InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When My Heart Told Me to Listen ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When My Heart Told Me to Listen

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co. They belong to the brilliant Rumiko Takahashi

Chapter Four

Kagome stood by her bed glancing at her suitcase and clothes. She was getting ready for the adventure of her life. She started packing the moment she came home. Her mind was spinning tales of adventure, reasons why she shouldn't leave, reasons why she should. 'I can't keep subjecting myself to this. I deserve so much more, so much more than he gives me.' Kagome gave a defeated sigh as she sat on her bed, staring at her floor, when her phone rang.

"Hello?" She asked standing back up to pack the last of her belongings.

"Where are you wench?" The gruff voice asked her.

"I'm busy." Kagome responded as stoically as possible, in her condition.

"I told you I wanted to see you at 7. It's 7:20."

"You aren't one for punctuality, so why do you care?" She huffed out, throwing a garment into her open suitcase.

"Because" he hissed out the word "I want to see you. Now." He all but barked into the phone.

"Inuyasha, please, I'm busy. I have work to do, a lot of paperwork." Kagome lied, knowing the hanyou wouldn't be able to tell.

"Fine then, I'm coming over." He said as Kagome heard, what sounded like movement in the background.

"No! I'm not at home. I'm still at the office." Kagome closed her eyes and grimaced, she had never lied to him, especially so many times at once.

"Fine. Call me when you get home." Kagome looked at her phone as he hung up without even so much as a goodbye, just a 'Call me when you get home'.

"Pompous jerk." Kagome grumbled to herself as she got back to her packing. 'He always does this! Making demands of me like he owns me.' Kagome sighed at this thought. 'He has my heart, he practically does own me.' It had been years and still she fought with her self over this daily. Did he really love her? Did he really miss her when they were apart? He always got so possessive of her when she flirted lightly with other guys. Even with people that they knew, he was likely to blow a gasket for a man just giving her a light touch on the shoulder. She never understood what he was thinking; she could never get in his head.

Kagome knew that he had a girlfriend; they were usually off and on. Thus when they were on off, he called her. At first it had been no big deal. Inuyasha and Kagome were friends, so she was glad that he called her to be there to cheer him up. However that all changed the first time they had sex. It was the best night of her life. Never had she felt such pleasure and the way that he looked at her, the way he touched her with such gentleness had her head spinning. Kagome sighed at the memory knowing what followed. She panicked and left, and Inuyasha returned to his girlfriend almost as if what happened between them that night didn't transpire. Kagome was devastated, she cried so hard that Sango stayed captive with her in her room, listening to her mumble incoherently about what happened, and her feelings.

It was hard at first, but somehow she managed to move on with it. She accepted the fact of what happened and she never brought it up. Until he broke up again with his girlfriend and he called her again. Kagome swore to herself she would be strong and resist him if he even attempted to touch her, but she was weak to his touch and his warm breath on her ear had her melting into his embrace and ever since then it became something common. It was to the point he didn't even bother calling her to come over, he would just show up at her door. Kagome sighed, she needed to clear her head and keep packing, and with that she steeled her nerves and got back to work.

A couple house later, Sango came home to the apartment she shared with Kagome.

"Hey Kagome! I'm back!" Sango called as she took her shoes off by the door, passing the threshold and slipping on some house slippers.

"Sango! I'm in the kitchen!" Kagome said not letting her self be seen as she was making some dinner.

"Hey" Sango said as she entered the kitchen, dressed in sweats and a tank top. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail still dripping from the shower she had taken before leaving the dojo.

"How was your day?" Asked Kagome as she turned around to face her best friend, leaving her food to simmer a little over the fire.

"It was okay. Inuyasha came in and I wanted to kill him, but we weren't sparring." Sango said shrugging her shoulders at her friend. "If it were up to me, I'd seriously take his ears off and keep them as trophies." Sango humped as she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Kagome giggled lightly at her friend.

"Well Sango, I thought I should tell you." Sango looked back at her long time friend waiting for her to continue. "I've decided to take a trip to Egypt, for 3 weeks, to clear my head."

"O honey! I'm so proud of you!" The older girl responded knowing the reason behind this trip instinctively. "Don't worry about everything here, we'll take care of it all." Sango smiled at her friend. In all honesty she was worried about Kagome. Inuyasha had been playing with her heart for too long, she didn't know how Kagome could stand it. Sango was glad she decided to take a trip away; she needed a break from all the stress. She needed space away from everything and away from him.

"Thanks" replied Kagome with a smile. "I need you to do me a favor though."

"Sure anything. What is it?"

"I need you to find someone way to restrain him before my flight." Kagome asked searching Sango's eyes, trying to read her expression.

"Sure thang love." Sango replied with a devilish smirk. "I'm pretty sure Miroku can come up with something to hold him back."

"Thanks Sango. If he founds out before I get on my plane...I'm pretty sure he'll cause a scene so big, only national security will be able to save me." The girls laughed at this, knowing the antics of their friend so well, it wasn't past him to do something outrageous.

"So, are you packed yet?" Sango asked reaching behind Kagome to cut the fire on the stove for her.

"Yeah I am actually." Kagome said looking sheepishly at her friend who had saved their dinner from their conversation. "Uh thanks," she muttered glancing at the ramen noodles, beef, and vegetables in the pan. Sango simply shrugged at her appreciation and moved to get plates from the cabinet.

"Well that's good. What time is your flight?" she asked pouring the noodles into two bowls.

"Its at 3 pm tomorrow. I'm really anxious and nervous. I'm terrified of what he'd do if he knew I was leaving for three weeks." Sango scuffed at this.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be at the dojo training for the weapon's tournament all week. I'll make sure he doesn't notice you're gone." Kagome smiled at her friend trying to remember how she ever got along without Sango.

Kagome groaned as her alarm cloak blared nosily, altering her of the now rising sun.

"C'mon I just went to bed." Kagome mumbled into her pillow.

It wasn't until 3 am that she decided she should get some sleep. She and Sango had spent hours talking and making sure that Kagome had everything she needed for her trip. From bottles of sunscreen to linen fabric of clothes they packed everything. In total Kagome would be going with 3 bags. A suitcase, a carry on, and a backpack to make sure she was ready for all types of adventure Kagome was satisfied, Sango insisted that she pack more. Arguing that she needs to make sure she's covered all around, Kagome insisted she was alright that this was a trip to find herself, not get lost in her belongings.

However, Kagome was currently trying to destroy her alarm clock with her feeble attempts at hitting it.

"Ka-go-me! It's 11! We have to get you fed." Sango singed her way into Kagome's room.

"No." Kagome said quietly pulling the blankets closer around her.

"Kagome." Sango said tapping her foot against the floor with her hands on her hips. Once again her hair was in a ponytail but she was still in her in pajamas, which consisted of long pants with a tank top. "You have to get up." Kagome didn't even budge, so Sango pulled out her last weapon. Sango climbed on top of the bed, and straddled Kagome's slumbering figure, and Kagome was unaware of the mischievous grin that lit Sango's face. Without warning Sango pulled the blanket from Kagome exposing her tank top clad figure waist up and before Kagome could begin protesting Sango started tickling her.

Now ever since Kagome was little, she had always been ticklish. There were very few people who knew that she was and always used it to persuade her. Or as means of torture as Sango often used it as, for example at this moment.

"Ah! Sango! Stop!" Kagome couldn't help the screams of laughter that expelled from her throat. The delight she felt! "Sango" she gasped between laughs. "It tickles!" Kagome said, still laughing.

"I know it tickles silly! That's why I'm doing it." Sango said continuing to tickle her friend relentlessly.

"Please!" Kagome barely managed out as her laughter had her gasping for air and tears flowing freely out of her eyes.

"Okay, I think you've had a enough." Sango stopped, rolled off Kagome and the bed. She stood by the bed and watched as her friend caught her breath.

"Was that necessary?" Kagome asked between breaths a smile plastered on her face.

"Of course! Now c'mon we have a lot to do before your flight."

"Like what? I wanna sleep." Kagome said pouting slowing reaching for her blanket.

"Uh huh. No you are getting up missy." With that Sango grabbed Kagome's arm and pulled her straight off the bed.

One spa trip and 3 hours later Sango and Kagome were standing in line at the airport, confirming Kagome's flight and checking her luggage.

"You know where you're staying?" Sango asked with concern starting to seep into her voice.

"Yeah I do, it's a hotel in Cairo." Kagome said pulling her suitcase as the line moved up a bit.

"Do you have everything? Your toothbrush?" Sango asked more urgently.

"Yes mother, I do." Kagome smiled at her friend knowingly. Sango's voice softened at her response.

"O Kagome. I'm just gonna miss you terribly. What ever shall I do with out you around?"

"I'm pretty sure you'll figure something out." Kagome winked at her friend as they walked up to the next available person.

"How can I help you?" The male attendant standing behind the computer asked wearing a blue button down with Haneda airport stitched on the breast pocket.

"Uh yes, I'm on the 3 o'clock flight to Cairo, with a connecting flight in London." The man began typing away on his computer.

"Your name, please, miss."

"Kagome Higurashi."

"Uh yes, you are confirmed for a round trip flight to Cairo and back." The man said smiling at her as he handed her the ticket that printed.

"Thank you." Kagome said returning his smile as she took the ticket from his hand. "I can't believe I'm going Sango." She said looking over at her friend.

They began walking in the direction of the airport terminal where her flight was located. As the got closer the security checkpoint they stopped to say their goodbyes. Kagome continued on to the plane terminal. She patiently waited for her plane to begin boarding and for first class to be called. Kagome figured if she was going to travel, and travel for so long she was going to travel comfortably.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, now boarding Flight 774, Tokyo to Cairo, with connecting flight in London. We will now take first class passengers." With this announcement over the intercom, Kagome made her way onto her flight and to a new adventure.

"Ah c'mon Miroku You can do better than that." Taunted a shirtless, sweating, hanyou. Miroku grimaced from across the room. They had been sparring for the last hour and a half and Inuyasha was on top. Miroku readied his staff preparing to take more blows from Inuyasha who suddenly began to charge at him.

'Does he ever tire?' Miroku thought as he grounded his footing preparing to block as Inuyasha swing his out staff towards Miroku's left side. The blow that Miroku received on his left side sent him to the ground.

"I'm done! No more!" Miroku said panting as he rolled himself over so his back was on ground. Inuyasha sighed in satisfaction.

"I thought you could last longer Monk." Miroku looked up at his childhood friend and couldn't help the lecherous grin that spread across his face.

"O I can last much than that, I just don't swing that way." Inuyasha's eyes widened at the realization of what he said.

"Oi monk! Don't go pervert on me." Inuyasha emphasized by whacking Miroku in his shoulder with the staff.

"You wound me dear friend." Miroku said as Inuyasha began walking towards the locker room.

The dojo was closed and surprising Sango hadn't shown up today. Thus he was left to spar with Miroku. 'Damn I was looking forward to sparring with Sango today.' Inuyasha was getting ready for the weapons tournament they held yearly, this year he opted for a more "hands on" combat. Keeping his Tessaiga to the side and using staffs and weapons of less imminent danger. Inuyasha kept walking 'til he was at his locker and began stripping for a shower. Miroku showed up later and stood at his own locker and began to do likewise. Inuyasha began to walk towards the shower not bothering to hide his nudity; Miroku failing to notice this got an eyeful from his friend.

"Ah c'mon Inuyasha!" Miroku said as his eye visibly twitched. Inuyasha sauntered towards the shower as his sliver hair swayed back and forth, not even bothering to look at his friend.

"What's the big deal? You said you don't swing that way." Inuyasha responded, his voice becoming smaller as he turned on the shower.

"So! I don't wanna see your family's jewels!" Miroku shouted at his friend. He had sworn to Sango that morning to keep Inuyasha as busy as possible. It had been difficult. He was tired, annoyed and horny. Miroku frowned as he walked towards his own shower. 'What's Inuyasha going to do when he finds out she's gone?' Miroku shuddered at this thought. He rather not be there when he found out she was gone, but he had too. Knowing what Inuyasha was capable of, knowing he had enough money to do all sorts of thing, knowing whom his family was, it would be a conjoined effort to keep him occupied.

"Hey Miroku, you talk to Kagome today." Inuyasha's voice came over the water. Miroku sweat dropped. 'Shit, so much for him not noticing.'

"Uh, no, why?" Miroku tried to sound as nonchalant as possibly, praying to the every Kami that the running watering would obscure his friend's powerful nose as he began to lather.

"I told her to call me, she hasn't." Miroku could hear the concern and dejection in his voice. For a second he contemplated telling him where she was, but he knew there would be hell to pay if he did.

"Maybe she got caught up at work." He responded trying to divert the hanyou's attention to a plausible explanation as to why she hadn't called him back.

"That's what she said. I'll just dropped by her office and pick her up." Inuyasha said with a definite tone. Miroku truly began to panic, she would have certainly given word to her job that she would be gone fore 3 weeks. If Inuyasha showed up and they told her she was gone on vacation, he'd be dead. Hell he was already a dead man walking right now.

"How about tomorrow? We'll all go out to lunch tomorrow, you, me, Sango, and Kagome, just like the old days." Miroku hoped that he would take the bait.

"Yeah that sounds better." Inuyasha said giving into his friend's suggestion. 'Hook, line and sinker.' Miroku gave a sigh of relief at his friend's answer; he could sleep better tonight. He had done something right today.

Miroku returned to his apartment determined to get his mind of his demanding friends. He stepped inside his apartment and removed his shoes at the door, content with walking around with his socks. 'Who would've thought that Inuyasha would be so dense?' Miroku sighed, for as long as he could remember Inuyasha had always been indecisive when it came to Kagome. He was extremely possessive of her, yet he would always find an excuse to see other women, more particularly just one woman. No matter Inuyasha was playing with fire, invoking Kagome's wrath was the least of his problems, it was the emotional toil she must feel. Miroku walked towards his kitchen lost in thought as he opened his fridge and pulled out a beer.

"I can't imagine what she feels like." Miroku wondered out loud as he continued to muse about his friends. He made his way to the living room; he turned on the television and sat down. He craved some white noise as he thought about this situation more. Kagome loved that dense hanyou with all her heart, soul, and might, and yet he continued to toss her to the side. He continued to keep her on this emotional rollercoaster.

"If only there was a way to bring out his youkai side, we would know his true feelings." Miroku sighed again, he knew that bringing forth Inuyasha's youkai only meant blood lust, and no one was able to stand against him. That is for the exception of Sesshomaru and their father The Great Inu no Taisho. Miroku shook his head, this was beginning to give him a headache, but he needed to figure out a way to get his friends together. He needed to help Inuyasha realize that this couldn't go on anymore, that it already went far enough. He just didn't know how. He glanced at the television once again, he hadn't really been paying attention and he was even less attentive now.

"This is truly distressing." Miroku rested himself against the couch letting his head loll back. The he got an idea. He reached for his phone and dialed the one person who could be able to help him. The phone rung 'til someone answered the line.

"Kouga, I need your help."

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