InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When darkness falls ❯ Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm back with a new story. I know what your thinking, well actually I don't, but anyways, I myself wonder why I haven't finished my other story, well don't fear I shall, kayies, just wait and read this one!

Disclaimer: I don't and won't @_@, I can dream through

Summary: Kagome never believe in vampires, Inuyasha never thought humans were any good for anything but food. Kagome being innocent and Inuyasha being tainted in darkness, who would have thought these two, would meet. But in the mist of all the craziness Kagome learns that in the darkness nothing's safe.


Rated: R

When Darkness Falls

Chapter 1: Kagome


Kagome couldn't believe it, she was mad.

No she was beyond mad.

She was mad to the limit of madness that this world was created from.

All because of her parents, no it wasn't just her parents it was everyone.

Her parents treated her like a child. Her personal maid didn't know if she wanted to quit or not, and the servants who she knew nothing about were leaving like new born spiders.

Why her home?

Why her?

Why today?

And you ask, what about her, what the hell does this have to do with her? Well today was her birthday. Not only that, but it was her 17 birthday. Her parents, decided to give her a birthday party.

This totally sucked, because it was thrown by, duh, Parents.

Than to make matters worst, she was given the gayest present, a gift card, to the gayest place, the movies.

Who the hell makes a gift card for the movies?

Some lame person that's who.

But all she did was smile; toss her midnight bluish hair over her shoulder and say:

"Mommy and Daddy, I think I'll go use this card right now."

Than hug both her parents and skipped off.

Every so often turning around to smile at her parents to show how happy she was until she turned the corner.


Yea right.

So that was why she was here, dragging her knuckles along the brick walls, she made her way to the movies as she had told her parents.

But who the hell does things that they say with a cheesy smile.

The world may never know.

Hell she bet the higher power didn't even know.

But whatever the higher power did know, it wasn't important right now.

What was important was that Kagome's birthday sucked.

So she made her way to her boyfriend, Hojo's house.

The dick-head knew nothing. If you gave him an inch, he would go a mile. Though he acted innocent around her parents, Hojo was party and sex animal, always putting the moves on Kagome, Poor little Kagome.

Or maybe it would be better to say rich little Kagome.

She turned the corner and step towards the door ready to knock. She raised her hand, and as it started to fall towards the door, she stopped herself.

Why you ask?

She thought of something better to do.

Why go to Hojo's when she could walk around town and live the night life.

Her parents weren't expecting her back again for about two or three hours. Than she would become her usual sweet little Kagome darling act that everyone loved.

The Kagome act that anyone else, but Kagome, would literally kill to have. She shook her head and walked off Hojo's doorstep and away from his door.

She turned the next corner and disappears in to the street. The streets that was crowded with lots of people. Poor people, rich people, in-between people. Who knew Kagome just knew she was going to club.

She walked to the nearest bar. One of those hotel bars that don't card and let you get a drink and a smoke without a word on their part.

"Rolltisaroll, huh" she said, looking at the name of the hotel. You know the hotel that just has to be noticed all the time, so it gets those flashy lights that could blind someone if you looked to long.

You know the one.

Well Kagome was looking at one right now.

She walked into the revolving door, and if she wasn't older she would have run around in it for a couple of minutes.

But you must remember she was older.

So she walked right through. She turned around to see who would walk in after her and saw a red head walk in checking her out. She flashed him a smile and he grin back. Slowly he approached her and Kagome smile even wider.

Because you see Kagome wasn't sluttish. No she's far from it. Kagome just believes in the art of having another man buy her drinks.

Why waste your money on pink cosmos, when someone else can.

Kagome smile toned down when he asked if he could buy her a drink. She nodded her head and let him lead her to a dark corner that looked like it had seen better days. She sat down while he got up and got their drinks. Kagome took out her cell phone and play a couple of games and waited until he came back. When he did she put her phone up and grinned as he handed her a drink.

He sipped on his sake as she put her drink down for a minute. She glanced at him and notices he was waiting for her to drink hers.

Rule 1: If a guy is waiting for you to take a sip from your drink anxiously, than he probably put something in it.

She picked it up and acted like she took a sip and put it back down.

She watches him breathe a sigh and smile softly.

Rule 2: If he seems happy that you take a sip from your drink than he most likely put something in it.

Kagome grinned back and relaxed a little. He made small talk and asked her name and age Of course Kagome lied and gave him false information. What makes you think Kagome would tell him a complete stranger the truth about her?

You don't know Kagome.

So that's why I'm here to tell you.

She listen to him as he droned on and on about his degree in science and how he was 22. His name was Kenshin and he was in some kendo club at his school. Kagome would nod her head and would widen her eyes at the `amazing' parts.

At some point she had taken a sip from her pink cosmos. Maybe it was from boredom, or she was thirsty, but the next thing she knew she was thirsty again.

Just for effort she was again, and again, and again.

Until finally she could hardly keep her eyes open. Kenshin's eyes got bigger with every sip she took. He finally stopped talking when she dropped her head on the table.

He smiled for some odd reason in Kagome's mind.

She smiled back.

He said something to her.

She nodded her head to indicate yes.

He picked her up and pulled her outside.

Kagome for some reason agree to the whole thing.

She vaguely felt a hand on her butt and knew something was wrong.

She didn't have the strength or sense to stop it through.

But she knew something was wrong.

A/N: Don't ya just love hanging off cliffs???

Thanks for reading.

Now you know the drill the good old reviews!