InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ Was she insane? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Corner Thingy:
Well here we are! An actual fanfic by moi! ^^; We'll see how this goes. I've been trying to do a Canon Universe one but it's taking longer than expected and I don't really like to start posting a story unless I have the whole thing finished, or a good half. ^^ But this AU just kind screamed to be made. I don't expect this to be more than 10 Chapters. I'll be surprised if it ends up more than 5.
Huge thanks to my editor Catherine! ^_^ She puts up with me and my butchering of the English language! :O
Disclaimer: Oh yeah, I don't own Inuyasha. T_T I so wish I did. Cause then it would be Sess/Kag galore! ~(^.^~) (~^.^)~
I messed up again when I tried
You spend all your money and I...
Kagome blew on the steam emitting from her warm cup of coffee. She took a small sip from her favorite house blend as her eyes darted to the digital clock. 3:55 a.m illuminated in bright green letters mocked her as she continued her way to Kofu from Tokyo.

Kagome pressed a button on her side door and the tinted glass window slid down silently, a cool breeze flew along her face as she tried her hardest to remain awake. The road was deserted and horribly dark; every half kilometer a street lamp lighted her way.

Taking note of the sign that passed just above her, she assumed she was only 15 minutes away from her destination.
She turned up her radio as some random new star in Tokyo blared through the speakers, trying to keep her alert during such an early hour. The words slurred once they reached her ears, she wasn't exactly focused at the moment.

The young woman began to question her actions. Was she insane? What in gods name caused her to leave the comfort of her home to come here? Oh yes, it was him…


Ebony hair tussled on the sheets as a figure made a reach for a cell phone that was presently emitting the Darth Vader theme. A soft feminine hand grabbed the cell phone and flipped it open then proceeded to push it onto an equally feminine ear.

“Eeh, Moshi-moshi,”


The owner of the hair shifted to sit up quickly in her bed, her eyes wide as a chilling voice flowed into her ear.

“Sesshou, as flattered as I am that you are calling me at,” She looked to her bedside clock, “3 in the morning, don't you have someone else to bug?”

“Kagome, I need you to come to Kofu,”

His voice was a forced monotone, what was happening in Kofu that even she could realize he was trying to keep his cool. What was in Kofu? Kagome's eyes trailed along the wooden floor just as a word lit up in bright letters in her mind, `His Father!'

“Sesshoumaru I'm on my way,”

“Arigato Kagome,”

Thank you, he said thank you! Kagome quickly snapped the phone shut, something was definitely wrong for the cold man that she was once married to, to say thank you to her.

Quickly, Kagome threw on a pair of her worn jeans, a random bra from her dresser and a plain blue shirt. Shoving her cell phone in the tight pants pocket, she began to pad through the house as silently as she could, making sure not to wake her children or her elderly mother.

Kagome lived with her mother at the family owned shrine. Six years ago her Jii-chan passed away; a day after Sesshoumaru and Kagome's wedding that was held at the shrine and none the less preformed by Jii-chan.

Kagome quickly wrote down a note for her mother and pinned it to the refrigerator door.

`Mom, emergency with a friend came up; please take the children to day care around 9.
Love, Kags

She made her way to her children's shared room and looked inside to see a bed with pink sheets on the left side of the room; it held a small black haired girl sleeping peacefully. Seeing her daughter, reminded her of herself in the same pink colored sheets that she had once had in her childhood. Kagome then turned her head to the right of the room and saw a bed with blue sheets that held an equally, deep in sleep, red headed boy.

She smiled softly and began to pull her hair up into a loose pony tail as she continued the rest of the way out of the house.

Obviously the children weren't her own; during her college years Sesshoumaru and her decided to adopt not even a year after their marriage, it took a year and a half however to finalize the paper work. In the end, they adopted a little girl named Rin and a young boy by the name of Shippou. It wasn't that Kagome couldn't provide a child of her own, it was just that from a very young age she had wanted to adopt at least one child before she brought another one into the world.

Shippou shinned in Kagome's eyes while Rin in Sesshoumaru's, after much deliberation between the too adults they settled on adopting both.

Kagome slipped on her white Dockers and grabbed her car keys; she made her way down the shrine steps to her car, clicking her car alarm off and unlocking the car doors in the process. The headlights flashed once to alert her of the open doors. Kagome took her cell phone and speed dialed her work as she opened the driver door.

“National Children's Hospital, this is Ritsu how may I help you?”

“Ritsu, its Kagome. Listen there's been a family emergency I won't be able to make it to work tomorrow. Call Miroku, tell him I'm calling him out on a favor to work for me.”

“Yes Ms. Higurashi!”

“Thank You Ritsu.”

“I hope all is well with your family Ms. Higurashi!”

“Hn, yes, good-bye.”



Kag ome neared a rather large piece of land that was gated in, she pulled up to a keypad and pressed in the numbers just as she remembered them even without being there for 2 years. As the gates opened the moon's ivory glory illuminated the lush green surroundings of the estate, seemingly shinning brighter against the large house Kagome was driving towards. With a sigh of relief Kagome parked her car behind Sesshoumaru's; thankfully it had been here instead of in the hospital.

She turned the car off and stared at the steering wheel, what was she doing? She hadn't seen him for 2 years and with one phone call with him sounding desperate she was flying her way to see him. Kagome rested her head on the steering wheel and closed her eyes and took in a deep breath trying to calm her fried nerves.

“Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.”

She chanted to herself over and over, oblivious of the man standing outside the car door. He tapped gently on the tinted window she had rolled down and back up before. She screamed and jumped back a bit, looking at the intruder she recognized him instantly with his white dog ears adorned on top of his head, his lazily buttoned white dress shirt and wrinkled black dress pants. He stepped back as Kagome opened the door and shoved her car keys in her pocket.



Inuyasha rushed and held her close to him, his back shaking lightly. Kagome was shocked to say the least, though he was always much more emotional and expressive than his brother, he never really was much for hugging. Inuyasha and she were old college buddies whom lost touch not long after she divorced his half-brother. She heard his soft whimper as he tightened his hold on her.

“He's dying Kagome,” Inuyasha breathed in deeply, attempting to calm himself down, “Father is dying.”

Inuyasha pulled away, but held onto Kagome's shoulders and stared into her brown orbs.

“He called you?”

Kagome froze at the mention of him, and it suddenly hit her who he was.

He was the man, no youkai who broke her heart. He was the youkai who left her and their children for some unspoken reason. He was the one who she spent 2 years getting over. He was the one she wanted to spend eternity with. He was the one who was presently glaring daggers at his hanyou half-brother who was still touching Kagome.

“Yes he did,” Kagome looked at Inuyasha as the tall-tell hairs on the back of her neck raised. She knew what that meant; she always knew what that meant.

Kagome turned around to face the former mentioned youkai and instantly felt the tears that stung her eyes. His silver hair blowing gently across his angelic face, his sun-kissed eyes staring at her with the intensity she only knew him to have. She had to remind herself to breathe as he began to take steps closer to her, his steps barely making a noise, he was always so graceful.

“We brought him home from the hospital after I called you,” He stopped less than a foot away from her, his masculine scent invading her, as her peony scent invaded him, bringing back memories of a happier time in his plain existence. “He wished to die in his bed,”

“An honorable thing, very much like him,” Kagome spoke softly, her throat drying up with every second that passed. She looked from his gaze up to the house, she wasn't ready for this; even 2 years of consoling and she was still not ready to face him.

Sesshoumaru did something that surprised not only himself, but Kagome and Inuyasha who was moving to go inside to give them privacy. His large frame enveloped hers onto him. His face bent into her neck as he inhaled her heavenly scent, the very scent that haunted him late in the night.

Kagome froze into his embrace, it felt so foreign, so strange, but so very familiar. She turned her head up to look into his eyes, and gasped as she found anguish and remorse dancing lividly within them.

“I have missed you,” He spoke barely a whisper but Kagome heard it. What happened to him? What has made him so responsive over these two years? What happened to the man she fell in love with in College?

Sesshoumaru pulled away from her and began to walk into the house with Kagome behind him.

“He's asked to see you,”

Well there you have it Chapter 1! ^^ Please let me know if you enjoy it so I know if I should post the rest of the chapters! =3