InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When I breathe ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*****Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Inuyasha characters or anything to do with Inuyasha. The only think that I do own is this poem!^_^
When I breathe,
You are what I seek.
When I cry,
I anticipate your leaving.
When I laugh,
I pretend we are happy.
When I hide from you,
You come for me.
When I sob for you to stop,
You spit on me.
When I deny you,
You punish me.
When I shy from you,
You abuse me.
When you rape me,
I lye there thinking.
When you hurt me,
I do nothing.
For I love you.
I have questioned my sanity many a time,
But it cannot be helped.
The feel of you inside me excites me,
Even your cruelty thrills me.
I writhe with pleasure and pain,
Thrusting my hips toward you,
Offering you my everything,
My mind, body, and soul.
I hate you.
I hate you for letting myself love you.
If you leave I will die,
But either course you choose,
My fate has been sealed.
My death will be brought upon by your hand,
And the breath of our child in my womb shall breathe its' lastbreath.
*****I hope you guys liked it. Please, please, PLEASE R&R! Thank you. ^_^*****