InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When its all over. ❯ Keades surprize and a flash back ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Chapter Four~
-Feudal Era-
"Hey Inuyasha do you see that?!" Kagome said into his ear looking in the direction they were going. He landed gracefully on the ground at the other side of the field he made the whole run seem like a breeze even tho he wasnt sweating he had started breathing a little hard and when kagome had asked why he had said 'because since I've been carrying you around all the time.... you have gained so much weight...' and we all know her answer to that remark! 'SIT'...

He raised his right hand to shield his eyes from the blinding light from the golden sun high in the sky as he looked towards where they were heading he squinted his eyes and saw the outline of a giant wooden house."Uhhh it looks like a giant house...or a big brown blob" he shrugged she smiled"ohh now I'm curious come `on lets go!" she said and held onto his shoulders as he took off at yet another fast pace.

"Gah I dont see how inuyasha has that much energy it's just not human!" Miroku said slowing his pace to a mere step a second "Maybe because he is half DEMON" songo said in a sarcastic tone and shippo giggled on her shoulder as she pasted miroku up and continued "that's not what I uhhh..."he put his head down "uhhh ohh never mind." "Right. Then lets keep going so we can at least get there before the villagers leave " "ya Mi-ro-ku stop slowing us down!" shippo teased.Miroku let out a heavy sigh "uh yes right then" he said

he stopped in front of the smiling and waveing villagers and bent down to let kagome off "hey whats all the commotion about?" kagome said walking towards the very cheerful villagers. She saw Keade pushing her way threw the crowd "Ahh Lady Kagome I see ye and inuyasha have returned safely. Thank the gods" she sighed in relief "eh? Hey old hag whats with all the people?" "Must ye treat a old woman thus Inuyasha?" "feh" she shook her head and rubbed her forehead warding away another headache.

'dose he always have to be so...sooo Yasha with me' she shook her head again 'dear lord I think my age is finally catching up with me' Inuyasha stared at her 'what on earth is she thinking about in that cryptic skull of hers' he thought eyeing her strangely "uhhmm" Kagome cleared her throat they both looked over at her "so umm Keade why do the villager's want to speak with us?"

"Ahh yes well ...Since ye have destroyed the demon Naraku and rid our lands of his demonic aura, we felt tis only fair to show our gratitude by building this house for ye and ye group" Keade said and the villagers nodded and parted so they could see the house as they walked past Keade she bowed and inuyasha gave her a 'huh' look and kagome started fidgeting with her thumbs as they walked past the villagers path they made for them. The villagers bowed as they pasted them kagome got so nervous feeling uncomfortable about people paying so much attention to her she grabbed inuyasha's hand blushing badly she looked towards the ground hiding her face from the villagers and the hanyou.

Inuyasha just kept looking forward with a slight pint tint across his cheeks and nose he swallowed and kept walking forward not daring to look at thier entwined fingers or the bowing villagers...or her face 'Feh! Just like that wench to get all nervous in a crowd trying to thank her...even tho I did mostly all the fighting' Now that wasnt completely true...

-Flash Back-

"Inuyasha...I'm kinda...Scared..." she said in a deathly low whisper hey eyes were all filled with worry. He looked down at her and he grabbed her hand then gave it a comforting squeeze. She looked up at him and smiled sweetly trying to hide the fear in her eyes "Feh.." he said then his voice softened "There's no reason to be scared kagome...Remember I promised you I'd protect you" he said and gave her a weak smile. She felt like she wanted to cry 'ohh Inuyasha if only that was why... I am scared that know one will be there to protect you' a tear slid out of her right eye and ran down her cheek but she smiled and walked forward with him into Naraku astonishingly big castle.

It was close to midnight there was a full moon high in the brightly lit night sky. A silvery light lit the land around the castle and forest. The castle was made of stone blocks and there was know sign of life for miles and miles all the forest life seemed to stop dead. Even if there were any small demons or animals in the forest surrounding the giant castle. They would be hiding deep inside thier homes to afraid to come out to run and play or even eat.

Inside of the castle gates the plants were wilted and black know grass grew there all tree's had been abandoned of their leaves. The gang walked up to the giant oak doors that were taller then them by at least three feet they just stood there for a few moments before songo said "What are we waiting to knock?" she pushed past them she was running off of straight anger since they finally found out where the real Naraku lives all she could think about was finding her brother. She busted the door open with her weapon "knock knock...” miroku said behind them all he was standing quietly at the back of the group.

She ran into the castle and stoped in the middle of the huge room followed by the rest of the gang there were stairs in front of her that both lead up to one door and on the floor they were currently on there was a door on each side. There were candles lighting the huge room "So I take it he wants us to spilt up" Songo said thier voices echoed in the room "well that's fine with me" Inuyasha said Miroku nodded "ok then lets go" he said walking towards the door on the left as songo went towards the big double doors at the top of the stairs "No songo I think I'll take that door " she swirled around "No I want to if Naruku's behind there-""If Naruku's behind that door I'll deal with him you need to find your brother!" kagome stepped towards songo "He's right your brother isnt behind that door and you know it" she looked at them her eyes showed something more then anger they showed worry the worry that her brother may not still be in this world the hurt she would have to feel if he wasnt she didnt know if she could take it."Alright" she said and walked threw the last door on that floor.

"You ready Kagome?" she looked up at him and sighed "As ready as I'm gonna be" he went to give her a comforting hug but she said "dont...dont do that if you do you'll be saying goodbye..."her voice had no feeling in it her face was blank "Lets ..just get this over with.." she walked to the stairs Shippo kept quiet on her shoulder as they walked up the stairs. They could feel Naruku's demonic aura coming out from under the door they stopped for a second at the door before Kagome grabbed the handle and pushed the door open.

Dark purple smoke pushed past them and she started choking on it.Inuyasha covered her and jumped into the room away from the intoxicating smoke "Naraku" he growled as he stood up and started walking towards the throne. The room was huge and it looked like a gothic throne room. It was lit with torches on the walls the room was basically bare all it had was a king's throne and a queen's throne. He ran up to the thrones and saw Naraku and a woman he couldn't get a good view of sitting in the chairs. "Naraku this time you will finally pay for all the people you have hurt and killed!" Inuyasha said he heard him laugh evily "Do you honestly think that this was all your plan? That you stand before me now of your own choice? Do you realy think I would have LET you come to me if I wasnt sure I could KILL YOU" He hissed and Inuyasha smirked "well then whats stopping you from killing me now?!" he said and charged at him...

meanwhile the woman that was sitting in the other throne completely hidden by the darkness stood up gracefully and walked to kagome hiding in the shadows she whispered in her ear "are you ready to die?" kagome swirled around trying to find the owner of the voice. The women went to her other ear “you cannot fight what hides in the shadows" she said in a silky voice. Kagome turned again this time she was facing the door they had entered threw and she saw a woman dressed in black she had on a collar with a skin tight black top that sleeves went down to her hand and had a loop that her ring finger slid threw she had a long black skirt that had slits up to mid thigh and black heels her hair was up in a high ponytail it had blue streaks threw it. But all Kagome looked at was her eyes...'thos eyes' they swirled in changing colors from the purest of white to the most beautiful silver. She seemed almost in a haze staring into them she blinked and the woman was gone. In her right ear the woman whispered "goto the main room" she knew it was trap but did it anyways shippo was resting in her arms.

she walked down the stairs "hel-hello?" she spoke in a shaky voice she stopped in the middle of the room "stupid girl do you honestly think you are strong enough to fight cant win against the shadows" the woman said rolling her head around her neck making it pop and then she looked straight at her again " your enemy isnt me..." as she said that the candles grew brighter and the woman faded threw the door she was standing by. and at the door they walked threw to get into the castle closed on its own. And then she saw them soul catchers "kikyo.." she hissed one of the serpent looking creatures flew down into her arms and took shippo out of her grasp "NO! give him back you ugly little thing!" she screeched and started trying to grab him "tisk tisk tisk you may have my soul but you are nothing like me" Kikyo said coming out of the shadows kagome turned towards the voice "Kikyo give him back! your fight is with me!" kikyo chuckled " stupid bitch I'm going to make you wish you had never fallen upon this place. I'm not only going to kill you but make you wish you never set eyes on Inuyasha or this little demon " she said glaring at her.....

Songo walked down the hall towards another door and kicked it open she had been led into a large room with no light except for what was coming out of the window the light shined down on two little body's that were chained to the wall. One was a girl and the other.."Kohaku! are you alright?!" "sisssster?! Songo is that you?" he said lifting his tired head trying to see threw the darkness "its me Kohaku I'm here" he panicked " No No you must get out of here before she comes!" he was now moveing around trying to get free " you have to go you have to NOW!"songo shook her head no even tho she knew he couldn't see her "let me help you out of tho's chains" she said ignoring his pleas for her to leave him "No dont you must go before she comes" "dont be silly hold still" she stooped down and started trying to pick the locks on his feet and that's when he saw them the eyes they shined threw the darkness in the room they swirled "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he cried to his sister "for what " she said smiling up at him "For This!!" the woman yelled....

Miroku had entered a brightly lit bedroom. It looked so quaint and cozy but he stayed on guarded he wasnt about to fall into a trap He stepped towards the circle shaped bed in the center of the room he could see the shape of a woman behind the silky blinds that went around the bed "Naraku I do not was to bed your sickening ass be gone from my sights ...please" she hissed at first but then it went to a small cry. he pulled the curtain back to see who the maiden was "Kagura?" she shifted her eyes up to him "ohh it is you monk" he put his staff to her throat "yes it is the monk " he said in a angry tone " ohh please drop it I'm chained up as you can cleary see i mean you no harm" he looked at her neck where his staff was and sure enough she was chained to the bed like a dog by a gold collar "We will see...what is Naruku's plan of sending me here why did he split us up?” She groaned "If I tell you promise to let me go" he looked down at her "if it is in my power to do so"

"Naraku knew which doors you would pick before you did. No he isnt physic...i just know that he knew before hand..." "Go on" she shook her head "the exterminator she is in grave danger Naraku told me to tell you how to help her but..." he grabbed her shoulders and shook her "what about songo ! but what?!” she looked down "you will not make it to her in time" she looked down 'whoosh' the doors closed 'clank' they were locked in from the outside.” What in the world is going on?!" she looked at him " release me" he let go of her shoulders " the exterminator erhm Songo is being attacked by a shadow" he looked at her dumbly.

"that makes no since" she looked annoyed "All I know is that this 'shadow' is not a demon...but not a mortal either Naraku had to place a magical collar around her neck so she would obey him the shadows are not evil or good they stay neutral...well until turned but that's never supposed to happen because your not supposed to be able to find them but somehow he did and he turned it. you cant kill it you cant fight it the only way to stop it is to restore the balance between good and evil inside of the shadow" she looked down "HOW HOW do I do that" "I dont know..." he stood up and broke the chain around her "we have to get out of here but how" she got off the bed "we break the door down of course" "are you crazy! that's 2 feet off solid oak" she grinned...

"AHH!!!" Inuyasha screamed as he flew threw the air hitting the wall hard and falling to the ground he stood back up leaning on his sword "this isnt.. over yet" he said spitting some blood out of his mouth .he had cuts and scraps all over his body yet he charged at Naraku again.Naraku yet again dodge a massive blow from the wind tunnel. he turned and kicked inuyasha into the wall again "foolish boy" inuyasha tryed to get up but slumped forward and fell again Naruku's tentacles grabbed inuyasha and slung him across the room "fight me boy!" this time he got up and charged at him again when Naraku assumed he would use wind tunnel again he dodge only to be punched in the face. his tentacle rammed itself straight threw inuyasha's stomach screamed out in pain "do you know as we fight all of your friends are dying slowly one by one...your wench will die at the hands of your former lover kikyo I think it was" "No I promised! KA-GO-MEEE!" he yelled ad threw im self off Naraku the tentacle slid out of him he swirled around and cut Naraku's head clear off it rolled across the floor he used the wind tunnel to eliminate any chances Naraku had of 'pulling himself back together' so to speak the doors opened and inuyasha walked to the egde of the balcony ....

"kikyo you vile woman let him go please” she let the tears fell silently she could feel the last bit of self control she had slipping away "No I think I'll kill him" she called the serpent like creature to her and she grabbing the small fox demon by the neck. Kagome lowered her head she felt dizzy with her miko energy it was trying to take over "Why do you value its life so much?"
"b-b-bbecause he is my son!" she yelled the last part "you stupid girl he is a demon you are a human you can never love him" she fell to her knees in sobs "but I do love him" she looked straight at kikyo "He is my son!" she grinned "well I guess that's to be expected form someone as filthy as you !Bitch you will learn to stay away from what dose not belong to you!" she squished the lil kitsune that was in her hand and he cried out "Kagome!!" he cried "Momma" Kagome lost it all control was gone her body now moved as her powers wished. She stood up "you do anything and I'll kill-" before she could finish kagome shot a arrow into her heart.Kikyo's body began to crack and started to crumble like a broken pot to the floor shippo ran to his mother as what part of her soul kikyo had now shot threw her lifting her into the air then dropping her back on the ground none to gently. the boy jumped into her arms "Shippo are you ok" she said in a worried tone he nodded she hugged him tightly against her feeling lik he might slip away if she let him go. from the top of the stairs one silver haired boy fell falling down the stairs and landing on the floor by kagome in a massive pile of torn clothes wounds and blood "INUYASHA!" she screeched he was out cold...

Songo dodge a blow but got hit by another as she stumbled and fell trying to stay alive."Ohh come on at least try and have some fun" Song picked herself up off the ground "Fun huh this is a blast" she said sarcastically and was rewarded by getting back handed into the wall where Kohaku and the girl were being held she was in the light. "come on fight me come into the darkness dont cower in the light" she said in a silky voice she stood up wiping blood off her face "Sis" he whispered "Hu-" "shhh listen she cant see you in the light" "thanks" she whispered and jumped back into the darkness trying to hit whatever she could blindly swinging her weapon 'how are we ever gonna get outta her there are no candles' "Your not a very bright girl are you?" the woman said kicking songo into the middle of the room her back hit something round as she stood she saw a faint red glimmer coming from whatever she hit she started searching her belt for the matches kagome gave her "No actually I am very bright" Songo said trying to stall she got hit on the back by the woman and was pinned to the floor "what are you doing?" Songo spit up some blood and pushed up and turned towards the silvery eyes 'in kagome's words' "Trying to piss you off!" and she kicked at the shadow but she only hit air. the shadow whispered in her ear "oh realy you sure your not looking for something" she said overly cocky fear crossed sango's face

"Kagura its not gonna work" she kept hitting the door. Then purple smoke came into the room threw the vent she glared at the vent "He means to kill us!" "Realy I would have never guessed" miroku said and rammed himself into the door” we have to get it open" she kept hitting the door while he used his body to try and break it in nothing worked "we're gonna die in this hell hole of a place" she said he backed up " not if i can stop it"....

" n.n.noo" she stuttered then she got a match out of the box and lit it" I already found what I was looking for” and she dropped it and the rest of the matches into the pit and it lit the room in the bright fiery glow. The shadow screeched and coward in a dark conner. Songo took her sword out and swung neck high at the shadow 'clank' a black collar fell to the ground the evil aura dissipating " my father ..once told me a story before bed of shadows and how they live I never realy believed him ...that is until now the balance was off cause of that " she point her sword towards the collar in the floor. "thank you" the shadow said and faded "you may call upon me to help you someday" the shadows voice echoed in her ears"kohaku are you ok?" "yes " she ran towards him and began unlocking his chains " who's the girl" "Her name is Khonna she is Sakura's sister" "oh" after taking the chains of him and the girl she picked her up and walked out of the room and down the hall's and met up with kagome and inuyasha "he's out cold to" she said setting the girl down beside him "ya" kagome sighed

Then 'bang' the door miroku had went in busted open and wind swirled out of it miroku and Kagura ran out choking on the fumes of the smoke " Thank god We are all safe" kagome said .....That night they slept there and in the morning they left but Kohaku decided to stay behind with Khonna who he had came to love since he had met her in the dungeon...

-End flash back-

They stood in front of the house "It's so pretty" kagome squealed jumping for joy she grabbed inuyasha and hugged him "this is so cool!" she then ran him inside and lead him around looking at everything.

when you walked into the house it had a cozy size living room with stairs in the middle leading up to four doors which were bedrooms at the bottom the was 2 doors in the living room a kitchen and hot spring... the only thing on kagome's mind was 'BATH' but you probly already knew that....