InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Life Throws You Lemons ❯ A Wolf Dressed in Sheep's Clothing ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A Wolf Dressed in Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 3
He had been racking his brain for the last two days trying to figure out who the girl in the picture was, and why she looked so damn familiar. It had been eating at him ever since he found the wallet on the sidewalk.
Walking home from the office was something he normally didn't do during a torrential down pour, but he had been feeling restless all day and figured the rain might do him some good. Which, for the most part, had until he stepped on the soggy, leather wallet, something he normally would have kicked out of the way and kept on walking. The only reason he did stop and pick it up was because of the worn and warped picture sticking out of the corner…which also happened to be amongst some bills. Besides, who was he to pass up an opportunity for some free cash?
After he reached down and snatched it up he hurried to get into the cover of his apartment and out of the rain so he could get a better look at his new found treasure. Little did he know that after discovering the “cash” he saw sticking out only amounted to $17.87, including what he found in the change compartment. There were a few bankcards, the guys ID, an expired driver's license, a couple business cards, and the picture. This `Inuyasha' character seemed to be a pretty boring guy, and he would have just thrown the ratty piece of leather in the trash if it hadn't have been for the damn picture. The fact that it was warped from the rain didn't help, but it appeared to be a photograph of a girl sitting on a hill at sunset, looking at the photographer. He couldn't decide if it was the rains doing or that of the actual subject that made her eyes look so forlorn, made the whole image so sad. Why anyone would want to carry around such a depressing picture was beyond him but still, the girl nagged at him. He felt as though he had met the girl somewhere, or, at the very least saw her.
It wasn't until he was gazing out the window of the exec room, on the twenty-second floor during an incredibly boring meeting that he noticed the giant billboard across the way was finally getting something of interest up; and it was most definitely interesting.
The crew were still covering her face with the pulley but he could see the rest of her just fine, and if her body was anything to go by, she was more then just fine, she was down right sinful. Her sleek, muscular - though most definitely feminine - figure, was somehow accentuated by the deep scarlet satin, scoop neck bra and panty set. With her right leg hooked in front of her and the left tucked behind, it set the stage for the beginning of a very compromising position but the photographer (`God love them,') had enough sense to hold propriety over raunchiness. Which was something many advertisements didn't seem to take into consideration. Sex sells, but there is always a line to be crossed, and it was amazing to see how many ads actually got away with it.
He smirked at that. After all, he was in the business and he was part of one of the companies who constantly crossed the line of decency; hell, he was one of the photographers who crossed that line practically all the time.
Refocusing back to the display he was silently assessing, it struck him again at how well done the photo had been. The woman's very well endowed chest was thrust slightly forward due to the angle at which her arms were positioned: the right was nestled in the junction between the back of her knee and inner thigh, while the left was behind her. It reminded him of one of the many weird stretches he had seen being done in yoga a class he took to look good for a girl he was seeing at the time.
The crew were finally getting the hell out of the way.
`Took your sweet time,' he thought impatiently, as he willed them to move faster. Slowly as her face started to appear his eyes began to grow. She was, without a doubt, one of the most amazing women he had ever laid his roving eyes on, but that wasn't the only thing that caused his breath to hitch.
“It's her! Holy shit! That's her!” he shot out of his seat to get a better look. His sudden outburst left the other occupants a little worried.
“Uh, Kouga? You feelin' alright there,” one of Kouga's underlings, Hakkaku, asked nervously. Kouga, still dazed at his discovery was completely unaware of the fact that all conversation had ceased, and was even more unaware that he had been asked a question.
“Well I'll be damned,” he muttered, a huge smirk plastered to his roguishly, charming face. He sniggered then wheeled around, grabbed his coat off the back of the chair and headed right on out of the meeting with out a second thought.
“Hey, Kouga!” Hakkaku shouted after him. He glanced at the man sitting directly across from him and they both rolled their eyes as they shoved away from the table and started after him.
“Wait for us!” Ginta - Kouga's other underling - yelled as the two underlings hurried after him.
The rest of the `Wolf Advertisement's' employees looked at each other and shook their collective heads, heaved a great sigh, and went back about their business.
“Wow, Kagome! Is that your third cup of Ramen?” Shippo asked while he watched his new roomie with unmasked amazement. He'd never seen a girl eat so much Ramen in his life, especially not at breakfast.
`She's almost as bad as Inuyasha,' he mused as she all but shoved in another mouthful of noodles.
“I know!” she stated between mouthfuls, “I just can't seem to get enough of this stuff!”
“I can see that,” Inuyasha commented from his slightly irritated position in the kitchen doorway. “You've eaten half of my stash already and you've only been here three days. We're going to have to find you a job so you can pay me back for all that.” She stopped mid chew.
“I'm sorry,” could be vaguely discerned over the half-chewed food. She swallowed and put the cup and chopsticks down on the counter, and glanced up at him with big, shiny blue eyes.
“I know that I've been eating practically ever since you let me into your home, I just don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe it's because I wasn't eating enough before and now that I'm surrounded by all this food it's like I'm making up for it.” A slight blush tinged her cheeks, “And I promise I will reimburse you for everything!” she hurried to add. “I can even go out today to look for a job.”
“Sit down,” he stated gruffly when she started to get up. “You don't need to go job huntin' right now, I was just sayin'. Besides, it's Sunday, most places aren't open anyway,” she gave him a small smile that made him feel uncomfortable, so he did the only thing he could think of.
“On second thought, restaurants are still open, maybe one of um' is looking for a taste tester. That oughta' be right up your alley,” and with that the small smile was gone only to be replaced by a dark and sinister glare.
She huffed and pushed all the way out of her seat, stood tall with her fist balled at her sides, and marched past him. She was on her way to the guest bedroom she was sharing with Shippo when there was a knock on the door.
“Wanna get that?”
It was more of a statement then a question, and her response was something akin to a growl as she detoured to answer the door. Jerking it open, she turned her agitated scowl onto the unsuspecting stranger.
They stood there staring at each other for a few seconds before she finally realized she was glaring, and relaxed her face muscles into the accustomed greeting smile.
“Hi, may I help you?” he was staring at her with his mouth slightly open, eyes wide, hand still poised, ready to knock again.
“Are you ok, sir?” she opened the door wider and started to step out when Inuyasha started coming down the hall with Shippo fast on his heels, he didn't like the silence and the smell wasn't that great either.
`A Wolf demon?' he also wasn't too thrilled with the idea of a demon being at his door. It was definitely time for him to intervene.
“Are you -“ the unknown was cut off.
“What the hell are you doing you stupid girl!” he grabbed her wrist and tugged her behind him as he slammed the door in the wolf youkai's face. Spinning around to face her, he glowered.
“Do you always open the door to strangers!” he demanded
“Wha - you told me to answer it, baka!”
“That's what peep holes were made for, wench! So you can make sure you don't open the door to a stinkin' wolf, or any other stinkin' strangers!”
“Hey!” came from the other side of the door, to which Inuyasha ignored for the moment.
“Well, if that's the way you figure it then it would have been more logical for you to just open the thing, since I obviously can't tell a stranger from a friend because I've only been here for the past few days!” she shouted right back at him. He couldn't really argue with her on that point but that didn't mean he was going to stop arguing all together. He would have continued if some unwanted commentary hadn't interrupted him.
“She's gotta point there, dog breath.” Inuyasha pulled the door open while he shoved Kagome further behind him.
“And who the fuck are you!” he spat. The wolf ignored his question as he peeked over the inu hanyou's shoulder at the girl.
“And you are?” Kouga asked in a smooth voice, adding his most winning smile. Kagome blushed at his obvious interest in her.
“I'm Ka - “
“None of your damn business. Now, do you have a fucking reason for being here other then to piss me off?”
Kouga dragged his gaze off of the mystery girl to regard the hanyou in an almost bored way.
“I'm looking for Inuyasha Takashi, which I'm assuming is you,” he made a face.
“I don't think we've ever met; I'd of remembered your stench. Now answer my question: Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you doing here?” he demanded menacingly.
“Your right, we've never met, and hopefully we'll never have to breathe the same air again. But for right now, I seem to have something that you might be interested in taking a look at.”
“The hell I do! This sounds like some sad attempt at making a sale made by a sad excuse for a youkai to me.”
“I think that you might be wrong, half-breed.”
It was at that time that Kagome figured stepping in was a good idea.
“Why don't we settle this in a civilized manner before your neighbors start making complaints?”
“Great idea,” Inuyasha stated sarcastically. “Why don't we take this outside?”
“…Uh, I meant why don't the two of you sit down and discuss it?”
“Keh!” he scoffed. “Like I'm letting that into my place!”
“Well…” she trailed off as she noticed that the stranger was openly `checking her out', and she blushed a little more. He held his hand out to her and it took her a second to recognize the gesture, he just continued to hold it out expectantly.
“I'm Kouga Carmichael, of Wolf Advertising,” they shook, and he decided he would give it a shot. “You have an amazing face Ka…?”
“Oh! Kagome!” she cleared her throat. “Higurashi, Kagome. How do you do?”
“I'm doing just great now that I've met you, Higurashi, Kagome.”
“Oh brother,” Shippo mumbled in the background.
“Keh!” Inuyasha looked on with disgust.
`Stinkin' youkai bastard. Thinks he's all smooth with his suit and business card… that's he's handing to her…'
“Like I was saying, Kagome, you have an amazing face. Why, when you first opened the door I could have sworn you were Kikyo Yhotomoshi,” his intent gaze briefly flicked in the hanyou's direction at the mention of the woman's name, then returned.
Inuyasha's heart stopped for a brief second then started again as the momentary shock of hearing her name subsided. His eyes narrowed dangerously, and his jaw clenched painfully.
Why did it have to be so hard just to hear that damn name?
“Enough of this shit,” he pushed by Kagome so he stood face to face with Kouga. “Start talking.”
Kouga looked from Kagome to Inuyasha and back again. He wanted to make a good impression on the girl, and didn't think that talking openly with Inuyasha about what he come to discuss would score him any points. He'd have to choose his words carefully.
“Well, Inuyasha - “
“Mr. Takashi, to you.”
“As I was trying to say, Inuyasha.”
Said hanyou growled.
“I found something that belongs to you, and I figured you might want it back.” Kouga reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, Inuyasha prepared for the worst, and when all that was produced was his beaten up, old leather wallet, some of the tension drained out of him, not all - but some.
Kouga held it out to him gingerly, looking bored. Inuyasha snatched it up and quickly began searching through it to make sure everything was there, which it wasn't.
`Fuck! Where the hell is the picture!' he panicked.
“What the fuck did you do with my money?” he demanded out loud.
“There wasn't any money when I picked it up, someone must have already taken it. Unless there wasn't any in there in the first place…” he gave a big show of looking at Inuyasha's clothes with a marked scrunching of the nose. Inuyasha scowled down at his clothes.
“And just what the fuck is wrong with my clothes, you stinkin' wolf bastard? Not everyone wants to prance around in penguin suits 24/7”
“Do you have a penguin suit, Inuyasha?” Shippo questioned, trying to imagine Inuyasha in something-dressier then worn out jeans, Tee shirts, and flannel. He couldn't, and his child's brain turned his image of Inuyasha into a penguin with puppy ears, and started laughing behind his hands.
“Of course I do, brat,” Inuyasha all but barked. He didn't like thinking of the reasons why he owned a suit.
“In any event, there's no money in there now, you should just be grateful that I was kind enough to bring it back to you with everything I found in there, there.”
“I'm still missing something, and I'm pretty sure you're the one who's got it,” the menacing looks had entered into the conversation again.
“Well, why don't we all come inside and we can go over exactly what was in your wallet before it was stolen,” she grabbed the wolf man's hand and dragged him inside while she pushed Inuyasha in front of her.
“I can walk myself, wench,” he growled as he jerked away from her.
“It's good to know you're trained,” came from behind him.
“Looks to me like you still gotta ways to go, pup,” Inuyasha quipped, indicating to Kagome, and Kouga's hands still linked together.
Kouga just smiled wolfishly and gave Kagome a quick wink before she let go, a blush staining her cheeks as she held it to her chest.
“Spare me,” Inuyasha rolled his eyes in abject disgust and pushed past them into the living room.
“Lets make this quick, I want you out of my place as soon as possible."
“Like wise."
“I'll go put on some tea,” she bent over to Shippo, and whispered in his ear. “Keep an eye on them. Make sure they don't kill each other while I'm out of the room, kay?” Shippo shook his head rigorously and made himself comfy on the sofa, opposite end of Inuyasha, watching them both intently.
“Could we have some privacy, kid?”
“Nope. Kagome told me to watch you guys so you don't kill each other.”
“I guess it won't hurt to discuss what I've come to talk about in front of the midget,” Kouga stated arrogantly.
“Get on with it will you? Where the fuck is the picture?”
“You mean this one?” he pulled it from another pocket. “This picture of Kikyo?”
Inuyasha started to get up.
“How long ago was this taken? A year? 6 months?”
“What's it to you?”
“Just curious, she looks a little different here from the billboards sporting her ad for `Victoria Secret.'” The hanyou looked a little stricken, but he covered it up quickly.
“I figured it was just a matter of time before they signed her on.”
“She's quite the piece of work,” he agreed, which pissed off Inuyasha more then anything. He could only imagine what was going through the flea bags mind, and it irked him all the more that every other guy to lay eyes on Kikyo's new ad would be entertaining the same thoughts. He was the only one who was supposed to see her like that…
`Earth to Inuyasha! She's not yours any more, remember? She can dress and pose any fucking way she wants, and if she wants a bunch of greasy bastards thinking about her that way then that's her own idiot decision.'
`Fuck off will you' he hissed to himself, and was somewhat relieved when there was no snarky comment.
“Whatever,” he dug his claws into the arm of the sofa, adding to the many small hole that were already there. “So I'm guessing that this has something to do with her.”
“You guessed correctly.”
“Were you two together?”
“How the fuck did you figure I got the picture, bouzo?”
“Well, you do seem to fit the profile of a stalker,” he stated.
“The hell I do. Was that all you wanted to know, you nosy bastard, because if it is -“
“I want to meet her.”
“You want to meet her? Well good for you. Why the hell should I care?”
“You could - “
“Um, what do you take in your tea, Mr. Carmichael?”
“Some sugar is fine, and you can call me Kouga. No need for formalities,” he flashed her his most winning smile.
“Alright,” she said with a slight blush. “Inuyasha? You take milk right?” he gave a quick nod. Kagome turned her smile on the kit. “And you Shippo? Would you like some tea too?”
“I'd like some coffee…black, please,” he asked in his most grown up voice.
Kouga snorted, Inuyasha grunted, and Kagome wisely hid her grin.
“An excellent choice,” she nodded in agreement and then turned to pour the tea and get a mug to fill with some Coke.
As soon as she left the room Inuyasha turned his glare back on the wolf.
“Look, we don't talk anymore so it looks like you're outta luck, not that I would have helped you anyway.”
“If you wanted the picture back you would have.”
“Keh! It's just a picture.”
“So it wouldn't matter to you if I just ripped it up? It is pretty warped from the rain anyway…” he took hold of it by the corners.
Inuyasha tensed, inner panic erupting, `Damn it!'
`Maybe this is what you need, to let someone else do the severing.'
`The hell - `
“You were carrying it around in your wallet though, but, if you're sure,” he started to tug.
Inuyasha was just about to lung when Kagome came back in carrying two cups and saucers, with a small pink strip of her tongue sticking out between her lips as she concentrated on not spilling them. It was completely adorable, and Kouga felt a tinge of regret at forgetting his camera. He stood up to take his cup, in the process startling the poor girl who intern, spilled one of the cups of tea on him and the other down her shirt while the rest sloshed on an unsuspecting hanyous head.
“Oh my - I am so sorry! Here!” she shoved the saucers into a slightly stunned Kouga's hand just before she whipped around and dashed into the kitchen to grab some drying cloths, and paper towel.
“You just spilled hot tea all over my head and I don't get a sorry?”
“Here Inuyasha,” she shoved one towel at him, and then started dabbing at Kouga's tea soaked shirt, much to his pleasure.
“Damn it! You even managed to get it in my ear!” he stated as he flicked the offended appendage.
Kagome stopped her ministrations on Kouga, and, before she consciously considered the repercussions, she reached over and started dabbing, very gently, at his ear.
Kouga was disappointed by his sudden abandonment, and was also a little jealous of the painfully careful way in which she was treating the dogs ear. But when Kagome started to blow on it, he caught the look on the hanyou's face and started to laugh.
She was touching his ear. She was touching, his slightly scalded, very sensitive, ear.
That was enough to put a shock to his system. Hell, it was enough to shut him up from protesting against it. She was so gentle, her touch feather light, and when she blew... He thought he could feel each individual, downy hair on his ear react to the stimulation as a vicious shudder ran through him. It was about that time that the grating laughter of his new acquaintance permeated the sensation haze he had been thrown into, and his brain started working again.
Embarrassed beyond belief he did what he always did when he was uncomfortable he covered it up with anger. Forcefully flicking his ear out of her light hold he shot up and put some distance between the two of them, and the irritating guffaws.
“What the fuck do you think you're doing! You can't just touch my ears!” he shouted at her, regretting it immediately when her confused eyes turned stricken.
“I can see why,” Kouga muttered from behind them. Inuyasha snarled at him.
“And you can get the fuck out, NOW!”
Kouga put his hands up in a placating gesture as the extremely red hanyou started stomping back in his direction.
“I was just about to, your stench is giving me a head ache.”
“Why you - “
“It was a pleasure meeting you Kagome,” he took her hand in his and kissed the knuckles. “I'll be seeing you soon,” the confused look on her face was amusing.
“You owe me a shirt,” he stated simply. She blinked at him and then started stuttering about not having any money.
“That's alright, I'm sure we can think of an alternate form of payment,” he gave her a brief wink, turned, began to walk away, and looked back over his shoulder.
“Later,” waving a salute, he kept right on going with the other three occupants staring after him until they heard the door close.
“Keh! Stinking bastard. Good riddance!”
Inuyasha then realized that he was now partially alone with the girl whom so closely resembled Kikyo, who just so happened to be the girl that was fondling his ear only moments ago.
Another shuddered shot through him at the reminder, and he swallowed before he turned to face her again. She had the most complex look on her face that he didn't know if he should laugh or be afraid.
With one eye brow quirked up and the bemused look in her eyes it was pretty comical, until you reached the marked frown…and further down, the crossed arms…then there was the extraordinarily pissed off stance, one couldn't exclude that.
“Ka - “ he cleared his throat. “Kagome?”
“And just what was that all about! I was only trying to help you out since you were pouting about it so bad!”
“I was not pouting! And didn't your parents teach you about asking before you just reach over and grab someone's ears? They're not for play, I fucking need to hear out of them!”
`Fore play?'
`Shut it, will you!'
“If you're going to be a baby about it then fine! I won't ever touch your ears again unless I ask before hand. Satisfied?”
“Yeah, but now there's another problem.”
“What's that,” she snapped.
“That wolf bastard is going to come sniffin' around here again, and its all your fault!”
“Wah - I did - “ It suddenly occurred to her that she was the reason the wolf bast - youkai, would be back.
She thrust her chin in the air, “I'm sure it will just be the one time, and besides, doesn't he still have that picture of yours?" she smirked at the dumbfounded look plastered to his face.
"Don't look so surprised, I'm not deaf you know. And just for future reference, you might want to talk a little bit lower next time you're discussing blackmail, if you don't want anyone within a 30 mile radius to hear you.”
Inuyasha hadn't heard what she said after she not so subtly made him aware of the fact that the sleaze bag, Kouga, still had his picture.
`Fuck. I'm so screwed! I was so distracted I didn't even notice he still had it. God, that girl is a walking catastrophe.'
`Yeah, a walking catastrophe with some very skilled fingers…'
`Lay off it will you! I swear you're worse than that pervert.'
There was another problem: Miroku. Ever since Inuyasha had made the mistake of letting it slip that he was letting a girl stay with him, Miroku had been on his ass about it, asking stupid Miroku questions, wanting to meet her…
`I can't get a fucking break…'
And, it just so happened that when he came out of his inner musings he was staring at her breasts, which were covered with tea so the material was not only clinging to them but also provided a nice view of her blue, lacy bra.
`And this is what happens when you go without for such a long time, everything becomes sexual…'
`Oh hell, just look away, you've already had a breast incident with her before and that was just scary.'
Making a huge effort to refocus on a different part of her anatomy (namely her face), he was finding it rather difficult with all the heavy breathing going on. And when his eyes finally did obey him he was met by her flushed face and angry eyes that were also proving to be rather sexy.
`What's she saying?'
Focusing on the mouth wasn't helping, so he forced his abused ears to start working.
“…rude, and selfish, jerk!”
“Keh! Whatever, wench, whatever.” He stormed out of the living room making a b-line to his bedroom while she huffed and stomped over to the guest room leaving Shippo, still sitting on the sofa, utterly confused.
“Grown ups make no sense…” he sighed and went into the kitchen, grabbed the mug of Coke and went to find his crayons.
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AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love this…tee hee hee! Oh the ears!
anyway, hope you like it because i know i do!
Tsuki Miko