InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Foxes Run Free ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm sorry for the delay. I'd meant to get this out earlier. But things came up. This chapter is only the talk between Yoko and Kagome. But I know you want it. Right now I just got to say I broke 100 reviews. Yeah!

black kaze Kitsune: Yeah. Yoko does have five tails. I noticed only after I'd written like three chapters. The thing about having less tails came to mind too. Yet again it was about the time I realized Yoko had five tails.

Chapter 6

Kagome was sitting against the door of the small shrine house. She was waiting up incase any demons showed. Sleep was eluding he this night. Next to her lay her bow and arrows. The staff had been hung back in its place. She was holding her dagger in her lap. Her fingers gently traced the silver runes on the sheath. Thinking absently of her old friend. Her head suddenly shot up as she felt a demon approach at a quick speed. Pulling the dagger free she readied herself.

The demon started to slow until it seemed to be walking. Kagome waited anxiously. She wondered why the demon didn't just run up and start attacking. She gasped softly as she saw the demon in the distance. 'It can't be.' Yoko looked back at her. He looked no different then when she last saw him. Except now he had an air of wisdom that hadn't been so strongly present when she had first met him. "Yoko? Is that you?"

He smirked. "It is you. I feared I had lost my mind." Yoko looked at the dagger she had poised for attack. "You even kept my gift. I'm honored."

Kagome relaxed from her battle stance. She sheathed the knife and reattached it to her belt. "I can't believe you're here. As I understand it demons keep to there own world now."

"They usually do. But I was never one for following rules."

The priestess smiled. "True."

Yoko stepped up to her and wrapped his arms around her. He held her close to him. And put his nose into her hair smelling her scent. "How are you still alive. I thought that you had killed yourself. Even if that had been true you're only human. Humans do not live so long."

Kagome pulled back a little to look him in the face. "You thought I killed myself?"

"I had followed your scent. When I came to the end of it. The trail had ended at the bottom of a well called the Bone Eaters Well. My thought was that you had jumped to your death. Then you body had disappeared like the demon bones."

She rested her head against his chest again. The sad look in his eyes hadn't escaped her notice. Though he hid it well. "I did jump into the well. It is a portal to through time. The well brought me from here to the past. That's why I still live."

Yoko tightened his hold. "When I look at you. Your eyes. They no longer hold the happiness that I had grown fond of in the past. What has happened to you?"

Kagome hugged Yoko in turn. She tried to hide her face in the soft folds of his clothing. "The hurt of losing my friends. It bore so heavily on my heart. Like steel claws gripping my very soul. The pain won't go away." She whispered the last part. Even Yoko's ears had strained to hear it.

The spirit fox sat on the ground. He brought Kagome with him to sit on his lap. "You must allow the pain to leave. I want to see you happy. You'll die if you go on like this."

Kagome rested her head in the crook of his neck. The tone of his voice was testament to the truth of his words. She didn't know how to let the pain go. No one could see her pain. They'd perceive it as weakness. Her body shifted into a comfortable position. Her sharpened sense of smell could easily pick up his scent. It was a mix of roses and the muddy smell of dirt that all foxes seemed to have. The combination somehow soothed her allowing sleep to come easily. Yoko sat still simply stroking her hair as she slept. Not bothered in the least by the tears that soaked through his tunic. He let his friend sleep contentedly hoping his efforts could return the happiness to her eyes.


Shippo yawned widely as he dragged himself out of bed. He vigorously rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. Quickly putting on his school uniform he walked downstairs. He'd got up early this morning. It was his hope to avoid letting the Spirit Detectives hang out with his mom alone. The worry wasn't so much for his mother as it was for the Detectives. His mother could have a quick temper especially to people she didn't know or trust. And the one called Yusuke was too cocky. That one would get his mother pissed in no time if he tried hard enough. Some worry was creeping in at that moment. Shippo couldn't find his mother in the house. But then he just figured she was resting by the shrine house like she was apt to do.

Walking out the front door Kirara ran up to him. She meowed urgently. Shippo followed her quickly wondering what happened. Kirara brought him to the shrine house. It was there the oddest sight met his eyes. Sitting there was indeed his mother. But she was sitting in the lap of the spirit fox Yoko. Shippo blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes. "Do you see what I see Kirara?" She meowed and ran up to the couple. Yoko gently pets her. He bid the young fox to come closer.

"You've grown youngling."

Shippo grinned. "Not quite a youngling anymore. But you haven't changed at all." His face grew concerned a moment. "Mom's alright isn't she."

Yoko gave an uncharacteristic sigh. "She seemed so tired and worn. I fear for her Shippo."

"Yeah. I do to." The fox demon's face brightened. "But you can help her. There isn't a time she's happier than when she remembers you."

Yoko looked up at him. "I will do my best. I promise." He paused momentarily. "You call her mother now?"

Shippo puffed out his chest a little. "She adopted me. The demon way too."

Taking a quick sniff Yoko confirmed that it was true. The scents of the two were mixed. 'I wonder how I missed that.' "I'm happy for you Shippo."

"Shippo. You should be getting to school soon." Kagome mumbled the words. Still half asleep she pulled herself up. She wobbled a bit on her feet before resting a hand on Yoko to balance. "Don't want you to be late."

"I won't mom." If Shippo had his tail it would probably be wagging. His mother had slept good he could tell. 'Yoko will do wonders for my mother's health.'

The three were interrupted by someone's voice. Looking over it was none other than Botan. She was sitting on her oar in mid air. "Well this is an interesting sight. We were wondering where you were Kurama. You could have left a note that you were going to stay with Kagome tonight." There was definitely an air of mischief in her voice.

Yoko looked miffed. "I was simply visiting a friend."


"How long were you hanging around anyway?" It was possible for her to spy undetected. Since she had no discernable aura or scent to detect.

"Oh I just got here. I didn't see anything like hugging or Kagome sleeping in your lap."

Kagome shook her head. "You are quite the odd one Botan. May I help you?"

Botan jumped down in front of them. "I just came to inform you that watching arrangements have been made. Kurama is able to watch you during school hours. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and maybe some of their human friends will be here during the rest of the day. Depending on who can make it. And at night Hiei will be close by.

"Alright then. Now are Hiei and Kurama the demons I sensed yesterday."

"Yes. You may meet Hiei later. And the one behind you is Kurama."

Scratching the back of her head Kagome laughed nervously. "Duh. How stupid of me. Yoko Kurama."

Yoko nodded. "Yes. I'll explain the particulars later."

Shippo let out a yell. "I'm gonna be late! Gotta go! Bye!" The demon ran at top speed down the Shrine steps. Kirara had long walked off to nap in the sun. Botan waved a goodbye before taking off herself. Leaving only Kagome and Yoko standing in the yard.

Kagome turned to him. "Now what is it that you had to explain?"

The spirit fox told the story of his botched job. That he had to put his spirit into the body of an unborn child to live. And how when his energy had recuperated he had not been able to leave. It seemed he was split two ways. His more human side Suichi and his spirit fox side Yoko.

Kagome gave a quick nod at the finish of his story. "I see. It's entirely possible. Suichi was a real person with a soul before you got there. He may have inherited your demon powers and attributes. But the both of you are still different people."

Yoko folded his arms. "Yes. That is more or less what seems to have happened."

"I may be able to help. I'm not sure." She turned to look at him. "Can you change back to Suichi? I'd like to meet him."

Nodding Yoko did as he was told. He was surrounded by pale blue light. When it dissipated in Yoko's place stood Suichi. Kagome studied this new form of her friend. He had deep red hair and green eyes. The clothing he wore was a simple pink school uniform. Suichi stepped forward and bowed. "It is nice to meet you Kagome. I am Suichi Minamoto but many call me Kurama. Yoko's memories have shown me your unparalleled kindness in the past."

Kagome bowed in return. "So you share his memories as well. I've never encountered something like this before. But lets worry about it later. We have about six hours to get to know each other. So I'll make you some breakfast and we'll talk." Kurama followed silently behind Kagome as she led him inside.

Well there you go. I'm making Suichi a different person then Yoko despite their connection. This fact should play in the story later. Maybe, I'm never sure because I just write stories without thinking about a plot at all. That's just me. Now quite listening to me and review.