InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Awaits ❯ The Knowledge of the Wind ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Love Awaits
By Forgotten Tennyo
Chapter 3 - The Knowledge of the Wind
Rin rushed back into the small camp with one of Ah-Un's saddlebags thrown over her shoulder.
Sesshomaru could hear her coming, but didn't look up until she was fairly standing on top of him. He watched in somber silence as she dropped the bag at her feet and leaned down. Rin fumbled in the bag for a bit and pulled out a small handful of red berries.
“Try one of these Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin thrust one at him in her enthusiasm.
Sesshomaru stared at the berry for a moment before moving his eyes to Rin's face. “Rin.”
“Don't give me that whole “I don't need human food” thing.” Rin frowned at him as she mocked his tone. The action actually made him want to laugh. Did he really sound so stern? “Jaken eats with me every night, and this berry is delicious.”
“I want you to try one.” She insisted with a smile that could melt snow.
Sesshomaru leaned forward and took the berry. “Of course you do.” He popped it in his mouth and nodded. “It is very sweet. I will give it that. So where is Jaken and Ah-Un?”
Rin looked behind her. “They should be along soon. Jaken took Ah-Un to get water from one of the streams. The hot spring is good for soaking in, but I don't think any of us want to be drinking it.”
“If you had some tea stuffed in that satchel, I might argue with you.” Sesshomaru pointed out. Where his thoughts really lay was with Jaken and his inability to watch Rin. Sesshomaru sighed admitting to himself the Jaken had never been a star babysitter.
“I hadn't even thought of that.” Rin misinterpreted Sesshomaru's sigh as longing. “I could have found some leaves if I had looked harder. Would you like me to go out and try?”
“That wont be necessary Rin. I wont be here this evening anyway.” Sesshoumaru felt a twinge, a slight twinge, of guilt at the fallen look on Rin's face. “I am going to visit a Butterfly demon that lives near here that I haven't seen in a while. I have a need of her services.”
Jaken rushed into came with Ah-Un close behind. The first thing the imp noticed was Rin's sad and confused expression. “Lord Sesshomaru?”
“I am glad you returned with Ah-Un.” Sesshomaru took the reins gently out of the hands of the startled imp. “I have need of their service. Keep a close eye on camp, Jaken. If anything happens while I am gone, I will hold you personally responsible.”
“Aye Lord Sesshomaru.” Jaken watched in puzzled silence until Sesshomaru was long gone then turned to Rin. “What did you say that put him in such a mood, Rin?”
“Nothing. Really, he was like that when I returned.” Rin sat down next to the bag containing the food she and Jaken had gathered. “He even told me that he was going to visit a demon that he knows around here.” She looked up at Jaken suddenly. “Jaken? He has never told me what his plans were before. The most we ever get is a “wait here” out of him.” Rin bit her lip and looked thoughtful. “Do you think Lord Sesshomaru has fallen ill?”
“Don't be ridiculous. I would have noticed any ailment that would disturb my lord. Also we demons are heartier then you humans.” Jaken used the staff of two heads to light the fire and flopped down to toss a log in. “If he is going to see a demon near here then it can only be Tsubasaka, who made his clothing for him. Come to think of it, she made your kimono as well Rin.”
“A demon made my kimono?” Rin blinked and looked down a the orange and white checked cloth.
“Of course. You have been wearing nothing but that kimono for over ten years. It's not ripped or dirty. Tell me what human fabric would hold up like that?” Jaken pointed out. “Not to mention it still fit, despite you evident growth. Silly girl. Don't tell me you hadn't noticed that before now.”
“I honestly never thought about it before, but you are right,” Rin murmured. “There have been times I thought I ripped it, but after a few hours I couldn't find them. This demon must be amazing.”
Jaken shrugged. “That would have to be something you would decide if you ever meet her.”
Seshomaru dismounted form Ah-Un and walked through the dense forest that was Tsubasaka's domain. A squirrel dashed across the path in front of him without fear. The sun was glittering through the trees in shafts of light. A lone butterfly with bright blue wings drifted through the air and alighted itself on his shoulder armor.
“Tsubasaka.” Sesshomaru said in a commanding voice. “What do you think you are doing? I know you are here.”
The butterfly lifted into the air and transformed before him. Tsubasaka smiled up at the Lord of the Western Lands. She had changed little from his first memory of her. He had been a small child at the time, journeying with his father. Wings of brilliant blue and the deepest black adorned her back. The short ebony hair framing her face forced the blue eyes to shine.
“Sesshomaru!” She looked him over as well. “You are looking well.” Then crossing her arms she demanded flatly. “Why have you come to my forest? It had better not be to cause trouble, because that work irate me greatly.”
“I have come seeking a new kimono.” Sesshomaru replied flatly.
Tsubasaka arched an eyebrow at him. “So you are sure you are not about to knock over my house in rampant pursuit of one of my followers?”
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and growled low in his throat. One time in your youth you decide to chase butterflies… “Tsubasaka.” The warning was thick in the infliction of his voice
“Although you were a mere pup at the time,” Tsubasaka turned to her house and added, “But not once did I get an apology. Neither from you or your father had any decorum.”
“I am not sorry, and I will do it again if you keep bringing the subject up when I arrive.”
“You're father did stop laughing long enough to advise me you wouldn't like the reminders.” Tsubasaka looked as if she was reminiscing for a moment. “Sesshomaru you never laughing like your father did.”
“I would laugh if I found something worth laughing about.” Sesshomaru cut her off, “Now about that Kimono.”
“I am sorry, but I am to backed up with orders from the humans to fulfill anything else at the time.”
Sesshomaru glared at her. “Why do you even bother with them? You have no need of their money, and they certainly would not completely understand the artistry of your craftsmanship.”
“That would be the closest thing to a complement you have ever given me.” Tsubasaka shot hima shocked looked then shrugged. “They are thankful for what I give them. And why shouldn't I? You came all this way to get a kimono for your human ward.”
“You suppose to much.”
“I think I suppose just enough.” She tossed her black hair and moved toward a large tree and leaned against it. “I am a butterfly after all. I relay on the wind to guide me, and in return for my patience it awards me great knowledge.”
“What has the wind been telling you?” Sesshomaru stayed where he was and awaited what Tsubasaka had to say.
“The new Lord of the Western Lands is still seeking greater power then his father. You have been so caught up with your hunt that you haven't noticed that your human ward has grown.” Tsubasaka looked up at the shifting leaves above her. “You will have to leave her in a human village soon so that she can seek a mate.”
To Be Continued