InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Black Widow Bites ❯ Not a Morning Person ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha!
Just had this pop up in my little brain! ^^ Please tell me what you think!
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A voice grumbled in protest beneath the red comforter as a hand sluggishly groped around for the sleep button at the top of the alarm clock. Unable to find it within the first three tries the hands immediately pulled a pillow over its owner's head to muffle the screeching sound.
“It's too damn early…”
No, Inuyasha Jidai, private detective and assistant homicide investigator to the NYPD, was not a morning person.
“Shut up, you stupid thing,” he muttered as he popped his head out from beneath the warm, comfortable covers and finally pressed the button. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, his vision still blurred by sleep, his thoughts hazed by the fragments of a dream he would never quite remember.
“What time is it?” he asked groggily. A quick glance at the clock's glowing green numbers and he was out of bed, scrambling for clean pants and a shirt beneath the pile of clothes on his floor.
9:32?! What the hell? That was the first time that he'd heard the stupid alarm go off!
“Damn thing must be broken…” he said to himself as he quickly dressed. After a quick mirror check, running his fingers hastily through his long, black hair and wiping a bit of sleep from his chocolate brown eyes, he rushed into the kitchen to grab some coffee before he left for work. There, leaning against a counter with a coffee mug in one hand and the comics section of a newspaper in the other, he found his best friend and owner of half of their shared apartment.
A faint smile came to Inuyasha's somewhat stressed face. “Miroku, how is it that you're a journalist that doesn't even read his own articles, let alone any of the other real news?”
The attractive black haired, blue eyed man looked up from his cartoons and grinned. “My friend, you just don't understand the value of a good strip of Garfield or Peanuts. You can learn so much from that rather large orange feline.”
“Yeah, like don't be the dumbass dog that gets tricked into falling off a table and flat on his stupid face,” Inuyasha agreed, the sarcasm plain in his voice as he poured some coffee into a cup and took a sip. The bitter liquid smoothly rolled in his mouth, giving the instant jolt that he always counted on to get him through the day.
Miroku laughed.
“I wouldn't be so sarcastic if I was you. You're late for work and unlike some people,” he said, referring to himself, “you can't just pull up a laptop and consider yourself at work.” The man grinned and adoringly patted the black flat screen that lay closed on the counter.
“Shut up. I know I'm late. Chief's gonna grind me into the ground,” Inuyasha sighed before taking one big gulp to finish off his bitter black coffee.
“Which can always be interpreted as a very good thing,” Miroku jested with a serious look on his face though he was silently laughing.
Inuyasha sent him a vaguely amused eye roll. “You're a disgusting lech. To think they didn't offer you the “Sex Talk” column.”
Miroku nodded sadly, his mess of black hair sweeping over his eyes. “The editor said I didn't talk about safety first enough.”
Another Inuyasha eye roll. How typical of Miroku to say something like that. No one likes protection but it saves you a hell of a lot of trouble later. Of course, Miroku actually wanted little brats running around… “Explains all that noise last night.”
Miroku raised an eyebrow, the blue in his eyes lightening with mischief. “You heard that?”
“Hm… the walls are thin…”
“And growing ears. Well,” Miroku said, suddenly brightening, “you better hop to it. You've got some important decisions to make. What color flowers would you like on your gravesite when Kaede is actually through with you? Or would you rather a cremation of your remains?”
“You're such a freak, Miroku,” Inuyasha grumbled, already dreading the Chief's reaction to his tardiness.
“That's what the ladies say.”
Ugh. Miroku was hopeless. “I'm gone.” He grabbed his wind breaker, quickly checking that is badge was pinned on the inside and that his car keys were in his pocket before heading out the door.
“Pretty… white… daisies… on… Inuyasha's… grave…” Miroku mumbled as he pretended to jot down the words on the small notepad that lay ever-present in his pocket. He had to keep it with him at all times. What if his first huge front page story came and delicately fell into his lap through the grace of God and he didn't have the proper materials to write it?
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Tick… Tick… Tick…
Kagome Higurashi kept careful watch of the clock on the soft yellow wall of her apartment's kitchen as the second hand moved slowly, ever so slowly it seemed from tick to tick.
Tick… Tick… Tick…
“Don't want to be too early or I'll seem too eager, but I don't want to be late either or I'll seem like I'm lazy and don't want to work,” she reminded herself as she ran her fingers nervously through her long raven hair.
“First impressions are based on the first ten seconds of being in front of someone. Look sharp. Look ready and willing. Look like you can do whatever needs to be done.” She smoothed her charcoal grey skirt and then the white collared shirt that accompanied it. She'd gone to great pains to be sure that the imaginary wrinkles that she was swiping away were pressed and steamed out until her clothes almost seemed stiff.
“Ugh, I'm too nervous. I need to calm down or I'll seem like a giddy school girl.”
She walked to the medicine cabinet in her bathroom and opened it, taking out some aspirin for the tension headache she was beginning to get. She popped two of the tiny white pills into her mouth and filled one of the paper cups that were also kept in the medicine cabinet with water.
`This should help some… I hope…' she thought as she downed the water and the pills.
“Hm… about time to leave I'd say…” she mumbled to herself as she looked down at the delicate silver watch on her wrist. She silently padded in her hosed feet to her small room and grabbed a small red purse.
“Keys… check… money… check… emergency credit card… check… emergency make up… check… emergency make up remover… check… emergency band aids… check… emergency medicine…” she carefully ticked off the contents of the purse then ticked them off again one by one. Finally, she was satisfied and slipped on red heels that matched the purse.
“Quick mirror check…” she glanced into the small wall mirror, giving herself her practiced `I'm here and ready to work' smile. A small, brown-eyed and barely eighteen year old girl stared back. Her shoulders slumped a bit in disappointment.
“I still look like I'm in high school… Maybe I should put my hair up?” She experimentally pulled her hair up and out of her face. It seemed to only show the girlishness that lingered in her features.
She sighed. “Maybe some red lip gloss?” She quickly applied some and immediately felt like she was a little girl playing dress up in her Mommy's closet.
Another sigh. “I can't let it get me down!” She forced her shoulders to straighten and the shining smile back on her face. “I'm gonna nail this!”
And with that thought in mind she walked out the door then rushed back in to grab her jacket. “Okay… Now I'm gonna nail this!” She locked the door before heading out into the busy streets of The Big Apple.
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R and R meh loves! ^^ More to come soon!