InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Life Throws You Lemons ❯ Inebriation ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5
Kagome had gone over the happenings of the day at least a hundred times and they still made not one bit of sense.
'What is wrong with me? I'm never this irritable... '
That was it! She was irritable, she was nauseous, but she wanted to eat everything in sight...
She guiltily put aside the jar of peanut butter she was absently eating from, and carefully deposited the spoon into the dishwasher, trying to keep the noise at a minimum because Shippo had already gone to bed.
She looked at the timer on the microwave.
'11:37, where is Inuyasha? He should have been back by now. Well at least I think he should be back by now.'
He had been back well before 9pm on the few nights that he worked before so what was taking him so long tonight? It occurred to her that she really didn't know that much about her rescuer other then the fact that he was in a perpetual mood, he worked construction, and had the uncanny ability of rubbing people the wrong way. But, in light of all that, he was decent enough to allow two street urchins to share his home and food without any ulterior motives. He certainly was something else; what exactly she wasn't sure but, deep down as much as he tried to hide it, she could tell that he was a genuinely good person.
Sighing, Kagome was brought right back to her original musings; she still didn't know much about Inuyasha, like did he have many friends? He hadn't received many phone calls since she had been there, and aside from Kouga no one else had shown up at the apartment.
' Maybe he hangs out with his co-workers, and perhaps this was their designated night to go out and unwind, and with me here to take care of Shippo he decided to join them?'
'You're getting as bad as Shippo with his 'what-ifs' Kags, besides, I can't really picture Inuyasha out at one of the night clubs.'
Not only because she knew that youkai senses were way above normal but the mental image of Inuyasha getting down in his jeans and plaid shirt... it sent her into a silent fit of helpless giggles. One of her friends from school had been madly in love with the American actor John Travolta, and “Saturday Night Fever,” was one of her favorites.
The giggling slowly subsided to be replaced by a slightly bemused smile. She hadn't talked to any of her friends from high school in quite a while, and the fact that she hadn't really spent that much time with them due to her then blossoming relationship out side of school during their last year suddenly made her feel very guilty.
'Let's add emotional to that list and i think it's quite obvious what is wrong with me...'
“Aunt Flow is coming for her monthly visit.”
'Well, semi-monthly' she thought to herself. Her “aunts visits” had never really kept to a schedule like all of her girlfriends' but her mother had told her that she was the same way as a teenager until she started taking the pill, which was something that Kagome just wasn't interested in. She had nothing against taking birth control pills, she just preferred to let her body do what it was naturally inclined to do. And aside from that, a certain someone didn't really agree with taking pharmaceuticals unless it was absolutely necessary.
'And we're back to him again. Come on Kags, you really need to stop dwelling on the past because there is no future there, you know that; deep down you know that.'
Maybe she did but she couldn't help but hold onto that small bit of hope that maybe this was just an obstacle for her, for them, to over come and things would right themselves in the end. It was just in her nature.
Coming out of her maudlin thoughts she glanced at the timer again. It was a few minutes after twelve.
Making a snap decision, she peeked in on Shippo, smiling at his sprawled form, grabbed her light coat put on her new sneakers, nabbed the extra set of keys Inuyasha had scrounged up for her and locked the door behind her. As she got into the elevator she reassured herself that Shippo was perfectly safe, she was only going down the street and she would be back in 10 minutes max.
'The stove is off, the hall light is on in case he wakes up, the door is locked, the windows are closed...'
'He'll be fine so try to stop worrying. Just think about this as the perfect opportunity for you to pick up your feminine need products. Shippo is asleep, Inuyasha is out, therefore no embarrassing explanations need to be given to either of them. It's a win win situation!' her inner voice pepped.
She still felt a little guilty about the embarrassing episode at the mall, and to sneak off in the middle of the night just so she could pick up tampons without anyone knowing...
She was being silly, of course Inuyasha knew about that kind of stuff, she just felt a little weird talking about it to him, not knowing him that well and all.
She turned the corner and gave a sigh of relief when she saw the big florescent 24/7 sign on the side of the drugstore building.
Smiling at the cashier when she walked in she made her way to the designated section, made her selection and was headed over to the pick Inuyasha up some Ramen ( it was the least she could do) when she heard some kind of commotion at the front of the store. Curious, she started to head back when she heard someone curse, something crash, and the clerks indignant shout. Moving faster to see if something was really wrong and if she could help she ran smack dab into a very solid chest and would have fallen on the very solid floor if the chest didn't come equipped with some very solid arms. Looking up to apologize to the stranger she was dumb struck.
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Inuyasha and Miroku weaved their precarious way down the street, Inuyasha sniggered when Miroku stumbled off the curb only for him to walk into a telephone pole.
“I dunno why I ever listen to anything that comes out your stupid mouth, Miroku.” Inuyasha groused as he held onto his forehead where the pole had hit him.

'I coulda taken it down with one swipe,' he thought, making the motion and coming precariously close to giving Miroku a good gash of his own.
“Might I suggest you watch where you're swinging those things, you could have hit something that I can't live without,” Miroku smiled vaguely at his own lecherous insinuation.
Inuyasha just grunted, “I think you'd manage, maybe it'd be an improvement.”
He was about to start laughing at the fake “wounded” look on Miroku's face when he thought he caught a whiff Kagome.
'And what would she be doing out at this time of day...?'
'I think you mean night,' his conscience drawled.
“Yeah, yeah, night, whatever.”
“Are you talking to me Inuyasha? If so, I have no idea what your talking about, but i will agree with you that it is indeed the night and we are still going in the opposite direction of your apartment, care to share?”
Yes, Miroku was slightly inebriated, yes, he was having some trouble walking in a straight line but he was also a man on a mission, one that he didn't want to end in the drunk tank or being beaten black and blue because Inuyasha was volatile, rash, and apparently unable to hold his liquor.
They had taken the cab to Inuyasha's apartment from the pub, but Inuyasha decided he wanted Ramen, which wasn't that big of a surprise since that was practically the only thing the hanyou brought for his lunch. But tonight not any kind would do and he revealed to Miroku that the mystery woman staying with him had eaten the last one of that specific kind that very morning.
The look on his face had been priceless, and Miroku was hard pressed not to burst out laughing at the petulant scowl lest he ruin his chance at meeting this mystery woman, so he had indulged the hanyou.
“I can smell her. What the hell does she think I'm doing!” the last spoken more to himself.
“What are you doing? I don't think that's very sanitary...” crinkling his nose, he watched as Inuyasha got down on all fours and started sniffing one of the many crud embedded sidewalks of New York City.
Growling low in his throat when he finally picked up the direction of her scent, Inuyasha bounded off leaving Miroku to his stunned thoughts. He had never really seen Inuyasha as anything other then just another person, sure he knew he was a half demon, that he possessed incredible strength, which he had seen him use before, but he had never actually witnessed him act like a demon. It was rather amusing but he didn't have any time to stand around laughing about it. This particular dog demon had a bad temper on a good day, and tonight he was muttering to himself, saying things backward, and sniffing the ground; things weren't looking good.
“Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...”
Miroku took off at an unsteady run hoping to catch up.
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'The Drug Store? What the hell does she need sooooo badly that she'd go out alone in the middle of the fucking night! Doesn't she know that this city is fucking dangerous! Full of perverts,'
'Like Miroku, who you left back there'
'And crazy drunken bastards.'
'Like you...'
“I'm not drunk,” he muttered as he strode into the store shooting the poor cashier a death glare right before he walked into the sunglasses rack next to the check out.
'Maybe a little,' was all he would admit to himself as he pushed the cashier away when he tried to offer him a hand.
“Hey man!” was all the guy got out before Inuyasha took off in the direction of Kagome's scent.
Not expecting Kagome to come flying around the corner, she caught him as off guard as he did her. Grabbing her arms to steady her all the reprimands he had a mind to tell her died on his lips when she flashed her startled eyes up to meet his. Cheeks flushed with embarrassment, mouth rounded in surprise, her eyes widened slightly as recognition passed over them.
With the passing of the moment Inuyasha found his voice.
“And what exactly do you think you're doing here?” his voice low, threatening.
“Well I... I was... wait, wait, wait! What are you doing here!” her earlier upset coming back with a vengeance.
“I waited for you all day so i could apologize and you didn't even call to say that you were going out!” She paused in her tirade and took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing as it became perfectly clear where he had gone after his shift.
The slight pinkening of his cheeks wasn't from embarrassment, nor was the smell of alcohol.
'Neither is that dangerous looking grin he's sporting,' her conscience interjected. 'You may want to watch what you say to him while he's been drinking.'
It was sound enough advice and although she didn't think that he would purposely hurt her, being under the influence might make him forget the fact that he was still considerably stronger then she.
“I can tell that you've been drinking,” not liking the way his smile grew enough for a fang to slip over his lip. She took a step back, and with more nerve then she felt at the moment, pointedly looked at his hands which were still holding onto her arms.
“You can let go,” she stated, and for a breath taking second she actually thought that he wasn't going to comply.
“Keh!” he dropped his hands and turned to the side to glare at the shelves of goods.
“I was out, end of story, that still doesn't account for why the hell you thought it would be a good idea for you to go out!” he spun around to face her.
All traces of any kind of grin were gone and she had to stop herself from taking a step back from the livid look on his face.
“I had to pick up a few things, and it's only a five minute walk, i didn't think that - ” he cut her off.
“That's right, you didn't think because no one in their right mind would go out by themselves at this hour! You don't know what kinda people are lurking around places like this!”
“The only person I think that would be any cause for concern in a “place like this” is you!”
She bent down to snatch up her purchases to be and, taking the advantage of his speechlessness, side stepped him, making a bee line to the check out. The cashier was still busy putting the glasses rack back to rights when she approached.
“Miss, is that guy bothering you? I can call security if you want?” he looked at her hopefully.
Kagome peeked over her shoulder to see where Inuyasha was and was disappointed to see him walking towards her with a dark scowl. Turning back to the cashier she shook her head.

“That wont be necessary, but thank you for your concern.” She set the items down and shoved her hand in her pocket to pull out some money.
She could feel Inuyasha's eyes boring into her back as he got closer and she silently willed the boy to hurry it up when Inuyasha swiped the bag out to the cashiers hand and grabbed her arm pulling her towards the exit.
Thoroughly fed up with this day of ridiculous situations she tore her arm out of Inuyasha's grasp only to have her elbow connect with someones... something, which in turn doubled up and began to wheeze.
Inuyasha seemed to find this turn of events highly amusing, Kagome just glared at him as she bent down to help the man up.

“Are you alright? I am so, so sorry, sir. Is the anything I can do for you?”
The stranger gave a breathy laugh, “I'm sure I can think of something.”
She sighed with relief and was about to tell him to name it when she felt a not entirely unfamiliar sensation on her backside.
She grit her teeth and let the stranger have it.
Palm stinging, face aflame she turned and started to head back the way she came.
“Ah, so it's Kagome! What a lovely name for such a lovely creature.”
“Stuff it Miroku!” Inuyasha shot over his shoulder. Kagome stopped in her tracks.
“You know that man! Oh of course you do, all you guys know each other, HENTAI!!!”
Her voice was still reverberating off the buildings when Miroku shambled over to Inuyasha holding onto his stomach.
“Hentai... that means pervert right? Hmmm... I guess that would be expected of me but she insinuated that both of us were perverts. What exactly have you been doing with this fine woman that would warrant such an accusation?”
Miroku was expecting the usual “keh!”, maybe even a “fuck you” but when he chanced a look Inuyasha was looking perplexed, his face a little brighter then the alcohol could account for.
“I thought she let that go...”
“Inuyasha, I must say that I am shocked. Might I inquire as to what you did to the girl?”
“It's not what you're thinking, monk, it was a misunderstanding, and she should know that by now dammit. Oi, Kagome!”
And he was off again.
Miroku sighed, 'left behind again. This is most definitely not my night.'
He bent down and picked up the paper bag Inuyasha had tossed aside in his eagerness to catch up with Kagome.
“Kagome...” She was spirited, he would give her that.
'Spirited, firm... with a fairly effective right hand.' he lifted his fingers to his still stinging cheek, and grinned letting his thoughts go where they would. He absently reached into the bag and pulled out the first item.
'Guess Inuyasha got his noodles, hopefully that will pacify him.'
His hand fell on a small box, which he pulled out of the bag thinking they were crackers, something he might snack on while he walked.
He stared at the box, then slowly put it back in the bag.
'I think that it would be in all of our best interests if I get this to Inuyasha as fast as possible.'
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Well, heh heh... long time no write?
Sorry everyone, I'm going to try to work on this story and (fingers crossed) finish it at some not too distant point in the future.
Hope you enjoyed it! It was fun getting back into the story, figuring out new and embarrassing situations to put the poor characters in, and what better embarrassing situation is there then feminine issues?
Until next time!
Tsuki Miko