InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Foxes Run Free ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2

The group was settling down after a long day's walk. Kagome was having a faint sense of Jewel Shards so they were moving quickly. Inuyasha jumped into a nearby tree to relax. Miroku was getting a fire ready. Sango went into the woods with Kirara to get more firewood. Kagome slowly dropped her backpack containing the spirit fox. She made sure to keep her back to Inuyasha. He would definitely have a smug look on his face since he knew that she was tired and cramped. The fox's weight on her back was not a good thing.

Shippo had sympathy for his surrogate mother and rubbed her aching shoulders. Kagome gave him a grateful smile before turning to Yoko. She took him out of the bag and set him near the small fire. It would be chilly tonight and she didn't need the fox getting even sicker. Shippo jumped down to sit next to him. The bandages covering his body were crinkled and stained with dry blood. They'd have to be changed. While she was changing them Sango had come back with wood to feed the too small fire.

Yoko had taken care to assess each member of this mismatched pack. Even a fox like him knew the workings of a pack. Inuyasha was definitely the leader. He had a bad temperament and little patience. Kagome was close but just under the leader. Her ways were completely opposite of his so that they balanced each other out. Shippo had status equal with Kagome due to default. Since she treated him as her own pup.

Miroku and Sango were the same standing. And under the other three. Miroku was perverted and Yoko had made it his job to deter any advances to his caretaker. But the monk had a caring attitude and a level head. Sango had a strong sense of honor and a good knowledge of demons. Her companion, Kirara, was below them all. But the small fire cat was an excellent battler. Yoko could now tell how they could travel together. Not simply for the Shards but for friendship. A concept not well known to the independent fox. He'd never really had a companion before.

He supposed Kagome was like a friend to him. She was the only one that seemed interested in his well being. Inuyasha straight out ignored his presence. Shippo thought him fascinating and liked to chat with him. Which was a little annoying but he was patient due to the demon's youth. The other three seemed to be entertaining Kagome by caring about him. Like Kagome's hobby was nursing wild animals. Which he wasn't. He figured they thought she was having just a passing interest.

Kagome finished changing his bandages and went to her backpack to get food for dinner. The fox followed her movements with his eyes. She had a knack for caring for the others. She was a natural mother. While the food was cooking she turned to Yoko. "What will you eat?" I doubt you've ever had ramen."

He wasn't sure what 'ramen' was. But he didn't think it looked appetizing. <I usually eat meat.>

Shippo translated. "He says he likes meat."

Kagome looked thoughtful. "That makes sense. I guess I'll try and catch something. Sango could you watch the food?"

"Sure. But should you go out into the woods along?"

"I'll be fine." Kagome gathered her bow and arrows. Shippo jumped onto her shoulder. "Besides I have Shippo to protect me." Shippo's chest puffed out in pride.

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed. "No way. We're on the trail of Jewel Shards. If you get hurt out there we'll have to sit and wait 'til you recover."

That certainly wasn't the argument to get Kagome to stay. She turned on her heel and stalked into the woods. Yoko gave an open mouthed grin. She had fire that was for sure. 'Stupid puppy couldn't get her to do what he wanted if he argued for my entire lifetime.' he gave his usual laugh at the half demon. Inuyasha gave him a nasty look that changed into a smirk. The fox was more than smart enough to know what the dog was thinking. 'Kagome ain't here to protect him.'

Lucky for Yoko or perhaps even Inuyasha Sango declared that the food was ready. Inuyasha immediately stopped his pursuit in favor of the food. Everyone was done eating by the time Kagome and Shippo returned. The priestess was carrying two rabbits by the feet. She practically glowed with pride. She set them in front of Yoko and then she and the two foxes ate their dinner.

Inuyasha had jumped into a tree to sleep. Sango and Kirara curled up next to each other on the ground. Miroku was sleeping dangerously close. Shippo was already curled up into Kagome's sleeping bag. Kagome was still sitting up with Yoko. Every trace of the rabbits was gone. Now he was lapping up fresh water from a small bowl.

He licked his chops and looked up. <Thank you.>

"Wish I knew what you were saying better have been a thank you." Yoko nodded while he grinned. Kagome was ready for bed. First she draped a spare blanket over his form. "Sleep well tonight. This'll keep you warm." Yoko nodded again and gave an appreciative yip. He watched as she curled up into her bedding and fell asleep. Turning his gaze to the fire the fox could tell someone was watching him. Inuyasha for sure. The spirit fox just ignored him and snuggled deeper into the blanket. It was covered in Kagome's scent. It lulled him into a deep sleep.


It took two days to find the demon with the Shards. They had to fight a large tiger demon. It had the same markings of a regular tiger. This demon was easily three times the size of a real tiger. Its fur was very long and shaggy. Two top fangs were long and extended pass its chin like a saber tooth. The demon's claws were fully unsheathed and glinted with deadly intent. Kagome had already told the rest that the three Shards were in its forehead.

Inuyasha was slashing at the demon attempting to hit it but not having much luck. The demon's massive form was unusually fast. Sango was doing her best to hit the demon with her boomerang. She was seated on Kirara with Miroku behind her. He was useless in this particular battle. Kagome had taken stance away from the combatants near a deep crevice. She was ready to shoot an arrow but didn't dare. It could hit any of her friends. Shippo was crouched in front of her watching.

Yoko was still in the pack over Kagome's shoulders. She hadn't had time to set it down. He was watching the battle over her shoulder with a practiced, critical eye. They may have been great friends but they were terrible in battle together. Inuyasha had no grace or technique. He swung wildly making his efforts fruitless. Sango wasn't aiming at any critical areas. Her efforts were as pointless as Inuyasha's. Miroku couldn't even fight at all. Kagome may have been more confident in shooting without him there. He wasn't sure but she couldn't help either. He was a bit disgusted by the two battler's display. It was embarrassing for a demon and a trained exterminator to battle this way.

Inuyasha was trying to hit the demon's legs. Trying to go for the Shards was pointless due to the demon's long fangs. The claws were only slightly more inviting. He moved forward swiftly and swung at a leg. A paw came down hard on Inuyasha's chest. Flying backward he smashed into Kirara and her two riders. All four of them flew into numerable trees knocking a path clear in the forest. Kagome let loose an arrow hitting the demon in the shoulder. Its whole limb was purified leaving a bloody hole in its place.

The demon turned its red eyes towards Kagome. It roared in rage and charged. Limping oddly it still moved incredibly fast. Shippo dove to the side into the surrounding foliage. Kagome shot off arrow hitting the demon squarely in the forehead. The bright light so close to her face caused her to stumble back. Her foot hit the end of the ledge and slipped. She began to fall into the endless darkness.


As they fell Kagome grasped desperately to the sides of the cliff. She managed to slow her descent some but they continued to fall. During that time they turned in a way that put Yoko on top. Kagome landed with a sickening thud on the canyon bottom. Yoko whined desperately trying to turn to figure out if she was alright. He had to get out of the pack. His nose pushed at the small metal contraptions called 'zippers.' Eventually the hole got big enough for him to slip through.

He jumped down next to Kagome. During the last day he could have left if he wanted too. His injuries were completely healed. But he had felt compelled to stay with Kagome. She comforted him a way that he'd never felt before. Now his selfishness had gotten her hurt. Perhaps if he hadn't been weighing down her back she wouldn't have fell. Maybe even if her shoulder didn't hurt she could have killed the demon with her first shot. He shook his head. Now wasn't the time.

Being completely healed Yoko could assume his humanoid form. He dutifully transformed. This form was very human looking. Aside from the two fox ears on top of his head and the long silver tail. His hair was the same silver color of his fox fur. His clothes were a pair of loose pants and a tunic top. They both were a pure white that let off a light glow. The clothes were an extension of his own energy and acted like a light armor.

Yoko knelt beside Kagome and took her in his arms. He lifted his head in the air and breathed deep through his nose. Finding water was important right now. The scent of fresh water came from the left end of the cavern. He ran quickly looking for the source. The towering cliffs began to get farther from each other. They were soon out of the canyon and into a thick forest. Getting through the trees the fox came upon a river. He set Kagome down on the grass after sliding her pack off.

'This is ironic. It seems like we've been here before.' He gave a brief grin before it faded. Kagome was badly injured. There were innumerable minor injuries. Her hands were covered in blood from deep scratches. The skin on her legs and on bare arm was covered with bruises already. A closer inspection revealed three cracked ribs, a broken arm, and a nasty gash on her forehead. Blood flowed freely down her face.

The smell of Kagome's blood made Yoko nauseous. The only person that had truly cared for him may die. Still he was determined to save her or die trying. He pulled the odd box of her medicines out of the pack. She had shown him the uses of the things inside. Moving back towards her prone body he gently cleaned the bloody wounds. Bandages had to be put on her hands and head. There was little he could do for the ribs. He simply wrapped them as well and hoped they wouldn't cause trouble. If she lived and didn't move they would heal. The arm had to be bound in a temporary splint made of cloth and wood.

Yoko's clawed fingers gently ran through Kagome's hair. With the blood washed off he could better catch her natural scent. She smelled of the forest at night and roses. Two of his favorite things. Perhaps what attracted him to her in the first place. It didn't matter now. She probably hated him. He sighed before getting up again. A blanket was wrapped around her trembling form. She refused to settle. The thick cloth didn't seem to stop her shivering.

The spirit fox laid next to Kagome and drew her close to him. He was mindful of her ribs. She ceased her shivering and lay still. Yoko watched her pale face as she lay in sleep. He hoped against hope that he could save her life as she had him.