InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Life Throws You Lemons ❯ Confirmation ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7
Well, it's official,” Kagome's new OBGYN stated with a smile, “you are indeed pregnant. I'd say about seven weeks into your first trimester.”
Kagome sat there in the blue hospital gown eyes on the floor. She had known in her heart that what Inuyasha had said was true but having it confirmed by a doctor seemed to solidify the whole thing.
I'm going to be a mother...”
Yes, you are,” Dr. Mendrakas sustained quietly. “Now, as you mentioned before, this was not a planned pregnancy?” Kagome nodded. “And you maintain that you haven't been consuming any alcohol, or taking any drugs?”
Kagome's head snapped up, eyes wide as she stared incredulously at the doctor.
I'm sorry, Kagome, it's just something that I need to be absolutely certain on, so that we can rule out testing for certain anomalies. It is unfortunate but sometimes when the mother is unaware she's carrying a child she will continue on with her current lifestyle. Not that that is a bad thing, and I don't mean to imply anything either but I think that it's safe to say that in this day and age the use of alcohol and drugs is not uncommon.” She finished with a slight smile trying to appease the poor girl.
Kagome still looked as though she had been struck.
No, I don't drink and I don't do any drugs.”
No prescription? Taking any allergy medication? Tylenol? Nothing?”
Nothing.” She stated with finality. She knew the doctor was just doing her job but it still pricked her pride. She only ever drank at family events, dinner parties, and even then it was maybe a glass of wine if anything!
Taking a calming breath she looked up at the doctor again and smiled tiredly.
I apologize, I've been a little out of sorts since I initially found out. It was a big shock...”
I can imagine it was.”
There was silence where they contemplated each other.
Well,” Dr. Mendrakas stood up and went to her desk, pulling out a pamphlet from a holder. “You'll need to begin taking prenatal vitamins, they will help make up for any nutritional deficiencies in your diet. After going over your medical history I think that your best choice would be 'Neo-Vita'. Here's all the information about that specific brand, but if cost is a concern then 'Pre-Nats' would be the best alternative.” Kagome briefly looked over the pamphlet the doctor had given her.
As you know, nutrition and exercise are also very important during pregnancy,” she said, reaching behind her to grab a booklet off of the bookcase. “This contains tons of information on foods that will be of importance to your developing child, and exercises that will be safe for you to use. But don't worry too much when you begin having ridiculous cravings, if you haven't already; that is completely normal. As far as the weight gaining aspect of pregnancy, that will be monitored each visit and I will be able to determine if you need to put more on or hold back.” The doctor smiled widely.
One of my favorite things, while I pregnant with my son, William, was not having to worry about everything I put in my mouth,” she sighed wistfully, gazing at a very obviously pregnant picture of herself, a plate with a slice of cake resting on her distended stomach, one hand pointing this out, the other holding a fork in triumph. Her smile was ear to ear, a trace amount of chocolate frosting on the corner of her mouth.
Kagome smiled as the warmth of the picture washed over her, making her feel more at ease with the whole situation then she had been for the last few days. She unconsciously raised her hand to her still flat belly.
I guess the best advice I can give you is everything in moderation, but over indulging every once in a while wont hurt anyone, and sometimes it leads to highly amusing keepsakes.” She smiled again, her face reflecting that of the picture.
Now,” she again reached behind herself to the bookcase and selected a more substantial looking book. “This is a very useful book, it takes you through all the steps that we've discussed earlier today. It also has a section where you can record any information that you feel is important, like the first time you feel your baby move, for instance.”
She flipped the book open to the lined pages about halfway through. There seemed to be fun facts already written along the sides of the blank pages.
Here, in the back of the book there is a list of support groups for expectant mothers. A lot of women find these very helpful, being able to relate to others going through the same thing, knowing that you're not as alone as you may sometimes feel.”
Kagome looked away from the doctors kind eyes, feeling like she might burst into tears if they kept the contact.
Dr. Mendrakas got up and went behind her desk.
Here's my card,” she paper clipped it to the front on the pregnancy book and handed it to Kagome.
These are all of my numbers, if you ever need anything - day or night - call me.”
Shaking hands, the doctor had left to give Kagome some privacy to change. From there she left the doctors office and headed to reception to make her next appointment, which brought her to the present; walking back to Inuyasha's apartment. She wasn't exactly thrilled with that thought.
Things had been unbelievably tense since Inuyasha's discovery. He'd barely talked to her in days, just shooting her furtive glances out of the corner of his eyes and mumbling when he was leaving and going to be back.
He hadn't stuck around the morning after that disastrous night.
She'd lain awake all night too shocked to even think about sleep, and after the first rays of sunlight spread across the floor she heard Inuyasha's bedroom door open. Listening to him move around the rest of the apartment, she tried to make out what the brief, muffled conversation he had with Miroku. She just wanted to know what Inuyasha thought of everything.
He hadn't really said much after she'd let the slip about him resembling the father of her child; he just stammered a bit before all but running to his room and slamming the door so hard she could feel it in her feet. She'd gotten out blankets and a pillow for Miroku, who almost wouldn't let her do that simple act because of her “delicate condition”. Thoroughly befuddled from everything that had happened that night her patience was wearing thin, and he had finally backed off and let her get the bedding when she shot him a look that was designed to kill on the spot.
She hadn't seen Miroku since then either, which was a little disappointing because it was nice to see Inuyasha interacting with other people besides Shippo and herself, even if he had been trying to beat the crap out of him. It would also be nice to have an actual conversation with someone. She was in dire need of a confidant, but she was still in shock and the thought of telling her family that she was living with a hanyou who saved her from the streets while she was unknowingly pregnant... not to mention the fact that the father may or may not have known that she was carrying his child, she shuddered to think of what would happen if they ever found that out. From a business perspective there had already been some upheaval between the two companies, and not just from the tension her breakup created, but the merger with Onigumo was also taking a toll on the business world.
Dragging her glum thoughts away from that sore spot, she was hit with sudden inspiration.
“Sango...” she whispered to herself, a smile breaking over her previously dismal features.
'Of course! Why didn't I think of her sooner!' and just as fast as the smile spread her face fell again.
Would Sango even want to talk to her? She hadn't kept in contact with anyone, more out of shame then anything. Would Sango be angry with her? Should she even lay something like this on her, just because she wanted to talk to someone about her secret?
'This is not some dirty secret,' she grimaced, disgusted by her own thoughts. 'This is my baby, our baby, I shouldn't be trying to cover it's existence up!' Why shouldn't I tell Sango? She's my friend, my best friend, and even though we haven't talked in a while that shouldn't make a difference; she's always been there for me.' She held onto that while she walked the rest of the way to Inuyasha's with a new sense of purpose, all the while fighting off that small voice of doubt that seemed to be slowly eating away at her resolve as of late.
“Shippo? Are you home yet?” she called into the seemingly empty apartment while she removed the key. Nothing. She closed the door and made her way to the spare room to dump off her things. Nearly jumping out of her skin when she saw something scuttle across the floor, she managed to scare herself even more when the force of her scream echoed back at her in the small space. No sooner had she closed her mouth did Inuyasha's door come flying open with, Inuyasha's claws raised, ready to strike.
“What! What is!” his ears swiveling around like radars trying to catch any sound, while his eyes scanned the room for the culprit.
“It's a mouse! I think it ran under the sofa, get it! Get it!!!
“A mouse!?” he snorted and relaxed his stance. “All that noise over a puny mouse?” he snorted again unable to quite grasp how a mouse could cause such a ruckus.
Lifting up the sofa with apparent ease he spied the mouse quivering in the corner, he smirked, moving the sofa out of the way as he bent down to grab it with his free hand, which it promptly darted away from. Inuyasha frowned, putting the sofa back on the ground before he made another move to snag the fast little rodent.
“Get over here...”
The mouse was scurrying in Kagome's general direction, she shrieked again and launched herself onto the nearest stool, scrabbling onto the bar style counter, hoping that it was high enough off the ground so the beast couldn't get at her.
“Why you little... come here!” Inuyasha yelled after another unsuccessful attempt. He chased it down the hall and made a last, mad attempt to grab it before it disappeared into the storage closet, which Inuyasha slid right into, causing the door to fold inward with the force. Cursing up a storm he carefully extricated himself from the mess he'd inadvertently made and glared over his shoulder at Kagome who was still on top of the counter bouncing from on foot to the other like she had to use the bathroom, wringing her fingers nervously. The worried look on her face made her seem even more like the child that her actions mirrored, though he would never tell her that he found it so endearing. He kept the glare in place and stood up brushing off the debris from his collision with the door.
“Inuyasha, are you ok? Did you get the mouse? It isn't dead is it? Are you really ok?”
“Keh! Like that could hurt me, and no, I didn't kill the mouse. Damn thing got away.” He almost laughed at the look of chagrin she shot him.
“Get down from there before you fall and break something, wench...” he trailed off when he abruptly remembered exactly what she could harm if she did end up falling. He'd already had his hand out to help her down and she was tentatively reaching for it, seeming more concerned that the mouse might come back then the fact that she was inadvertently putting her unborn child in danger. He growled low and moved in closer so that he could grab her around her currently petite waist and put her safely on the ground.
She kept her eyes down, thinking that he was angry with her for her utterly ridiculous, girlie, reaction that caused all this mayhem, quickly removing her hands from his shoulders when her feet touch the floor. She was forced to look up when he just stood there un-relinquishing his hold.
“Inuyasha, I'm really sorry,” she began, troubled by his black scowl. “I know it's a stupid, irrational fear but I... I...” The glare he was pinning her with was enough to stop her from her speech.
“The stupid, irrational fear doesn't come close to your stupid, irrational reaction! How could you just put your pup at risk like that!”
His words cut through her slight adrenaline haze.
“I didn't,” she stammered, “I didn't even think...”
“I guess that happens a lot doesn't it!” he nearly shouted, finally letting go and wheeling around so he could try and rein in some of his anger. When he thought he had it under a semblance of control there was a knock on the door. Anger flaring again at the unexpected company, he stomped over to give who ever was on the other side his two cents worth.
“What do you want,” he glowered at the middle aged woman he opened the door to.
She seemed a little taken aback by Inuyasha's appearance but quickly covered it up when her eyes darted passed him, taking in the busted up door then landing on Kagome still standing where he left her. That seemed to harden her resolve and she pinned Inuyasha with as much of an answering glower as she could muster.
He straightened up blocking Kagome from her view.
“I heard yelling and was concerned,” she replied honestly, with a hard edge to her words.
“Keh! Not that it's any of your business; there was a mouse. Why don't you go bother the super with that bit of information.”
He was about to shut the door when the woman stuck out her hand to stop him.
“What now!”
The woman was looking distinctly nervous now, he could smell the fear building, and he was a little ashamed of himself for the way he was acting, but he was angry dammit, and frustrated, and embarrassed and this woman was not helping him with her scared eyes.
“I-I...I, ah, was just wondering if your, your girlfriend wanted to may-maybe get a coffee...” she stuttered, the hard edge in her voice all but dissipated.
Inuyasha looked involuntarily over his shoulder at his per posed “girlfriend” only to feel all the worse for it. She was crying, though he wouldn't have been able to pick up on it if he hadn't smelled the tears. He didn't mean to make her cry, he just wanted her to see how dangerous her actions - on a regular basis - were, and now that she was carrying a pup she would have to put a stop to it.
'Maybe you could have actually said that to her instead of scream in her face. This is new to her too, she just needs some time to adjust to it. Besides,' his inner voice put in helpfully,'you did say that we'd protect her, right? Even if it means protecting her from herself.'
He silently grunted in agreement before turning back to the woman blocking his doorway.
“Kagome,” he could hear the sharp intake of breath at her name and sighed inwardly. “Did you catch that?”
“No, I'm sorry, I didn't,” she half whispered before taking a deep breath and starting forward.
“Please excuse my rudeness,” she said to the stranger in an trying to mask her upset. She's also managed to clean up her face in the brief walk down the hall way. “I was a little preoccupied there, did you need something?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
'And there she goes again! Putting other fucking peoples needs in front of her own.'
“She didn't need anything, she wanted to know if you wanted to go get a drink.” He rephrased.
Kagome looked a little shocked at the invite and gave the woman a genuinely regretful smile.
“Perhaps another time, Ms...?”
“Oh! I'm sorry, I guess I'm the one being rude now,” the woman said relaxing visibly in Kagome's calming presence, though her eyes still shifted back to Inuyasha frequently as though trying to gage his reaction.
“I'm...” she paused seemingly debating on whether or not to give her name. Her eyes locked with Inuyasha's, the most direct stare she'd given him since he'd opened the door, and he wasn't sure what confused him the most, the message she was sending him or what she seemed to be searching for. She broke the contact after what felt like hours in what was only seconds to continue talking to Kagome.
“Stephenie Delainey,” she said in her timid voice accompanied by a slight twitch of her lips. “Well, um, Kagome, was it?”
“Higurashi, Kagome, yes.” She smiled encouragingly.
“Another time then, and, uh, if you ever want to-to talk I'm in,” she shot Inuyasha another meaningful look, “ number 617.”
“Thanks again, and we'll try to keep it down,” she added her cheeks pinking with belated embarrassment.
Inuyasha turned away from the door quickly to hide his own flush and stomped over to the living room to flop down on the sofa. He rubbed a hand over his face.
'Women make absolutely no sense! What the fuck was with that woman!? So we were being noisy, big fuckin' deal, I hear the neighbors all the time and don't go knockin' on their damn doors.'
He decided to ignore the fact that he had extra sensitive hearing and normal humans wouldn't be able to hear what he was privy to. His mind involuntarily wandered in the direction of just what he was being privy to before Kagome had encountered the mouse. His flush darkened further as he recalled the afternoon tryst he had inadvertently over heard when he'd innocently gone to catch up on some shut eye.
Gritting his teeth he willed his body to behave when Kagome plopped down in the chair opposite him. He could feel that she was still upset and was trying to think of a way to state his own feelings when she beat him to it.
“Inuyasha?” she began quietly, not really waiting for a response. “About before... well, I know that it was silly of me but it's just something that I've always done, its a gut reaction I guess.”
She rolled her eyes at her own derisory fear, her initial self disgust slowly being replaced by irritation.
“I know it appears that I don't know how to take care of myself, or my baby,” she added softly. “But I'm still new to all of this: living on my own, well... sort of, and finding out I'm preg - “ her voice caught on the word, “pregnant; I can hardly believe it! It's a lot to process, and I'm doing my best to take it in stride but it's going to take a little time for me to figure out how to...” she paused, impatiently motioning her hand in a searching gesture, “to... balance it all.” She paused a second time mulling the word over.
“I know this can't be easy for you either. I guess you got a lot more then you bargained for when you rescued me, huh?” her eyes flashed up to meet his in apology.
Her choice in words caught him off guard.
'Is that really what she thinks I did for her?'
He couldn't think of what to say in reply, what was he supposed to say? He belatedly realized that she was looking at him full on, a peculiar look in her eyes.
“What?” he asked still thrown by what she'd said before.
“You do look like him an awful lot sometimes...” she trailed off her eyes focused on him.
“I look like who?” though he knew the answer almost as soon as he asked the question. He looked away oddly embarrassed, though he could still feel her eyes on him.
“My pups father,” she sighed, sounding strangely defeated, “Sesshomaru.”
It took a minute for Inuyasha's brain to start working again.
What did you say?” he couldn't keep the incredulity out of his tone.
“Sesshomaru, he was my-my mate, I guess; that's what he called it anyway.” She didn't seem to notice Inuyasha's reaction too preoccupied with the utter mentioning of his name.
“Are you fucking serious!”
That got her attention.
“What's wrong?”
She was more then surprised at the vehemence behind his words but what shocked her the most was how livid Inuyasha seemed to be. Every second that ticked by increased his anger and she could feel trepidation beginning to seep in.
“Do you know him?” she whispered suddenly deathly afraid of his answer, wishing she hadn't ever brought it up.
“I guess you could say that,” he spat.
The room was plunged into a warped kind of silence, Kagome, waiting with baited breath while Inuyasha tried to gain some control over his much abused emotions.
“That fucking bastard is my brother,” he finally managed between clenched teeth.
If he said anything else after that it was lost to Kagome. She passed out seconds later due to lack of oxygen.
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Apologies for the gap in updates. I was working so hard on getting the last chapter perfect that I didn't really put much thought into what was going to happen in the following one.
Thanks again for all the support, it really does help keep me motivated %) (that's supposed to be a smiley face).
tsuki miko