InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Plushies Get Bored ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: None of the following events are true. Some characters are based off of actual people. I do not own nor profit from InuYasha.
Chapter 1
“InuYasha is gay.” The male voice crackled into the phone.
“He is not!” “Blasphemy!” Two female voices answered from the phone. The male rolled his eyes at his female friends while inwardly laughing at them. His eyes were glued to the television in front of him where the anime show `InuYasha' played.
“You know you're watching it, Jimmy.” One of the girls said. Jimmy gritted his teeth at being caught.
“Only because he's gay.” He patted himself on the back for that one.
“You're such a jerk.” The other girl said.
“You're a hoe.” Jimmy said calmly.
“Jen! Jimmy is being mean again!” the girl cried out. The girl known as Jen laughed.
“Then hurt him Raven.”
“I will! You just wait till work tomorrow, Jimmy.” Raven growled. She sat within her own room upon the floor. The phone was nestled between her ear and shoulder while she watched InuYasha being `sat'. Her 13 inch Sesshomaru plush was nestled on her lap as she played with the strings.
“Are you cuddling with that huge ass thing?” Jen suddenly asked. Raven's hand stilled as she pushed the plushie behind her.
“No.” she lied.
“Ew! Are you playing with that thing?” Jimmy demanded.
“Shut up!” Raven shouted into the phone. The others laughed while she pouted. She rose from the floor and stretched. She gave a yawn as she turned off the TV and moved over to the mattress placed on the floor.
“Don't you work tomorrow morning?” Jen asked.
“Yep. Nine to three shift.” Raven answered while Jimmy grunted something about closing.
“Same here.” Jen said. “Eight to three.”
“Are you still crashing here this week while my Mum is gone?” Raven asked as she flopped on the mattress.
“Yeah. You still want me to bring the box sets?” Jen asked. Raven yawned then laughed.
“So we can watch InuYasha ever waking moment? Of course.” She mumbled her goodnight before plopping the phone on the floor and curling into the blankets, the Sesshomaru plush still on the floor where she had left it.
Jen sat before her computer, how own phone propped on her shoulder talking to Jimmy while she instant message the random people in her life. Majority of those people were men she had never met. A now ex-friend had signed her up on one of those dating websites. The jerk kept changing the password so she couldn't get herself off the site.
“I swear one of these guys is a serial killer.” She grumbled to no one in particular.
“Then take yourself off of the site.” Jimmy said.
“I don't know how!” Jen whined as she searched for some good fanfics. She skimmed a few before deciding that it would be the best to call it quits. Her own eight inch plushie of InuYasha hung next to her bed as she turned off the computer and went to bed.
Work the next day progressed as any other. Jen remained on the second floor of the -------- hotel while Raven worked the first floor. Jen usually alternated between working in the hotel giftshop and Arcade while Raven's specialty was the tattoos the hotel offered. Like most days she could be found behind the counter of the airbrush stand covered head to toe in the temporary tattoos.
The girls break-ed together and threatened Jimmy when he came into work for his comments from the night before. Both parted ways in the parking lot and planned on meeting at Raven's later. Jen needed to run home and pack her clothes and Raven was going to stop for gas before heading to the house first.
Raven gave a few choice colorful words as she headed home. Dear God, she couldn't stand traffic! It was bad enough she was forced to stop for gas and add another fifteen minutes to her commute. At this rate, Jen would beat her to the house.
She didn't see the tall figure in the kitchen window watching her as she got of the car and slammed the door, the figure watched in amusement as she gave the tire of her car a kick then grabbing her foot and hopping around. The girl's dark eyes were glittering with fury and her dark locks of hair were falling down from her bun. Her finger was pointed at the car as she gave a few colorful words before grabbing her messenger bag from the car. The figure frowned when he noticed that the black bag was depicted with the character `InuYasha'.
Raven grumbled about evil vehicles and stupid drivers out to annoy her as she fumbled with the key to the kitchen door. She gave the door a hard nudge to get it unstuck as she entered the kitchen. She didn't notice the figure standing in the middle of the floor. She threw the keys of the table and reached in the bag for the cell. Seeing she had no signal she grumbled and started to head to the living room for the house phone when she ran into a wall.
Raven rubbed her sore nose furiously wondering when the hell a wall had been built in the center of the kitchen. Her dark eyes widened on sight of a pair of black boots. There was a stranger in her house. She forced herself to take a deep breath as her eyes trailed up, a pair of loose white pants and a stripped scarf sort of thing. She frowned. Where had she seen that before?
She continued onward and stopped at an armored chest. Her eyes widened at the sight of a pelt over one shoulder and spikes on the other. An empty sleeve hung loosely on one side of what she recognized as a white haori.
She felt faint. At least, she thought she was; she had never fainted before. A thin sliver of the finest hair she had ever seen fell across her line of sight. She briefly took in the intense silver color of it before her head snapped up and up.
A well sculptured face with odd markings and a pair of intense golden colored eyes.
Dear God, was she asleep? Did she fall asleep behind the wheel or did she never go to work and was in bed. Raven took a step back and felt the corner of the counter dig into her back.
Nope, defiantly awake.
She gave a sharp squeal as she somehow cleared the kitchen table and bolted down the hallway. She would probably ponder later how she was able to clear the kitchen table with her five foot frame but she wasn't thinking clearly at that point. She slammed her bedroom door shut and locked it before slapping herself in the forehead. If that…thing wanted in her room he could easily break down the door. She began pushing the dresser against the door as she faintly heard the sound of his footsteps down the hall. She glanced at the cell phone in her hand and gave a silent prayer that her few bars of signal stayed.
She flipped it open and paused. Should she call the police? Raven glanced at her bedroom door from around the corner of the dresser. Would they even believe her if she told them that there was a freak dressed like an anime character in her house? She gave a loud sigh as she felt something beneath her hand. She glanced down and found the tags that were on her Sesshomaru plush. She glanced around searching for the stuffed character.
Upon discovering the plushie gone from her room she knew something wasn't right about the entire situation.
“Raven.” A silky voice came through the door and she squealed again in fright. It knew her name! “Open the door.”
“Hell no!” she snapped before she huddled back behind the dresser at the sound of his irritation.
“This Sesshomaru has no qualm about breaking it down.” The voice answered.
“Then you pay for it!” Raven hissed as she felt her breath hitch. Did he just call himself Sesshomaru? Raven groaned as she hurriedly dialed Jen's number as a bright light entered her bedroom. She dodged the orb of light and landed on her mattress. She was panting from fear as she listened on the phone. Her dark eyes widened as she watched the orb form into a shape and that shape form a very tall body. She swore as she looked at her still blocked door and then to the window. She didn't think she could open it and tear down the screen before the thing in front of her made a move. He arched an eyebrow at her as she heard the click of someone picking up.
“Jen.” Raven was surprised at how calm she sounded with almost seven feet of smoldering anime character standing in her room. “I have a big problem.”
Jen pulled up next to the small place she called home with her parents. She could already tell her mother was out as usual meaning she could escape with her bag of clothes and not be questioned. She crept to her front door and slowly opened it awaiting the barrage of her cats.
When the door wasn't rudely jerked open by four very fat cats she breathed a sigh of relief. She shut the door behind her as she heard a hiss. Her head snapped around, her dark wavy locks of hair flying around her as she took in the sight of her four cats huddled in a corner away from her room. Her light blue eyes narrowed as she approached her cats.
“What's wrong with you guys?” she asked as she picked up her favorite cat, Tiger Lilly. The cat hissed as Jen made her way to her room and furiously tried to claw her way out of Jen's arms. “Hey! What didn't you just say so!” she rolled her eyes at the cats as they bolted into another room. She opened her bedroom door and allowed her eyes to drift over the small confines. Her eyes were slammed to her bed where she found the most terrifying sight.
A man with long silvery white hair sat crouched upon her bed. He was dressed in a weird red outfit with a sword sheathe propped against his shoulder. He was staring intently at the InuYasha blanket that adorned her small bed. Her eyes shot to the top of the stranger's head as a single furry dog like ear flickered to her. She felt the blood leave her body as a pair of amber eyes looked up at her.
“Feh.” He mumbled as he went back to staring at the blanket. She took a step back as she felt her phone go off in her pocket. The ring told her it was Raven. The male upon her bed looked up at her and they locked eyes. Blue clashed with amber.
She slowly reached for her cell and flipped it open.
“Jen.” Raven's voice echoed in the too quiet room. “I have a big problem.”
“I am sort of having problems of my own, Raven.” Jen said as she eyed the anime character on her bed.
“Sesshomaru is standing in my room and he isn't thirteen inches tall anymore!” Raven hissed through the phone.
“Sesshomaru?” Jen gasped as the figure on her bed jumped.
“Sesshomaru? Where the hell is the bastard!” he demanded as he pulled his blade from the sheathe. Jen watched in horror as the blade grew large and came dangerously close to the lamp.
“Don't hit my lamp!” she squealed as she dropped the cell phone and caught the lamp. She could hear Raven calling for her. “Not the computer it's not paid off yet!”
“Jen!” Raven's voice cried out from the floor as she scrambled to reach it. The male stopped at the sound of distress as Jen grabbed up the phone.
“Raven? Raven!” she screamed as she got a dial tone. She quickly redialed the number and her light blues eyes drifted close at the sound of the operator. Those blue eyes suddenly snapped open and pinned the stranger to his spot in the middle of the room.
The male shifted around uneasily under that gaze before letting out another `feh'.
“Who the hell are you?” Jen demanded as she closed her phone and put it back in her pocket. The male looked at her a moment longer before answering.
“Feh. Who the hell do you think I am woman?” he snapped. Jen rolled her eyes as she rubbed her furiously pounding head.
“There is no anime character standing in my room.” She mumbled to herself. “Raven dropped her phone again and that's why I got the operator. She's fine, she just called to tell me she got to the house.” She peaked from behind her hands to see the InuYasha wanna-be still standing in her room looking amused.
“I'm real, woman.” He snapped at her. Jen frowned.
“I have a name you know!” she snapped before she groaned. “Now I sound like an anime character.”
“I know your name!” he snapped. “I have been hanging by your bedside for several months now!”
“Wha?!” Jen said bewildered. She glanced to where she hung her plushie and discovered nothing but tags. “You became real?”
“Feh. What were you saying about my brother?” he looked at her. Jen covered her mouth before she let out a shriek.
“Raven is in the house with Sesshomaru!” she said as she grabbed a bag and hurriedly stuffed clothes in it. He watched her run around the room before her rushed sentence registered in his mind.
“Your friend is alone with my brother?” he swore colorfully. He grabbed up her bag and placed his sword at his side. He watched as she grabbed the blanket he was staring at off her bed and a set of DVD's.
Jen grabbed up her car keys and rushed from her room trailed by the now living plushie.
Fifteen minutes later found her trying to shove the male into her car.
“Hell no. I have heard what they say about your driving. You are crazy!” InuYasha snapped as he clung to the sides of the passenger side door.
“You can't drive!” Jen snapped as she tried to push the guy into her car. “Besides, I am a perfectly fine driver! Now we need to get going! It will take us at least an hour to get to Raven's house.” InuYasha continued to struggle against her. Jen sighed in frustration. “Would you just sit down all ready?!”
“Agh!” InuYasha faced planted into the vehicle. Jen jumped back as her small red Colbolt lurched from the `sit'.
“It works.” Jen mumbled as she buckled the awkward positioned hanyou. As she went to close the door her blue eyes caught his fuzzy ears twitching in irritation. Surely Raven could hold her own against a male three times her size a little longer? At least long enough for her to touch one of those ears…
“What do you think your doing?” InuYasha demanded as he struggled to right himself against the seatbelt. Jen yanked her hand back and slammed the car door in the male's face. She huffed as she bolted to her side of the car and got in. My Chemical Romance blared from the speakers as she started the car and InuYasha let out a whine at the volume. Jen mumbled an apology as she turned the music off and burned rubber leaving her neighborhood.
Raven looked down at what use to be her cell phone. It was now a smoldering pile of goop. She jumped back from it as she glared up at the male responsible.
“What did you do that for?” she demanded, temporarily forgetting the reason she was so scared.
“I do not appreciate being ignored.” The male answered pointedly as he glanced away from her small form. Raven huffed.
“Then say something! You destroyed my cell! Do you have any idea how much that cost me? Now I have to get another one!”
“Do you ever stay quiet?”
“Not when I am pissed!” Raven snapped at him before stepping back. She took a deep calming breath and rolled her neck. “This is all a figment of my imagination. I am not arguing with an anime character.” Raven's dark eyes snapped back to the male in her room as she let out a groan.
He was still there.
So she did like she did with any else that angered her, pointedly ignored it.
And Sesshomaru does not like to be ignored.
Raven completely bypassed his form and moved to her blocked door. She began to heave and shove at the dresser. After about five minutes of no progress she stepped back and assessed her predicament. She was trapped in her own room with almost seven feet of breathing anime character. She had her dresser wedge in the corner against the door and couldn't move it. She didn't think she could get her window open and push out the screen. She could sink low enough to ask the high and mighty behind her to move the dresser but she was still fuming about the phone.
The male watched her fume about the blocked door and try to move the dresser. She didn't spare him a look and continued to ignore his presence. As amusing as it was to watch her try to move an object twice her size and probably thrice her weight, he didn't appreciate being ignored.
He picked her up by the back of her shirt and moved her out of the way. He ignored her outcry of indignation as he placed the dresser back where it was before. He looked back to five feet of pissed off female.
“I didn't need your help.” She snapped. It was one thing he learned while he had been in her room all these months, the female known as Raven did things on her own.
“Indeed.” He answered as she clenched her fists. She turned her nose up at him and went back to ignoring him. The nerve of the woman.
Raven walked down her hallway and towards the kitchen. She could feel the heat of him behind her as he followed. She turned on him in the living room and he arched a brow at her.
“Don't you have anything better to do then follow me?” she snapped at him. He gave her a pointed look that said that even if he did, she was much more amusing. She huffed again as her head snapped towards the kitchen where she could hear screeching tires turning down her driveway. She sprinted to the kitchen window and watched as a red Colbolt pulled up next to her own little silver Neon. “Thank God, Jen.”
Sesshomaru stood behind her and was able to see out the window over the top of her head. He watched as another girl jump from the red vehicle, one he remembered seeing before. She ran to the other side of her vehicle as Raven moved to the kitchen door to unlock and open it. The girl known as Jen was furiously tugging something red out of her car.
He instantly recognized the red object as his younger half brother.
“Come on!” Jen snapped at InuYasha. The young male had his claws dug into the dashboard before him, his poor ears stood on end and he was quite shaken. “We have to go inside before someone sees you!”
“Feh.” He said as he undid his claws from the board, hoping she wouldn't notice the gauges. The woman was a psycho driver; there was no doubt in his mind. What should have been an hour drive she cut down into half an hour. Perhaps he should write it off as fear for her friend?
Speaking of which, he could smell his brother. A head poked out of a side door, a small human female with long dark locks and glittering dark eyes.
“Jen.” The female whined before she was rudely yanked back into the house.
“Don't just stand there, come on!” Jen grabbed him by his sleeve and dragged him through the kitchen door where she immediately stopped.
Raven was standing behind a tall male looking very pissed while said male was pointedly ignoring bother the smoldering female and Jen. His gold eyes were locked on InuYasha behind her.
“Stupid bastard.” InuYasha said as he gave Jen a little shove into the kitchen and shut the door behind him.
“Hello, little brother.” Sesshomaru said calmly as Raven let out her version of a growl behind him. She walked around the huge male in her kitchen and towards Jen who she grabbed by the arm and dragged into the living room.
Both females went around the house shutting all the blinds and locking varies doors. Once they had finished they returned to the living room where the roots of their problem stood.
“What the hell are we going to do?” Jen asked. Raven groaned.
“I don't know.” She rubbed her face. “I think I am still in denial.”
“Is this even really happening?” Jen looked at her. Raven looked pointedly at Sesshomaru.
“Obviously, or my phone wouldn't be a smoldering pile of goop.” Jen looked at Sesshomaru who didn't seem fazed by the murderous look being sent his way.
“According to dog boy over there.” Jen jabbed her thumb at InuYasha who grumbled. “They came from our plushies.”
“That's what I figured.” Raven mumbled. “So the question is, why the fuck are they here?”
“Would you stop talking like we ain't standing here?” InuYasha snapped. Raven bristled.
“No!” she snapped back. Jen placed a restraining hand on her. Raven stepped back and went to the couch where she flopped down. “Fine. Then why are you here?”
“Feh.” InuYasha looked away. Raven rolled her eyes.
“He doesn't even know.” Raven grumbled. “Stupid men.” This time InuYasha bristled. Sesshomaru stood back and watched the exchange between his brother and Raven. At least he wasn't the only one who annoyed her.
“Have you had your caffeine today, Raven?” Jen asked. Raven grumbled and went into the kitchen. Jen rounded on InuYasha. “Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which way is it going to be?”
“I'm not saying anything.” InuYasha crossed his arms and looked away from her. Jen bristled.
“Sit.” She said calmly as the male face planted into the floor. Raven looked over from the kitchen.
“Now that is a handy thing.” She bounced over and looked down at the half-demon. “Are those ears as soft as they look?”
“Yep.” Jen sighed as she reached down and rubbed one.
“Would you stop that!” InuYasha demanded as he looked up from the floor.
“We're going to have to cancel with Jimmy tonight.” Raven said. “Until we figure out what we are going to do with them.” Jen nodded and pulled out her cell phone. Raven watched InuYasha get back up and perch on her sofa. Sesshomaru remained where he was standing but with his eyes following Raven.
Raven sat of the love seat near Sesshomaru with her soda. She took a sip as she watched Jen talking to Jimmy. She curled her legs up Indian style as she propped her chin on her hand. This was going to be good.
“Jimmy.” Jen said. “Call us when you get on break. We can't go out ghost hunting tonight.”
“Hunting what?” InuYasha said as Jen hung up the phone.
“Ghost. We go out ghost hunting.” Jen said.
“Ridiculous.” Sesshomaru said.
“Yeah, well no one asked you.” Raven said. Jen sat down next to her as they each looked over the two men.
“They can't walk around dressed like that.” Jen said offhand.
“They can't walk around period. One's got ears and the other well…let's not go there.” Raven said as she eyed Sesshomaru's markings. Said demon practically snorted at her comment.
“Good thing your mom is gone for a week.” Jen said. Raven nodded.
“I guess we can break into my stepfather's closet for some clothes. Got your credit card?” Jen nodded at her and Raven sighed. “Just what I need, more bills.”
The girls raided the closet trying to find half way suitable clothing. There was a brief fight over the swords which were easily remedied by Jen by sitting InuYasha. Raven had a harder time with Sesshomaru. After an hour of arguing he gave them up just to make her quiet.
“I will remember this for future reference.” Raven said as the swords were placed in a closet. “Two cars?” she asked and Jen nodded. Both males were shoved into bathrooms with strict orders, dress or die.
InuYasha pleaded not to ride with Jen but after a good sitting he found himself in the red Colbolt dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. A county sheriff hat covered his ears. Who knew Raven's stepfather was a cop?
Sesshomaru followed Raven to her car dressed in slacks and a long sleeved dress shirt. His hair was placed where it would cover his ears and a concealing spell covering his markings.
The trip to the mall was going to be very interesting.
A/N: This is every fangirls' dream come true and I decided that it would make an excellent humorous parody. Give me some feed back to know if you like it! ~EvilLilVixen