InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Money Isn't Enough ❯ In the Beginning There Was... Armani? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sunday morning
by: CaliforniaCastaway
Disclaimer: I do not, nor ever will, own Inuyasha. My dog is hard enough to take care of.
Rain fell softly on Sunday morning, beating quietly on the straw roof above the drowsy companions.
Judging by the soft light streaming through the wooden structure it was about five o' clock in the morning. On a Sunday.
It was a sin to be up this early.
“Wake up you lazy humans! It's time to go!”
Kagome cracked one eye open, growled slightly, then turned and curled around a still half-asleep Shippou.
“Go away.” She mumbled, her words barely discernible from under the heavy blankets over her.
Inuyasha twisted around so he was facing Kagome, picked up his
-sheathed- Tetsusaiga, and…
poked her. Repeatedly.
Shippou opened his eyes wearily, glaring up at the hanyou with scorn.
Which didn't work all that well… he was only three feet tall, and his huge emerald eyes were still filled with sleep.
Inuyasha glanced at the kit, grunted, and continued poking Kagome.
Kagome opened her eyes, Shippou looked up at her. Her usually brilliant blue eyes were dull and blood-shot.
Her eyes widened somewhat before narrowing dangerously, filled with a menacing quality that immediately woke up Shippou.
Uh oh.
Turning slowly, she shot her venom-filled glare to Inuyasha who visibly cringed. “Sit. Stay. Play dead.” Her voice was low and calm, but laced with countless threats.
Across the room Sango snorted, burrowing deeper into Kirara (who was presently in her larger form). Miroku smirked, though it went unnoticed by everyone.
Inuyasha, who'd been recovered for a little while now, slowly raised his head. Seeing Kagome had her eyes closed once again he silently got to his feet, retrieved Tetsusaiga and slunk to a dark corner of the small, one-room hut.
Kagome hadn't sat him in a couple months, but lately her patience had been running thin. No one seemed to know why, but she' had basically avoided everyone for a while now save Shippou.
So, for the first time in several weeks, Inuyasha began removing the dirt he'd accumulated from the wooden floor from his ears. It was a task he hadn't missed much. At all.
Miroku was leaning against the wall next to him, sprawled out lazily with his staff held loosely in his right hand.
“Monk, get up. Now.” Inuyasha grumbled, still swatting at the dirt lodged in his right ear.
Miroku opened one orb, judged the distant between Inuyasha's head and his hand- then dropped his staff. Accidentally, of course.
“Oops.” He turned over and curled in a ball, to conceal his chuckles.
Inuyasha picked up the Shakoju and huffed before staring at Sango's form. “San…”
“Yell at me, talk to me, touch me, or look at me and I'll shove Hiraikotsu down your throat.” She spoke slowly and clearly, her words exaggerated by the motion of her hand, which was resting on said weapon.
“go…” He trailed off lamely, his eyes widening again in fear.
A few minutes later he stood with a huff, “Feh. Fine. But I'm coming back in two hours and if you guys aren't up I'm tossing you all into a stream.”
And with a swish of red fabric he was gone.
Kagome shivered in her sleeping bag, hugging Shippou closer. The thought of rain, streams and early mornings had her thinking of hot springs. Again.
An hour and thirty minutes later Kagome rose, stretched languidly, and stood. Surveying the abandoned hut everyone had occupied the night before she discovered that the only other person awake was Miroku, who sat in the corner praying, presumably.
Silently, Kagome slipped from the small shelter, her bow and quiver in hand. A wind blew her dark tresses around her head idly, reminding her how much she needed to brush the locks.
I need to bathe too…
Her hand slithered through the tatami mat behind her and withdrew with her pack. Kagome slung it over her shoulder, clutched her bow tighter and shot into the surrounding forest.
Long, smooth strides carried her swiftly toward her destination. Her upper body leaned forward in a level line, her hair flowing behind her. As she avoided low shrubbery and stray roots her thoughts flew through her head rapidly.
She was eighteen now, but seemed way beyond her years in everything but her looks.
Life in the Sengoku Jidai had finally caught up with her and -though she maintained a usually positive front- when she was alone her more pessimistic side always shone through.
If you ask me I'm a little too good at depressing myself…
Kagome's fist clenched and her eyes narrowed on the non-existent path ahead. She jumped over a small creek then turned to the left, following the rushing water.
The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the rain falling like liquid crystals.
She wore a pair of black pants from her era and a baggy grey shirt. Not exactly trend-setting but good enough for her purpose.
The arrows in her quiver rattled with the movement, but Kagome paid it no mind as she spotted a lake in the distance.
Her face brightened and she smiled elatedly. When she was about ten meters from the water she dropped her things, without stopping, and ran straight forward, diving into the shining liquid. Her clothes billowed around her under water and her hair became a dark cloud.
She shot under until she reached the bottom, a good fifteen feet, and landed softly on the ground. Her legs bent and with practiced ease Kagome jumped up and breached the surface. Between breaths she grinned, her head tilted up to the clear sky.
It was warm and sunny but raining, with no sign of letting up.
A small laugh escaped her lips as she swam toward the bank. When she reached land she came out, dripping like a wet rat. Her hair was matted to her head and her clothing stuck to her like a second skin.
I guess it doesn't make much sense to bathe while it's raining. She mused as she drug her bag closer onto a rock near the lagoon.
Hanging her clothes on a low branch she sighed. When have I ever cared?
Thirty minutes later Kagome stood on the rock overlooking the tarn. Her hair fell down her back to her waist, wet and dripping from both her bath and the rain. She was dressed in a white haori and black hakamas, similar yet different to priestess robes.
Similar yet different… that basically described Kikyou and herself…
She narrowed her eyes at the water, glaring at her image. Kagome had turned eighteen a few months ago, and while it was now easier to tell the differences between Kikyou and herself the two still bore a striking resemblance.
Silently, Kagome went over the differences.
Their hair was around the same length now, but Kagome's wasn't as straight and her bangs were spikier. Kagome was -surprisingly- taller than Kikyou, not by much, but enough to tell from a distance. Kikyou's face wasn't as defined as Kagome's. Her features were once rounder, younger and not as elegant as Kikyou's, now Kagome's countenance was more feline, slightly more angular.
In comparison, Kaede had said that Kagome appeared older than Kikyou ever would.
But what Kagome found most distinguishing were their eyes. Kikyou's eyes were cool, solemn, mysterious, wise and held the color of a forest- dark mahogany brown with slight traces of red.
Kagome's eyes had angled slightly when she turned older, diminishing her naïve and childish appearance greatly. Thick black lashes, gave them a natural black contour and made the orbs appear darker then her eyes really were. Vibrant, enchanting, intelligent and calm were the dominant adjectives but an internal streak of defiance gave them fire. Kagome's eyes changed colors, usually different blue hues. Right now they reflected the light blue of the water, serene and laced with deep cerulean but constantly shifting with the rainfall.
This was how Miroku came across Kagome, gazing into the water with a pensive, angry look. The vivid sun caused the lake behind her to sparkle and glow, outlining her figure and enhancing her raven locks. Miroku sighed. He had noticed how she'd grown up and grown away from the group, he'd noticed how she'd gained the form of a woman and the looks to captivate any man. Slightly unnerved by the direction of his thoughts he straightened. No.
He could be attracted to her, yes. But it went no further than friendship.
With a sigh he began walking towards her, deliberately jingling the metal of his Shakoju as he approached to alert her of his presence. Her aura shifted lightly, reaching out to brush his own, but Kagome made no move.
He stood behind her quietly, watching the ends of her hair as the wind tossed them around. After a few moments of silence he stepped up next to Kagome, watching her image play across the shifting water. “Lady Kagome, may I be so bold to ask what you're doing?”
“Comparing.” She stated simply, turning to look at him.
“Comparing? What?”
She waved her hand in a dismissive motion as she placed her bow and quiver over her shoulder. She bent down and picked up her back pack, standing she felt-
A hand. On. Her…
Kagome walked away, humming softly with her eyes closed as she followed the trail she'd partially forged before.
Behind her, from his place in the cool water, Miroku twitched. He pulled himself out of the water and onto the rock the two had been occupying before. Sitting down, he began wringing out his robes, a small smile on his face. It was worth it. It was always worth it.
But man, he missed that little skirt she'd worn before. With the pleats, and the strong gusts of wind, and-
Uh. Yeah.
The same smirk still adorning his lips he jogged up to Kagome and took her bag from her. “My sincerest apologies Kagome-sama, I was simply-”
“Removing dirt, fixing a wrinkle, taking care of a bug or have you come up with any new material.”
Miroku laughed lightly and clutched his staff tighter. “I suppose I'll need some new…”
“…” Miroku looked down sheepishly.
“Why did you come to get me, anyway?” Kagome questioned.
“Inuyasha had returned and demanded to know the whereabouts of your person.”
Kagome nodded, her eyes unreadable.
And this is where our conversation stops and an awkward silence- for me at least- ensues. The monk lamented silently.
When they arrived back at the hut Shippou was sitting outside, glaring at the ground and grumbling crossly. His nose twitched and he looked up to see Kagome and Miroku enter the clearing.
“Kagome!” In a blur he shot at her, nestling against her breast.
Lucky devil. Miroku mourned but smiled as Sango and Inuyasha exited the hut. Sango glanced over at them and smiled slightly but sat against a tree, in the shade.
Along the walk back it had stopped raining and neither had noticed. Curious.
Inuyasha shot an inquisitive and slightly wary look to Miroku before yelling at Kagome. As usual.
Kagome ignored him- that only set the hanyou into another rant- and instead spoke to Shippou.
And thus, the day commenced.
A few hours later the group sat around a small campfire, each caught up in their own thoughts.
Kagome was thinking of Naraku, and how they'd destroyed the creature a year ago. The only reason I'm still here is cause of the jewel shards.
In the corner, Shippou let loose an adorable snore. And that.
Next to her, Sango shifted and set Kirara on the log the two girls were sitting against.
“Kagome?” She whispered softly.
“I need to talk to you…”
Kagome glanced at her before rising and starting towards the woods.
“Where are you going?” Inuyasha asked from above them.
“Firewood.” She claimed while disappearing into the thick forestry.
A few minutes later Sango stood and followed. No one asked any questions.
“Alright, why have you been acting so weird lately?” She asked when she stood in front of Kagome.
It was like a dam breaking. One minute Kagome was standing in front of her, calm, smiling and slightly aloof. The next Kagome was on the ground, shaking from the force of her tears.
“Oh Sango, I don't know how it happened! Just, when I went back to my time one day I'd ran into him. Then we started to talk and suddenly I was back at his apartment and we were…”
Sango blinked, stunned. Was this going where she thought it was going?
“We were alone, and there was wine, and- and…”
Sango fell to her knees in front of Kagome and dragged her closer, hugging her tightly.
“Calm down, Kagome. It's ok. It wasn't your fault…”
A bitter laugh escaped Kagome's lips, “yes, it is. It's all my fault.”
Sango shifted so she was looking into Kagome's eyes. “Now, what happened?”
Kagome took a deep breath and wiped her eyes dry, the collected, distant Kagome sat in front of her once more.
“When I went back to my time, around… six months ago? No, five months ago. I ran into an old friend, Hojou. Atsuhiko Hojou. I hadn't seen him in years, and suddenly he asked me out. I said yes, to catch up with him, you know? Then, we kept seeing one another, for three months this happened until finally, one night, he asked me back to his apartment. I wasn't concerned. I hadn't had but one glass of wine. But, when I woke up in the morning, we were… I was… he was… sated?”
Sango blinked, then blinked again. And finally she came crashing out of her trance. “You were WHAT?”
The call was so loud that, behind Kagome, Miroku and Inuyasha sprung through the trees, weapons in hand.
“We had SEX, ok?” Sango blinked. Miroku blinked. Kirara put her head on her paws and Shippou gaped.
Inuyasha… Inuyasha exploded.
“You did WHAT? WITH WHO? I'll KILL HIM!”
Kagome froze and slowly turned around. Miroku blinked once more before approaching her, his face set in a smirk. A very evil smirk. Inuyasha was still raving, swinging Tetsusaiga like a madman. Sango was trying to get him to stop and Shippou had fallen over, mouth and eyes still wide open in shock.
“So, Lady Kagome, how many times have you returned to his `apartment'?” The houshi drawled lazily, leaning against his Shakoju calmly.
The clearing fell silent and Kagome's bangs concealed her eyes. With a soft kick Kagome knocked Miroku's staff from under him, causing him to fall to the ground with a light oof.
Inuyasha appeared in her line of vision instantly, his eyes narrowed with rage. “Yeah, how many times have you gone back to see him?”
Kagome's own eyes, an intense steel color, rose to meet his. “Enough.” She asserted through clenched teeth.
“You've become a whore now?” Inuyasha pressed onward, ignoring the negative signs his friends were giving him from behind Kagome.
“No. If I were a whore I'd have been to bed with more than one man. If I were a whore I would've already turned to you, fortunately I have yet to reach that level of desperation.”
Tetsusaiga fell to the ground loudly, and Inuyasha's eyes expanded to a size Kagome had previously assumed impossible. Standing rigidly Kagome turned on her heel and strode away, her head held high. “Besides. Hojou and I are engaged.”
When everyone returned to the campsite Kagome was gone, along with her bag and weapons. “I assume she returned home.” Sango mumbled.
Miroku fell to a sitting position and held his staff over his lap.
Inuyasha fell to a boulder. (His eyes had yet to return to their normal size.)
Sango sat on the log her and Kagome had formerly used and looked down at Shippou, who'd passed out earlier. In the darkness of the night, Sango smiled. Finally Kagome had moved on.
500 years in the future, Kagome fell from the side of the well, her knapsack still sitting at the bottom of the dried-up time portal.
Kagome felt sick. She wasn't sick with a disease, but sick with guilt. What she'd said to Inuyasha had been harsh. Even for him. And silently she cursed herself.
She turned over to her back and sighed. Things never go like I want them to.
Huffing irritably Kagome stood and glanced down at the bottom of the Bone-Eater's well toward her bag. I'll get it out tomorrow.
She walked out of the well house and stared up at the family shrine. “Yes, tomorrow I'll come and visit them. Tonight… I'm going to my apartment.”
Decision made she descended down the stairs, still garbed in her miko robes. At the bottom of the concrete stairs sat her car, a black imported Lexus. Yay Lexus!
She stopped at the bottom of the flight of steps and looked to the Goshinboku. This was your entire fault.
Silently, she drew her keys out of the pocket on the inside of her haori sleeve- an ingenious idea she'd had awhile ago- and climbed into the sleek ES 330.
Yeah, Hojou was really nice with the anniversary gifts.
She drove in silence, the lights of Tokyo reflecting off the tinted windows and casting her in shadow, hiding her hostile face.
Eventually she pulled up to her home in central Tokyo. A large building with marbled lobby's and glass elevators. It looked more like a hotel than anything, but Kagome thought of only one thing as she stood in the garage elevator.
The elevator didn't stop until it reached the top floor, a whole floor to herself. When did I get so superficial? She reflected almost sullenly, but perked up when she opened the door.
A hint of incense filled the high-rise and Kagome smiled as she thought about her family and the shrine.
She kicked off her black boots- she never understood why people tortured themselves with those wooden shoes- and collapsed on the couch.
I should probably get out of these clothes.
Fifteen minutes passed and finally she got to her room, quickly ridding herself of the Shinto garb she fell into her silken sheets, sighing with appreciation. Now that Miroku's curse isn't threatening our downfall I don't know why we're in such a hurry all the time.
Kagome had never attended proper college, but now she was a successful authoress. She had several books out, all of them top-sellers.
The next morning Kagome woke up to the smell of coffee. Smiling lethargically she walked to the kitchen. Hojou was leaning against the counter calmly, a newspaper in front of him. When she entered the kitchen Kagome leaned against the doorway, studying him with a slight twinge of… what?
When he felt her gaze he placed down the paper and grinned at her. “Hey, Kagome dearest.”
She nodded silently, to tired to do much else. Atsuhiko smiled gently and opened his arms. Kagome took a few steps and melted against his strong frame. “How did you know I was back?” She mumbled against his Armani suit. Again with the superficial-ness.
“Your mom called this morning, Inuyasha came to your house early yelling at everyone. She said he was 'tracking your scent'.”
Three months ago, when Atsuhiko proposed, Kagome had told him everything. Including her and Inuyasha's imaginary relationship.
“He's coming to get me?”
“Damn.” Hojou chuckled and tightened his grip before releasing her.
“Well, I'm going to stay here until he arrives and, judging by your mother's call that should be-”
The door to her balcony burst open above them, where her bedroom was located.
Disregarding the high school cultural festival, Hojou and Inuyasha had never met. But, after hearing all the stories Kagome had told, Atsuhiko was sure he wasn't going to like the guy.
At all.
Kagome sighed and grabbed the cup of coffee Hojou handed her, her eyes closed in bliss as she drank the caramel-colored liquid.
She was wearing a tank top and boxers, and an open short-sleeved shirt. Hojou noted with pried two of those things were his own articles of clothing.
Inuyasha came down the winding stairs of her loft, stomping through the living room and into the kitchen. “Dammit Kagome, I-!”
He froze when he saw Atsuhiko Hojou.
Kagome sat up on the island in the center of her kitchen, watching with interest. It's like a soap opera.
Inuyasha took a deep breath and exhaled, his eyes tapered toward Atsuhiko. “You...” He growled.
Hojou rose one eyebrow and smirked. Kagome looked between the two with interest. It was actually funny.
Because of his demon blood Inuyasha had hardly aged, but Hojou had quite a few years difference. And what a difference it made. Kagome mused, looking him up and down.
Inuyasha turned to Kagome. Kagome took a sip of her coffee. Hojou picked up the paper.
“Is this the moron that tied himself to you.” Inuyasha spat.
Kagome eyes grew, Inuyasha growled slightly, Hojou set down the paper and walked in front of Kagome.
“One- you can't even spell 'moron'. Two- any man would be lucky to have Kagome and, three- leave.” Hojou said calmly, his face blank.
Inuyasha looked stunned. Kagome suppressed laughter.
Hojou was CEO of a major company, his time with the 'big dogs' had hardened him slightly, and opened his eyes. Kagome had watched part of the transformation first-hand. It was almost scary.
Inuyasha got back under control, and straightened his posture.
Kagome jumped from the counter, minus the coffee cup, and approached Inuyasha.
When she stood directly in front of him she sighed. “Inuyasha, calm down. Hojou and I are going to be married. By choice. I don't know why you're so angry.”
In truth, she didn't. A year ago Kagome had confessed her feelings toward Inuyasha, Inuyasha had been shocked, so he fled. They never spoke of it again and eventually Kagome let go her adoration to him.
Inuyasha looked down his nose at her, Kagome could practically see him sifting through his thoughts. “Feh. I'm angry cause you left. You can do whatever you want with Hobo.”
“Whatever.” Inuyasha crossed his arms and turned to the side. “Hurry up. We gotta go.”
Kagome massaged her temples and closed her eyes. Damn karma. “Look, I'll come back tomorrow. I'm going to have dinner with Hojou tonight.”
Inuyasha looked like he was about to argue and Kagome could feel Hojou's glare. Inuyasha 'Feh-ed' once more and walked to her living room before plopping to the couch.
Yeah, make yourself at home. Kagome griped mentally.
A number of hours later Kagome and Atsuhiko sat in the park after their dinner. The wind was blowing slightly and Kagome had her head against his shoulder as she looked into the water.
He still wore his suit, though the tie was gone and a couple of the shirt buttons undone. Kagome had on a short black dress and Hojou's overcoat.
“I should probably take you home now. I'd hate to see what havoc Inuyasha might wreck on Tokyo if you aren't home by his bedtime.”
Kagome laughed lightly and took Hojou's hand as she stood. Together they walked toward the car, Kagome stopped once and looked up at a cherry tree in front of her. The jacket slipped from her shoulders slightly but she continued to gaze up at the blooming tree.
A flash went off and Kagome looked toward the sound. At the foot of the tree was a small man with a camera. Paparazzi.
As she stared into the camera, he took another picture and ran off. Kagome shook her head and walked toward Hojou.
He better have gotten my good side.
Authoress' Note: Alright, here's the deal. I really don't want any bad reviews so I'm going to start by saying I don't hate Inuyasha. He isn't going to always act like this, I'm just opening. Now, Sesshoumaru will come in next chapter. So...