InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When One Door Closes Another Opens ❯ Finding out ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When one door closes another opens
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fate: Hello people! This is obviously the second chapter.

Sesshomaru: Obviously. Now can we get to the lemons?

Kagome: *blushes*

Inuyasha: Hey why does he get Kagome she's mine!!!!

fate: Hey you slept with Kikyo so don't talk to us!!!!

Inuyasha: You made me!

Everybody: DON'T TALK TO US!!!!!!

Sango: You should do the disclaimer.

fate: Do I hafta?

Naraku: No becouse I stole Inuyasha for you.

fate: *Hopeful eyes* You did?

Naraku: No!

fate: WAHHHHH!!!!!!

Everyone: Uhh...

fate: *Suddenly stops crying and starts typing.*

*Kikyo suddenly comes in and begins chasing Naraku around the stage*

Naraku: NOOO!!! NOT THE CLAY POT!!!!!


Last time

Last time: "Good night Sesshomaru." Kagome whispered falling asleep instantly. "Good night my mate and pup." Sesshomaru whipered to Kagome and
her stomach where the soon to be new Lord of the Western Lands resided.
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This Time

Kagome awoke early the next morning. She smiled as she felt the warmth of Sesshomaru all around her. She opened her eyes and saw his furry thing
was drapped over her body like a cover.

'What is that thing?'

Kagome thought curiously. Kagome watched it for a minute when it suddenly twitched.

'It... it twitched... Is that a... tail?'

A chuckle met Kagome's ears and she looked down to see that Sesshomaru was wide awake and staring at her with amusment in his eyes. "Do you l
ike my tail Kagome?" He asked smiling.

Kagome stared in awe as a gentle smile lit his features. Kagome found herself staring at him like a star struck teenager a few seconds later and her
cheeks turned bright red. She looked down and said "You should smile more often. You look even more handsome than normal."

Sesshomaru cupped her chin and made her face him. He placed a chaste kiss on her lips and said "Very well. If that will make you happy my mate."
He began to lightly nuzzle her neck and place open mouthed kisses down her throat to her vein which was pounding along with her heart as the
desires that they thought had been quenched last night came back full force and demanding action.

Kagome moaned lightly and tangled her hands in his silky hair. She licked his sensitive ear and listened as he moaned for her.

She loved it. The feeling that she could do this to him made her feel like she had a place to belong. She knew that even if Inuyasha or ,anyone else
for that matter, didn't want her as long as she had Sesshomaru she wouldn't need them. Any of them.

After he had taken her last night, felt himself inside of her tight walls, he knew no one else would ever be able to satisfy him. Not like he hadn't
known beforehand that he needed her. He had known all along he needed her but he had never immagined she was this good.

He sopposed that was due to the second rate demonesses he had expeirenced.

'Then again everyone is second rate compaired to her.'

*Lemon Alert*

Kagome moaned and he was brought back to the fact that he now had her trapped writhing underneath him, his finger inside of her pumping a rythm
similar to last night. Her inner muscles were squeezing his finger thightly makeing him want her even more.

He pulled his finger out and licked the sweet juices off before leaning down and claiming her lips in a passionate kiss allowing her to taste herself. He
pulled away a minute later unable to resist the throbbing in his neather regions.

Sesshomaru got onto his knees and flipped kagome onto her stomach then pulling her to her knees and thrusting himself into from behind her. He
immediatly sighed as he felt her slick walls tightly grasp him.

Kagome moaned as he entered her from behind hitting the same spot as last night only more effeicently. When he made no move to thrust into her
Kagome rocked herself back onto him again.

Kagome rocked onto him shoving him deeper inside of her than he had ever been and he lost control. His eyes bled red and he gripped her hips his
claws lightly digging in as he pulled her even further against him til there was no more room between them and he was inside of her to the hilt.

He began shoving into her and Kagome thought she was going to burst with the ecstasy of it all. Sesshomaru felt his hard cock get even harder as
she orgasmed around him, but he wasn't done yet. He wanted her to see just how much he craved her.

He continued pumping in her listening to her screams as she begged for him to go faster and harder. Sesshomaru felt himself begin to cum as she
begged due to the fact he was already tapping into his demonic speed and strength.

'Clearly she could never be satisfied with any human or half-demon.'

Both of them were getting close to their orgasms. Kagome her second and Sesshomaru his first. Sesshomaru decided to speed things up so he ran his
hand down her body to her lower lips and pushed his finger in making her gasp.

Sesshomaru and Kagome came at the same time. Kagome shuttered around him and he felt his seed pump into her womb. Not like it could impregnate
her. She was already pregnant. As Sesshomaru remembered that he quickly came off his high from the sex they had justshared.

*Lemon Ending*

He had a feeling she wouldn't be happy to be pregnant this early in their relationship and he could only guess what her response would be. Of coarse
he would have to tell her. She would start to change soon.

"Kagome... We need to talk." He whispered into her ear from behind where he rested against her back.

Kagome yawned and asked "What about?" "There are some things you should know about the mate mark." He answered burrying his face into her

"Mate mark?" She asked confused. "Oh. You mean that bite mark on my shoulder."

'She knows even less about this than I thought she would. Why didn't that idiot brother of mine tell her about mate marks?'

Sesshomaru sighed. "Yes the bite is called a mate mark. It shows that you are my mate." "Oh." Came Kagome's oh so smart remark. "You do know
that you can never be with anyone else again?" Sesshomaru asked wondering if she even really wanted to be with him.

"You told me that last night." Kagome said. "Good. Now there are two sides to this mark oneis very good." He said relef in his voice. "The other side
you might not like."

"The first part is this..." He said. He leaned down to the mark and gently began to nip.

A jolt ran through Kagome and she instantly moaned. The mark was sending heat billowing through her body. She let a whimper escape a moment
later when Sesshomaru pulled away.

Sesshomaru gritted his teeth. His manhood was hard and ready to fill Kagome again but he knew this had to wait. He had to finish telling her about
the mate mark and get her home then he could work her until they were sore.

"Obviously you can see the good part about the mark." Sesshomaru said his voice thick with the pain in his loins. "Mmm..." Kagome moaned.
Sesshomaru chuckled and said "I knew you would like that."

Sesshomaru got off Kagome and climbed to his knees, pulled Kagome up after him, stood up and picked Kagome up bridal style and jumped onto a
tree branch. He sat down and leaned back onto the tree with Kagome sitting across his lap.

"Kagome... There is something more important that you should know." "What is it?" She asked cuddling into his cheast. "You're pregnant." "WHAT?!!!"
Kagome screamed bolting striaght up and nearly falling off his lap.

Sesshomaru pulled her tighter to him so she wouldn't do that again. "Kagome does it bother you that much?" He asked hurt. Kagome sat there
shocked. She hadn't ment to make him think she didn't want to bare his children. "It doesn't bother me Sesshomaru." She said leaning into him again.

"It's just a bit of a shock that I'm already pregnant." She said sighing. Sesshomaru sighed at peace with her words. He nuzzled her hair and asked.
"So you don't regret this?" "No. Why would I?" She answered. "Because if Inuyasha decides he doesn't want the dead bitch you still won't be able
to have him." "I know. I don't care. I chose you and that's all there is to it."

Sesshomaru smiled again and said "Kagome demon pregnancies take about three months." "How long do human and demon pregnancies take?" She
asked. "That's another thing I have to tell you." Sesshomaru sighed. Things were getting too complicated. "What?" "When a powerful demon and a
powerful priestess mate the priestess becomes a demon."

"So?" Kagome asked. "I mean I am a priestess but I'm not powerful." Sesshomaru looked at her slightly angry. "And why do doubt that you are
powerful?" "Because I haven't been trained, I can't control my powers and because I can't even defend myself." She said unhappily. "Kagome you
may not believe me but you are powerful. It's your natural power that I am talking about. With training you could be the most powerful being to ever

"Really?" Kagome asked slightly in awe. "Yes Kagome." He said. "So I'm going to be a demon?" "Yes." "Man have I got a lot to explain to my mom!"
Kagome said as an after thought. "She hasn't even met you and I'm all ready mated to you, pregnant and about to turn into a demon. Wow."

"Tell me Kagome where do you live?" Sesshomaru asked. They had never dicussed where either of them came from. Kagome suddenly became
nervous. "You're not going to believe me." She warned. "Let me decide that." Sesshomaru said. "Well... You see... I live about five hundred years in
the future." Kagome stuttered. "Five hundred years in the future?!" Sesshomaru asked sceptically. He sniffed the air picking up her scent.

'Her scent says she's not lying!'

"You don't believe me do you?" Kagome asked lowering her head in shame. "I believe you Kagome." Sesshomaru said sincerly. "You do?" Kagome
asked hopefully. "Yes. You wouldn't lie like that." He answered. Kagome threw her arms around him and said "Thank you for trusting me."

Sesshomaru held her close and said "You are welcome my Kagome." "Do you want to meet my family?" Kagome asked pulling back. "I'd be happy to
my Kagome." Kagome gave him a radient smile that made him want to protect her until the end.

"Let us get dressed and then we can go to your village." Sesshomaru said. "You're in for a bit of a shock when you get to my time." Kagome said
giggling lightly. "Hm?" Sesshomaru asked not getting what was so funny.

Sesshomaru brought her down and they got dressed in a comfortable silence. Sesshomaru finished first and waited patiently for Kagome. When
she finished Sesshomaru walked up to her and slightly lifted the side of her skirt while saying "We have to get you suitable clothes for your
possition as Lady of the Western Lands."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kagome asked a little angry at what he ment. "It means that these clothes do not reflect you're new stature as my
mate." He said pulling her to his cheast and watching as her face flushed with anger. He leaned down to her ear and whispered huskily "You are very
cute when you're angry."

"Kagome blushed out of embarresment and mumbled. "Thank you." "You're welcome. Now come." He said lifting her bridal style. "Where do I go?"
"Do you know where the Bone Eaters Well is?" she asked. "Yes." He said. "Go there." Kagome said lowering her face to his cheast. "Very well."
Sesshomaru said.

Sesshomaru formed his Ki cloud underneathe himself and he flew to the well. When he got to the clearing he allowed Kagome to stand for herself.
Kagome walked up to the well and said "This is how I get to my time." "Is it now?" Sesshomaru asked coming up behind her wrapping his arms around
her waist and nuzzled her neck with his nose while taking in her scent mixed with his.

Kagome leaned back into him and tilted her head to the side so he would have more access to her neck. "Yes." She said her own voice thick with
wanting of her new mate.

"SESSHOMARU LET GO OF KAGOME NOW!!!" Came a voice from the edge of the clearing. Sesshomaru dropped his arms and both of them spun around
to see Inuyasha standing there looking pissed. "What the hell are you doing with Kagome?" Inuyasha yelled. "Hello dear brother." Sesshomaru

"Kagome come here." Inuyasha said in a demanding voice. "No." Kagome responded suddenly finding the grass interesting. "Wh... What do you mean
no?" Inuyasha asked shocked that she was so calm about his brother being there. "I mean no." Kagome answered still not looking up. "B... but my
murderous idiot of a brother is standing right there!" Inuyasha yelled. "He is not an idiot!" Kagome yelled back.

"What do you mean he isn't an idiot?! Of coarse he's an idiot!" Inuyasha yelled back. "Why the hell are you defending him?" "Not like it's any of your
business but I'm his mate!" Kagome practically screamed. "M... mate?" Inuyasha asked in a weak voice. "Yes. Sesshomaru and I are mated." Kagome
said in a firm but more gentle voice.

"Why would you mate him?" Inuyasha asked still shocked. "It's none of your business." Kagome said. "None of my business?! What the hell do you
mean it's none of my business?!!!" He yelled his scenses reterning. "I MEAN WHAT I DO IS MY BUSINESS NOT YOURS!!!" Kagome screamed back.

Kagome ripped the jewel shards from around her neck and threw them at him. She then grabbed Sesshomaru's hand, led him to the well, wrapped his
arms around her middle and told him to jump.

Sessomaru watched in awe as kagome told Inuyasha off. He had never seen her this angry before.

'Figures that bastard of a half-demon would be the one to piss her off that bad.'

He allowed her to lead him to the well and obeyed when she told him to jump just so he could get her away from Inuyasha. Besides he was very
curious about what it would look like five hundred years in the future.

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fate: Well there you go. There is definately some ooc for Sesshomaru but I'm trying to make him a nicer to Kagome. Don't worry though He's still
gonna be that cold bad ass to anyone else though.

Sesshomaru: I better be!!

Kagome: I like you like this.

Inuyasha: Why do you like him?

Kagome: Because he's cuter than you!

Inuyasha: Is not.

Kagome: Is too.

Sesshomaru: *Wraps arms around Kagome* Thank you my Kagome.

Kagome: *Blushes* You're welcome.

Sango and Shippo: Awww!!!! So CUTE!!!

Inuyasha: Is not.

Kagome: Sit!

fate:Thank you to all who reviewed and I'll se ya in three reviews!