InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Awaits ❯ Fall of the Angel ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Love Awaits
By Forgotten Tennyo
Chapter 5 - Fall of the Angel
Sesshomaru placed his hand on his sword, and awaited the demons to appear from the trees. Rin sat sidesaddle on Ah-Un staring in silence at her Lord. It had been days and many miles from last time they had seem the hot springs. Life had returned to a seemingly normal routine for them.
Jaken moved to stand beside Sesshomaru as they awaited his action.
When the assortment of scraggly demons finally jumped on to the trail before Sesshomaru bowing with respect it surprised everyone of their small band.
“Lord Sesshomaru, ruler of the Western Lands!” A female lynx demon looked up. `We implore you to come to our valley and save us.”
“I have no time for this.” Sesshomaru took his hand from his sword and moved to step around them.
“My Lord, we were loyal followers of your father Inu no Taisho, and the land we speak of is in your domain.” The demon called after him rising to her feet. “Surely you will not over look the attempts of the Great Phoenix to ascertain some of you lands?”
Sesshomaru stopped and looked back. “A Phoenix you say?”
“It appeared and has been slowly turning the land to ash and fire. We are not how much more our valley can take before it is completely lost.”
Rin slid down from Ah-Un and knelt by Jaken. “Will he go?” She whispered to the imp.
Jaken scowled, but Sesshomaru answered. “Jaken, keep Rin and Ah-Un here with you.”
“Oh thank you, my lord!” The demon bowed. “We will offer you our complete assistance in all that you require of us.”
“I do not want your assistance. I seek only to defeat the Phoenix. It has trespassed on my lands, and that is a direct disregard for my power.” Sesshomaru turned and walked off the pack of demons following behind.
He hated leaving Jaken and Rin where they were, but killing a phoenix was a tricky and dangerous business. They would be safer far out of the way.
Jaken glared at Rin. “This is all your fault you know. In the past Lord Sesshomaru has always taken me with him and I have served him through out any and all battles. Now I am reduced to baby sitter.”
Rin stood up and stared after her lord. “I want to go with him too, Jaken. I never want to be parted from his side, but this is his will and I will abide by it no matter how much it sorrows me.” She turned away and took Ah-Un's reins. “Let's find a nice spot to camp. We maybe here a while.”
Jaken turned in silence and stared after Rin. He hated to admit it but he was stunned. Those were not the words of a child.
A burst of color streaked over the sky and exploded in a million dots of cascading stars. Rin lifted her head and looked around.
Jaken stood on Ah-Un staring off into the night sky. “Jaken?” Rin came to her feet and walked toward them rubbing her eyes. “What was that Master Jaken?”
The night sky was again split alive with another burst of color, this time red. Jaken turned to Rin. “The humans are having a celebration at a palace just to our east. They are shooting specially made explosives as part of their realvery.”
Rin looked up in awe. “It's beautiful.”
Jaken nodded. “If one likes these sort of things. It's rather showy that is for sure.”
Rin watched for a while longer before climbing up behind Jaken on Ah-Un. “Well what are we waiting for, Master Jaken?” She motion Ah-Un skyward.
Jaken lunched forward grabbing the reins. “Don't be stupid, you silly girl.” Jaken struggled to hold Ah-Un back.
“But I want to see them up close. They are so far away from here, and Ah-Un can get us right up next to the lights.” Rin pleaded.
“I should have never given in that day we went to the springs, Rin. You are getting to be absolutely hopeless with you whining.”
“You are not fooling me, Master Jaken. You want to see them as badly as I do. Besides its not like they will be going long. It's already well into the night and they light of dawn will ruin their color. Surely the humans will not be shooting them off then.”
Jaken sat down and lowered the reins. “Ok, but only for a little while. Then we must return here and wait for Lord Sesshomaru's return.”
Ah-Un leapt into the sky with ease despite the passengers on their back. Jaken held on to the reins lightly letting Ah-Un take control while Rin set on hand on his shoulder to keep her balance. They crossed the sky quickly and soon below came into sight a large castle with a village of even great size surrounding it. It was only visible because of the lights that shown all through out. Rin gasped and smiled down. It was a gorgeous sight from high above. The smell of food drifted up through the air, as Rin searched the ground for a fleeting looking of its people.
She was not disappointed. The humans were everywhere and dressed in dazzling colors, like the ones they shot into the sky before them. Rin had never known that humans could have such large gatherings.
Jaken made sure to veer Ah-Un around the fireworks. He didn't want them getting caught up in the burst or for that matter being seen. Still from the giggles of delight from behind him he was sure that Rin was at least enjoying herself. The little imp was at least content that he was able to give her this memory. He just had to make sure she didn't share the tale of the adventure with Lord Sesshomaru.
“I think this is enough Rin. I am going to head back now.” Jaken called back to her.
Rin frowned but nodded. She had found the actions of the other humans interesting, but she was certainly not ready to give up her life at Lord Sesshomaru's side. Just as Ah-Un began to turn a small light twirled up at them from the ground below.
Jaken's eyes bulged with shock being the first to detect its movements, and tried to pull Ah-Un out of the way. Ah-Un confused by Jaken's frantic tugs was slow to reposnd and barely moved from the rocket's path before it burst. The blast caused the flying demon to topple out of control. Ah-Un flipped around serval times before they gathered control, but the decent had brought them closer to the ground and had them hovering right over the palace, well in sight of all the humans.
The people below were pointing and shouting up at them. Jaken swallowed hard before looking back at Rin.
Rin who was hanging on to Ah-Un's back only by the strap on the saddlebag. “RIN!” Jaken reached back trying to grab her hand, but at that instant as if fate had decided to play a cruel joke on them both the leather snapped.
Rin was falling through the air. The bag's contents spilled out and one long white band of cloth emerged. Rin tumbled through the air in silent horror. As she did the cloth wrapped around her arms torso and legs in fluttering radiance. Although her decent was greatly reduced it did little affect her harsh impact with the ground.
A human male dressed in garments to elegant to be anything but nobility, ran over to her checking for signs of life, as others gathered around her delicate form.
“Did you see her fall?” A female voice shouted from the crowd, “It was from so high up, she must be able to fly!”
“A Tennyo! Did you see her heavenly robes flowing around her?”
“She was fighting those demons!” Some one else cried out. “They threw her to the ground.”
“She must have bee trying to defend us from the evil demons.” The murmurs became shouting, but Rin could hear none of it in her unconscious state.
“Lord Yoshiro,” A warrior leaned down by the man cradling Rin in his arms. “Does the Tennyo still draw breath.”
Yoshiro slowly turned his head to the warrior addressing him. “Yes.” He looked back down at the angel in his arms and caressed her cheek with is hand. “I command all here to defend the Tennyo with their lives. Do not let the demons touch her!”
Jaken and Ah-Un floated overhead. “We have to get Rin back, Ah-Un. Lord Sesshomaru is going to kill me.”
Ah-Un dove down into the people and knocked several away with their necks and tail. The humans were not deterred however. The sight of the Tennyo that had protected them from the demons spurred them on. They attacked with strength and determination that Jaken had not seen before.
A warrior ran in close and shoved his spear into Ah-Un's side and they both roared in pain. As an instinctual reaction they took to the sky. Jaken looked over at the wound. “Don't fall Ah-Un, let's get away and come back for her later.” Defeated the faded off into the night.
Loud cheers erupted from the people having staved off a demon attack. Now all attention was turned to Lord Yoshiro and the fallen Tennyo. Yoshiro lifted Rin into his arms and moved toward the palace, a path cleared before him as he walked. “Bring me a doctor, and call Lady Amaya and her servants to attend to her.”
“It is done, my lord” A uniformed man rushed toward the gates.
“Fear not, Little Angel.” Yoshiro wished to the unconscious Rin. “I will use all the power my kingdom commands to keep you safe.”
To Be Continued
If it's not a big fat fiery bird, it a handsome prince has swept Rin off to his castle!! Sessy is going to be so happy!!! … Or not.