InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Opposites Attract ❯ Ocean Blues ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“What do you want, Takahashi?” Kagome pointedly stared at the Inu-youkai

“I heard you were sick.” Inuyasha stared at the floor, wondering what possessed him to visit her in the first place. `It's not like she's anything special. She's just a worthless wench who pisses me off every time I see her.'

Kagome rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “And that concerns you, how, exactly?”

Inuyasha looked back up at Kagome. “It doesn't concern me. I just wanted to be entertained” he snapped.

“What do you mean entertained?”

“I didn't know an annoying bitch like you could even get sick. Had to come see it for myself.”

“Why you—“ Kagome was cut off by her family coming back into the room.

“Inuyasha, would you happen to want to stay for dinner?” Kagome's mom asked.

Feeling somewhere between embarrassed and annoyed, Kagome spoke up “Mama, he is busy, in fact he was just about to lea—“

“I would love to, Mrs. Higurashi.” Inuyasha interrupted

“Marvelous! And please, call me Kohana. Dinner should be ready shortly, we're having spaghetti.”

“Thank you, Kohana.” Kagome death glared Inuyasha as he smirked back at her. Kagome's mom smiled and headed towards the kitchen to continue preparing dinner while her grandfather ushered him towards the sofa to take a seat.

“Young Takahashi, please make yourself comfortable. Would you like some tea? How about crackers? You know what, I'll just go ahead and get some.” Jii-chan hurried off and Souta took his place on the sofa.

Inuyasha stared at the young boy with a questioning look “So, Onii-san, you don't mind if I call you Onii-san, right?” Inuyasha shook his head while Kagome looked daggers into her younger brother. “Okay well Onii-san, are you courting Onee-san?” Kagome's eyes widened while Inuyasha grinned.

“SOUTA! LEAVE!” Kagome growled, advancing towards the sofa.

Souta stood up with his hand up in a defensive manner “It was just a question, no need to get all PMS on me…” Souta chuckled then ran off to his room.

“I swear if I wasn't sick I would murder him.” Kagome mumbled under her breath

Jii-chan came back with some tea and crackers and set it right in front of the hanyou “Say boy, would you like to spend the night here? We have an extra room next to Kagome's if you'd like. Depending on how tonight goes, I may even let you sleep in her room, that is if you don't mind her being sick.”

“JII-CHAN!” an appalled Kagome screamed. She didn't know why her family was so willing to throw her to the dogs, literally. “You barely know him, I barely know him, heck, I can barely stand him! Why is everyone in this house so crazy?!”

“Oh hush child. Young Takahashi may do as he pleases. Come now. I think Kohana is done preparing dinner.”

The rest of the night went a lot smoother than expected. Jii-chan, Kohana and Souta were both all able to keep the embarrassment to a minimum.

“So, Inuyasha, how's your mom? It's been a long time since I've seen her.” Kohana mentioned.

Everyone at the table, besides Jii-chan was surprised at this remark “I didn't know that you two knew each other, ma'am.”

“Oh yeah, we were childhood friends. Went to the same college together and all. We stopped talking soon after graduation. Her busy schedule just kept getting busier, which is apparent in the empire that she and your father have built.” Kohana smiled at her plate, reminiscing on the old times. Both Kagome and Souta were shocked.

“Truth be told, it's been a long time since I've seen my parents as well. It's been almost 3 years now.” Inuyasha replied as he served himself some spaghetti.

“3 years? But you're only 17.” Kagome gasped

“They didn't leave my brother and I by ourselves, of course. We've had nannies, servants and stewards tend to us throughout the years. My parents go away quite often so they'll only be back for a couple months before they're off again.”

Kagome suddenly felt bad for the hanyou and watched as he took a bite out of his food. She had never seen someone eat spaghetti with such effortless grace. `He's so well brought up… A super-grade millionaire from the upper class.'

“Thank you so much again for this dinner. It's been a while since I've had a delicious home-made meal like this and I would like to express my gratitude.” Inuyasha looked at everyone at the table and smiled. Kagome looked at him confused. Was this really the life-ruining monster that she knew? `He's such a polite and well-mannered guy… He's nothing like this at school…' Kagome shook her head `No. I mustn't let my guard down. He's still a bastard who deserves no mercy for his actions.'

After dinner, Inuyasha said his goodbyes and Kagome's mother ordered for her daughter to walk him out to his car. Groaning, Kagome obliged. They walked in silence until Kagome decided to break the ice.

“Inuyasha… Why did you come?” She continued staring at the ground, not once looking up at him.

“I haven't had spaghetti in 10 years, did you know that? It was exquisite. Please thank your family again for having me.” Inuyasha purposefully avoided her question “They're such a lively bunch. Usually I eat alone. Sesshomaru is busy most of the time, training to take over his side of the company so he's not really around.”

Kagome had stopped walking at this point but continued looking on at Inuyasha. `Even though he says such horrible things, I pity him… Every family has their problems I guess. It goes to show that money really can't buy you everything.' All of a sudden a familiar arrogance snapped her out of her thoughts.

“Him and I aren't feuding by the way. We're just always like that. Don't think you're special enough to turn family against each other or anything. Don't think you're special at all, actually.” Inuyasha turned around to face her, “Are you going to Hawaii for the annual school trip?”

At this point, Kagome was used to his useless name-calling.

“Hey asshole. No I'm not. I can't afford it. Not a trust fund baby.” She rolled her eyes.

“This is why I loathe paupers. Can't even fork out $15,000 for a trip.” Inuyasha sneered then stopped after seeing the look of annoyance on her face, “Look, I'll pay for you, okay?”

Kagome laughed, “Why should I accept anything from you, you're nuts! Besides, Hojo and I are planning to take a cruise instead.”

“A cruise with Homo? That pansy?” Inuyasha felt his anger rising, `Stupid girl, does she always have to be this infuriating?'

“It's HOJO, and yes, you guys can go enjoy Hawaii and we will enjoy our cruise. One week without having to see your stupid face. Goodbye Inuyasha.” Kagome turned on her heel and left the dumb struck hanyou. He watched her leave and turn around once more to add, “Get home, Inubaka!”

He shook his head at her childish comment and headed back to the Takahashi mansion.


Inuyasha opened the doors to the dungeon (aka man cave) to find the rest of the Shikons hanging around. Sesshomaru was reading while Koga and Miroku were playing video games and drinking.

“Hey boys, there's been a change of plans. Looks like we're not going to Hawaii after all.”

Sesshomaru looked up from his book, completely indifferent. “Good for you.” He stated then went back to his reading.

The two others paused their game as they groaned and protested. “What do you mean no more Hawaii?” Miroku whined.

“Spring break in Hawaii? It's cliché. Let the others go instead.” Inuyasha tried to convince them.

Koga furrowed his brows, “So what? Where are we going instead? Antarctica? The Amazon?”

“Don't worry about it. It's a secret.”


A couple weeks later Kagome and Hojo were standing in front of the cruise ship, ready to board.

“Wow! The ship is so big! 3 days of complete relaxation and rejuvenation!” Kagome exclaimed, grinning widely at the vessel. “Thank you again for bringing me here, Hojo. I really needed to get away from all the stress of Midoriko.”

“It's no problem at all, Kagome. I'm glad we get to spend the next few days together.” Hojo looked at the time on his watch, “The rest of the school has probably touched down in Hawaii by now, but more importantly, time for us to board!”

Looking back up at the ship, Kagome watched as a familiar figure popped up on the deck. `You've got to be fucking kidding me. This can't be real.'

“Hey there wench!” Inuyasha shouted from the top deck. “Surprised to see me?” Koga, Miroku, Kikyo and Kagura all popped up one by one beside him.

Kikyo, along with the others, was surprised to see the girl “You're kidding, right? SHE's coming on HERE with US?!” she scoffed, flipped her hair, then headed to the bar. “Come on Kagura, I can't deal with this nuisance right now.”

Koga laughed, catching onto the reason for the change of plans “Hard working virgin! Cheers!”

Kagome face palmed herself as she reluctantly followed Hojo on board.


After settling in, Kagome decided to explore a bit, leaving Hojo to take a quick nap in his cabin.

`I might as well enjoy myself, even if I'm stuck on this ship with that incorrigible asshole.' Kagome took a turn and ran right into Mr. Incorrigible Asshole himself.

“Watch it, bitch.” Inuyasha half-laughed, loving the way the miko got riled up with a few simple words.

“You're gonna make me regret stepping foot on this ship, aren't you?” Kagome scowled. “Why are you even here, Inuyasha? What happened to going to Hawaii?”

“I've been to Hawaii hundreds of times, I thought a cruise would be funner.” He flashed that annoyingly arrogant grin.

“Funner isn't a word.” Kagome corrected.

“Oh look, Ms. Bland herself, correcting me for using a word not in her dictionary.”

“It's not in anyone's dictionary, baka. It's not a real word.”

“Don't care, wench. With my influence, you'll find even God himself will agree with me when the time comes.” Inuyasha started walking towards his room.

“Wait a minute. Hojo said his father booked the entire cruise ship, how were you able to get past that?” Kagome questioned.

Inuyasha didn't bother to turn around and continued on walking as he waved his arm back and responded, “He only booked it. I bought it.” Kagome grimaced then suddenly he stopped and added, “Oh and before you wonder where everyone else is, I bought them a separate ship to take them somewhere else extravagant. It's only gonna be the people you've seen so far plus Sesshomaru and Rin.”

`This is gonna be the longest 3 days of my life.'


After a couple hours of exploring the ship, Kagome headed back to her cabin only to find someone sitting on the couch outside her door.

Kagome approached the friendly figure, “Rin?”

Rin jumped up from her seat, “Kagome! Yay! You're finally here! Okay we don't have much time, I've already notified your friend, he's getting ready. Here you go—“ Rin handed a very confused Kagome a huge gift box, “It's what you're wearing tonight, don't complain just please go for me, I can't stand those two other girls on this ship.”

“Wait, what? What's going on?”

“It's a get together. A mini party, I should say. Everyone is getting dressed up, I brought my stuff too so we can I can get ready with you!”

“Rin—I don't think I sho—“

“Nonsense, I like you Kagome, I don't have many friends but I liked you from the moment I met you. You want me to continue liking you, right? Well I need you there. Capiche?” Kagome didn't even have time to respond before she was ushered into her room, “Now on you go, I brought you a dress and I put your name on the list, not that we really even needed one… Point is, there is no turning back.” Over the next couple hours Kagome would find out that beauty truly was pain.

Rin studied her final product, circling to find any imperfection in her work. There was none.

“Kagome… I must say I've always thought you were beautiful, but WOW. I'm sure those girls will throw themselves overboard once they see you in this dress. Then again, I'm sure all the guys will too.”

Kagome looked at herself in the mirror, gasped, smiled and then turned to Rin. “You made me look like a princess.”

“Girl, you always were one, I just happened to fully bring it out of you.” The girls squealed and made their way to the ballroom.


The girls arrived `fashionably late' which brought all eyes on them as they entered the room arm in arm.

“Rin is so elegantly flawless… and wow that girl next to her is—WAIT A MINUTE! Isn't that Kagome?!” Kagura exclaimed, making Kikyo whip her head around to witness the sight.

Kikyo cringed, “The world has come to an end. This is all so wrong, it's revolting.”

Miroku and Koga were standing side by side by the buffet when they noticed Rin and her `masterpiece'.

“Rin sure did good, I believe Kagome has officially made it to the top of my list.” Koga wolf-whistled

Miroku's eyes bulged out for a moment; “The hard working virgin can get it from me anytime, any day, any where that's for sure. I might have to ask her THE question.” He chuckled then yelled out “Kagome! Will you have my child—“

Inuyasha bopped the lecher over his head, sent a warning glare at Koga, then proceeded to drink in the vision before him. `My, my. Kagome Higurashi. I am way more in for it than I realized.' He took these next few moments to commit this image to his memory. Her long, raven tresses were flowing down in waves. Her simplistic makeup and how it only accentuated her already stunning features. The deep red dress she wore, how it pushed up her breasts without calling too much negative attention to them. How it fit her curves so snugly with a slit that ran up mid thigh and a train that went on for 2 feet. Inuyasha even took note of her posture, how seemingly nervous she looked, how innocent and out of place she must've felt, the way she was fidgeting with her fingers.

Kagome looked around to see that all eyes were indeed, on her. She locked eyes with Sesshomaru for a couple seconds. He was on the other side of the room, keeping himself occupied with the piano.

“Kagome, you look wonderful. Breath-taking for sure.” Hojo came up behind her, looking her up and down.

“Thank you Hojo. That's very kind of you.” Kagome smiled appreciatively towards to boy.

A champagne bottle popped in the background, “Alright everyone, let's party!” Koga shouted.

Kagome and Hojo made their way to the punch bowl and was met with Miroku. “You two do realize that legal drinking ages don't apply to us on this boat, right?”

“I presumed that much considering you four are involved.” Kagome laughed.

Miroku grinned, “Well, if you don't mind, Kagome, may I have the honor to dance with you?” he extended his hand out.

“Why yes Miroku, you may.” Kagome put her hand in his and let him lead her to the dance floor.

The two twirled around while 3 other sets of eyes followed their movements.

Kagome realized that Miroku was actually a sweet guy, once you got past the groping and inappropriate comments.

“Thank you, lady Kagome, for blessing me with this dance. However, I must end this dance short, because I feel multiple daggers being thrown at me from different directions.” Miroku led her off the dance floor, kissed her hand and walked towards Inuyasha with his hands up in defense.

Hojo was building up the courage to ask Kagome to dance when Koga appeared and requested the opportunity before he did.

“I wonder how much shit I'm going to get from Yash after this. You're causing all the men to fight over you, Kagome. You must be feeling that ego start to expand.”

“Impossible. There's not enough room for mine to expand with how big yours is already.”

Inuyasha watched Koga and Kagome's little exchange, giving low growls every time they laughed, that only his brother and the wolf himself could hear.

Sesshomaru approached Kagome as soon as Koga was done with their dance. “I assume you know what I'm going to ask you.”

Kagome grinned up at him, “Yes, you may.”

“What if the question was if you would accompany me to my room tonight?” Kagome stared at him wide-eyed until he had burst out into laughter. This caught the Shikon's and Rin's attention as it came as a surprise, to hear an outward emotion from the inu-youkai. “I was obviously kidding, but now I can see exactly why Inuyasha loves teasing you so much.” He extended his hand to Kagome who took it and led them to the dance floor.

“You're ridiculous.”

“If you say so.” Sesshomaru pulled Kagome closer and whispered into her ear “Honestly, I would say that's more of a characteristic of yours.” Another low growl was heard from Inuyasha.

The two continued on dancing in silence, enjoying each other's company until the end of the song.

A voice woke Kagome up from her trance, “Gather around everyone, we're going to play a game”, Kikyo announced over the microphone. “It's called kiss in the darkness, you simply have 10 seconds to kiss the person of your dreams in the dark. Alright, GO!” Without any warning the lights shut off and screams as well as a couple “OW!”'s were expressed.

True to the rules, the lights turned on after 10 seconds. Judging by the scene that followed, it should've been off for longer.

Kagura found herself making out with Hojo rather than the person she had originally thought it was, Inuyasha. Miroku realized that he was groping Koga, not a female. Kagome opened her eyes to see that she had accidentally fallen on top of Inuyasha after they had both been tripped. What surprised her even more was the realization that their lips were touching.

They both stood up in a hurry as Hojo came running over. “Kagome, that vapid whore” Hojo alternated giving looks to both Kagome and Inuyasha “just forced herself on me. I had no—“ realization dawned on him as well. “Don't tell me that you and Inu—“

“SHUT UP!” Kagome covered her ears and ran out the room, the rest of the group all watching the scene unfold.

Hojo looked back at Inuyasha as if to accuse him of the wrongdoing. “Don't look at me, Homo. She kissed me on her own accord.” Inuyasha chased after her retreating figure.

Kagome ran out to the deck. `I can't believe I kissed a pig.' She continuously wiped her mouth as tears slowly sprang into her eyes.

“Was it your first kiss?” Inuyasha asked from behind her. Kagome didn't answer. “I'm surprised you hadn't ever kissed anyone before.” He ran the backside of his fingers on her arm. “To think, your first kiss was with me and it was so bold.” His arms snaked around her waist. “Shall we make tonight even more romantic?”

Kagome turned around and pushed him back. “Get away from me you disgusting low life!” She ran back to her cabin, leaving Inuyasha confused, not realizing he had interpreted it all wrong.


The next morning, Kagome was looking out over the sea, replaying the events that happened the night before in her head. `How did I go from Cinderella to Princess and the Frog'? She shook her head from the images and turned around only to see the Shikons along with Kikyo and Kagura make their way towards her.

She stood still where she was and started blushing upon queue, mirroring the hanyou that had also displayed the same colors.

“Look at these two. Blushing all because they accidentally kissed last night.” Miroku laughed out.

Inuyasha glowered at the monk, “She was the one who charged at me. Must've really been desperate.”

Kagome made eye contact with Sesshomaru who was more towards the back of the group and suddenly felt obligated to clear the air.

“It wasn't like that, someone tripped me and Inuyasha happened to be there as I fell over.” She explained more directly towards Sesshomaru, but also the whole group.

“An explanation is unnecessary. Whom you kiss is no concern of mine.” The older Takahashi brother spoke, no emotion displayed as per usual.

Kagome walked past the group and silently scolded herself for believing that Sesshomaru would even come to her rescue.


After spending most of the day crying and avoiding and human contact, Kagome went on to return the gown to Rin.

She walked up to her cabin and soon noticed that she wasn't alone. Sesshomaru was there with her and they seemed to be engaged in an important conversation. Kagome wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but for some reason she couldn't move from her place.

“Are you disappointed?” She heard Rin ask.

“Why should I be?” Sesshomaru's smooth voice answered.

“Because Kagome isn't here.”

“Why does she matter so much to you?” The annoyance in the inu youkai's voice became apparent.

“You gave me that impression when you quarreled with Inuyasha over her.” Kagome heard the ice cubes clink against glass, indicating that the two had been drinking. “I'd have to say that I'm quite jealous. It's because you aren't solely mine anymore… I had the same feeling again when I saw you two dancing last night.”

“Well, if you believe so. What do you want to say? `I think you two make a perfect match'?” Kagome knew she needed to leave, but as she went to move she heard Sesshomaru chuckle.

“Why are you laughing?”

“You never mean what you say.” The couch squeaked, signaling someone had gotten off of it. “You are so kind and amiable to everyone you meet. You carry yourself so well as a dignified and wealthy girl. But you never bother to nurse anybody hurt by your capriciousness.”

“Sesshy, I never meant to hurt you!”

“Please stop toying with me. You're convinced I have feelings for Kagome, but let me convince you that you're the one I'm in love with.” She heard them kiss and felt her heart ache at the same exact time. `What were you even thinking, Kagome. You knew about their relationship for weeks now. It's no surprise. You never had a chance.' At this point it would be just disgustingly perverted for her to stand in the hall. With whatever dignity she had left, Kagome dragged herself to the deck.

Memories of Sesshomaru flooded her brain. All the times they met on the roof, when he set off the fireworks, when he saved her from Moryomaru and Goryomaru, when he argued with Inuyasha and the moment 5 minutes ago from when he told Rin he loved her.

A couple screams and some footsteps brought her back to reality as she wiped away her tears. Hojo came running towards her at full speed, Inuyasha hot on his trail.

“Kagome! Help me! Inuyasha is trying to kill me!” Hojo hid behind Kagome and Inuyasha shook his head and laughed at the un-manly action.

“What's going on you two?”

“I tried to tell Inubaka over here to leave you alone and stop bullying you but all he wanted to do was think about how he violated you so I challenged him to swimming and fishing, sashimi preparation and now here we are.”

“Yeah, so much for the challenge you wimp.” Inuyasha stepped towards Hojo, who winced.

“Break it up you two, Inuyasha stop chasing after Hojo, he doesn't know any better.” Kagome sensed that Inuyasha was avoiding eye contact with her.

“You obnoxious hanyou!” Hojo shouted at Inuyasha, then turned to Kagome to add “he's thinking about kissing you again, I just know it.”

Inuyasha lunged at the unsuspecting boy and decided that a couple noogies would suffice, the victim being a fragile human and all.

Kagome laughed at the two and thanked God they were both here to cheer her up from what would've been an awful night.


Sesshomaru broke apart from Rin and instead, looked into her eyes questioningly. “Sesh, what's wrong?”

“Why aren't you bothered by this?”

“I don't mind it. I'm happy too. It shows that I mean a lot to you. I keep forgetting that we've both grown into adults.”

“This isn't what I wanted.”

“Don't worry. Certain things just happen naturally.” Rin leaned forward to recapture Sesshomaru's lips but was surprised when she felt him push her away.

“Let's not continue this anymore. I apologize, Rin.” With that, Sesshomaru walked away.


Inuyasha beat down on everyone's cabin door, demanding that they wake up and eat the Sashimi that he had prepared out on the deck. One by one they came out, still half asleep.

“This is why I loathe virgin boys.” Miroku groaned. Inuyasha blushed a beat red while the rest laughed.

“You're still a virgin, Inuyasha?” Kikyo exclaimed, a little too joyful at the fact.

“Shut up guys, I just had no desire to bed a woman I didn't love, that's all.”

Kagome took a bite out of the sashimi and smiled up at Inuyasha for the innocent remark. Her smile faded as she saw Sesshomaru make his way to the deck, unnoticed by everyone except for herself. She followed him to where he positioned himself, overlooking the sea.

Sesshomaru turned around to find Kagome with a bowl of sashimi behind him.

“Are you eating? May I have some?” He asked the miko.

“Sure. I'll go get some for you.” Kagome turned around but was stopped.

“No, let's just share yours.” Sesshomaru went ahead and took a piece of sashimi and gulped it down.

“Where is Rin?” Kagome asked a little worried.

“I don't know. Probably in bed.”

“I'm sorry I disturbed you two.” Kagome inwardly winced after she had realized she had pretty much told on herself.

“You were listening?” Sesshomaru made no move to turn to her, he just continued looking out into the ocean.

`I'm in so much trouble. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.' “I didn't mean to. I was just passing by so I heard it.”

“I'm actually surprised I wasn't able to pick up on your scent. I was probably just preoccupied.”

“Please do not loathe me anymore.” Kagome suddenly cried. “Though this feeling of friendship may not be mutual—“

Sesshomaru growled. “If I loathed you, I wouldn't have spent time rescuing you or even talking to you, matter of fact. Don't be stupid.”

Kagome caught herself smiling at the statement.

As they continued on talking into the night, the two were unaware of a certain recording camera pointed towards them, capturing their every move.