InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Opposites Attract ❯ Midoriko High & the Shikons. ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome Higurashi took a deep breath as she prepared for another day at Midoriko High. ‘It‘s going to be another long day, another battle with bitches.’

Kagome wasn‘t a typical student at the school; even if it was a prestigious high school, everyone there, in short terms was a ‘rich, rude, and arrogant snob’. Her mom had gotten lucky and won a raffle which got her into the school. At first she was thrilled, but her excitement had worn off within the first 5 minutes in class. The people there weren‘t exactly welcoming to others of her status. Kagome’s family struggled to make ends meet and their only chance of getting out of debt was either winning the lottery or Kagome snatching up a rich husband, which is why no matter how much she hated the school, she had no choice but to attend it.

The young miko got on her way to ‘The Gates of Hell’ as she called it. ‘Stupid Mama, Stupid Jii-Chan. Always money hungry. Kami help me.’


“Shit.” Kagome mumbled as her motorbike broke down for the 6th time this week.
She started walking her bike up to the campus as a white limo pulled up next to her, window rolled down.

“My goodness Kagome, did your motorbike break down again?” Kikyo laughed. Kikyo Hirohito wasn’t necessarily one of the nicer students of the high school. In fact, she made a hobby out of tormenting Kagome.

Kagome looked down, not wanting to start another fight with the older girl. “Yes actually, it did.”

“Oh Kagome, you poor POOR thing.” Kagome winced as she emphasized the word and moved onto hitting the bike, hoping it would start up. “When do you plan to replace this thing?” Kikyo added on as she got out of the car.

“I don’t know.” Kagome pounded on the bike, imagining it was the other girl’s face.

Kikyo’s laughter filled the air again, teasing the younger miko entertained her like no other. “You know, without you, our school might’ve just made world records, every student here is either chauffeured or drive’s an A-class car… Oh wow, look at you, your hands are filthy.”

“I’m sorry.” She spat back

“No need to apologize, we know that some people aren’t lucky enough to have clean water.”

Kagome looked shot Kikyo a glare “Look bitch, I got my hands dirty because I worked on my bike this morning, I’m poor, not homeless.”

“Woah Kagome, no need to yell, we don’t need another slip from the dean, now do we?”

The miko huffed and calmed herself down after a couple deep breaths. “Go away Kikyo.”

“Ooh, look who has the guts, ordering people of higher statuses around. Might I remind you stupid wench, my father is your mom‘s boss.”

“I’m sorry.” Kagome apologized as she dropped her glare.

“Now that’s more like it. I’ll see you later Kago!” Kikyo hopped back into the back seat and left behind a fuming Kagome.


Kagome ran to her locker as the warning bell sounded and arrived just in time to find one of her very few friends/classmates, Kanna Nogami. “Oh, Kanna, you’re late too?”

“Yeahupp, the power went out in the middle of the night and reset my alarm clock.”

“Oh dang. My bike broke again.”


“I know, Kikyo gave me shit about it.”

“The bitch never stops!” Kanna laughed out.

“Trust me, I know.” Kagome replied, rolled her eyes then turned around and hurried to class.


The two girls arrived on time for their class only to be held up by students who were all crowding around the door and windows. Hushed voices whispering “Such a disgrace” and “I wouldn’t have even came back if I was him” filled the hall.

Kanna decided to find out what it was that held everyone‘s attention “What the heck is going on?”

A random student answered “It’s Muso, he--”

“Muso Yanaka?” Kanna gasped, now knowing what had probably happened.

“Hai, he got the warning note.” The student informed Kanna.

“Oh gosh… Thanks for telling me.”

“What is this ‘warning note’?” Kagome asked, confused.

“Oh yeah, I keep forgetting you don’t know much about how the school works. Well, you remember the Shikons right?”

The Shikons were a group composed of four guys from the school, Miroku Houshi, Koga Matsuno, Sesshomaru Takahashi, and Inuyasha Takahashi. Because of their looks, their fame, and fortune, they were envied by men and praised by women. They were the sons of the three families which controlled businesses that practically ruled over Japan and were currently growing on the rest of the world.

“Yeah, the stupid ungrateful pigs that roam these halls from time to time.” Kagome snorted. The 4 guys had power over everyone in the school which is why they were able to get away with anything and everything.

“Well those stupid ungrateful pigs have this thing called a red warning note, and if you receive one from them, then you better haul ass and never show your face around campus again.”

“So it’s like a threat?..”

“One of the biggest you can ever receive.”

“Can’t anyone stop them?”

“I don’t think anyone wants to discipline the sons of the 4 most powerful families who happen to be the main contributors to this school.”

Kagome peered through the window, catching a glimpse of the lone figure emptying out his desk. “What did he even do to piss them off that bad?”

“He stood up to them.”

Kagome slightly frowned upon her response, thinking that it wasn’t a serious enough reason for the guys to have done such a thing. The history teacher, Mr. Seikai arrived just to see the batch of students crowding around his classroom.

“What is the meaning of this craziness and foolishness?”

“Sir, Muso is dropping out.” Kagura replied

“WHAT?! My top student?! No, I will not let thi--”

Kikyo rolled her eyes and went up to Kagura and their teacher “Sir, the shikons gave him a warning note.”

As soon as she finished her sentence, Muso exited the classroom, the other students making a path for him to leave. Mr. Seikai visibly gulped and plastered on a smile as he confronted his student. “Start fresh after dropping out, I’m sure other people will like you.”

Kagome looked surprised seeing what was happening before her; it was not exactly the kind of ‘speech’ she expected from her teacher. The bell rang and the students poured into the classroom, ‘Just like I said, another long day.’


Once class ended Kagome and Kanna started heading towards the library, joking around and mocking their teacher’s sudden change in attitude regarding Muso earlier.

“Did you hear him? One second he was all ‘No he can’t do that, I wont let him!’ Then the next he’s all ‘Good luck, so long, farewell!’” Kanna shook her head.

They stopped in their tracks as the Shikons came into view.

“And to think it was all their fault.” Kagome nodded her head towards the group. “Those stupid stuck up bastards.”

“What you looking at, bitch?!” Inuyasha growled as he caught he staring from across the courtyard.

“Inuyasha, calm down, the girl didn’t do anything.” Sesshomaru interfered, getting in the way, but Inuyasha ignored the boy and continued to make his way to the girls.

“She’s sorry, she didn’t mean to look at you wrongly.” Kanna said as she plead for Inuyasha’s forgiveness for Kagome.

“Kanna, I d-- OOF!” Kagome tried protesting but quickly got silenced with the younger girl’s elbow connecting with her stomach.

“We’ll leave now, she’s really sorry, once again.” Kanna bowed as she dragged Kagome off.

“What was that for?!” Kagome screamed as soon as Kanna let go of her.

“Are you stupid?! Do you want to get kicked out?!”

“Well thinking about it, yeah, I do.”


“Fine, fine.” Kagome uttered as she walked off.

Kanna smiled and caught up with her, “Thank you.”

“Hmmm whatever.”


Kagome entered the bakery and let out a huge sigh, after a tiring day at school, she now had to work a late shift with her best friend, Sango Hiraikotsu.

“Hey Kags, how was school?”

Kagome stopped what she was doing and turned to face the taller girl, “How do you think it was?”

“Not necessarily good but not terrible?” Sango replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

“I guess you can say that. The Shikons kicked someone out again today. They piss me off so much, and their leader, Inuyasha, is the rudest most aggravating person I have ever met in my entire 16 years of existence.”

“I wish I can meet them, they sound really interesting.” She said  all dreamily.

“What kind of expression is that?!”

“Well you have to admit, they are the cutest guys we have ever seen.”

Kagome rolled her eyes, “No, just drop the subject, it’s infuriating.”

“Tell me more! I‘m interested.”


“But they’re gorgeous and rich!”

“And you’re man hungry.” Sango smiled and nodded her head “You’re crazy. Sure they’re all at the top of the most wanted men in all of the world but they’re personalities cancel that out.”

“Are they all that bad?”

Kagome’s mind flashed to Sesshomaru, who had got in Inuyasha’s way and defended her ‘Defended? Yeah right, he was probably just annoyed that I interrupted their conversation. Wait-- No-- Inuyasha interrupted. But still… He didn’t have to do that.’ “Well maybe there’s one of them who-- how shall I put this?… Nicer than the rest.”

Sango caught on and teased her “You like him, ooh Kags I’m telling auntie that her dream of having a rich son-in-law will soon be fulfilled.”

“You’re on crack.”

“And you’re in denial.”

“I don’t know. He’s intriguing, but not my type.”

“Rich, nice, and handsome is not your type because?”
“Because he’s still a member of the Shikons and they can’t be trusted.”

“You expect too much.” Sango laughed, shaking her head.

The two girls worked until closing time and headed off home. On the other side of town, the Shikons wasted their time at a local bar.

“What are we doing in this place?” Inuyasha asked Koga, annoyed. They had been sitting at the table for half an hour, with nothing to do.

“Ask Miroku, his new girl apparently works here.”

Inuyasha looked over to Miroku who had his arms wrapped around a scantily dressed girl at the pool table, grinning towards the rest of them. They were used to this, Miroku being the lecher that he is, had a different girl every week. A dozen guys suddenly approached him and the 3 at the table stood up, ready to defend their friend if something happened.

“You bastard! Do you know who’s girl she is?!” One of the guys exclaimed.

“Yeah, and I heard he’s out of the country, so I needn’t worry about it.” Miroku replied nonchalantly.

“Do you know who you’re messing with?!” He said, pulling him arm back for a punch when Inuyasha got in the way and caught it before he could land a blow on Miroku.

“No, the question is, do YOU know who you’re messing with?” Inuyasha smirked as he knocked the guy out with one blow.

The fight started, Koga and Inuyasha taking out all the guys while Miroku busied himself saying goodbye to the girl. Sesshomaru made his way to the owner and handed him $15,000 to cover for the damages, Koga on the floor beside him trying to take out another guy. Taking a bottle from the counter, Sesshomaru smashed it on the guy’s head to try and help his friend.

“Man, I had that.” Koga said, growling a bit.

Sesshomaru turned around and started walking towards the exit. “Yeah, but you didn’t finish him off fast enough so too bad.”

Inuyasha and Miroku caught up with them outside and they all went their separate ways, getting at least a couple hours of sleep before school started the next day.


The next morning after chemistry class, Kagome and Kanna were busy helping Mr. Seikai move boxes of his art supplies to a storage closet downstairs.

“Kanna are you sure you don’t need help with that? It looks kinda heavy.” Kagome said, pointedly looking at the bigger box in her friend’s hands.

“Nah, it’s fine, it’s not bad.” Kanna replied as they made their way down the stairs.

“Oh, it just looks kinda heavy.”

“It’s all good, I need the exercise, I-- Ahh!” The girl suddenly slipped but was lucky enough to hold onto the rail, saving herself from tumbling down the steps. “Oh my gosh, that was close.” Kagome’s eyes caught something behind Kanna and grew wide, Kanna noticed and questioned, “What’s wrong?”

Kanna looked behind her just to see Inuyasha at the end of the stairs, blotches of black paint covering his face and shirt.

The young girl’s face was stricken with fear, in a blink of an eye, she was kneeling by his feet, begging for forgiveness. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-- I slipped-- It was an accident-- I’m really sorry, please forgive me.”

Miroku walked over to the scene and brushed off a speck of dirt of Inuyasha’s shoulder, who in return raised an eyebrow then looked back at him. “Why does everyone keep apologizing to me?” Miroku ‘tsked’ and glanced over to the girl who was still on her knees, apologizing.

“Please, I’m sorry.”

“If apologies could help, would we still need the police?” Kagome watched in horror as Kanna stood up and tried to wipe the paint off of his face, just to be throw against the wall. “Don’t fucking touch me.” He warned as he climbed up the steps.

Kagome’s next action surprised everyone, but mostly Inuyasha. “STOP!” she bellowed, as Inuyasha’s furry ears twitched and Miroku turned around. “She apologized for her accident. Why can’t you let her off?” Kagome said, with eyes closed and fists clenched, trying to hold in her anger.

“Awhhh, how cute. The little miko wants to show off true friendship.” Inuyasha chuckled.

She stomped up the stairs and got in front of him, looking him straight in the eyes. “Does his highness even know what true friendship is? Wow, how surprising.” Kagome fake gasped, putting her hand in front of her mouth.

“Mocking me, eh?” Inuyasha put his hands on his hips.

“Oh, so you actually caught my sarcasm in that one? Well I guess you’re not as stupid as I thought. Too bad you’re still a dumbass.”

‘Is this girl asking to be kicked out?’ “A dumbass?”

“Well that’s what you are, aren’t you? An arrogant, conceded, spoiled, good for nothing, inconsiderate, and not to mention rude dumbass--” Sesshomaru and Koga arrived in time to see the confrontation and stood in place, frozen in shock. “--You don’t do anything but create havoc and destroy people’s lives-- all of you Shikons, you’re all parasites who live off of your father’s money, why you don’t even earn a cent of it. What right do you have to boss people around like that?! All of you have nothing but your riches and I pity you.”

Inuyasha grabbed ahold of Kagome’s chin and pushed her cheeks inwards, “You’re real gutsy aren’t you?” He said before letting go of her face and walking away, the rest of the Shikons trailing behind.

‘Oh shit. I’m a goner.’


A new school day came and Kagome stood in front of her locker, afraid to open it. ‘Here it goes… Once I open this locker, I’ll see the warning note and I’ll be forced to leave.’ She grabbed the handle, pulled, and in surprise, found no warning note. Kagome checked all around her locker to make sure she didn’t oversee it, but she really hadn’t received one. She got her books and made her way to class, not noticing all the glares people ere throwing her.

“Kanna!” Kagome exclaimed, rushing over to the seat in front of her friend and turning around to slide in.

“Kagome…” Kanna gasped as she saw the warning note of Kagome’s back.


Kanna peeled the note off of her and handed it to her. “I’m sorry…” Kagome excused herself from class and walked around campus, only to be bullied be people who supported the Shikons. She had gotten her hand glued to a payphone, and even locked inside a stall in the girls bathroom, by the end of the school day she was completely exhausted from all the running around. Kagome leaned again her locker with her eyes closed, she opened them in time to see Kanna turn around, changing her path of course when she caught sight of Kagome.

“Is this what you call friendship? She doesn’t even try to talk to you in fear of offending us.” Inuyasha laughed.

The day of pranks on Kagome continued, but she found safety in the back of the school. A few minutes later, Kanna appeared and Kagome urged her to go away before people see her.

“Kanna, you have to leave before someone sees you” Kagome smiled up at the girl “I’ll be fine, it’s okay, you don’t have to prove anything.” Kanna reached down to hand something to Kagome and then left. Kagome looked at the little stuffed teddy bear which was able to hold recordings. She played the button and her eyes started to tear as she heard the words.

“Kagome… I’m sorry.” The bear played each and every time Kagome pressed the button. She shook her head clear of the words then  ran up the stairs to the roof and screamed out, “You stupid Shikons! You fucking moronic dumbass bastards!”

A voice from a couple meters away startled her, “Is that all you came up here to say?” Sesshomaru laughed a bit.

“What are you doing up here? Are you planning to prank me? Give me a couple minutes, I just need to rest a bit.”

Sesshomaru walked towards Kagome and she inched away from him, questioning his actions. He extended his arm out to her, with a hanky in his hand. “Clean yourself.”

Kagome took it and wiped her face “… Thank you… I‘m sorry for cursing you earlier, I was only--”

“It’s alright. I’m not interested in other people’s affairs.” Sesshomaru stated as he walked away, leaving Kagome alone on the roof.

Kagome soon followed and headed towards her motor bike which in her surprise, was completely beaten up. ‘It’s really this serious? Fuck my life.’ she thought as she took her bike and walked it home. A yellow Camaro drove up beside her and a silver haired hanyou happened to be the driver.

“I have good and bad news. Good news is that your endurance has won my respect. Bad news is that things will only get harder from here.” And with that, Inuyasha sped away.

‘I’ve had enough of this. This will end, and somehow someway, I will emerge victorious.’ Kagome thought as she watched her tormentor leave. Tomorrow, she was going to start fighting back.


The sun rose and Kagome got ready for the big day, she wasn’t about to let the Shikons or their followers mess with her anymore. When she arrived on campus, she spotted Inuyasha and the rest of the group in the cafeteria. With a couple strides she ended up beside them and she made her move. Kagome stuck her own kind of warning note on Inuyasha’s forehead, “Listen good! Don’t think I’m afraid of you, I won’t ever give in to you bastards, in fact, I’m challenging you.” She glared at them one final time before turning around to leave.

The four were shocked.

“That was the first challenge we’ve ever had.” Koga said, stunned. Miroku took the note off of Inuyasha’s forehead and laughed, seeing a picture of a skull pasted on it.

Inuyasha got up and watched the girl as she stomped her way to the exit. ‘That girl really does have guts… I like that… I want that. I want her.’ His eyes flashed red as his thoughts lingered on the girl.

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