InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Inuyasha met the Boys ❯ Chapter 1

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This is a one shot I couldn’t resist writing really quick. My 3-year-old son was having a conversation with Inuyasha while he watched the anime with me last night and it was just so funny I had to turn it into a story.

When Inuyasha met the Boys

“Your children are adorable, Cristy.”

“Thank you, Mrs. H but don’t be fooled those two are mini-demon’s in disguise.” The young mother laughed.

“Oh, I doubt they can be that bad.” Mrs. Higurashi said laughing about the woman’s insistence on calling her Mrs. H instead of her given name.

The women watched the boys play for a while. The older of the two children was a large three year old who had a riot of brown curls springing in every direction on his small head. His whole demeanor showed the child had no fear in him of anything or anyone. His younger brother at age one, toddled after the boy worshipfully. The baby was a mini-copy of his brother. Although the baby’s hair wasn’t as thick yet, it showed the same promise of wild rich brown curls and both children had the sparkling coffee brown eyes of their father. They raced around the shrine yard shrieking and waving branches about as swords. The older boy whipped his sword right over the baby’s head as his mother and Mrs. Higurashi watched.

“Cruz-ito!” His mother shouted, “Be nice to the baby or you are going to sit right here with me!”

Cruz looked at his mother as if she had lost her mind for a moment before he called back, “I is nice to my Ashton. I hero, that dragon was gonna eat the baby, my mommy.”

Mrs. Higurashi laughed as the boy’s mother shook her head in exasperation.

“Tell that dragon mommy said not to eat the baby, ok my Cruz.” She called back to him before explaining to her friend, “He has an over active imagination. You have no idea how often he tells me he is fighting dragons, monsters and Godzilla.”

“I think it’s sweet that he was saving Ashton. Cruz is very protective, isn’t he?” Mrs. H inquired.

“No one but him is allowed to be mean to Cruz’s brother.” Cristy laughed before going back to the topic they had been discussing, “I can’t believe my husband’s company sent him here for a conference. I have wanted to meet you face to face for a long time.”

“I was so glad when you told me, chatting online and sharing pictures just isn’t the same.” Mrs. H agreed.

They talked about everything they could think of for a while, when Kagome rounded the bend from the well house with a dark look on her face. The women stopped talking as the saw Cruz, followed by a bashful Ashton, run to the girl.

“I Cruz.” He announced happily to the surprised girl as he brother grabbed hold of his waist and buried his face in Cruz’s back.

“I’m Kagome.” She introduced herself as she crouched down to lay a hand against his irresistible chubby cheeks. “Who’s this behind you?”

Cruz shrugged off Kagome’s hand and his clinging brother with practiced ease before answering, “That my Ashton. He good boy.”

“Kagome! Come over here. I’d like you to meet my friend from America.” Mrs. Higurashi called to her daughter.

“Okay, mama.” Kagome called back before she stood and asked the little boy, “Do you and your brother want to come with me, Cruz?”

“No. I fight monsters.” Cruz replied as Ashton growled at the word monsters.

Kagome laughed then went over to meet her mother’s friend. Cruz watched just long enough to notice his own mommy wasn’t paying attention to him. The little boy immediately ran in the direction Kagome had come from certain that monsters where hiding there. Ashton waddled after him as fast as his diapered bottom allowed. Cruz stopped short as he watched a tall man with white hair in red clothes step out of a smallish building. He saw that the man had monster ears on the top of his head and grinned in triumph. Cruz turned to his brother and pointed to the man.

“We found the monster, baby. Attack.” Cruz commanded as he charged the man.

Understanding the word attack, Ashton let out a small shriek and followed his big brother. Inuyasha watched as the boys ran toward him. When they were close enough to hear the half demon let out a growl expecting them to run back from where ever they came. He was surprised when Cruz swung his stick and hit his shin with a loud Hi-ya. Ashton mimicked the growl and ran into Inuyasha’s other leg. The baby almost fell on his bottom but Inuyasha grabbed him by the back of his bibs and picked Ashton up. Ashton started to cry, which infuriated his older brother.

“Bad boy!” Cruz shouted as he kicked Inuyasha in the shin he had just whacked with his stick, “Be nice to my Ashton, monster.”

Inuyasha looked down at the red-faced boy who was repeatedly kicking and punching his leg. When he had had enough, Inuyasha picked the boy up by his own bibs and raised Cruz to his face.

“What the hell are you doing, kid?” Inuyasha growled making Ashton cry even louder.

“I not kid, I Cruz.” The boy said unafraid, “You put down that brother. My mommy gonna smack you. No say bad words, monster.”

“Are dumb kid? I could tear you apart.” Inuyasha asked shocked by the child’s boldness.

“I not kid.” Cruz insisted again as he placed his hands on his hips in a dangling imitation of his mommy’s pose when she was mad at him. “I angry at you. Put my Ashton down or I tell my daddy.”

Inuyasha couldn’t stop the laugh that arose as he set the children down. Cruz looked up at him curiously because monsters weren’t supposed to laugh like that.

“You good boy, not monster?” Cruz asked ignoring his brother who was still bawling.

“I’m a demon. My name is Inuyasha.” he answered.

Cruz’s face brightened as Inuyasha said this.

“I demon too, my mommy said so, Inyasha.” he told the demon happily.

Kagome had just reached them in time to hear the boy’s words. She picked up the crying baby and patted him gently on the back as she laughed.

“Who are these brats?” Inuyasha asked Kagome earning a dark look from Cruz who didn’t like to be called a brat.

“They’re my mother’s friend’s children. They’re visiting from America.” Kagome answered, “I just remembered that I didn’t lock the well house door and was coming to make sure the boys didn’t go in. What did you do to this poor baby?”

Cruz answered for Inuyasha, “He not monster no more. Inyasha good boy like Cruz. Ashton wants my mommy.”

“Um, Cruz. Don’t tell your mom about Inuyasha, ok sweetie?” Kagome said uncertainly, “Inuyasha I think you should wait here, I don’t think Cristy would react too well to seeing a real demon walking around.”

“Whatever.” Inuyasha shrugged.

Kagome took Cruz’s hand as the little boy called, “Bye-bye, Inyasha. Be good boy.”

They walked back to where the women were still sitting. Cruz and Ashton launched themselves at their mother the moment Kagome freed them.

“I saw demon, Inyasha, my mommy.” Cruz blurted out to Kagome’s horror, “He was monster but now he good boy.”

“Oh really.” Cristy said amused, “Was he nice to your brother?”

“Yup, Inyasha my friend now.” Cruz said seriously, as he nodded his head.

Kagome and her mother gave each other worried looks, but Cristy just laughed as she kissed both her sons on their foreheads.

“Like I said earlier,” the misunderstanding woman told Mrs. H, “Cruz has a very overactive imagination.”

The End.

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