InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Everything Falls Apart ❯ She was undeniably his. ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author Note Thingy: Oh man Noacat I love you, you pointed something rather important out to me I never even realized I put oral orifice must put that way for the smut haha. Yeahs… sadly I rushed 8 out and I need to desperately go back and edit it. ^_^ Thank you for your advice, leave your e-mail so we can `shoot the shit' as you put.
So this took way too long to come out and I'll tell you why the lemon a bit down here I swear to god, the one for Inside Of You just kind of slipped from my mind, er finger tips? But this one, I had to go away from it for two months come back and during writing it had to get up, walk away smoke a cigarette and come back. I was trying SO hard to make it a loving scene but man typing making love and actually making love is hard to do.
And let's hope at this two months later mark I'm going to get it done, I already got a few e-mails about updating the story.
I hope it came out alright, I'd love some feedback.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Haha okays to the first person that knows what these lyrics under this is from they get….happiness?
I believe when I fall in love with you
It will be forever
I believe when I fall in love this time
It will be forever
Without despair we will share
And the joy of caring will not be erased
What has been must never end
And with the strength we have wont be erased
Kagome hummed softly, her body swaying as she swept the autumn leaves along the stone pavement of the shrine. Her head turned up as she stopped sweeping, the sun appearing as the clouds moved along the sky, she placed her hand above her squinted eyes and smiled at the sound of birds chirping. The bright rays of the sun brought a memory within Kagome's mind, she briefly closed her eyes as her head turned down, passionate yellow irises invaded her mind and she blushed lightly, pulling the broom to her body.
Sesshoumaru sat a few yards away upon the Main House porch since his return from an unavoidable business meeting; he could not help the small smirk that tugged at his lips as the wind brought him her heavenly scent. Every part of her was mesmerizing and undeniably beautiful, the way her small hands gripped the broom, her black tresses that gently flew back and forth with the breeze, even the way her eyelashes fluttered along her cheeks, it was all enthralling and undeniably…
“Mine,” his voice barely a whisper that went unnoticed by Kagome as she returned to her duty of cleaning the leaves off of the main walking area of the shrine. The sky was slowly turning darker signaling that evening was creeping along as the minutes passed. Directing his head towards the main shrine doors his keen sense of smell detected neither his son nor Kagome's friend.
“Kagome,” he spoke up, turning his head back towards Kagome, she paused and turned to face him at the same moment, smiling brightly at the youkai. Sesshoumaru's breath hitched in his throat, she was as always stunning, and even now knowing her for 10 years she still held the ability to leave him breathless, a feet no woman demon or human ever had the capability of doing.
“Hai?” Sesshoumaru's body finally let the air lodge within his trachea escape at her voice.
“Where are Shippou and Sango?” Kagome's smile brightened once more and Sesshoumaru found it hard to ignore the fluttering feeling in his stomach cause by the affectionate smile directed towards him.
“Sango took Shippou to go visit Kohaku and maybe see a movie, they left before you returned from your business meeting earlier,” Kagome brushed the last of the leaves off and began to walk towards Sesshoumaru.
“Sesshoumaru, where's Inuyasha? Did he already leave after,” Kagome paused, would saying her name always be this hard?
“Rin's funeral,” she finished but felt the pain gripping her heart.
“Hmm, it appears I failed to inform you that Inuyasha due to emergencies with the company, their current merger backed out last moment. He has been bombarded with paperwork to account for the actions to be taken as a replacement for the company he was required to leave immediately,” Kagome nodded her head, a sad smile playing upon her lips and a slight twang of jealousy sprouted within Sesshoumaru. Would she smile in such a way and miss him as much if he was to leave? He knew the answer, she fell apart when he left her, however to move away from her would it do much more damage? Of course he would never move, at least not without her and Shippou, however he could not help the jealousy that bubbled within.
“Would you prefer his company over mine?” Sesshoumaru growled softly at letting the emotion evoke such a reaction from him, certainty Kagome would call him childish, which was exactly how he was behaving.
“Sesshoumaru, I'm pretty sure we covered the jealousy over my friendship to Inuyasha years ago,” Kagome placed her hands upon his cheeks, bending his head up towards her as she held a foot or two above him from standing. Lowering her head to his until their foreheads rested against each other, they watched the emotions flicker across each other's irises, Kagome's soft fingers began to caress his cheeks lovingly in turn Sesshoumaru growled softly in content.
“Silly youkai, there's no one I'd rather be with than you even if you can be insufferable, stubborn, jealous, narrow minded-” Sesshoumaru growled a bit more aggressive at her rant and she giggled softly, once more Sesshoumaru felt fluttering within his stomach at her melodic laughter.
“If you feel that way about me, perhaps I should find another?” Kagome snorted while stepping back from him she covered her mouth attempting to hide her fit of giggles.
“And what is so amusing, I could be serious,” Sesshoumaru's eyebrow rose at her once she calmed down.
“As if anyone but me could tolerate you,” Sesshoumaru sat there glaring at her however it was true, what other woman would put up with his constant `bullshit' as Kagome so lovely called it once. It wasn't honestly bullshit, he had quirks and pet peeves, along with numerous expectations of his mate and Kagome seemed to never struggle to meet them in fact it was as if those expectations fit to who she was exactly. A smug smirk grew upon Sesshoumaru's face, it seemed like Kagome was made for him.
Quickly Sesshoumaru pulled Kagome back toward him, resting his head just below her breasts, his arms wrapping around her tightly. A soft sigh escaped her lips as one of her arms laid along his back, trailing her fingers through his hair with her other hand. Sesshoumaru nuzzled his face deeper into her enjoying her pleasant before the rain smell that encased around him. Kagome was his drug, undeniably his greatest addiction, one he honestly never gave up.
It was unbelievable at times how much he cared for her, how much he needed her within his life. After he spent so many centuries content with being alone, then suddenly some ningen comes along and shakes everything up making his life unstable without her. `Pathetic' he could see his past demeanor saying to him. Indeed it was pathetic to some however to Sesshoumaru it was ideal, and just what he needed.
“Mou, Sesshoumaru as much as I enjoy being clung to, maybe we should go inside?” Sesshoumaru turned his head up, enjoying the view of her face between her breasts, a sly smirk played along his lips. Kagome attempted to pull away and his grip tightened once more, however loosened once she stopped pulling.
“You allow Shippou to cling to you,”
“Hai, but Shippou is a child,” Sesshoumaru tightened his hold as she tried to pull from him once more, sighing in defeat Kagome let her arms drop to her sides, closing his eyes Sesshoumaru enjoyed the position once more.
“Hn,” His eyes opened and looked at her, Kagome looked away a small blush spreading along her cheeks.
“Would you like to stay the night?” her voice was but a whisper but Sesshoumaru caught the words with his youkai hearing. He held still, listening to Kagome's heart beat quicken as he delayed his answer. To sleep in the same bed with her would be heaven for him, to see her when he awoke would be utopia for him once more.
“Hai, However Sango is in the guest room so where would you have me sleep?” He would not assume she would allow him in her bed once more, so quickly so Sesshoumaru played his cool and doing something he had done but once or twice he hoped for Kagome to speak the words he wanted to hear.
“Oh,” her blush became darker, spreading over the rest of her face.
“I um, thought you could…” she trailed off and looked down at him, smiling softly.
“It was a stupid idea, you should go back to the hotel to-” Sesshoumaru growled, she would not say it, too shy? He had seen her naked numerous times, caused her to scream out his name more times than he could count and yet she couldn't ask him to sleep in the same bed with her once again?
“I will sleep in your bed with you tonight,” Sesshoumaru spoke firmly, letting go of Kagome and rising from his position, his frame looming over her, however as he rose Kagome's eyes stayed downcast.
“Hm, Okay!” Kagome's head turned up quickly, her bright smile encasing her whole face as her eyes shined with joy.
A polyphonic melody emitted from inside the main house and Kagome scrambled her way towards the door to get to her cell phone in time. Sesshoumaru watched in amusement as she clumsily made her way, she always provided the best entertainment.
Kagome flipped the phone open and quickly answered the phone.
“Moshi-moshi!” Kagome spoke cheerfully into the receiver.
“Oh Sango! Are you two going to be home for dinner?” Sesshoumaru silently entered the house, sliding the door shut behind him.
*Well actually I was wondering if you wouldn't mind us staying the night here, I could bring Shippou back though, then I could head back to Kohaku's*
Kagome gasped softly as Sesshoumaru's arms wrapped around her from behind, nuzzling his face into her hair inhaling her scent, his beat growled with content at the familiar scent.
“Let them both stay the night,” Sesshoumaru spoke, his chest rumbling with his content growl as she relaxed into his embrace.
“Well Sango you both could, that is if Kohaku wouldn't mind, because I'd really worry for you to travel all the way back there by yourself at night,”
*Alright!* Kagome could hear Shippou cheering the background and smiled, Shippou did enjoy Kohaku's plethora of gaming consoles.
“Just be back before 6 tomorrow, that's dinner time!” Kagome's voice carried her smile.
*Hai! See you tomorrow! Say bye to your mom Shippou*
*Bye mommy!*
“Bye sweetie,” Kagome flipped the phone shut once she heard the beep of the call ending.
“It would appear I have you to myself tonight,” Sesshoumaru spoke seductively; Kagome gasped her mind already filling with images of Sesshoumaru and herself in rather intimate situations.
“H-hai,” she spoke out meekly and Sesshoumaru chuckled softly at her bashfulness.
“Come now, I have seen you naked numerous times,” his fingers trailed along her stomach, Kagome shuddering in reaction. He bent his head down towards her neck and began to gently kiss along her pulse, his beast howled in remorse at the lack of mark upon her body. Sesshoumaru could not help himself by agreeing to his beasts feelings, his beautiful Kagome needed to bare his mark once more, to show to the world she was his, his menstruations along her neck stopped as he growled softly and she would remain his this time.
“Sesshoumaru,” Kagome somehow managed to maneuver herself out of his grip, turning to face him.
“Let's see what's on T.V., hai?” Sesshoumaru smirked at her nervous behavior at his physical attention towards her; his delicate ningen was so easily brought to distraught, giving a curt nod Kagome quickly walked to one of the couches, letting herself indulge in television.
“So you think they're going to do it since you're not there?” Kohaku laughed at Sango's look on her face at his question.
“In all honesty I'd rather not think about my best friend getting some while I'm not,” Kohaku choked on his drink.
“MAN! I did not need to know that about you!” Sango laughed whole heartedly at her brother's disgust of the subject.
Kagome yawned softly as she stretched out, her hands brushing against Sesshoumaru's face from her spot in his lap. Sesshoumaru's hands wrapped protectively around her abdomen from behind, Kagome's hands descending down to lay on top of his, she turned her head back towards him and smiled, Sesshoumaru's eyes flashing some unreadable emotion at her smile. Kagome knew however, that emotion was for her, that was how it had always been, she could read him where others couldn't she saw past his façade.
Sesshoumaru's face bent down, Kagome's head lifting towards his as their lips met in an innocent kiss; however the kiss turned passionate as Sesshoumaru's fangs gently nibbled on her bottom lip causing Kagome's mouth to open in acceptance of his passion. His claws gently trailed along her stomach, Kagome's hands reaching behind her to grip his head gently, his hair wrapping around her fingers. Sesshoumaru's hands came up and gently cupped her breasts, his thumb and pointer finger gently pinching her erect nipples.
Kagome pulled her mouth from his and gasped out his name softly, Sesshoumaru growled in response, within a flash Sesshoumaru had them both standing up, holding Kagome bridal style, taking her quickly up the stairs.
Just as Sesshoumaru set Kagome down she backed off and began to take off the miko garb she had never discarded, had she let him take it off her the outfit would end up in shards and her mother would nearly die, they were not cheap outfits and Sesshoumaru had destroyed one once before. Sesshoumaru watched in fascination as Kagome undressed before him, he smirked slightly, in a hurry as well.
He growled softly as the clothes pooled along the floor showing herself to his passionate gaze, her breast were confined in a simple white bra, and a pair of white underwear to match, without a further thought Sesshoumaru had Kagome against the bedroom wall devouring her mouth without a rational thought.
After he succeeded in leaving Kagome dizzy and aroused with his kiss his lips trailed down her jaw, licking and lightly biting her skin, causing Kagome to moan and mewl in delight. He used his left hand to hold her wrists up against the wall above her head while his other hand gently caressed her cheek; he pulled his head back and looked at his goddess.
“Sesshoumaru,” she called out so softly, he growled at her his eyes tinting pink as she wrapped one of her legs around him, pulling his body closer to her. She didn't care if perhaps this was moving fast; she needed to feel and the way Sesshoumaru was touching her ignited her blood sending her into a haze of need.
He hissed as she pressed herself even more against him, his hand letting go of her wrists causing her hands to rush to holding his head, pulling his lips back down to hers. His hands rested along her waist, crawling along her skin leaving her quivering in their wake, he quickly sliced her bra apart from the center piece. He pulled his lips from hers to watch her breasts bounce free from their restraint; a barely noticeable groan escaped his lips. He began to kiss and periodically bite the junction between her neck and shoulder as his hands cupped her full breasts, gently pulling at her nipples which erupted moans from Kagome.
His lips trailed back up towards her face, gently kissing the small cuts that remained from the wreck, Kagome gasped softly, her fingers gently caressing his scalp.
“Kagome,” his voice was strained, his hands momentarily stopping their menstruations upon her body. He wished to be gently and slow with her this time, to prove his love for her.
“Hai?” Kagome called out in a haze.
“I need you,” his nostrils flared as the scent of her arousal strengthened at his words.
“Hai,” her voice was sultry and low. Sesshoumaru's hands gripped Kagome's bottom, pulling her up and against him while Kagome's other leg wrapped around him. He made his way to the bed, once he felt the bed hit his knees he gently moved down, laying Kagome upon the bed. He looked down at her admiring the way her hair fanned out around her and the soft blush along her cheeks; he bent down toward her, his body hovering over hers, their lips barely touching.
His hands rested at the sides of her face, he dipped his head, taking her breath away with his kisses, her hands reached up around his neck, pulling him closer to her, trying to mold them into one. Sesshoumaru leveled himself onto the bed with his knees, his hands wandering along her stomach, moving up to cup her breasts gently. Becoming venturous, Kagome began to pull his shirt up from behind, bunching up the fabric behind his head, taking a hint Sesshoumaru reluctantly pulled his lips from hers to dispose of his shirt. Her hands ran down his muscular chest, enjoying the twitches and ripple his body made from her touch, her fingers hooked between the waistband of his pants and his lower abdomen; she looked up at him shyly and smiled.
Sesshoumaru groaned a bit louder than the first time at her innocent smile, her hands quickly unbuckled his belt, and unbuttoned his pants just as he dipped down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. She gasped, her hands freezing as her body enjoyed the feelings he stirred within her it had been so long, losing her control her hands trailed to his lower back, her fingers dancing along his back as he continued his suckling of her nipple while his hand massaged its counterpart.
Sesshoumaru smirked against her breast in triumph of distracting her, leaving her in pleasure. His attention trailed down her stomach, his tongue swirling around her navel before coming to his destination. With a weak tug her pristine white underwear fell to their demise by his claws, Kagome looked down at him in mild irritancy what was his enjoyment with destroying her clothes? However her mind once again fell into a haze as his hand cupped her gently, his middle finger slipping within her moist folds. Sesshoumaru growled as he felt his palm become slightly damp and the smell of her arousal encasing him entirely. As his mouth descended upon Kagome's treasure he became painfully aware of the ache within his half way off pants, and as her divine taste touched his tongue he felt his well kept control drop a few more notches from the need to have her.
Sesshoumaru gently pushed his fingers within her and pulled out, as his tongue assaulted her clit, leaving Kagome bucking and moaning against his menstruation. His fingers moved tortuously slow as his tongue gently ran circles around her clit, Kagome's small nails digging into his back.
“More, please Sesshoumaru,” she whimpered out between her moans, he could not deny her, his fingers began to move faster as his tongue's assault along her clit became rougher. Her moans rose in noise and became quicker; he wouldn't let up continuing his work upon her body. After a few more thrusts of his fingers and his active tongue along her clit her hips began to convulse, her inner muscles spasm against his fingers. Quickly Sesshoumaru pulled his finger from her, pushing his tongue within her, enjoying the taste of her juices along his palette, her mouth making a perfect `O' as she silently screamed her release. The taste was divine, just as he remembered it, so sweet but with a bitterness that caused the taste to be exotic. Once Sesshoumaru surely had his fill of her he began his journey back to her, his lips kissing the bare skin he crossed paying homage to her beauty.
Sesshoumaru kissed along Kagome's lips, gently nibbling at her bottom lip as she came off of her high from his attention.
“Mmm, you truly are a master at your job,” Sesshoumaru lifted an eyebrow in question.
“My job?” Kagome ran her fingers through his hair, and smiled at him.
“Pleasuring me,” A small giggle left her lips at his sullen look.
“Is that all I am, someone to please you?” Kagome frowned a bit and pushed him up to a kneeling state, following him her arms wrapped around his neck as she began to kiss her way towards his neck, biting a bit rough at his jugular causing Sesshoumaru to groan.
“Oh no, you are my home,” she began to kiss her way down, running her tongue around his left nipple, then to his right while she gently ran her nails down his arms.
“My heart,” she went back to trailing down his body with her kisses, stopping at his unbuttoned pants.
“And most importantly you are mine,” she giggled a bit watching his eyes tinge pink at her statement, if there was one thing she learned with being matted to a demon it would be he enjoyed more than anything to hear her possessive nature over him.
Bringing her attention back towards his body, she pulled his pants and boxers down to his knees and smiled at his well endowed piece of anatomy. Sesshoumaru watched her with hooded eyes, fascinated with the way her soft hands gripped his penis, using her thumb to rub his pre-cum around his head.
Kagome stared up at him, smiling as her tongue ran a circle around his head then up towards the opening only to swallow his head within her mouth. Sesshoumaru's hands immediately gripped her head, a feral growl crawling from his throat. Fueled with power from his reaction Kagome began to move her mouth down his penis, her tongue lubricating him with her saliva. Her left hand gripped his hip, gently needing the skin while her right hand cupped his balls massaging them as her mouth retreated from his penis only to move back down earning another growl from Sesshoumaru. The sensation was overwhelming; Sesshoumaru's eyes bled red as he reluctantly pulled her from him. Kagome looked up at him quizzically.
“As delightful as your mouth is,” He smirked at her blush, so modest even after doing such a naughty deed.
“I'd enjoy being deep within something else,” Sesshoumaru growled as her arousal spiked once more, she certainly did enjoy imagery through words. Kagome scooted back from him; her knees come up from the bed pressed together as her hands supported her upper body's current position. Sesshoumaru began to crawl towards her, kicking his pants and boxers off in the processes. His hands began to slide up her legs stopping at her knees where he began to gently pull her legs apart enjoying the waft of her arousal that assaulted his senses. He continued crawling towards her, his form towering over her as she began to lie down rather than hold herself up. His hair created a curtain around them, the soft silver tresses soothing Kagome's scorched skin. She gasped softly feeling the tip of his penis rub along her slit, her juice leaking around his head as lubrication.
Her eyes locked with his, blood red like a fire the redness consuming the once white areas of his eyes, the blue iris within the center the hottest part of the flame within him.
“I will mark you,” The voice was primal stating another part of him was there with her, a part of him she feared from the beginning but grew to love and understand that this was his passion for her, a passion much more powerful than she could have ever imagined. Though he hadn't formed it in a question she knew she could say no, and this would be over with just a regular coupling with no mating, however her heart swelled at the thought of being his.
“Hai,” Her voice was soft but he heard her loud and clear. A snarl of immense passion emitted from him as his penis dived within her moist vagina, the feeling was overwhelming and Kagome replied to his snarl with a moan of her own once he was fully within her. She knew by the end of this night she would be his once again and that made her pain subside, all the death moved to the back of her mind. Just him and her as it should be, as it always should be.
Sesshoumaru held Kagome's hands above her head, gently securing her immobility as he began his slow torturous pace. Slowly pulling his hips back Kagome moaned softer than before, then once he began to move back her fingers began to scratch at his hands. The tight vise like grip she held around his penis was mind numbing, he watched her eyes flutter close as his pace slowly picked up.
“Kagome, look at me,” Her eyes flew open a soft blush along her cheeks, she knew better than to close her eyes with him. Her blue eyes glassed over as he began to slide back in within her, a moan parting from her moist lips. Sesshoumaru bent his head down, gently nibbling on her bottom lip, yet still holding his gaze with her. A slide out, a push back in, the pace was medium now, Sesshoumaru enjoying the way Kagome's body tensed and relaxed with each movement. Reluctantly he let her teased bottom lip go to move to a sitting position on his knees, his hands moving down towards her hips pulling her with him. With his next thrust into her he became rougher than before causing a small cry to erupt from her mouth and her back arching up.
“Sesshoumaru,” She whimpered softly as he went back to his slow pace.
“Say it Kagome,” his hands dipped under her, moving to the middle of her back and he pulled her up to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands getting lost in the mess of his hair. He bounced her up once, gravity pulled her back down causing his entire well endowed penis filling her at a new angle. She whimpered, closing her eyes despite being told to keep them open and let her head sag.
She slowly lifted her head up, her eyes locking with his inflamed blue irises.
“Say it,” His voice was forced as he remained still.
“I'm yours,” Within less than a second Sesshoumaru had Kagome pinned down to the bed once more, her legs wrapped around his waist as he pummeled into her.
“Mine,” The words nearly just another growl, he moved in and out of her at a pace too fast to be human. Kagome dragged her nails down the back of his arms stopping at his hands resting on each side of her face. Sesshoumaru growled once more as Kagome's moans became louder and frequent, taking his left hand he placed her right leg were her knee was bent over his shoulder providing more leverage within Kagome. Her inner muscles quivered around him as he put all his passion into his movements with her.
His love for her was undeniable; the thought of being without her was unfathomable and impossible. He watched her breast bounce with each thrust, his eyes slowly trailing up her body, stopping to watch her tongue run along her top lip only to pause in it's movement from the moan that passed through her lips his eyes finally rested on her half open pleasure filled blue orbs. Her moans were sending shivers through out his body, the way her inner muscles clamed around him quivering with his force told him she was close to release only resulting in him moving faster.
“Sesshou- Sesshoumaru!” her voice broke from the intense feeling pumping within her body. A tight coil feeling became painfully aware within her body, she whimpered as she felt herself edging towards her release, Sesshoumaru's hands now holding her hips tightly his nails prickling her skin. His thrusts became more demanding, their eyes still locked as he enjoyed the way her blue glazed eyes shinned with love. Suddenly she found herself bucking up her eyes wide, the coil finally released, his name rolled of her tongue in undulated sounds. Her back arched, her breasts pushed against his hard chest and her head thrashed around violently, the pleasure from her orgasm taking over all her sense.
Sesshoumaru however continued to thrust within her, the feeling of her vice like grip around him tightening and releasing sending him closer to oblivion. He slammed his hips against her one final time, a satisfied howl consuming the room announcing his release.
Suddenly his mouth had latched onto the left side of her neck his tongue running along the skin, stopping once he felt her pulse from her carotid artery. His mouth opened wider and he gently sank his fangs into her neck, blood flooding his mouth at an alarming rate. She gasped, her hands gripping his shoulders at the pain she was feeling however to counter the pain Sesshoumaru quickly sliced along his neck in the same area he bit her and gently pushed Kagome's face towards the wound. Without thinking she began to drink the blood, her body letting go of the pain and suddenly feeling as if on fire from their souls' beginning to intertwine.
A red hue, his jyaki, began to outline Sesshoumaru's body slowly consuming Kagome head to toe however before the red hue could completely encompass her a bright pink hue, her reiki, fought against the red, Sesshoumaru's eyes snapped open in surprise. This had happened last time, her dormant miko powers fought against him but he assumed that from at lease familiarity her power would not resist. It was no matter though, he would win, a smirk tugged on his lips causing her rushing blood to leak out, running down his chin. He focused once more, enjoying the taste of her miko powers that ran through her blood; however the center of his focus was winning against the power to consummate the mating just as he had done before. Suddenly her reiki flared only to what could be described as vacuumed back into her body allowing his jyaki to consume her whole and seep into her skin.
He pulled his fangs back, his tongue rushing to coat the puncture wounds with his saliva, the saliva only serving as an adhesive to stop the blood flow rather than its original ability of poison. Kagome stopped as well, and watched as the wound closed up since it had ended its purpose. Sesshoumaru pulled back staring into her sleep heavy blue orbs, he as well was exhausted. Combining souls was quite the energy stealer. Kagome lifted her head and licked the trail of her blood, her tongue running from the bottom of his chin to his lips. She pulled back but then placed a gentle kiss upon his lips. Sesshoumaru pulled himself out of her, and rolled to his side. He growled in content as Kagome curled against his body resting her head on his chest. He stared up at the ceiling the red gone from his eyes, yellow irises once more there, he listened to her breathing become steady signaling her body's now state of unconsciousness. His arm wrapped protectively around her and he turned his head burying his face in her brown locks while he closed his eyes.
“Mine,” he spoke once more before sleep claimed him as well.
The chapter is finished finally!
Took forever but you know writing love scenes verses writing smut like I normally do is quit hard. Kudos to the writers who write beautiful loving lemons, here is my messily offer to the collect… >.> Sorry this took so long! ^_^;;
Ahem, hope you enjoyed! ^_^
I nearly have Ch 10, the final chapter, done; I was working on it while I'd be in a rut for the lemon in this. ^^;