InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When its all over. ❯ Something Heaven would Envy ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8
Feudal Era
(Rin and Shippo)
Shippo ran threw the woods holding Rin's hand so she wouldn't get lost. “Shippo slow down Rin cant run this fast!”
“We can't slow down Rin a snake demon is following us Rin! We have to loose it by confusing it so he can't follow our sent!” Shippo said back over his shoulder as they kept running twists and turns threw bushes and trees.
“Shippo doesn't have to run Sesshoumaru will come for Rin if she is in trouble Shippo is safe.”
“No Rin. Sesshoumaru doesn't know we're here and until he dose we have to run!”
Rin shook her head and tried to yank away from Shippo's grip “No Shippo let go of Rin you will see Sesshoumaru will save Rin!”
Shippo held tighter to her wrist they were almost to the clearing where they would meet Sesshoumaru. “We're almost there Rin then Sesshoumaru can help us but please just keep running”
`I still don't see how she can look at the cold hearted demon with kindness… She probably looks at him the same way momma looks at Inuyasha'
As they ran into the clearing they saw Ah and Un and Shippo sighed with relief. But started to panic when he didn't spot they great demon lord Sesshoumaru “We're in trouble Rin! Your great lord isnt here!”
Shippo flung Rin behind him in the middle of the field and started growling at the tree's at the end of the clearing.
`Rin knows Sesshoumaru will come for Rin'
The trees began to shake as the huge gray snake demon slithered out of the woods. He stuck out his snake tongue and hissed at them “…That girl look's very delectable…”
Shippo felt Rin grab onto the back of his shirt. He knew she was scared “Rin its ok I'll protect you don't worry.” Shippo whispered back to her.
`Papa give me strength to protect Rin' “Go away I won't let you have Rin so there's know point in trying!” Shippo shouted at the demon.
The snake lounged at Shippo and Rin. His mouth wide open and Fangs dripping with venom.
Shippo glanced back at Rin “Get back!!” Rin nodded and as the snake got close to Shippo.She screamed ducking down closing her eyes tear's streaming out of them.
“Fox fire!” she heard his voice but didn't move.
Shippo Screamed out as he barely dodge the demon's tail.
Rin heard his scream and thought the demon had hurt him and she flung her hands over her head “SHIPPO SAVE RIN!”
Shippo swirled around to look at Rin and got hit by the snake demons tail. Shippo cried out as he hit the ground.
Out of the corner of his eye his sighed as he saw Sesshoumaru `for once I'm glad you're here demon lord' Shippo stood back up on shaky feet.
Rin heard Shippo say “It's not over yet twin tongue” She smiled to herself “Shippo will save Rin…' She sighed.

Sesshoumaru made quick work of the demon with his poison whip and didn't even get a drop of blood on him.
Sesshoumaru had sliced and diced the demon into eight different peaces.
Sesshoumaru watched in some bit of amusement as the kitsune walked over to Rin `Rin called out for the kit to save her not me…”
Shippo bent down and wrapped his little arms around Rin to try and bring her out of her shell “Your safe now Rin…” He whispered into her ear.
Rin looked up at him and smiled her silly sideways smile that made her nose scrunch in a cute way and wrapped her arms around Shippo.
“Shippo saved Rin just like he said he would!!!” She hadn't even noticed Sesshoumaru.
The great demon lord found it hard to believe that his ward hadn't even noticed his presence yet `there is something going on with them…'
Shippo stood up and twirled Rin around. As he started to tell Rin that Sesshoumaru saved them not him Sesshoumaru just acted like he had just got there and told Shippo he made good work of the demon and he was glad that he hadn't let any harm come to his ward.
Shippo and Rin Rode to the castle upon Ah and Un's back. While Sesshoumaru flew, Shippo just knew that this was going to be a lot of fun even tho he still felt bad about not telling his momma he left.
(Meanwhile with Miroku and Sango)
Sango, Miroku, and Keade sat in her little hut thinking of what to do if the demons should try to destroy the village to try and make a name for themselves.
“Keade can't you put a barrier up around the village” Miroku suggested
“I cannot hold a barrier that size for more then a hour at the most monk” Keade poked at a dimly lit fire.
“Maybe I can send for a few demon exterminators' from another village?” Sango's father had told her where the other villages of exterminator's were so if they ever had to face a great evil she could call on them.
“Aye Sango that might be help…” Miroku agreed with her and the group continued thinking of more ways that wouldn't mean taking protectors from other villages…
(Meanwhile with Inuyasha and Kagome)
By now they were a good day's run from the village. Kagome had been riding silently on Inuyasha's back she couldn't bring herself to talk to him.
`What should I say to him… Inuyasha seems to think I'm too good for him but he's got it all wrong… And he is acting so strange why dose he want to show me how he feel's what dose he mean about not hiding anything anymore… I wonder if he liked kissing me- No bad thoughts bad Kagome'
Inuyasha was in deep thought as well. `I hope she likes it maybe she might forgive me for being such an idiot… Gods kagome why cant I stop thinking about that kiss it was only a small friendly kiss and yet the memory of your lips, the taste, and the feeling is engraved into my mind. And the thing's I told you… I cant believe she would have ever thought I was disgust with her…So now I know what your body thinks about me what about your heart Inuyasha do you love me?.. Kagome how can I tell you how I feel about you when I don't even know how I feel'
Kagome looked around and noticed that they had long since been out of the forest and and were headed to a ocean or so it seems all she could see was so much crystal clear blue water as far as see could see.
“hey Inuyasha…” Kagome whispered into his ear.
“What kag's?” Inuyasha was still unsure how to answer her after that I mean he didn't no whether or not to feel awkward but nonetheless he did anyways.
“Are we crossing the water?” Kagome said as if she didn't trust the waves or what might be below them.
Inuyasha sped up his pace “Yah we gotta cross the water but it's fine as long as you keep yourself in the boat.”
She grabbed his red coat a little bit tighter and laid her head by his neck “I think I can do it… as long as your there to protect me…”
`Gods kagome why can you believe in me so much when I don't even believe in myself most of the time' as he reached the boat he let her off his back.
It was a simple wooden boat with a lantern at the end and a pillow and blanket inside of it.
“Kagome get in it's gonna get dark soon and this water doesn't get any friendlier when the sun goes down.
She didn't see how the were both fitting in there it was a thing and only long enough for one body to lay don't so she got in it assuming they were sitting up for the boat ride.
Inuyasha pushed the boat into the water and then climbed into it and laid down.
“Kagome lay down its best we're not seen” Inuyasha told her.
Kagome glanced at the water and saw a lot of red eyed scaly sharp toothed meat eating fish and probably gators the snakes didn't look any friendlier. “But there isnt anymore room for me Inuyasha.” Kagome looked down into the boat.
Inuyasha opened his arm's to invite her to lay on his chest.
Kagome of course blushed but laid down with him anyways pulling the blanket over them and wrapping her arms around the pillow something dawned on her.
“No one is paddling the boat where will we end up?”
Inuyasha grinned “My father put a spell on the lantern attached to the boat so it takes her straight to mothers castle”
Kagome's yellow back pack was a good pillow for Inuyasha as his shut his eyes.
“Hey Inuyasha …after yesterday… are we… maybe… more then just friends?”
Kagome had know clue what his answer would be but she wanted to know.
Inuyasha opened his eyes and looked down at her “Like…m-mates?”
Kagome blushed a beautiful shade of rosy pink and shook her head `no' “No not that serious I mean maybe like… you being m-my b-b-boyfriend” Her eyes looked down at her hands `duh you stupid girl of course he is gonna say no'
Inuyasha didn't speak for a while he just started thinking. `a boyfriend? Why would she want me to be her boyfriend...'
Kagome's heart dropped “It's okay I understand I shouldn't have said something so stupid”
Inuyasha stared at her with confused eyes “What do you mean kagome..? Hey Kag's look at me!”
Regretfully she looked up at him her eyes filled with hurt.
Inuyasha bent down and kissed her soft lips in a sweet loving kiss.
Kagome once again didn't open her eyes “…so that's a yes…”
Inuyasha grinned and turned his head back to hers and captured her lips again.
Kagome nibble at his bottom lip.
“…Gods kagome” under the blanket he moved his hand to rest on her lower stomach, as he nipped back at her bottom lip teasingly but accidentally nipped a little to hard and a small trickle of blood dripped down her chin.
He broke the kiss. “Im so sorry! I didn't me-”
Kagome took her finger and gathered the blood onto it and then put her finger to her lips.
Inuyasha kept staring at the little drop of blood on kagome's finger, and just as she was about to lick it off he grabbed her wrist and pulled her finger to his lips and slowly sucked the blood off of her little delicate finger, he swirled his tongue around her finger in his mouth.
“Inu-yasha” she moaned at the feeling of his tongue on her.
Inuyasha heard Kagome moan his name and he opened his eye's that were glazed over.
`Why am I acting like this, hello this is Kagome an annoying little brat!'
Kagome saw his eye's and bit her lip. Inuyasha moved his hand from her wrist to entwine their fingers and their entwined hands lay on his chest and stared into her deep brown eyes with his head resting on hers he whispered into her ear “Sleep now Kagome…”
Kagome gathered all of her courage up and lifted her lips to his in a sweet innocent chaste kiss.
The star's out that night shone brighter then the lantern leading their small boat to their destination. There was a big silver crescent moon lighting the crystal blue waters. And it seemed as if all the stars were smiling down at kagome and inuyasha watching them.
In a small wooden boat with a old Japanese lantern hooked on the back of it, the heaven's look down upon the couple with envy. A blue blanket shield them from the cold while they lay with each other their entwined hands lay over Inuyasha's heart while they were kissing caringly and to them nothing else mattered to them just the company of one another.
Yes truly that is something even a god would envy…