InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Friends Fall In Love ❯ Remembering ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome walked through the park thinking about her ex-boyfriend, Kouga. She shuddered as she thought of what had happened when he found her alone one night.


Kagome was walking through the park on her way home. Street lamps shone, casting eerie shadows across the ground. She had on a black tank top and hip huggers, her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, as she walked she heard a voice.


Kagome jumped when she heard these words, whispered as softly as a summer breeze. She turned around and stared into the darkness, but that was
all she saw, darkness.

"Who's there," she whispered, voice shaking.

"Don't you recognize your own boyfriend?"

"Oh ,Kouga, it's you," Kagome put her hand over her heart and sighed.

Kouga grinned and pushed her against a tree, mashing his lips against hers in a bruising kiss.
Kagome whined and pushed Kouga away from her.

"Jeez Kouga, you can't just sneak up on me and then start kissing

"Come on Kaggy
baby. I know you like it."

"You're gonna give me a heart condition before I'm even old enough to have one."

Kouga chuckled and pushed her up against the tree again. Kagome
was ready this time and she returned his kiss. He slid his hands up and down Kagome's sides, she moaned. Liking the reaction he received from her he tried something a little more foreboding. Kouga trailed his fingers gently up her legs as he moved his mouth from her lips to her neck. She bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning to loudly. They went on Kagome unaware of the two pares of eyes on them, Kouga unaware of the extra pair of eyes.

"Wait Kouga…stop we can't do this," Kagome whispered trying to catch her breath.

"I can't stop now baby."

"No, Kouga stop."

"Come on, don't fight it, I know you want it."

"Stop, not here."

Kouga backed away from her and she sighed. Kagome looked at him and when he looked back at her she gasped.
He grabbed her roughly and pulled her toward a large clump of trees. She struggled against his grip but he wouldn't let her go.
"Kouga! Stop you're hurting me…. Kouga!"

Kouga still would not release his grip on her arm, his nails dug into her soft exposed flesh.
Kagome opened her mouth to scream but his hand covered her mouth before she could make a sound. When they reached the trees his friend, Naraku, stepped out of the shadows.

"Oh," Naraku said, sounding quite pleased with him self, "this should be fun."

He reached out for Kagome and stroked her cheek gently, Kouga let her go and Naraku held her arm. She tried to pull
away from him but he slammed her against a tree knocking the air out of her lungs, she gasped. He chuckled evilly and brushed his lips against hers, she shuddered and closed her eyes. Kagome felt his hot breath on her neck and then his wet tongue slide down its side, stopping at her throbbing pulse.

enough, let her go."

Kouga turned and looked to where the voice had come from but Naraku didn't move.

"Well, well, well, InuYasha," Naraku chuckled, "I should have known you'd be here."

"You heard what I said, fuck face, let Kagome go,

"Are you telling me what to do?"

"No Naraku, I'm telling you how to pick your nose."

"Fine then, take her," Naraku shoved Kagome toward
InuYasha, she stumbled and fell,

"We didn't need the bitch anyway."

Naraku turned to leave, InuYasha didn't move from where he stood. Kouga looked at him with disgust and loathing, then he turned and trailed after Naraku.

"Kagome," InuYasha knelt beside her, "Are you alright?"

Kagome looked up at InuYasha, she didn't say a word she just threw her self at him and started sobbing into his shirt. InuYasha put his arms around her
and sat there for about 10 minutes, holding her as she cried.
InuYasha took Kagome home that night and stayed with her until she felt better.

~*~End Flashback~*~

`Thank goodness InuYasha was there,' Kagome thought to her self, `if he hadn't of shown up I don't even want to think about what would have happened.'

Kagome hadn't realized it but she had stopped and was leaning against a tree. She looked up and saw that it was getting dark, she walked quickly out of the park, she never wanted to be out after dark alone ever again.


"I wonder what Kagome is doing," he thought aloud.

InuYasha stared up at his bedroom ceiling as he lay back on his bed. He turned over on his side and stared out of his window, watching a bird in its nest twitter and chirp over its babies as they pulled a worm apart. Looking at the birds reminded him of the mother he lost.

"Feh," he mumbled half-heartedly as he sat up in his bed, he picked the picture he had of his mother up off the night stand. He looked at her and sighed. `I miss you mom,' he thought, `I wish you were here.'

`Beep! beep! Beep!'

InuYasha jumped when he heard his cell phone ring. He put down his mother's picture and got from his bed, going over to his desk he picked up his phone.


" InuYasha, can you come pick me up?'

"Sure Kag, where are you?"

"Tokyo Hill."

"Sure, be there in five."

"Thanks Inu."

"No prob, see ya then."



InuYasha hung up the phone, there was one woman in his life, and that woman was Kagome.