to think of some way he could escape this place alive. He had no delusions of finding a way home. Not like this. He was still far to weak for that, but that distant hope remained that he could find a place to hide himself away until he could find enough strength to get to a sea port and stow himself away on a ship bound for his homeland. It was the only thing he could really hold onto that still gave him the slightest bit of hope.
He was relieved when the sharp jerking finally stopped, and he was shoved into a darkened room. He could see faint rays of thin light shining through the cracks in the boarded windows. Golden eyes widened when he felt the chain being removed from his neck, and he stared suspiciously up at the servant.
This was new, slightly welcome to be free of the chain, but new none the less. There had to be a reason for this, and whatever it was he had a bad feeling about. His future was bleak, and this sudden turn of events set him further on edge. His Master was cruel bastard, and surely now was playing tricks with his mind. Giving him a false sense of security, and Sesshoumaru surely knew that things would not turn out good for him in the end.
He could not even begin to think what good could possibly come from this, and he could only hope it was not the terrible images playing through his mind at the moment. Some of them were a bit bloody and gruesome, but considering his track record so far it was not entirely implausible for any of the proposed scenarios to take place.
He was most definitely not looking forward to what was to come.
A growl passed through gritted teeth as the servant nudged him to move towards the old looking futon, crammed into one corner of the dark room. Struggling from his weakness and limping along, he collapsed onto the thin thing when he finally reached it, curling his body into as tight a ball as possible.
He growled again when the servant smirked down at him.
“Lord Urai has something special in mind for you, whelp. I'm sure he'll be most pleased when the time comes.”
Sesshoumaru bared his teeth at the bastard, snarling when the servant outright laughed at him.
“Perhaps the great Lord will let us all watch, hm?” The servant laughed again as he turned to leave the room, sliding the door shut loudly behind him.
Sesshoumaru glared at his retreating back, golden eyes staring angrily at the door as it closed behind him. If the lord let them watch then surely something horrible was going to befall him. A smug look like that and such laughing could only lead to something outright terrible, and the inugami was certainly not looking forward to whatever the Master was going to do to him.
Even as he drifted into an uneasy and restless sleep the more gruesome scenarios continued playing through his mind, turning easily into nightmares.
Sesshoumaru was not sure what to make of the days that followed the sudden release of the chain leash. He was not abused. He was not tormented. He was not starved. However, he was incredibly confused. He had not seen the Master since his release from the shed, and for the most part he was mostly left alone in the still darkened room.
All in all it was pleasant in a creepy sort of way. He had no way of knowing what was going on outside the room, or what his master was planning for him. It was a terrible thing to wait like this. Weakened as he was by the massive loss of youki some weeks ago, his normally heightened senses had been dramatically dulled.
He could hear little of what went on outside the room. Few servants passed by, and those that did never talked as they went by.
Sesshoumaru lifted his head from the thin futon, golden eyes glowing slightly in the dark as he looked towards the door. The creaking of the floorboards outside alerted him to someone's approach, and he was not surprised to see the door sliding open then. Standing there just outside was the same servant that had dragged him into the room days ago. He had not been back since, but Sesshoumaru knew that now the time had come. Whatever was going to happen would happen today.
He ignored the jingle of the chain as the servant dropped a length of it from his hand. His eyes instead remained fixed as he was approached, teeth bared at the bastard. He could do little to resist as the chain was dropped around his neck, and when it tightened and jerked upward he remained still.
“You only make it worse if you resist,” the servant advised the sneer obvious in his voice.
Sesshoumaru snapped his teeth at him when the servant reached down to grab him by the scruff of his neck and jerk him up. Instead of meeting flesh he received a sharp smack to the side of his head. His head turned quickly to snap at the retreating hand. He was jerked sideways by a sharp pull on the chain around his neck. He snarled at the servant.
“Up.” A second sharp jerk pulled his head up, far to high to stay lying as he was, and forced to pull his front legs under himself to keep from strangling. “Let's go.” A third sharp pull had him leaving the bed behind, back legs scrambling to get purchase as he was pulled after the servant.
His white tail hung low between his legs as he followed after the servant, making sure to remain at a distance behind that would keep him from choking if he lagged behind to much. He kept his eyes on the servant's ankles, contemplating going forward and biting them. He did not though. He knew he would receive a beating for it if he even tried. Instead he just kept himself to his thoughts.
Sesshoumaru nearly bumped into the back of the servant's legs when he stopped walking, but he only came within inches when he looked up in time to stop.
“My lord. I have brought your pet.”
Sesshoumaru snarled lowly at that. He was not a pet no matter what anyone thought.
“Excellent!” Urai said. “Bring him forward and strap him in.”
Sesshoumaru did not like the sound of that. He resisted when the servant began pulling again. He dug his claws into the wooden planks, holding his head back and trying hard to avoid being pulled further into the room. Sixteen claws left grooves in the wood as he was pulled forward anyways. He bared his teeth at the servant, wanting to snap, but knowing if he did it would only result in his being pulled forward easier. He was not going to allow them to strap him into something again, not without one hell of a fight on his part anyways.
He yelped when his back legs were suddenly kicked out from underneath him, sending his back end crashing to the floor. Without the use of all four limbs it was easier for the servant to drag him forward into the middle of the room. He could smell and hear the guests, but he did not look at them as he fought to get back to his feet and pull away. He knew without a doubt he was in for something terrible. He just did not want to know what.
He had only just barely gotten completely back onto his feet when he suddenly found himself being hauled onto something, heavy leather straps wrapping quickly around his back to secure him in place. His chest had been pulled onto a thick, flat piece of metal, the leather steps holding him tightly to it. His stomach was placed similarly over a lower upraised strip of metal, just in front of his covered penis.
The straps held as he fought in the vain attempt to free himself from the contraption. He knew what it was. He could not remember what it was called but he had seen it once before. It was used to hold aggressive female inu in place for breeding when otherwise they would turn on the male and attack them. he had decided then it was a cruel device, and now that it was being used on him it seemed that much worse. He tucked his tail firmly between his legs, wishing desperately that he could get free of it.
He snapped his teeth at someone when they tried to tie a strip of leather around his mouth.
“Leave it free,” Urai said somewhere behind him. “I desire to hear his howls of pain when I take him.”
“Of course, my lord.” The servant stepped away out of the inugami's line of sight, taking the strip with him.
Sesshoumaru growled and thrashed in his bindings, claws scrabbling against the wood as the he turned this way and that, trying to reach the leather straps with his teeth in the hope to tear through them. Unfortunately for him no matter how much twisting he did he could not reach them. They had been tied in just the right places that were out of his reach. Without full mobility of his body he could not even begin to hope to reach them. It did not however mean that he would not stop trying.
Urai could not help but smile as he watched his silly pet continue with his silly efforts to free himself. He turned away to address the gathered guests. Friends, so to speak. It would be the first time any of them had seen his precious pet.
“Honored guests. I would like to present to you my most recent acquisition. Son of the Lord Touga, the Great Inu no Taisho, Sesshoumaru. He recently came into my possession during my last visit to Japan, where I was informed a witch had cast a spell upon him.” He was not surprised to see his guest's lean forward with interest. “I paid a substantial sum to obtain my new pet, and it seems that he will be well worth what I paid for him and more.”
“Urai. Enough, tell us what the witch did to make him worth so much.”
Urai smiled at the lord. “Ah yes. Well it's simple my friends. We all know that few youkai species have the ability to bear life through both genders. The witch that cast the spell has made it possible for Sesshoumaru to do the same.”
Several pairs of eyes widened, staring in disbelief at the lord.
“Impossible,” one of them voice after several long moments of nothing but silence, and Sesshoumaru's growls.
Urai smirked. “It's true, although it is quite unfortunate that I can not being breeding him straight away. The spell the witch cast requires at least ten years before it can fully settle in him. Though in this time it will give me ample time to break him of his will, and have him submit to me. I have already decided that mine will be the first he bears of course. I am more than willing to open him up to the rest of you once he has given me a sufficient number.”
“How do you know it is not just some elaborate lie to take your money, Urai?”
Urai smiled. “If it turns out to be so, the priest will die, and I will regain the money I spent to obtain him. It was a simple spell to cast over the money before it was delivered to the man. In any case, I still have the pleasure of having the son of Inu no Taisho as my personal play thing.”
He looked back to the still struggling animal trussed up for the taking. It was quite a sight for the lord to see. He was going to enjoy this.
Urai approached the still thrashing youkai, one hand reaching out to grab the tail flicking angrily behind the animal. He pulled harshly on it, receiving a loud yelp and a snarl from his irate pet. He could not help but smile down at Sesshoumaru as he stepped closer to him, his free hand reach down to caress his lower back just above his tail. He smirked when the animal snarled at him in response.
The lord lifted the tail up and out of the way. He was not in any way shy about his assets. In fact he was quite proud of himself. He was somewhat of an exhibitionist, and he could feel himself growing hard in the confines of his pants just thinking about sinking into the tight heat of the creature before him.
He forgot all about his guests as he sank to his knees behind the inu, releasing the tail to free himself from his pants. His engorged length throbbed as he lowered his pants enough to free himself. He grabbed the thrashing tail and jerked it roughly to the side.
Oh how he would make his little pet bleed. He would relish in the howls of pain as he took him. Violently. Urai fondled himself as he looked down at the puckered ring of muscles; spasming as the animal continued his thrashing to free himself. He removed his hand from himself to smack one of Sesshoumaru's thighs, briefly stilling the hind legs that had been kicking uselessly.
That brief pause was all he needed to grab himself, press the head of his erection against the hole and thrust in. The resounding howl of pain was like music to Urai's ears as he buried himself completely in that wonderful heat.
Sesshoumaru's thrashing increased as hands fisted in his fur, and something hard and thick began thrusting in and out of him. He could feel his inner muscles tearing, and he howled in pain as he tried in vain to get away from the pain. The fingers tightened in his fur, and thrusts came harder and faster.
The metal strips pressed into his chest and stomach as the bastard thrust into him, the one against his stomach slicing the top layers of his skin as he was pushed into it.
Sesshoumaru had no doubts that if he could, he would be crying in this form. The pain he felt was like nothing he had ever experienced before. he had never had the fear of being raped before. His father would have always been there to stop it from happening if he had been unable to protect himself. Now, however, he was at the mercy of another, and the fear of such a punishment grew within him the longer it went on.
He could feel the blood dripping from him to soak the fur around his abused hole. A place nothing should have ever gone in.
He could distantly hear the laughter surrounding them as his howls of pain sounded in the room. He could do little else but struggle and cry out as the bastard took him brutally hard. This was a trauma he knew he would carry with him for the rest of his life.
He had thought before that he could always fight against the master and only be beaten for his disobedience. He had never before believed that rape would be a punishment, and he was sure that the master knew he would accomplish his goal of breaking him. Perhaps not completely just yet, but Sesshoumaru knew what the bastard's goals were. He knew that the youkai wanted of him, and he found his youki wanting to submit. To be good and avoid such a cruel punishment.
For the first time in his life Sesshoumaru was scared. Completely and utterly terrified of what was going to become of his life. He had hoped his father would save him, but he knew now that his hope was for nothing. His father would never find him. He would be forced to remain as a slave for the rest of his miserable life, with the distant wish to kill himself and end the pain.
Hands threaded through his fur as the master continued thrusting into him, and he wondered how much longer it would last. He was not sure how much longer he could take the pain. He knew from the moment of penetration that he would never be the same. It was a harsh reality to suddenly have to face, and he did not know how to handle it.
“Such a good pet,” Urai cooed, pressing himself completely into his unwilling pet. The muscles clenching him spasmed as he thrust hard into the white inu. “I never imagined the son of an inu could be so deliciously tight. I could certainly get used to this.”
Sesshoumaru yelped when long nails dug into his flesh, the metal bar beneath his stomach cutting back into the flesh surrounding his penis. At least he could say for sure, he would never enjoy this. His mind already stepping into the idea that he would always be taken against his will. There were no doubts about that.
Urai groaned his pleasure, wishing the spell that had been cast upon his pet would not take so long to settle within him. He could not wait to see Sesshoumaru's body swell with pups. With the power his pets father possessed he had no doubts that any produced by his son would be strong as well. He would have ten years to increase his pet's strength before he was impregnated and his life as a breeding bitch officially began.
Of course it would also give him time to find out how long Sesshoumaru would carry the pups before he gave birth, and how often the inu would go into heat. He smirked at the idea, and thrust back into his still struggling pet.
Urai brushed his hands along Sesshoumaru's back, thrusting hard into the bleeding passage as his cock swelled. He could hold back no longer and came with a grunt, digging his fingers into Sesshoumaru's flesh and fur, nails piercing his skin.
Sesshoumaru shuddered at the feel of some foreign liquid entering his body, whimpering, whining, and howling in pain. At least it was over, but the fear remained.
His pained body slumped over the metal strips still digging into his flesh, and he yelped in pain when the bastard roughly pulled out of his still bleeding body. He did not pay attention to what he was doing, his mind only able to focus on the fear and the pain coursing through his body.
Urai smiled down at the abused flesh of his pets' ass, moving one of his hands to press against the torn muscles, earning a yelp of pain from his precious pet. He grinned and rose to his feet, tucking his flaccid penis back into his pants as he tugged them back up around his waist.
He turned to look at his guests, the smirk still evident on his lips. “What say we test my little pet now? See how willing he is to obey me.”
His guests nodded as Urai moved to take a seat at the end of the room on a slightly raised platform, barely inches above the floor. He signaled a waiting servant to release his pet from his bonds and the chain around his neck.
Sesshoumaru barely had the energy to even snap as the chain was removed around his neck, and the leather straps holding him down were removed. He lifted his head, and bared his teeth at the servant walking away from him. Without the straps to hold him in place his body slid from the evil contraption, and hit the floorboards with a dull thud. He just lay there on his side, panting heavily, and trying to deal with the pain still coursing through his body.
He wanted to ignore the voice. He wanted the evil bastard to just leave him the fuck alone. Let him suffer in his pain, but leave him alone.
“Come pet. I won't have you lying there on the floor like that. You're making me look bad.”
Sesshoumaru growled in response, but refused to lift his body from the floor.
“Sesshoumaru. Come.” The bastard was angry now. He did not care.
“I will punish you once more if you do not come to me.”
Sesshoumaru lifted his head from the floor for a moment before he let it drop back down, and forced his body to move. He gritted his teeth through the pain as he rolled himself enough to get his legs to help push him to his feet. It was hard to move, but he managed to slowly push himself up to his feet, body swaying horribly as he tried to get through the pain.
“Come, Sesshoumaru.”
The fear of being raped again was what made Sesshoumaru move. The fear of more pain like he felt now had him walking to the man he was forced to recognize as his master. He kept his head lowered, ears pressed hard against his skull, and tail hanging down between his legs as he staggered towards his master.
“Up here pet.”
Sesshoumaru had paused at the edge of the platform, unsure if he could pull himself up those few inches to complete the journey to his master. He whimpered as his body jerked to the side, sending another jolt of pain through his hindquarters.
Slowly Sesshoumaru forced himself to lift his front legs up, placing them up on the platform before he pulled himself forward, back legs moving through the pain to get himself up.
Urai could not help but smile, and beckoned his lovely pet closer.
“Come, my pet. Lay here beside me.”
Sesshoumaru did little to resist, and did as he was bid, his body slumping to the ground beside his master, mouth open as he panted heavily. He shuddered as he felt fingers toying with his ears, his head lifted from the floor to rest on Urai's thigh.
“I knew this was the best choice.”
Laughter echoed in response.
“I can't wait to taste him as well,” one of the lords spoke, eying the punished pet.
Urai smirked in response. “Ah yes. I'm afraid you'll have to wait though. I do not want any others to have a taste of him until he carries my pups inside his body. I would rather ensure he will have them, before I let someone else have a taste. I assure you though his body is quite wonderful. I may just have to make this a regular activity.”
Sesshoumaru groaned in response, pulling his head off of Urai's thigh, and wanting to curl into the smallest ball possible. He flinched as the top of his head was smacked, and pulled back up onto the master's thigh. He let it remain there.
He shuddered as the fingers stroked his head.
Sesshoumaru wanted to kill himself. He would do anything to end the pain and the fear. He could not live like this. He would find a way.
If he could not be saved then his only choice was death.
Inuyasha growled at the human, wishing his Father would let him at the man. Finding the priest had been incredibly simple, but he attributed it to the stupidity of humans. It was common knowledge that the mortals were not known for their intelligence. It was painfully obvious even now.
“Who has my son?” Touga demanded, claws digging into the humans' throat as he held him inches above the ground.
The priest gasped painfully, blunted fingernails clawing desperately at the hand around his throat for release. He could give no answer even if he wanted to. Not with the lack of air he was experiencing.
Touga bared his fangs at the human, and shook the man roughly. “Who has my son?!”
The priest just stared back at him, eyes wide in fear. “Won't. Tell,” he managed to gasp out between heavy breaths.
Touga snarled, and threw the man roughly away from him, satisfied when he heard a distinct crack as the man's back slammed into a tree. He did not stop his son as Inuyasha stalked over to the priest, crouching down before him.
Inuyasha lifted his hands, flexing his fingers, and cracking his knuckles at the same time. “Where's my brother?”
Both he and his father were surprised by the eerie calmness in his voice, but it sent a chill down the priest's spine.
He just stared wide-eyed at the white haired youkai in fear. He knew. In that moment he knew he had made the biggest mistake of his life. Not only had he crossed an inu youkai family, but also he crossed the most powerful inu youkai in all of Japan. He was most definitely fucked. He would not live to see the end of the day. Of that he had no doubts.
If one thing was for sure it was at least that he knew he would not reveal the name of the youkai that had purchased Sesshoumaru. He would take it with him to his grave.
“I won't ask again,” Inuyasha said, voice trembling with suppressed rage. “Where. Is. My Brother.”
“I don't know,” he finally answered at last. It was true, however. He had no idea where the damned inu had been taken, and he did not care either way. His death was fast approaching as it was.
Inuyasha's gaze darkened. “Fine. Who has my brother.”
The priest shook his head. He was not going to tell. he had already decided that.
The priest only shook his head once more.
Inuyasha snared in anger, and before anyone could relax his claws were digging into the priest's shoulder, claws ripping and tearing through bone and muscle before he completely ripped the limb from its socket.
The priest screeched at the sudden loss of his limb, and the immense pain shooting through the area. Oh gods. He was going to be dismembered before they killed him. They were going to torture him until he died.
Inuyasha wrapped his hand around the bleeding limb, and slammed the now useless hand against the priests' face before he tossed the thing away from him.
“Who has my brother?”
The priest vehemently shook his head from side to side, denying them the answer to the question demanded of him.
His eyes widened when claws began slicing away his robes, not even registering that the other youkai was approaching him with something. He only realized what was happening when he felt the sudden searing pain where his left arm had once been attached. They were burning the wound closed. Prolonging his death, and preventing him from bleeding to death.
He barely realized he was completely exposed to the world as the heat was replied several times, cauterizing the wound completely. When it was pulled away only then did he feel the cold wind against his naked flesh, and the claws tracing along his thigh, dangerously close to his groin.
“You have done my family an injustice,” Touga spoke from behind his son. “You dared to enslave my eldest son, and even now you refuse to answer me and tell my youngest son who holds his brother captive. Surely you must realize that you will burn in hell for your sins.”
The priest lifted his head to look at the taiyoukai, barely registering his words through the pain coursing through his body.
“Tell us who has my son, human, and your death will be a painless one. If you do not you will be tortured until you tell us, and die a death of which the likes you could never have imagined.”
“You'll never find him,” the priest spat when his senses partially returned to him.
Both of the youkai growled at him, and the priest found himself being lifted from the ground where he lay against the tree. He gasped for air as he was dragged away from the place they had cornered crying out in pain when he was suddenly tossed into a wooden crate.
“You treat my son as an animal, and so shall you be treated in kind. Until you tell us who has my eldest son you will be tortured every day. You will be confined in the dungeons to the smallest cell available, and you will live in your own filth,” Touga said as the crate was sealed on one side with round, wooden bars.
“You should have known that when you play with fire it will eventually consume you. Those you conspired with will be found in due time, and those that aided in enslaving my son will be tortured just as you will be.”
The priest could only stare vacantly at him as he sealed inside the box, his body cramping from the small confines of it. They would never find the bastard. He was sure of it.
“I beg your forgiveness, my lord,” the voice of a woman said behind Touga as he watched the cart pull away from he and his son. Both turned to look at the woman bowing before them, and frowned.
“Who are you?” Touga demanded of her, eying his son and giving him a look that clearly said for the younger youkai to leave them. Reluctantly Inuyasha left his father's side.
“I am called Amitafu, my lord. I must beg you forgiveness for I have committed a sin I wish had never happened.”
Touga's frown deepened. “What are you saying?”
“You must understand, my lord. They threatened the life of my son. He is all I have left since the murder of my husband. It goes against everything I stand for, but I could not lose him. I am deeply sorry for what I have done. I despise myself for participating in the man's schemes, even against my will.”
His gaze darkened as the woman spoke. “What have you done?”
“He ordered me to alter your son.”
Touga's eyes widened. “What?” he asked slowly.
“I never wished to be a part of it, and I wished I had more power to free your son instead of cursing him as I was forced to do.”
“What did you do to my son? What have you done to Sesshoumaru?”
“Forgive me my lord. He forced me to alter your son in such a way that like so few other youkai species that as a male he could bear life.”
Touga stared silently at her, mouth threatening to drop in horror at the idea of his son being forced into such a position.
“I never wished it! I swear I would never mean a family such as yours, harm in any way, but I had no choice, my lord! You must understand! I never wished it, but I could not let them take my son from me! I'm sorry my lord! I'm so sorry!”
“You have committed a most grievous offense to my family, Amitafu. Be prepared to pay for your sin.”
“Yes, my lord,” she replied softly, sadly. “Anything you will, my lord, but one request. I beg of you. Harm not my most precious treasure. Please place no blame upon my son.”
Touga frowned. He could understand the woman's desire to protect her son from such filth as that priest, and he knew he could not execute her. He surely would have done the same had he been in her place.
“I find it not within my power to do to you as I had originally planned. Instead I have another solution.”
Amitafu looked up at the great lord. “Whatever you wish shall be done.”
Touga nodded slightly. “You shall be in the service of my house until the day my eldest son is returned to us. Both you and your son.”
Amitafu nodded quickly. She had no choice, but it was better than death.
“Be prepared tomorrow at sunrise. You will be escorted to my home with that human filth, and the rest who conspired against my family. Those who took my son from me will be punished accordingly, but I find that a witch such as you may have some use.”
“Yes, my lord. Anything you wish I shall do so long as it is within my power. I can not atone for the crime I have committed against you and your son, but I swear to you on my life I will do more than you ask of me.”
Touga nodded slightly, and turned away from her to summon one of his guards to go with her and ensure the woman did not flee. He sensed no lies from her, but he knew now more than ever that humans were not to be trusted. Few had ever earned his wrath as the priest had done, and he could not wait to hear the man beg for mercy.
Perhaps when they returned home he would let Inuyasha have another go at the man before they turned him over to keepers to be tortured.
They would find his Sesshoumaru.
He knew they would.
Chapter word count: 7,795
Story word count: 49,353