InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Awaits ❯ Secret Longings ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Love Awaits
By Forgotten Tennyo
Chapter 2 - Secret Longings
Sesshomaru listened to crickets that sang in the night. How long since he had done so? It wasn't worth recalling. The slight splash caught his attention, and he turned to look at the steaming waters of the hot spring.
Rin stood within the waters again. She had her back to him, as she stared up into the night.
Sesshomaru came to his feet. “Rin.” He stated clearly, “You should be asleep.” Odd though, he had not heard her rise or walk past him into the pool. She didn't move or acknowledge him. Frowning Sesshomaru moved to the water's edge. “Rin.” This time the word took a slightly commanding tone that was sure to gain the girl's attention. Once he did though, he wasn't certain he liked it.
She turned toward him, as before, but this time the modest motion of covering her breasts was forgotten. “Lord Sesshomaru.”
A quick intake of air was all the more he could manage. Many times Rin had said his name, but this time there was something sensuously different in her tone. She moved toward him more slowly, like panther on the hunt. Each movement was pulling her body from the revealing confines of the water.
Sesshomaru felt his heart quicken and resisted the urge to turn away. He would not cower from her. This was Rin who was coming toward him. Rin, the girl who had the smile of an angel, and eyes that shone with the joy of the world.
She also had the body of a temptress it would seem. Sesshomaru growled, now where the hell had that thought come from?
“Lord Sesshomaru.” Her voice snapped him from his musings. She had come out of the water and stood before him, making no move to reclaim her kimono. She reached up to brush a lock of wet hair behind her ear, then allowing her fingers to trail slowly down her neck to the base of her elegant throat. Sesshomaru was suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to find out if that pale skin was as soft was it looked. It became a heady power struggle within himself to regain in control of his actions.
He closed his eyes, only to have them fly open again just as quickly. Rin's arms encircled his waist and she pressed her body close to him. “My Sesshomaru.”
“I belong to no one. Least of all a human girl.” It was purely out of habit that those words came forward. It was the last thread of defense he held against this unseen development. After all he was Lord of the Western Lands, always and forever in complete command of his every action. At least he had thought he was. Rin's behavior was proving to him in spades that he held less control then he would have liked to believe.
Instead of pulling back from him, as he would have liked, Rin leaned closer and sighed with sheer contentment. “But I belong to you, my Lord.”
Perhaps she did in a way. That was probably why he had never left her in a human village. Despite the unsettling knowledge it would be better for her. Instead he had kept her with him as an ever present reminder that there was some out there who saw more in him then just some heartless demon killing machine. He brushed his hand over her hair with a soft gentle motion. Looking down he whispered, “You should get dressed now.”
But she didn't move to do as he had suggested. Instead she raised her hand to his cheek and in one swift movement touched her lips to his. The sweet scent of Rin's body and the feather soft touch of her lips became his undoing. Sesshomaru had been coiled so tightly in his control that now his defenses had been breached he was undone by a backlash effect. The hand in her hair tightened and he leaned lower to deep the kiss.
Rin arched into the moment. A low moan of primal pleasure rose from her tiny form. It was a sound that would haunt him forever. He basked in that sound and the knowledge that he had been the one to cause it.
Desire grew hotter and his lust was blinding. Rin's voice calling his name sounded distain, as if he was on some other level of existence.
Stunned shock gripped him as he realized he was, in a way. Sesshomaru felt his eyes open slowly, as darkness was replaced by blinding light. The silvery stars turned to large white clouds, and Rin who had been draped tantalizingly nude across his form transformed. She stood a few feet away from him. Knelt down in the morning grass still covered in dew.
“Lord Sesshomaru?” Rin tilted her head slightly as she observed him. “I am off to gather some food for my breakfast. Are you awake now? I didn't want to leave with out informing you first.”
Demons didn't need to sleep. That didn't mean that they never did. Sesshomaru should have been elated that it had just been a dream. So where did the scowl that covered his face come from.
The memory of the men from last night rose swiftly in his mind. A slight fire of jealousy and protectiveness filled him. Sesshomaru certainly didn't want those men happening on Rin again. Last time he had been there to intervene, and even if he hadn't Ah-Un and Jaken were not far.
“Jaken, accompany Rin.” Merciful heaven, was that his voice? Thick and forced as if was. He looked at Rin out of the corner of his eye to see if she noticed. Thankfully it appeared she didn't realize that anything was amiss.
“Come on then, Jaken.” She rushed over to grab the imp's arm. “Lord Sesshomaru said we would be staying here for a few days. I want to gather enough to last a little while.”
“Damn it, Rin.” Jaken rubbed his eyes and fumbled around for the staff of two heads. “It's bad enough you are so cheery, but do you have to remain so even in the early hours of the morning?”
“But Master Jaken, did you hear me?” Rin laughed as the moved toward the tree line. “Lord Sesshomaru said we were staying near the springs for a little while. I can't help it if I'm a bit excited to be able to use them again.”
Sesshomaru flinched and tossed a scathing look at the steaming water of the spring. “I hate you.” He snarled at the water itself, despite the uselessness of it all. Rin was going to be back in that water again tonight. Just like in his dream. Sesshomaru decided then and there he was going to leave Ah-un and Jaken on guard duty and find somewhere more urgent to be.
The memory of her soft skin, and the sweetness of that kiss had just been a dream, but it was still too fresh to ignore. Meaning what he couldn't ignore was his lack of control. He didn't like it dream or not, and there was one thing to do about it. He wasn't going to sleep again. Ever. That promise made to himself he rose to start the day.
To Be Continued