InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When one door closes... ❯ *Flashback* 2 years prior ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*Disclaimer* I do not own Inuyasha!, Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi and I am just borrowing them for your reading enjoyment.
Chapter 1
2 years prior
“Kaede!” Kagome shouted joyfully. She had just gotten back from her time and was running into the village to greet everyone. `I wonder how everyone has been, and what they have been up too while I have been away?' Kagome wondered to herself.
“Kagome, how are ye fairing child? Ye have been gone for nigh a week” Kaede replied
“Great! I passed all of my final exams and now have the whole summer to devote to finding the shards and defeating Naraku. I was just so excited to see everyone that I decided to come back a few days early. By the way, where is everyone?” Kagome asked
“Well child, Songo and Miroku went to the village of the slayers to do a little work on rebuilding and so Songo could fix her weapon. They should be back maybe sometime tomorrow. Shippo is playing with some of the other village children right now, and Inuyasha went on an errand for me in the woods. He should be back soon though. Why don't you just rest a little while until everyone gets back?” Kaede suggested.
“Ok, just let me put my backpack in the hut and then I think I'll go sit in the meadow for a little while.” Sighed Kagome
After putting her bag inside, Kagome set out to relax in the meadow near the village. `Ah nothing like a little relaxation before I have to hear from Inuyasha how “useless” I am.'
She laughed to herself.
Though Kagome had no way of knowing what was going to unfold on this day, and maybe if Inuyasha or the others had been there things would have transpired differently on that cloudy summer afternoon.
As Kagome walked to the meadow, she didn't know that she was being watched by the one that she feared the most. Naraku sat looking into Kanna's mirror `So, the little miko is alone in the village with none of her friends there to protect her.' He thought `this is perfect, I can take out my biggest threat and no one will be there to stop me' he laughed evilly to himself.
“KAGURA!” he yelled and after a moment the one wanted was there in front of him.
“Yes Naraku” she sneered `oh how she despised this creature that stood before her' she thought. `If only I could get away, but if I turn from him he would merely kill me without another thought.
“You will go with one of my puppets and kill the little miko and bring her shards back to me.” He said.
“Naraku wouldn't that be a useless endeavor? I'm sure that Inuyasha and the others will be there to protect the little miko like always.” Kagura growled out. `And I don't feel like being injured by them right now' she thought to herself.
“Oh but my dear Kagura, that is the beauty of it, the little miko is all alone right now with none of her friends there to help her. She will be an easy target for you this time.”
“Of course Naraku” She said as she bowed out of the room. `Well I guess that I should be going if I want to be done with this before her friends show up again.' With that she pulled one of the white feathers from her hair, it transformed and she took to the air along with one of the Naraku puppets in tow.
Back at the village Kagome was sitting in the small meadow hoping that her friends would all get back soon. She had brought several presents back for everyone seeing how she planned on spending most of the summer here in the feudal era, and would only go back if they desperately needed supplies. Though she had brought a lot of extra medical supplies and such things with her this time.
She started thinking about the gifts that she had gotten everyone. For Shippo she had brought back some chocolate, a big new box of crayons and several coloring books along with some other little treats for him. For Songo she had gotten two pretty kimonos one was pink and dark blue with cherry blossoms embroidered on the sleeves. The other was black and gold with several Koi on it. She had also brought her some shampoo and conditioner, soap, and a little bottle of perfume.
For Miroku she had brought a journal and a pack of pencils along with a sharpener. As well as a few issues of a couple different men's magazines to keep the lecher happy. With that thought she started smiling to herself. `I hope he doesn't show them to Songo or she will knock him flat for sure' she giggled
For Kaede she had simple brought some extra medical supplies and several remedy books.
And lastly for Inuyasha she had got a lot of ramen in several different flavors, some beef jerky, and also a small necklace with a little pendent on it. Inside of the pendent there was a small picture that Kagome's mother had taken of the two of them the last time Inuyasha had came home with her. In the picture they were sitting on the couch together her with her head on his shoulder and they were both very much asleep.
“I can't wait till everyone gets back” she said out loud.
As soon as the thought left her mouth she felt a very strong and familiar aura coming closer very quickly.
“Naraku” she hissed. Though her fear was slowly creeping up the back of her neck as she realized she was very much alone, and her only protection was her bow. True her powers were getting stronger but she still didn't think she could handle him on her own, especially if any of his minions showed up with him. `What can I do' she screamed to herself. `if I run to the village a lot of innocent people could be injured or loose their lives along with her son Shippo' I cant lead him back there I'll just have to stay and try to fight him off and hope Inuyasha would be back very soon.
She watched the tree line and soon saw the one she knew was coming, there he stood in his baboon pelt, she knew that he was a puppet, but he still had the same strength as Naraku. What she hadn't expected was that Kagura was right next to him. `Man I'm in big trouble' she thought. She knew that she wasn't going to be able to take care of both of them, but she wasn't going to give up without a fight.
Back in the village Kaede had been bandaging up a child's arm due to taking a fall a little while ago, then she felt it a very strong demonic aura, She reached her senses out and realized it was coming from the same direction that Kagome had went only a little while ago. `OH No….Kagome is out there on her own, I must go help the child as much as I can until Inuyasha gets back' she thought. Turning back to grab her bow from inside of her hut, she looked to see Shippo sitting inside playing. “Shippo I need ye to go find Inuyasha! Go quickly, I believe Kagome is in grave danger” She said in hurried tones. With that she turned and ran towards the meadow Kagome was in.
Shippo jumped up from what he was doing and started to run into the forest towards Inuyasha's sent. `I hope I can find him, I hope momma will be ok' he cried to himself as he ran as fast as he could to find Inuyasha.
Kagome had just notched an arrow and was about to fire when she heard Kaede yell for her.
“Kagome!” yelled Kaede
“Watch out Kaede” She said as she fired an arrow at Kagura `hit the mark' she thought. It hit Kagura square in the chest.
`I'm not about to stay here to protect a puppet and get myself purified, hell no' Kagura thought to herself. `She was lucky the arrow that hit her in the chest had very little power too it due to the little miko's distraction.' With that she pulled a feather from her hair and took to the sky.
`Damn it didn't purify her' thought Kagome.
While she was slightly distracted Naraku took his chance. He shot three tentacles out. One hitting the old miko in the shoulder that was then used to hold her to the ground. The other two hit Kagome one in the left shoulder and then other on her right side. He used them to draw her in closer to him so he could watch the agony on her face when he landed his final blow so he could be rid of the little bitch for ever.
As he pulled her closer, Kagome fought with herself to stay awake so she could somehow fight. Taking in a deep breath she did the only thing she could think of…she screamed “INUYASHA!!!!!” As soon as she screamed she looked into the eyes of the creature that was pulling her closer, with an evil grin on his lips, she knew that he was preparing to strike his final blow. `Please Inuyasha, get here soon' she whispered to herself.
Kaede looked up just before the pain from her injures caused her to pass out and the sight she saw was something that would haunt her for the rest of her days…
Inuyasha was slowly making his way back to the village with the herbs and food that Kaede had sent him to get. `I wonder when Kagome will be back' he mused to himself `I hope it will be soon, that lazy girl has been gone long enough, we need to start hunting for the jewel shards again!!' he growled `Why did she have to go take those stupid test anyway? They were just a waste of her time, time she should be spending here with me.' He thought.
“That's it! If she's not back when I get to the village, I'm going to go get her and drag her back with me if necessary!” He said out loud
Happy with his decision to go get Kagome, he picked up his pace and headed toward the village at a quick pace.
Just then he picked up the sent of that little brat Shippo. `I wonder what a little kid like him is doing so far from the village?' he thought. Just then Shippo broke though the underbrush of the forest and leaped onto Inuyasha's chest almost knocking him over. He dropped all of the things he was carrying, and was about to growl at the kit and knock him over the head when he realized that Shippo was crying.
“What's going on Shippo?” he asked
“KAEDE SENT ME!” sniffed the kit “SHE SAID I NEEDED TO GET YOU AND BRING YOU BACK CAUSE MOMMA'S IN TROUBLE!!” He yelled out, crying and tugging on Inuyasha's hand trying to head toward the village.
`Momma? What momma?' Inuyasha thought. But just then it sunk in what the kit was saying…He calls Kagome momma. OH NO…
Picking up the kit he started to dash off toward the village. `Please hang on Kagome, I can't loose you' he thought.
“Where was Kagome when you left Shippo” he asked while he ran.
“She was in the meadow, and when Kaede sent me to get you she ran off to try to help momma.” He cried.
When he entered the village he tossed Shippo in the hut and ran off towards the meadow. He could smell blood and he could smell….Naraku. `Oh no….that's….Kagome's blood' he thought. Just as he was about there he heard a blood curdling scream filled the air.
`That's Kagome!' the thought. Just then he broke though the tree line and was horrified at what he saw… “KAGOME!!!”
Naraku had two tentacles though Kagome, one in her shoulder and one in her side. And another tentacle was pinning old Kaede to the ground.
He drew Tetsusaiga and ran towards them preparing to attack just as he saw a fourth tentacle pierced straight though Kagome's chest. She slumped and Naraku withdrew his tentacles from her and dropped her hard to the ground.
“KAGOME!!” Inuyasha yelled. “YOU BASTARD!” he said as he charged and sliced right though the puppet and as it disappeared he ran to Kagome's fallen form and gathered her in his arms. “Kagome…” he whispered. Fearing she was already gone. He clutched her tightly to his chest feeling her blood soak though his clothes and onto his skin, as he felt tears pouring down his cheeks.
“Inu…inu…yasha” she whispered
His head snapped up to look at her face. “Kagome?”
“I…” She started but was cut short when she started coughing up blood and feeling her self wanting to drift into the darkness that waited for her. She fought against it. “Love…you Inuyasha” She said as her eyes started to glaze over.
“Please Kagome, you can't leave me, I need you…I love you so much” he whispered out though his tears.
Using what little time she had left she took in what little breath she could get. “In my bag…give everyone their things.” She said softly, no longer feeling pain, she knew her time was close. “I love you Inuyasha….we will meet again, trust your feelings and we will meet again.”
Just as she uttered the last word her body convulsed slightly as her eyes drifted shut, never to open again. Her body started to glow a soft lavender color.
Not knowing what to do as he felt her slipping away from him, he merely held her tighter to his chest and let out a howl of pure agony at the loss of his friend. Just then he noticed her start to glow very faintly, a very pale lavender color, and her body just started to fade away until she had disappeared from his arms completely.
Feeling something in his clawed hand, he looked down and saw a single shard of the jewel, as it warmed and pulsed in his hand, her final words echoed though his head.
“I love you Inuyasha….we will meet again, trust your feelings and we will meet again”
He would hold those words close to his heart for the rest of his days.
As Inuyasha carried Kaede back into the village and took her into her hut, he saw Shippo huddled in the corner crying, his body convulsing with his sobs. `How do I tell him that she's gone he's going to be as broken as I am' thought Inuyasha though his own tears. He laid Kaede down on her mat, and then looked up to see the kits teary eyes staring straight into his.
“Where's momma?” he cried looking up at Inuyasha. When he didn't get an immediate answer he jumped up and grabbed onto the front of Inuyasha's shirt, tears running down his face. “WHERE'S MOMMA!” he screamed at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha wrapped his arms around the kit and held him close to his chest, knowing that when he told him what he already knew the little kit was going to loose it. “Shippo, I'm sorry” he whispered. “She's gone” he sobbed out.
“NO, I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!” he yelled as he beat is tiny fists against Inuyasha's chest. But he knew it was true, he could smell his momma's blood on Inuyasha and he knew she was gone. At that he promptly let out a very high pitched wail as he cried his heart out wanting his momma to come back.
After a short while the kit fell into a fitful sleep in Inuyasha's arms. Inuyasha picked him up and carried him over too Kagome's sleeping bag and laid him inside of it. After putting the kit to bed, he remembered Kagome saying something about things in her bag that she wanted everyone to have. He walked over to her backpack and gingerly opened it up, inhaling her sweet scent as a few little tears rolled down his face. Inside there were several packages wrapped in brown paper, each with a name written on it. One for each of them. He picked up the one that had his name on it, he opened it and saw inside was a bunch of his favorite ramen, some of that jerky stuff she brought to him one time, and a small black box. He lifted the lid on the box and what he saw brought even more tears to his eyes, inside was a small chain with a locket on it. Inside of the locket was a picture of the two of them sleeping together in her mother's house, holding each other, and underneath the locket were a note and a larger version of the same picture. The note was short and simple. I can't wait to see you, I love you Inuyasha. He held it to his heart, letting the tears fall freely, he slipped the locket over his head and put the letting inside of his shirt near his heart and quietly walked out of the hut.
*The next morning*
“Were almost back Miroku” Songo said
“Thank goodness, I hope that we got back in time to be here when Kagome comes home, you know how Inuyasha gets towards her when she is gone for more than a couple days.” He chuckled `I'm sure if we haven't he has probably gotten sat right to the center of the earth' he laughed to himself.
“LOOK!” Songo yelled
Below them just as they were about to land they saw a large group of villagers in the meadow just out side of the village. All of them were laying flowers near a small stone. `I wonder what's going on' they both wondered.
They landed in front of Kaede's hut, jumped down off of Kilala's back and walked in. What they saw disturbed them. In the corner Shippo was huddled up with Kagome's sleeping bag and a small brown package, crying his eyes out. On the floor sat Kaede, her shoulder was bandaged, when she turned her head up towards them they could see she too had been crying. `What happened while we were gone' thought Miroku.
“Lady Kaede, what has happened here? Where are Inuyasha and Kagome?” Asked Miroku. As the last word was said the cries coming from Shippo grew louder.
Songo had a bad feeling in her stomach and thought she might know what had happened, while holding off tears she asked “Was Kagome kidnapped by Naraku?”
“No wench” Said Inuyasha as he walked into the hut.
Songo and Miroku looked at his face and saw he too was crying though he was trying to look strong. “What happened here Inuyasha?” Miroku whispered
“Come with me, I wont have you upsetting Shippo anymore.” Inuyasha demanded as he walked back out of the hut, closely followed by the demon slayer and the monk.
“Now tell us what happened Inuyasha” they said at the same time.
Inuyasha turned, his eyes full of unshed tears, he once again turned his back on them and relayed what had happened. Just before he told them of her death Songo interrupted.
“So you took her home to get treated right?” She sobbed out hoping she was right, she didn't want to think she lost her best friend.
“No” He said almost choking on his own emotions “She's gone”
Songo fell to the ground pounding her fists into it as she cried. “If only I was here I could have protected her, she would still be here” she whispered though her tears. Miroku wrapped his arms around her and gently rocked her back and forth. Just then her eyes snapped up, and she jumped out his arms reached out and wrapped her hands around they crying half-breeds neck. “WHERE WERE YOU!!? YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN PROTECTING HER, YOU SHOULD HAVE SAVED HER!!!” she screamed. She released his neck and fell to the ground again in complete agony. “Where were you?” she whispered. He told her where he had been and how Shippo had come to get him.
“When I got there, I was about to attack and I saw him kill her in front of me, after which I killed him but it was only a puppet. I'm so sorry Songo” he cried as he fell to his knees in front of her.
*That night*
They all had gone to the memorial that had been erected by the villagers and Inuyasha earlier that day. They all continued to mourn the loss of there friend, but it also pushed them all, they all wanted Naraku's blood for the death of their friend.
When they all got back to the hut, they started deciding on a course of action for defeating Naraku. Suddenly Songo looked up at Inuyasha. “Where are Kagome's shards?” she asked
“After she died, her body disappeared in my hands, once she was gone I felt something pulse in my hand and I saw only one small shard. I don't know where then others have gone. I couldn't find them. But I do know that Naraku doesn't have them.” He said as he handed the shard to Songo.
She placed it in the small bottle that Kagome had always worn around her neck and then placed it around her own. Holding the bottle in her hand she looked up to her comrades. “We will leave in the morning, and try to find more of the shards; we need to get them before he does.”
They all agreed.
For the next two years they would search and only find a few more. Surprisingly since that fateful day, there had been no sightings or words uttered of any actions made by Naraku. Though they had now way of knowing, that the answers they sought and the help they needed was about to show up in the form of an injured woman who was resting by the well, where this all started.
*Well there you have it. Let me know what you think. This is my first fan fic, so please be gentle. Tootles*