InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Foxes Run Free ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

You've been waiting for it. Sorry for the delay. My sister has been bugging me nonstop. It's seriously starting to suck but anyway. Kurama will get a glimpse of Kagome after five hundred years. I tried to make it a bit original. So act surprised.

Chapter 5

Kagome sat inside the small shrine house. Candlelight caused her features to flicker in and out of focus. This was where she housed the Shikon Jewel. It was attached to a thick chain to make a necklace. The necklace was placed on a pillow on a wooden stand. Hanging on the wall behind it was the Tetsusaiga. On the left wall hung Hirakotsu. The right wall is where Miroku's staff usually hung. Right now it was sitting in Kagome's lap. She'd grown fond of the possession and excelled in it's use. She could actually fight with every one of the weapons she'd brought back. There were the ones she was best at using. Such as Sango's katana that rested on her left hip. In front of that was Yoko's dagger. The katana was lightweight and deadly sharp. A good weapon.

Kagome's body hadn't changed much in the years since her return. She was only slightly taller. Her body had matured allowing her to fill out. It was suspected that the lack of difference was due to a slowed aging process. The intense nonstop training for five years had done odd things to her. Besides her age her senses had sharpened to a point that rivaled a demon. Her spiritual powers especially of purification were unmatched. That was good because demon attacks were becoming a problem. Before it had been a few times a month. Now every week she was fending off groups of demons. They all wanted to gain control of either the Shikon Jewel or the Tetsusaiga. The work had become tiresome.

Sighing softly Kagome stood from her kneeling position. She walked from out shutting the door behind her. Visitors were not barred from going inside so they could see the contents. No demon would pose as a visitor to a Shrine. Even if they did the Tetsusaiga formed a barrier around the shrine house. That's why she left it there. Only when incredibly strong demons arose did she take the Tetsusaiga into battle. Years of practice had give her mastery over the mighty sword. Using her own energy she could transform it. Her physical strength had increased enough to allow her to wield it.

Walking along Kagome allowed the staff to hit the dirt in time with her steps. To someone watching it looked as if she were using it for support. She liked to fool others into thinking she was weaker than she really was. It gave her an advantage. She entered the family house grabbing the broom that leaned against the wall. The house was very empty. Her mother and grandfather had died of a sudden illness barely a year after she returned. When Souta was old enough he had struck out on his own. Only Kirara and Shippo remained. Kirara hadn't changed at all but Shippo had become a mischievous teenager. He had to attend the same school Kagome herself had gone to. And she was currently looking for him. He was intent upon avoiding his chores.

"Shippo." She stopped the demon teenager right in his tracks. Shippo had been making an attempt to tiptoe out the back door.

"Yeah mom." He gave her a dazzling smile. It would've probably worked if she hadn't grown wise to his tricks. She had five years to do that. In that time he had grown a little over six feet tall and still growing. His red hair was longer as well. The bangs half covered his leaf green eyes. His ponytail was tied back at the nape of his neck with a simple tie. It went down to mid-back. His tail was still bushy as ever. But now it was long enough to reach his knees. Right now his tail along with his other more demon features couldn't be seen. A cloaking spell made him look human. He was wearing the dark blue uniform that all males wore at his school.

"Seeing as you were so eager to go out. You can sweep the walkways on the grounds." Kagome handed him a broom and pointed to the front door. Shippo sighed quietly but smiled at his mother as he walked past her. He always smiled at her. It brought some light into her eyes. Something he didn't see often. Even after all these years. Sleep still came hard to her and she seemed dead to him. She was beginning to remind him of Kikyo. When he walked out the door Kirara jumped onto his shoulder. He gave her a quick scratch behind the ears.

"Come keep me company Kirara." Kirara meowed and jumped down to walk beside him. Shippo began sweeping know the trouble he'd get into if he didn't.


Yusuke kicked a small rock as he walked. It seemed the moment he started to get comfy the toddler gave him another mission. Not that the fighting and action bothered him. But the mission he'd been given was boring. He had to walk down to some old dusty shrine and talk to a priestess. Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, and Botan were also coming with.

"This is so stupid. This priestess is supposed to super powerful. What does she need protection for."

Botan was unfazed by Yusuke's outburst. "If that's Koenma's orders than it's your job to uphold them. I'm sure he has a good reason."

Yusuke just blew air between his teeth. Sometimes he really hated taking orders from someone who looked like they belonged in a nursery. Finally the stairs of the Shrine came into view. Kurama and Hiei had taken off to wait and watch from a safe distance. They didn't want the priestess to mistake them for enemies. The three began to walk the many steps to the Shrine. Actually Yusuke and Kuwabara were walking. Botan was flying on her oar.

"The least you could do Botan is suffer with us."

Botan giggled. "Oh come on Yusuke. It can't be that bad."

Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at Botan. "It's that bad." They were panting by the time they got ot the top. After catching their breath they looked around. Hearing a meow they looked down. Sitting on the path was a small black and white cat.

"Oh look Urameshi. Isn't it cute." Kuwabara picked the cat up and began to pet it. The small cat purred in response. He then noticed something odd about it. "Hey look. It's got two tails. Must be a weird birth defect."

Yusuke just sighed. "No way. It's a demon."

"Demons aren't this cute Urameshi."


Kuwabara was stopped from making a comment by the voice of another. "Welcome to Higurashi Shrine. I'm Shippo. How may I help you?"

They all looked at the boy in front of them. He was a teenager wearing a dark blue school uniform and caring a broom. Yusuke answered his questions. "We're looking for a priestess."

"What kind of priestess."

"The kind that runs this Shrine."


Yusuke was definitely getting ticked at Shippo's questions. And his ever present grin. He just wanted to talk to the priestess and get the hell out of there. Not to mention the boy's aura was giving him an odd feeling. Shippo noticed the aura inspection and tensed up. Extending his senses he noticed two demon auras. They weren't close but they were watching them. He quickly set his sights on a tree in the distance. It was the one Kurama and Hiei were in. Yusuke tensed up as well when Shippo turned his sights back to him. His smile was gone and his eyes were narrowed.

"You best tell me who you are. Now."

Yusuke automatically got uppity. "Don't you worry about it. Just get the priestess."

"I will worry about it. Now leave or I'll make you."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Alright then." Shippo dropped his cloaking spell. With a small pop his real form was revealed. He now had fangs and claws. His ears grew pointy. A long bushy beige tail emerged from his pants with a ripping noise. He kicked off his shoes to show his small paw like feet. In front of the two detectives stood a true demon. The cat that Kuwabara was holding jumped from his grip. She transformed in a swirl of fire. Becoming as large as a lion with huge front fangs. Now they were faced with two demons. Both Yusuke and Kuwabara dropped into fighting stances. Demons at a shrine were far to unnatural. The possibility they were threats were great. So they'd have to be taken out.

From their perch in the tree Hiei and Kurama looked on. "You think they'll need help Hiei."

"Those weak humans always need help. But lets see how long they hold out."

Kurama nodded. He was used to Hiei's moods. "I'm wondering what a fire cat and fox demon would be doing at this Shrine. Even if it was to steal from the priestess. She would have killed them by now."

Hiei shook his head but offered no answer. Kurama hadn't really expected one.

Shippo was crouched down with his claws extended. Botan was starting to panic. 'Koenma didn't say there was any demons here. When I get back there I'll give him a piece of my mind.'

"Enough!" Everyone's eyes turned to the voice. Standing there was a young woman. She was about Botan's height but with black hair. Her clothing was the tradition white and red of a priestess. Around her neck was a rosary of black beads and teeth. In her left hand was a staff. Her right hand rested on the red handle of a katana. Her eyes were what held the detective's gaze. The brown depths were hard and cold. Only a tiny spark of life shown deep within them. "Shippo calm yourself. Kirara you transform back now. And you three. What's your business?"

Shippo straightened and walked back next to Kagome. Kirara turned back into her smaller form. She too walked to stand next to Kagome. Botan stepped forward and bowed slightly. "Um … We were sent to offer you protection from demons."

The priestess didn't relax in the slightest. "I believe the last thing I need is protection."

"We were given orders to make sure you took the offer."

"Orders from who?"

Botan faltered a little but answered. "His name is Koenma. He's the prince of Spirit World."

Kagome took her hand from her katana. "Well then. I would like to meet this Koenma."

Botan's face immediately broke into a grin. "That's fine. By the way. I'm Botan. This here is Yusuke. And he's Kuwabara.

Nodding Kagome introduced herself. "I'm Kagome Higurashi. This as you know is Shippo. And the cat demon is Kirara." She turned to Shippo. "Stay here with Kirara and guard the Shrine while I'm gone."

Both demons nodded. Botan created a portal to travel to Koenma's. Kagome waited until Yusuke and Kuwabara went in before following. After she was in Botan went in. The portal disappeared when they went through.

Hiei scoffed softly. "This is ridiculous. I'm gone." He disappeared in a flash of speed. Kurama stayed on the tree branch staring at the space Kagome had been. He wondered why she seemed so familiar. Not really to him but to Yoko. Since he'd learned how to transform into Yoko his mind seemed to split into two consciousness's. He could feel Yoko's feelings and stray thoughts. Sometimes even memories passed through his mind. When transformed his mind was the one pushed to the back. He seemed like a spectator. From what he felt it seemed Yoko knew Kagome. But the memories were not just happy ones. They were also tinged with sadness and regret.


Kagome stepped through the portal and looked around. It seemed that she was in an office of some kind. In front of her was a desk with a couple stacks of papers. Next to the desk stood a tall ogre with blue skin. Behind the desk sat what looked like a small child. She assumed this was Koenma.

Koenma cleared his throat. "You've come to talk to me?"

"Yes. I am curious of this sudden offer of yours. I've been dealing with demon attacks for years. Why now."

"You know as well as I do that the recent attacks have become numerous. It is too dangerous to allow you to become overtaxed. If you fail to protect the two artifacts it would be disastrous."

Kagome nodded her assent. As much as she hated to admit it she was becoming overworked. "Your words are true. So I will allow it. The humans and the demons may watch over my Shrine." Koenma nodded. "But remember this. If I think for even a second they're after the Jewel or sword. Or this is any kind of trick. I'll kill them."

Koenma gulped and nodded. The ogre seemed to have stepped back a few paces. Everyone in the room jumped slightly when she pulled out her sword. She simply turned around and cut into the air. A ragged hole appeared. It widened and turned into a swirling red vortex. She stepped through the self-made portal. With some pushing Kuwabara and Yusuke followed. They found themselves back at the Shrine.

Kagome smirked. "Didn't frighten you did I? In any case I have no room for you to stay here. I'm sure you'll be glad to go home anyway. You can come back tomorrow." With those words she turned away and walked back to her house. The two fighters just shrugged. They made their way back down the steps to go home.


Yoko was running through the forest at top speed. His paws pounded on the forest floor. The long pink tongue lolled from out of his snout. He wanted to find out where Kagome had gone. Her last words to him were confusing. He feared she did something drastic. This realization came when he was already a day's travel from where he had left her. So he'd started running as fast as possible to follow her trail.

His sensitive nose made it easy to pick out and follow her scent. He slowed down as other scents began to interfere with his nose. Stopping he picked up Kagome's trail again. Now he had to move slowly so as not to lose it. Lucky for him it was nighttime making his mission easy. No one was going to bother him. He picked his way through the village. It was already recognized as the one he'd stayed at when Kagome was hurt. The scent trail had moved into Kaede's hut. Yoko stuck his head into the door before moving away.

He noticed that her scent moved out of the village. So this was just a stop off point. The spirit fox padded swiftly down a dirt path. It brought him to a well. He knew of it. The villagers called it the Bone Eater's Well. Supposedly when demon bones where thrown in they disappeared. As he approached the well he started to get a gnawing feeling at the pit of his stomach. A bubble of fear was welling up.

Placing his paws on the lip of the well Yoko looked in. It was dark and uninviting. Sniffing he noticed that the smell went inside. Panicking he jumped in. He hit the dirt bottom in an unceremonious heap. The scent ended here. There was nothing left.

'No. She couldn't have. Not Kagome.' Yoko shook his head. Trying not to believe what he thought had happened. Gritting his teeth he jumped out. 'It hurts so much. If this is what it's like to lose a friend. I don't need them. Ever.' The promise to himself didn't lessen his pain. Throwing his head back he howled in sorrow. His only friend was gone.


Kurama lurched forward in his bed. His breathing was erratic. Touching his face he noticed they were wet with tears. The dream was so real. In fact he was sure it was real. He was given no time to think of it. Yoko forced his way free. Kurama felt his body get taller. Ears and a tail grew. Yoko now sat in Kurama's place. He leapt from the bed and out an open window. Yoko had to find out if this Kagome was the friend he thought he lost long ago.

Do you hate me? Be honest. An evil cliffhanger I've left you with. Do not fear I'll get the next chapter out as fast as possible. If anyone's confused Kurama dreamt a memory of Yoko's. Yoko thought that Kagome had jumped down the well and killed herself. And that her body disappeared like the bones of demons that villagers through in the well. I'm attempting to make the story more interesting this way. Now don't forget to review.