InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When The Darkness Howls ❯ How To Survive ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor do I own the Inuyasha characters and storyline.
"Throughout the centuries we have projected on to the wolf the qualities we most despise and fear in ourselves."
~ Barry Lopez
He was going to die….
How long would he be able to go on? How long would it be before he was caught and had his poor, small, little body tortured until there was nothing left? Would he forever be running, trying to escape the world of death and blood? Would his life ever be the same again? As he ran on, none of these thoughts seemed to be running through his head. He only had one thought: Survive.
He didn't know how long he had been running, he didn't know how long it would be before they caught up. His legs ached with a ferocity; his throat was dry and burning with lack of water. Chest heaving in and out heavily with every struggling breath, small, clawed hands clutching the item in his hands, cheek bleeding and throbbing, he ran on.
He could imagine them now. Their sharp fangs, protruding from their mouths, ready, hungry, and waiting for the taste of his flesh…
He gave a loud, startling cry into the darkness, stumbling and loosing his balance. He fell, face hitting the lumpy floor. The item clutched in his fingers was flung from his grasp…
And then, suddenly, everything was turning black, as if the darkness was sinking into itself. He tried to move, he tried to lift his hands, claws ready to kill, to fight for his life-to survive. And just when he thought he could fight, just when he thought his feeble attempts could save him for a few more moments, his determination was sucked from him as if his lungs were being squeezed.
His small eyes widened with terror, his whole body shook with fright, and a loud, frightened cry was ripped from his mouth. `Move', he told himself. `Move and run away!' But he was so frozen with fear, his body merely twitched. “Please…” he pleaded, “I didn't do anything…”
It only stared at him. Stared at him as if not understanding that he was pleading, that he was giving up and didn't want to fight. Would he be killed because he was being weak? Would long, ragged claws be used to tear his flesh apart because he showed no honor, but only cowered and pleaded for his life?
“Please…don't hurt me! I didn't do anythingI didn't do anything…”
What would his father think of him? Surely he would have looked down on him with disgrace. Disgraced by the fact that his son didn't even try to defend himself. His father told him not to cry; to be strong and fight. To survive…to survive… `I'm sorry…I'm sorry…' he screamed in his head. `Papa, please forgive me-please!'
“…I'm just trying to leave...I'm just trying to escape…” he cried.
He knew, somewhere in the back of his head, there would be no mercy. If his mother survived, would she cry over his broken and eaten body? Would she hold him in a bloody heap and bawl until she was dragged away to a death of her own? She told him that she would come for him. She told him to run and she would find him. `Where are you, mama?' he thought. `Where did you go?'
But, as if the giant, black wolf knew no mercy, it suddenly pounced; it's long, sharp teeth gleaming in the moonlight. The boy howled, his voice echoing for miles. The fangs of the werewolf, dripping with hunger, were the last things the young boy saw before everything went black…
`Where are you, mama? Where did you go…?'
The thought of his mother not finding him, the thought of her wondering for years what happened to him, wondering if he survived…the thought of him breaking his promise and not waiting for her…that killed him the most…
I'm sorry, mama, I'm so sorry…
…the feeling of something firm on his shoulder was slowly bringing him back to reality. He couldn't quite grasp it; the sudden change of surroundings had his head swarming, his body shuddering…and the shaking of his shoulder wasn't helping at all. With a sudden lurch, the images reappeared in his head, and once again, he was reliving the terrifying feeling of those sharp canines so close to his face…
Then, he was sitting upright, his strong, clawed hand grabbing the disturbance on his shoulder, holding it with a death grip. His other hand shot out and latched on to the closest thing he could find-which felt suspiciously like a long, smooth, surprisingly firm and familiar leg. The room still swam, his head suddenly ached, and he was sure he heard a small, startled gasp. Movement in his hand caused him to remember what had caused him to wake, and, clutching it tighter, he let loose a vicious growl.
He stopped, feeling something deliciously cool touch his sweaty forehead, and he jerked back, surprised. He uttered another growl- this time, though, it was less angry, and more confused. He then realized what he was clutching was someone's hand. His hold tightened even more, not wanting to let go. That cool feeling touched his head again, more hesitant. He didn't move this time.
It felt as if his head was about to explode; he could feel the blood pumping, his temple throbbing painfully…he gave an annoyed growl when the cool feeling left his head momentarily.
“Oh, stop growling, all ready,” a voice said. He jumped; surprised at it being so close…he knew that voice. “You've growled enough already.”
“K-Kagome?” he rasped.
He tried to blink away the blurriness from behind his eyes, tried to steady his ragged breathing, but he couldn't. Kagome's hand touched his shoulder again, pushing him back toward the bed. He felt the bed shift beside him, and could feel her hovering over him. “Well, at least you know my name.” He couldn't ignore the sarcasm in her voice.
“Why wouldn't I remember your name, wench?” He couldn't resist.
“By the way you were trashing in bed, I would have thought I was an enemy about to be cut in half. It's a miracle that I'm not minced meat by now.” She felt him stiffen, felt how his grip on her leg became tighter, saw the way his ears flattened on top of his head, and knew she'd said the wrong thing. “But you didn't,” she reassured him quickly. “I'm fine.”
The grip on her leg only tightened, and a small whine tumbled from his barely parted lips. “…if you're lying…”
“I'm not!” she snapped, pissed by the fact he was worried about her well being, when in turn, she was worried sick about him. It had seemed she had only just laid her head down when she suddenly felt the disturbance next to her on the bed. Tired, and thinking Inuyasha was trying to play one of his sly, perverted little tricks, she turned the small lamp on beside the bed, then turned around, ready to berate him for his nasty little actions. But when she did, she was both surprised and shocked at what she saw. Inuyasha was tossing, turning, and writhing in his sleep. With his claws slashing wildly, and the fine sheen of sweat covering his face and neck, Kagome's only reaction was to panic.
She tried to call his name, doing her best to wake him from his fitful state, but she failed at that. Next, she tried to latch onto one of his swinging arms, intent on calming him down somewhat, but the result was only a near death experience. With no thoughts on how to calm him down, and the steady panic growing in her chest, she crept from the bed to the bathroom. There, she gathered a rag, soaked it with cold water, and was able to brace herself against his shoulder-while dodging his claws-and slapped the cold, dribbling rag to his forehead.
Now…now she looked down at him, still dazed, breathing just returning to its normal rate, and she had to wonder… `What the hell was that all about?'
“Do you mind not hovering over me like that, Bitch? It's aggravating. I'm not a fucking cub that needs its mother.” His tone was the usual snappish speech he used with her.
She bristled at once. “Well, excuse me for making sure you were all right! You damn moron! Next time the Boogie-Man decides to take a U-turn into your dreams, you better beat him your damn self, then!” Shifting over so that she gave him plenty of space, Kagome angrily huddled on her side of the bed, her body resting at the tip of the mattress. She was so angry at him! He was the one to wake her up because he had a fucking nightmare. He was the one that was thrashing about like a damn lunatic without medication. And, she was the one that got up to get him something cool to put on his head so he would calm down. He was the one that scared her half to death by the way he was whimpering, and moving-as if being attacked. And the words that she'd heard rushing from his lips had nearly undone her. And now, he was the one giving her orders in that snappish tone of his! `Bastard!'
Heart thudding fast in her chest, body curled up on her side, she laid there, her eyes tightly closed against the intrusion of the lamp light she stupidly forgot to turn off in her sudden fit of anger. But that's not what plagued her the most. It was the fact that for that first second she saw him-writhing, whimpering-she had thought the worst, and she was angry that he, this stupid hulk of a wolf, could make her feel such fear. Yanking the thin spread sheet from the bed over her head, Kagome hid her face as the familiar feeling of tears threatened to overcome her. `Stupid, stupid, fucking asshole.'
Inuyasha remained frozen; still slightly disoriented by his nightmare, and the sudden negative and sad feelings from Kagome. What the hell had he done now? What was he possibly able to do after what she just saw? Not able to ignore her sudden change in attitude, Inuyasha sighed and sat up in the bed. Blinking his eyes, his vision coming back in blotches, he was finally able to see clearly again. The now lukewarm rag that was on his forehead slid down his face to land with a small, soggy, thump.
He turned in Kagome's direction, taking in her huddled form under the thin sheet. “Hey, woman, what did I do this time?” When he received no answer, he sighed, a clawed hand reaching outward.
“Don't fucking touch me.”
The hand-still mid way to its destination-stopped dead at her caustic tone. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Bitch?!” He hadn't meant for his voice to turn so violent, but with her mysterious attitude toward him, and the sad smell radiating off of her, he knew something was wrong-and he wanted to know what it was. Still, he received no reaction; the ball of flesh only curled tighter into itself. Narrowing his gaze, Inuyasha snapped into action. Tearing the sheet from her body with an angry growl, Inuyasha quickly scooted over to her side of the bed.
Startled, Kagome held on to the other side of the sheet. “Let go, you damn fool!” she snapped. Her face was rigid, and in the dim light the small lamp had to offer, the shadows cast on her face made her look all the more angrier, as well as dangerous.
Inuyasha yanked the sheet. “Tell me what's the matter with you, and maybe I will let go.” His voice was a low rumble.
Kagome yanked on the sheet again. “I'm not kidding around, Inuyasha. Your pitiful whimpering woke me up, and I'd like to get some sleep before the sun comes up.” Another yank. “Let go.”
“I was not whimpering!” he snarled. And suddenly…suddenly he felt ashamed for allowing her to see him in such a vulnerable state. He was supposed to be strong, but yet…not long ago, he was reduced to a snarling beast that…was scared of nothing but a silly, long forgotten nightmare.
“Oh, you were whimpering all right,” Kagome continued, seeing she hit a sore spot. She gave up her grip on the sheet, but that same hand pointed a perfectly manicure index finger in his direction-which was now very close by. “You were whimpering like a damn baby. I can't believe I was actually worried about you, and then you have the nerve to tell me not to hover over you! You're an asshole, Inuyasha!”
“I was not whimpering. I don't whimper!” It was the only thing he was able to say-lame, though it was. `She…she was worried about me...?' He winced. Of course she was. He would have been worried about her too, if she had awoken in such a state. “Kag-”
“Shut it!” she snapped. She ripped the sheet from his hands, turned the lamp off, once again engulfing the room in darkness, and practically slammed her head against the pillow, completely ignoring Inuyasha. This time, though, she hadn't even bothered to turn away from him. Seconds passed, and she could still feel him there, hovering over her, much like she did to him moments before. She had half a mind to tell him stop hovering over her, but decided that speaking would be giving him attention he didn't deserve. So she ignored him…to the best of her ability, that is.
Apparently, cutting him off when he was about to speak wasn't a god move. She could feel his presence; his anger building to such an extent she feared was actually going to snap. Not really wanting to, she half opened one of her eyes to observe him in the dark. Surprised, she was able to make out the outline of his shape against the darkness, as well as the deep scowl on his face. Not thinking about how she was able to see in such darkness, she snapped her eyes closed again.
It seemed like an eternity before she heard the bed shift and felt him settle down-though closer to her than she would have liked. He was so close; in fact, she could feel his breathing on her face. Trying to be subtle, she scooted further away from him, clutching the sheet and bringing it along with her.
“Move any further and you'll fall off the bed.”
His voice stopped her. He was right, of course. In her fetal position, her feet were dangling over the edge of the bed, along with her rear end. “What do you care if I fall off? It's not like you care about anyone but yourself.” She huffed. A strong arm reached from the darkness and wrapped around her waist, dragging her from the edge of the bed. She let loose a small squeak when she felt the front of her body being pressed flush against a hard, warm chest.
“Why don't you stop trying to insult me and get some sleep?” He finished off his words with a sharp nip to her ear.
She jumped at the contact. “I have a right to insult you.” Her voice was oddly calm. She didn't even bother to try and fight out of his grip.
“And why is that?” he asked her, his arm still around her.
“Because you are a jackass. But I thought you already knew that.” Focusing her gaze on his face, she could still make him out his features in the dark.
She smirked. “Ah, nothing to say to that, huh? Whimpering idiot.”
His grip tightened around her. “I don't do that. I'm not like you weak humans,” he growled.
“You try to control everything around you, and when people try to help you, you snap at them like they're the ones who did something wrong.” Now she started to shift from his hold. Sitting up, she glared at him in the darkness as he to, sat up. “You try to think you're so invincible-denying the fact that you too, are human. `I don't whimper,' you say. Well, I heard enough tonight to think otherwise, Inuyasha Lan'dure.”
“You don't know anything!” he snarled. The volume of his voice was so violent and sudden, that she jumped in fright. She felt stupid having an argument with him in the dark. Reaching over, she turned the lamp back on. Giving him her attention, she saw him leaning against the headboard with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at her. His eyes were flickering between black and gold….
“If I don't know anything, then tell me.” Her eyes narrowed. “You say that I'm your fucking Bitch, right?” His eyebrows rose at her choice of words. She knew she would get somewhere with this-she had to. “Well, if I'm your Bitch, then you have the right to know everything about me-”
“Damn straight!”
“-and I have the right to know everything about you, too!” She could practically see the wheels turning in his fluffy head. She knew she had hit something with that. What would he have in reply? Her eyebrows furrowed in thought. Actually, if she and he never were to have that argument, she probably wouldn't have thought of this new revelation. Kagome tried to hide her glee at getting some information out of him. “Well?” she asked, after a while of silence.
“I'm…thinking…” was his reply.
“You shouldn't have to think!” she snapped. “I'm your Bitch, and I demand to know what the heck is going on in that head of yours! Why can you speak Romanian? Why did that ugly butler call you `lord'? And…what did you and Sir Coutrage say to each-”
Inuyasha lunged across the bed. With his claws reached out in front of him, a vicious smirk on his face, burning golden eyes, he grabbed her shoulders and pinned her beneath him on the bed, straddling her waist.
“You always do that!” she growled, beating on his chest with her fist. “You always do that!”
Inuyasha grabbed her face roughly between his big hands, getting her attention. Leaning down so close, that his lips purposely brushed against hers, he growled, two words. “Be. Quiet.” He watched, his male pride rising when her mouth closed, and the small shifting of her scent reached his nose. He smirked down at her, fangs gleaming in the partial light of the room. “You're just admitting to being my Bitch because you want to be nosy.” He paused, examining her cold eyes watching him.
“Alright, so you caught me, big damn deal. You still haven't answered my question.”
“Why do you want to know so badly?” he asked.
“Call it general curiosity. That's all.”
“I see.” He leaned away from her slightly, letting go of her face. “But remember…curiosity killed the cat…”
“Do I look like a fucking cat?” she asked, wiggling beneath him.
He leaned in close again, his tongue connecting with her neck. “I wouldn't move if I were you…I haven't had you in a long time; you wouldn't want me to get any ideas, now, would you?”
Kagome stopped her wiggling immediately, her eyes wide and face flushed with humiliation. “You…damn…!” She had nothing to say.
He nodded, as if answering his one question. “I see you're tongue-tied. My face does that to a lot of people. No worry, though. The effects tend to wear off in a few weeks.”
Kagome stared at him as if she'd never seen him before. “Your head is inflated, you know that, right?”
“…” He rolled off of her suddenly, his strong hands grabbing her waist and bringing her along with him. Once he was settled on his back, with Kagome sprawled on top of him, he said, “If I answer, you have to stop bothering me about it.”
“What?” It took Kagome a second to realize what he was talking about. With her breast smashed against Inuyasha's muscled chest, she was momentarily distracted. `Why does his chest feel so…warm?' The steady beat of Inuyasha's heart, the feel of his arms holding her so close, and the feel of his thumb that was absently stroking her lower back was enough to make her unconsciously shift closer to him, her face finding the side of his neck and resting there.
When it registered in her mind, she suddenly smirked; happy that she finally broke him into telling her what was going on. Her mind shifted from the feel of Inuyasha's body beneath hers, but it was still there, swirling around in the back of her mind, not allowing her to forget. Placing her hands palm down on his chest, she pushed herself up, leaning on her side by Inuyasha. She looked down at him, apprehension in her eyes, and a smirk still on her face. “Oh, yes, continue.”
“Don't look at me like that,” Inuyasha growled, shifting so that his arm rested at her waist. When she didn't seem to notice the new contact, he mentally smirked.
“Like what?” Kagome questioned.
“Like you've just won the next world war.”
She rolled her eyes. She playfully yanked one of his ears. “Tell me,” she demanded.
His eyes slid past her face to stare at the ceiling. His dark eyes turned haunted and unfocused and the hand on her waist stopped its movement. There was a long pause before he said anything at all. Kagome thought she would have to yank on his ear again. “There's not much to tell, really.” His hands on her waist continued their movement, slowly sliding from her waist to her upper thigh, and then back up again. Kagome noticed the movement, but she didn't stop it, in fear of interrupting him. “…the only thing that needs to be said is that I grew up in Romania…I was born in Romania.” His voice was bitter, angry-sad, but at what?
He continued: “When I was a kid, there was an accident involving my parents and I had to leave. When I… when I moved from Romania, I traveled a lot. I was young when the accident happened, so of course I had surroget parents to take care of me. We never stayed in one place for too long, though-guess we just couldn't stick to one surrounding area for a certain amount of time. When I was old enough, I left on my own…” He drifted off, and Kagome knew he was finished. He took a deep, rattling breath, turned to face her slowly and said, “So you see, Kagome? You were being a nosy Bitch for no reason at all. My story wasn't all that important, was it?”
“So you were-? You can-?” She seemed to be at a lost for words. She wanted to ask for more details about his parents, but she didn't want to push her luck. Though his story wasn't much, for Inuyasha, it was a lot. “Why did you want to keep that a secret, Inuyasha? It's no big deal.”
He snorted, the hand on her thigh gripping her flesh tightly, his claws flexing against her skin. Again, Kagome did nothing to remove his hand. “Maybe I don't like going around telling my personal business, Kagome. Ever think about that?”
“You still haven't answered one of my questions. Why did Jaken call you `lord'?”
He sighed. “My father was a very respectable and influential man here in Romania. Jaken must have traced me back to him by my last name. Myoga must have given Sir Coutrage information on us; that's why he knew our names so quickly.”
Kagome raised her eyebrow. “Why did-?”
“You're asking too much questions again,” he growled. Pulling her flush against his side, he slowly rolled on top of her, deliberately pressing the weight of his body against her. He moved so slowly, he almost seemed hesitant, but still held confidence in his movements. Settling between her legs, he pressed against her harder, wanting to feel the warmth of her body seep into his skin.
Kagome exhaled deeply. “But…but…?” she asked, wondering why she wasn't shoving him away from her. She wondered why his body was so unbelievably warm. Why was he moving so slowly? Why were his eyes so hard and guarded, so unreadable? And why, why was her body arching up to meet his? It was as if he wanted to crush her with his body weight, but he was doing it so pleasurably.
“But what, Kagome?” he breathed. His mouth was pressed against her cheek, nuzzling her skin. One of his hands slipped under her night shirt, caressing her skin. He didn't want to finish answering her questions. He just wanted to lay on top of her and kiss her pants off. He wanted to drink in her scent, taste her skin, and touch her hair…he wanted to forget his horrible nightmare. He wanted to escape his past. And Kagome was able to help him do that, but not if she was playing the detective role.
“What about Sir Coutrage? Why did you yell at him like that?”
He nipped her earlobe sharply, showing his disapproval of the topic. She gasped at the contact and he growled deeply. “Because he wasn't minding his own fucking business!” Inuyasha snarled. He wanted her to stop talking
Her hand came up to gently flick on of his ears. The appendage jerked away instantly. Kagome did her best not to giggle. All thought flew from her head as Inuyasha's fangs pinched against her skin. She gave a small yelp, her hands reaching up to dig into his shoulders in surprised. “Inuyasha-? Ah!” His fangs pressed harder on her neck, and Kagome's eyes rolled back in her head.
He pulled back slowly, licking his lips, staring down at her. He could feel her whole body quivering beneath him, and he growled low, ready to make her quiver some more. With his body still pressed so close to hers, he leaned down, his lips skimming her face. “I want you…” he groaned. “I want you right fucking now.” He brought his hand from under her shirt to wrap gently around her neck. Running a claw down her throat, he wasn't at all surprised when she jerked her head away.
Her hands twitched on his shoulders, and her breath quickened. “Inuyasha…what the hell was that?” she asked, confused as hell at what she felt when his hand touched her neck. He didn't answer her. Instead, he did it again, and this time, she fell silent, staring up at him with wide eyes.
Inuyasha's eyes filled with male pride. “The mark is working,” he whispered.
“What?” she questioned. It felt as if her body was slowly begun to heat up.
He smirked down at her. “The second mark is working. You're supposed to feel this way. Don't worry.”
Kagome pushed against his shoulders slightly, her eyes narrowing. “And what exactly am I feeling?”
“Changes,” he answered, bluntly. “You're not pushing me away, Kagome.” He pressed closer to her, if possible, his rough claws running across her sides. “See? That's the mark.” His grin widened at the look of oncoming horror on Kagome's face. “Soon, your body won't even think about resisting me.” He licked her chin. “The third mark needs to be followed sometime after the second. Sometime soon.”
Kagome suddenly started to sputter in anger. “You-! I can't believe this shit! Move-get off of me-now!” she shrieked. Inuyasha's ears flattened against his head, but he moved none the less, instantly missing the way her body curved under his. He had expected her to react like this, after all. He just decided to tell her now, since things were being put out in the open. He backed up to the other side of the bed, face impassive, ears still flattened, and fingers itching to be wrapped around that slender neck of hers.
“You can see better because of the mark. Maybe even smell better, too. I'm not sure on that one; it could come later on,” he explained, watching her closely.
Kagome rose slowly from her position, sitting up. Inuyasha wasn't sure if she shook so violently from rage, embarrassment, or the way she reacted to his fangs. He thought she would yell at him, throw something at him. His body even tensed for her to attack. If she did, he was ready to flip her over on her back and take her, arms hitting him in defense and mouth snarling in anger. It wouldn't be like he'd never done it before. It wouldn't be like she wouldn't enjoy it.
But instead of doing anything of that nature, she turned to him slowly, her eyes deep and serious. “Inuyasha.”
His eyes brows rose for her to continue. `Here it comes…'
“Inuyasha. Do you have anything else to tell me about your past? Are you hiding anything else from me?” And immediately, she saw the haunted look in his eyes. It flickered in his gaze for but an instant, before it was gone completely, no evidence of it being there. She watched the way his face turned slack, expressionless and cool, as if he was taking everything in stride. This time, when she asked him, it wasn't because she was nosy and she simply wanted to know. She knew it ran more serious than he put on. The topic was something unsettling for him, and if it haunted him so much to cause nightmares, it must be serious. And she was willing to put aside her anger at him about the mark for the moment, to talk with him. `You don't have to lie, Inuyasha. You don't have to keep everything inside.'
“No,” was his reply.
Kagome sighed. She was kind of insulted by his answer. Didn't he know that she knew him better than that? Didn't he know that she could tell that he was holding back some kind of vital information? She had spent enough time with him to read him well enough, and this time, it was so painfully obvious, that she had to wonder if this big secret was clouding his mind. But yet…she let it go. Sighing softly, she shifted and turned off the light. She wasn't sure if she would be able to go back to sleep or not. She had wasted most of her night up with Inuyasha. “You should probably sleep,” she mumbled to him through the darkness.
When she didn't feel him shift to lay down, she turned over on her other side to look at him. She was shocked to see a pair of golden eyes, glowing in the darkness. Her heart skipped a beat. `Why are his eyes gold?' She didn't comment on it. “What now?” she asked, her voice unusually soft. He didn't answer. “Inuyasha, are you sure there is nothing left you want to tell me? To get off your chest?” `One more try. If he doesn't tell me now, I'll let it go and allow him to tell me on his own time. I'll let it go.'
She could see him reach over in the darkness, she could see his eyes settle on her form and move closer. When she felt his warm breath on his face, she closed her eyes briefly. Inuyasha suddenly kissed her; it was brief, but hard and demanding nonetheless. He pulled back. “Nothing, Kagome.”
She went back to sleep.
Hours later, after Inuyasha lay in the bed without sleep, when he was sure Kagome wouldn't stir, and the sun was just passing over the hill, he rose from the bed and knelt beside it. After a long pause, he reached under the bed and retrieved the long, wooden box he put there prior. Resting it at the bottom the bed, he ran his hands over the smooth wood quickly. Kagome's words rang through his head.
“Inuyasha, are you sure there is nothing left you want to tell me? To get off your chest?”
“Nothing, Kagome. Nothing at all….”
When Kagome woke that morning, there was no box resting at the bottom of the bed, nor was there a kneeling Inuyasha running his fingers over a wooden box. There was only the early morning sun peeking through the expensive looking curtains over the window. For a while, she didn't move at all, wondering about everything that happened last night. Turning over, she was surprised to see that Inuyasha was still there-asleep.
Silently, she watched him. What mood would he be in when he woke up? Kagome inwardly snorted. She knew the answer to that question; she assumed he would instantly sink back into his daily facade and act as if nothing had happened. He would be the same Inuyasha--broody, snappish, conceited and perverted. She frowned suddenly. Or…would he do something unbelievable and be soft spoken? Would he pull her aside and tell her the things she knew he was hiding? Would he dip into the feeling of confusion like any other person would?
He wouldn't.
She knew he wouldn't. But it was fine to think he would. Besides, she could tell that he had already been through that. By the way his eyes had looked beyond while he told her his little secrets, she could tell there was some kind of deep emotion hiding behind the mask. She could sense the depth of pain stab through her chest like it was her own…
Her eyes focused on him again. Kagome always thought that he looked so relaxed in his sleep. So angelic and soft. It was in those few moments that he let his guard down and allowed himself some relaxation. In was in those times that his muscles loosened in relief, and he found comfort in the darkness. It was in those times, when she watched him sleep, black, velvet ears drooping in a cute way, dark hair fanning around his face, features so innocent…it was in those moments, that she knew she wouldn't be afraid of kissing him then. But now…now, even in sleep, he was being plagued by the dark, unrelenting secrets of his past.
`Please…don't hurt me! I didn't do anything…I didn't do anything…'
The words shot through her head like a speeding bullet. Was someone trying to get him-to hurt him? A sudden wave of anger pulsed through her body with such ferocity, that her eyes widened in surprise. `Where the hell…did that come from?' she asked herself. Sighing deeply, she sat up, the sheet that she played tug-or-war with him last night tangled around her body. Brushing the hair from her eyes, she untangled herself quickly and sat up, careful not to make too much movements or noise.
Bracing her elbows on her knees, she sighed deeply. This was so very unusual for her. Inuyasha always was the first to wake. Was he sleeping so long because of his dreams? She nodded to herself. Of course. It made perfect sense, didn't it? His nightmares had disrupted his sleep, and he was catching up. That was it. It had to be. But why did she feel that lingering sense of restlessness, as if something wasn't right. Burying her face in her hands, Kagome tried to hide the swell of emotion that was rising in her chest. She knew…she knew it was coming from Inuyasha.
`…I'm just trying to leave...I'm just trying to escape…'
She bit her lip, holding back a sob. She couldn't help it. How was it that this annoying man was able to cause her pain? To make her want to cry? It was so unfair…It was very rear to see her so distressed; and this was one of those rear moments. His voice sounded so raw with emotion last night. So real…so utterly terrifying….
The words were so soft; she thought that they were not real. But when she felt a grip on her arm, pulling her hand away from her face, she knew that Inuyasha was awake. Sucking in a silent breath, she took a chance and glanced at him. His eyes were still closed and his whole body hadn't moved an inch. “Go shower,” he whispered. “Breakfast starts soon.”
She had nothing to say.
Getting up, she stalked off to the shower.
End When The Darkness Howls (For Now.)
A/N: I know: Nothing much happened here, huh? Sorry to all of my readers and reviewers with the delay. First, it was school that was slowing me down. I had finals. Don't you just hate them? Then, it was my computer that crashed, which was followed by an acute pain of laziness. Now that I have updated, maybe I will have another chapter out before the summer is over. (Which is likely possible.) Also, I have decided to move comments to reviews to the bottom of the chapter page. Feel free to mail me with any comments, questions, or complaints. Just remember to put the title of my story in the `subject' section so I know what it's about. There are too many spam mail these days…
Phoenixburns, Shadowfoxdemon, Loulou4729- Thank you for reviewing my story!
Allthingsceltic aka Celtic- Thanks! I don't know why I thought of having the story take place in Romania. To be honest, it just popped into my head. Maybe it's because every time I hear a story about wolves, most of them take place in places like Romania and Transylvania, for instance, and other European places. But since Romania grabbed my interest the most, I choose that.
 Nancey- Well, thank you for giving my story a chance. Was it really that scary that your son scared you half to death? Well, I guess my writing is better than I thought…
Elementalobsession- Thanks for forgiving me for taking so long! Sorry about the wait and everything. I'm glad that my story has become one of your favorites; that makes me feel very good. Well, you wanted more and here it is!
Allnaturalflavors- Thank you for calling me an amazing writer!
Son Lila- To be truthful. Writing about the `ugly old butler' was the best part of the chapter for me. I was laughing so much I was getting looks from my family. His ugly face sets the spooky scene. As a matter of fact, his face can scare just about anybody, so you know I had to include him! I had to make Kagome prepared to go out and fight the thing in the hallway. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to look in the mirror anymore. That action lives up to Kagome's personality. It would be funny if she shot Jaken, but for now, he needs to stay alive. He has more purposes in the story…
Chibi-Inu13- Many, many questions…and not a lot of answers. The reason Inuyasha is called `lord' will be explained in this chapter. But, further along in the story, its meaning will become clearer. As for how Sir Coutrage knows Inuyasha, that can't be revealed yet-along with the item that Myoga sent to Inuyasha. These two things are going to be kept a secret until later on in the story. Way later on.
Jade_pendant- I guess my descriptions are working if your hair is standing on end. Well, those hairs of yours can settle down now, because there is nothing scary in this chapter!
Major_Chaos_Causer- You are right about the angry mob of readers after me. You should have seen how many e-mails I received! That'swhy I wanted to get this chapter out as soon as possible. Thank you for saying I have good character description. And about Kagome sounding sexy…my brother said that as well.
BuShiNiDe,Koga's-Woman,Erika,Sssc, devoureddarkness, Forsaken13,Runningfears, LoserificLoser13, Caliste07, Lady of Imladris, Fireflywritter, Hands Offthe Inu, CHISATO, Agent-Doo, Gray Hoody, Kagomesdance, Sexy Yokai, Amadriel Sawa triquetra, and Dark Padme-Thank you for reviewing my story!
Angel-Tears-16- She'll get her notebookback, alright. But that story is on hold for now…but when I get back to it, which I don't know when; I'll explain all that I can.
Sexy_Youkai_Bitch- Please don't kill me! No, I didn't give up. Just a late update. As an answer to your question, yes, Kagome will eventually give up and love Inuyasha. The truth is she loves himnow; it's just that she denies it. Their relationship is very complicated. Oh, and about Inuyasha's rough, sexual actions…it's a wolf thing…
ArtemisMoon- I know about the spelling and grammar. I'm trying to work on it and stuff, but it happens in good time. Thank you for all of the compliments. You know, I've noticed a lot of people complimenting me on my descriptions, and it's really blowing me away.
Munak Melanie- Oh, my…goodness. You called me on of the best Inuyasha fan fiction writers out there! I think I feel a tear coming on. Even though I wouldn't really call myself that, hearing it from someone else makes it feel all the better.