InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Last Tear Falls ❯ A Rising Problem ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any of its characters. I do happen to own the OCs in this story though…
“A real love story never ends…”
- I don't know… Anyone recognize it?
When the Last Tear Falls
Chapter 1: A Rising Problem
He stared into the water's surface. Gently he ran two clawed fingers over the marking on his forehead.
The red-orange sun had appeared some months ago. He wasn't certain what it meant, but he had a pretty good idea. He stood as he ran his claws through the long tail of black hair that had fallen over his shoulder when he'd stooped and leaned forward to stare into the lake at his reflection.
This was going to prove to be a problem, he was certain. If it hadn't already…
Maybe it was time to pay a visit home. He had answers to get that were long overdue. The Shikon Guardian's ghostly visions months ago had proven that things from the past weren't over yet.
He wrapped his tail around his waist as he turned to walk away. The light of the quarter moon above lit his path; not that he needed it. His neko senses would guide him without the moon's aide.
Two days later…
Sachiko stood frozen as she stared out the large window. The view was a familiar one and a favorite. She liked to look at the large field with its bright green grass and different color flowers. It helped her to relax when she had things on her mind. Sometimes she'd even sit on the wide windowsill and stare at the view for hours when she was in a particular frame of mind.
Something was in the wind. She could sense it. And while she could not identify what it was or what it meant for her she had a strange feeling about it. She hugged herself as she rubbed a palm up and down her arm. The feeling was raising goose bumps on her flesh and causing the fine hairs on her arms to stand.
Whatever was coming, it was inevitable. She could do nothing, but wait.
“Where is Sorin?”
She'd sensed him behind her for a while. He was worried about her, she knew, but there was nothing he could do to help her. What was coming would come, with or without provocation. Change was inevitable.
It just… wasn't always welcome.
She didn't bother to turn as she answered his question. “Dojo.”
He arched a brow. “This early in the day?”
She shrugged lightly, “He is Sorin.” She stared out windows and her brother trained. It's how they were. Sometimes she would join him.
He sighed. Sometimes he did not understand his children. “When he comes out-no need to disturb him now-let him know we leave in the morning. Be ready.”
She had no problem with the request. Her brother would seek her out; he always did. Looking over her shoulder at her father, pale blue hair blowing in the breeze, she gave him an inquiring look.
“The Western Lands,” he replied as he turned to leave the room. He missed the widening of her silver-blue eyes as he strolled out of the room.
Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, sat stoically as he stared down at the letter in his hand. It was amazing the type of reaction the three short paragraphs written in kanji could generate. He'd yet to even read them for himself; not that he needed to (Jaken had just finished doing so fifteen minutes ago).
He couldn't say he was surprised. He'd been expecting the letter for some time now. Truthfully, he'd thought it would have come sooner then this. After all, he'd been mated for four months now.
Carefully, he read the letter for himself in the small hope that his retainer may have read something wrong. Jaken could read, but he could not write, so there was a small possibility…
Lord Sesshoumaru,
It is good, child, to hear that you are well. I congratulate you on your recent mating. I look forward to meeting her.
As to the reason for my letter; I have been hearing some disturbing things of late. And while some of these rumors are not without welcome, others do give one a reason to pause. I have tried to leave the solving of these problems up to the Tribunal, but, recently, some news has come to my knowledge that has given me reason to believe that perhaps I cannot stay out of this as I had initially intended.
I have been informed that you have a few guests staying with you at the moment. I would ask that you keep them there. My children and I shall be arriving in three days time. Please have accommodations ready. I feel the sooner I get to the bottom of this the better.
Damascus, Tribunal High Lord
The messenger had delivered the letter three days ago, so that meant Lord Damascus would be arriving tomorrow.
If he'd received the letter when it had arrived he might have had time to decide a course of action, but duty had called him away four days ago to deal with a problem near the southwestern border of his lands. Now, with only the rest of the current day to prepare, all he could do is wait.
He was at a disadvantage and he didn't like it… even if it were the High Lord who put him there.
Sesshoumaru read the letter once more. He frowned at the use of the word child in address to himself. Damascus was the only one who had the courage to call him that, much less the audacity to put it in writing.
The fact that the problem had already been discussed by the Tribunal was another concern. If Lord Damascus had decided that the Four Corners could not handle the problem, sufficiently, on there own then that meant something else had come up. Something Sesshoumaru was not aware of. Lord Damascus had pretty much admitted it when he wrote `… recently, some news has come to my knowledge that has given me reason to believe that perhaps I cannot stay out of this as I had initially intended.' He was positive he'd have to wait for the Lord's arrival to find out what that `recent news' was.
Quietly, Sesshoumaru stood and moved over to the bookshelf that held all of his father's scrolls and manuals. He grasped the braided gold rope and gave it a sharp tug before moving back to his desk.
Moments later, with a quiet slide of the screen, a female rabbit youkai appeared in the doorway. Gracefully she bent over at the waist, “My lord, you called?”
“Enter Usagi,” he waited for her to do as he requested before continuing, “Where is your mistress?”
“Lady Kagome is in the garden with the children, my lord,” she replied.
“Send her to me and send Jaken to watch over Rin and the kitsune,” he instructed.
“As you wish, my lord,” she bowed meekly.
“Also,” he added in after thought, “have a room prepared for Lord Damascus in the north tower. You can leave Lady Sachiko and Lord Sorin in the south wing.”
“Yes, my lord. It will be as you request.” Recognizing a dismissal, she quietly left the room.
Five minutes later Kagome entered the room and quietly shut the door behind her.
Kagome observed him for a moment, before quietly walking around the desk and seating herself in Sesshoumaru's lap. Leaning her head against his chest, she snuggled into his heat. She listened to the beat of his heart beneath her ear as she waited for him to speak.
Sesshoumaru's arm automatically went around her waist and pulled her closer as he wondered just how much to tell her.
“Has the monk returned?”
Kagome blinked. Out of all the things she imagined to be on his mind, that wasn't one of them. “Yes,” she answered then sat up straighter to look him in the eyes. “You knew he left? How? Miroku had left after you were already gone.”
Sesshoumaru had figured as much. He'd been around his brother and his companions for a year and, unlike the rest, he'd noticed that the houshi had a habit of disappearing for at least one day out of every thirty or so that passed. He had yet to figure out why or where the houshi went when he was gone. And, until recent events, he hadn't particularly cared. The monk had always claimed to be going to visit someone by the name of Mushin, but it had not been difficult to see that for the lie it was. This was one more thing to add to the growing list of mysteries surrounding the monk.
Obviously the monk had a secret; one he was also keeping from his friends. Sesshoumaru wasn't going to allow the deception to continue for too much longer. He wondered if the monk's secret had anything to do with the news Damascus had referred to.
Not wanting to upset her, he ignored her question and instead informed her of their expected guests.
Kagome blinked again. “I wasn't told this.”
Kagome frowned. Sometimes that toad got on her last nerve. He had yet to accept her as the Lady of the Western Lands. She was trying her hardest not to slam the little runt into the ground.
“Who are they?”
“Lord Sorin and Lady Sachiko are siblings. Lord Damascus is there adopted father. He is also High Lord of the Tribunal.”
“The Tribunal,” her eyes widened. Sesshoumaru had told her about the Demon council some time ago, but she had yet to meet them. They were usually called upon when something was happening that was threatening their way of life. They were the reason Sesshoumaru had joined them in searching for Naraku a year ago. They had decided Naraku was becoming too powerful and since he seemed to be focused mostly on the Western Lands, and Sesshoumaru and InuYasha in particular, that it was for Sesshoumaru to handle. They had even provided Sesshoumaru with his father's sword, So'unga, to get the job done. Kagome still believed So'unga was the reason Naraku had been able to stop his soul from going to hell and, instead, into Kanna's mirror void, but she had kept the opinion to herself.
She wondered what they were about now. “Why is he coming here? And why is he bringing his children along?”
Sesshoumaru only had one theory to answer that question and he knew his mate wasn't going to like it.
“I would imagine he has learned of what took place at the Takashi Castle… and what was learned. He also wishes to meet you. The fact he is bringing his children along means that something important has come up.” And something dangerous, but he left that unsaid.
“He wants to meet me?”
“Yes.” He didn't mention that it was most likely to test her worthiness then anything else.
Kagome nodded. She sensed that there was something he wasn't saying, but decided to leave it alone. If it was bad he would have told her. “And what was learned at the Takashi Castle that would bring the High Lord to us?”
“With Naraku's death the houshi is the last of the Takashi line.”
“Yes…” she was missing something.
He arched a brow. “The Takashi Family held the seat of the Eastern Lands. That makes him the only remaining heir,” his tone suggested she should have known this fact.
“Oh,” her eyes widened. Kagome was too shocked to take offense at the undercurrents in his voice. She hadn't thought about what Miroku being a Takashi meant… but she had a feeling it hadn't escaped Miroku's notice. An eerie feeling went down her spine. “Is this a bad thing?”
“He's a ningen,” he stated evenly. “Yes, it's bad.”
“Are they going to do something to hurt Miroku, Sesshoumaru?” she asked after a moment, her voice hard.
Sesshoumaru heard the hardness in her voice, but chose to ignore it. “Perhaps. This is a new situation.”
Truthfully, he doubted Lord Damascus or his children would try to hurt Miroku, but he could not speak for the rest of the Tribunal… or the other two remaining Lords of the Four Lands. He said what he said so she would know to keep her guard up and so she would warn the houshi to do the same.
“Lord Damascus is the most powerful youkai in all of Japan. That is why he is still High Lord after holding the title for over a millennium. But he also does not condemn without good reason. Some do not agree with this method, but none are strong enough to go against him. I assume he's coming here because he knows the houshi is here. I don't imagine the Tribunal were happy with the news a ningen is the rightful lord of the Eastern Lands.”
“And why is he bringing his children along?” she asked again as she listened attentively.
“Sorin and Sachiko are also his personal guards.” While that was true, he didn't believe it was the reason Damascus was bringing them along, but until he knew for sure he would leave it at that.
Kagome narrowed her eyes at him before slowly getting to her feet. She was positive Sesshoumaru hadn't told her everything; which meant there was something about this whole situation she wasn't going to like. The fact that it had been over four months since they were at the Takashi Castle and the events that took place made her wonder whether something had happened recently.
Whatever it was, Sesshoumaru either didn't know or didn't like it. Whatever the reason, he wasn't telling her so she would have to wait and find out later.
He turned his gaze to her.
“I won't let them harm my friends,” a faint fuchsia light glowed in her blue eyes. “Not in my own home.”
Sesshoumaru watched as she quietly walked out of his office after delivering that message. She was letting him know she didn't plan on `behaving' if something happened she didn't like. He was not surprised by her reaction; his mate was very protective of her family and friends. He probably should have warned her of the potential danger to herself, but he wasn't sure of it yet. He would not allow any harm to come to her and until he knew for sure he would not tell her about it.
She was going to be upset. He had no idea how much of an understatement that was going to prove to be.
Lord Damascus and his father had harbored hopes that Sesshoumaru would mate with Lady Sachiko one day. He had known her practically all her life and he figured if he had been forced to choose a youkai mate she would have been the logical choice since she was the only female youkai he could tolerate. In all his encounters she was the only female who had stood up to him and had never thrown herself at his feet. Kagome had been the second. The reason he never mated her was because, while he liked Sachiko and she was very beautiful, he was not attracted to the female youkai. And she wasn't attracted to him. She had made it a point to tell him as much, if he recalled…
“I can't believe Father would actually want me to mate with you”, stated the silver-blue eyed female, trying her hardest to keep a straight face.
Sesshoumaru sighed as the girl beside him grabbed a handful of his hair and gave it a tug. No matter how many times he told her not to do that she always did. She had no respect for her elders.
“Don't look at me like that Sesshou-chan. You don't want to mate me anymore then I want to mate you.” She wrinkled her nose at him. “Perhaps when you were younger, though that would have been out of the question for me, but at least then you didn't insist on putting on this icy exterior you so enjoy.”
Now he frowned at her. Not that it mattered since she was no longer looking at him to see it. Sadly, sometimes Sachiko reminded him of InuYasha.
“Sachiko,” he waited for her to look at him, “I am Sesshoumaru. Do not address me any other way.”
Sachiko tilted her head at him thoughtfully. For a moment she just watched him before a slow grin began to inch quietly across her face. “Of course, Sesshou-chan!” her full lips smiled at him.
Sesshoumaru emitted a light growl at her audacity.
Sachiko just giggled as she tugged on his hair once more before leaning her head on his shoulder and continuing to chatter away at him.
He looked away from her to see Sorin practicing with his sword a small distance away. He could see the large grin on the other male's face and knew he'd heard everything they'd just said. Sesshoumaru really did roll his eyes then. The things he put up with…
…Sesshoumaru could still see her laughing silver-blue eyes. If anything, his father should have arranged for her to mate InuYasha… they were much more compatible. Besides, he had Kagome to drive him crazy. And his mate didn't need any help.
He'd sparred often with both Sorin and Sachiko. Sorin had been more of a challenge, but Sachiko (though he would never admit it aloud) had been more entertaining…
…She twirled gracefully in the air as she brought one of her twin swords down towards his head.
Sesshoumaru easily dodged the coming attack with a quick step to the left. With a fast bend of the knees, he dropped to the floor and extended a leg. The moment she touched ground he swept her feet from under her.
Sachiko fell on her back, but quickly recovered with a backwards flip and a giggle. She liked sparring with Sesshoumaru. She knew she wasn't a match for him though. Sometimes she wondered why he always agreed to “waste his time” with her whenever she asked him to. She figured to him a fight was a fight.
He watched satisfactorily as she flipped away from him. He liked knocking her on her ass. It was retribution for her always pulling his hair. Sesshoumaru gave her a moment to plant her feet before he darted across the space between them and attacked.
She dodged his poisoned claw then swung out with both her swords, arms crossing over each other, then bringing them back.
Sesshoumaru was glad to see her speed had improved since the last time they sparred.
Sachiko bent backwards at the waist to duck another blow as she crossed her blades above her for protection. Quickly, she straightened and twisted around with an outward swing.
Sesshoumaru pulled out his acid whip, holding back the acid, and snapped it out with a flick of his wrist.
She growled when the top of her thigh was stung with the weapon. Glancing down she saw a tiny tear in her clothing and frowned before lunging forward with a series of quick slashes from her twin blades.
Sesshoumaru sighed inwardly. She was a good fighter but she could be better if she didn't always allow emotion to get in her way. She needed to learn to keep her mind clear and focus on the goal. Repositioning his hold on his whip, he snapped his wrist and directed it at his opponent. The other end wrapped around Sachiko's right wrist and clung tightly.
Her sword fell from her grip when the whip grabbed a hold of her. Eyes wide, she tried to pull away. She hated when he caught her like this. With a sharp tug, she was yanked off her feet and across the distance separating them.
Sesshomaru easily caught her in his arms as she twisted mid-fall and fell backwards against him. Wordlessly he removed his whip from her wrist and put it away before swiftly setting her on her feet with a light shove.
Sachiko spun around to face him once she was released.
“Really Sesshoumaru,” she began with a shake of her head, “one of these days I'm going to pay you back for always tearing my clothes during these practices.”
“You requested my assistance.”
“Yes,” she turned and moved to retrieve the sword she'd lost only moments ago, “you would think after the last outfit you destroyed I would have learned my lesson.”
“You would think,” he deadpanned.
She gave him a sharp look as she sheathed her swords at her hip. “Yes, well sometimes what I do can't be explained.”
“You have improved Sachiko. Keep control of your emotions and you will be better.”
“So I can be like you?” she asked as she moved back to him. “I don't think so, Sesshou-kun,” she quickly tugged a lock of his hair before moving towards the door. “I doubt Japan could handle two “cold bastards””. She tossed her thick braid over her shoulder and looked back at him, as she reached the door, “Besides, I like annoying you too much to change. Someone has to do it.”
`InuYasha does it well enough,' he said to himself as he watched her exit…
…He had continued to spar with her whenever she bugged him enough that he finally agreed just to shut her up. Sachiko had taken her self-appointed job of annoying him very seriously. He'd once overheard her telling Sorin that she did it because it was the only way to make sure Sesshoumaru didn't lose himself completely to the ice. She explained to her brother that it was her way of honoring his father's memory.
Sesshoumaru hadn't understood what she'd meant by that cryptic statement, but hadn't bothered to ask. Sachiko had been right when she'd said that her actions couldn't always be explained… and he'd decided that sometimes her thoughts couldn't either… and those were one of those unexplainable thoughts.
He had a feeling the next few weeks were going to prove very interesting.
She found him in the informal sitting room sitting on the floor with his head in his hands.
Kagome came to an abrupt stop in the doorway. She blinked. She wondered, with a tilt of her head, if it wasn't a good time to disturb him with her news.
“Good day, Lady Kagome.”
She blinked and frowned. He'd said that without even bothering to look up. Something was wrong. “Are you alright Miroku-kun?”
He could hear the concern in her voice and inwardly cringed. He didn't want or need her concern. Quietly he lifted his head and regarded her.
“I am fine Kagome. No need for you to worry about me.”
“All right,” her eyes had only widened for a moment. “You would tell us if something was wrong wouldn't you Miroku? Or at least tell Sango?”
“Of course,” he smiled cheerfully, “and I wouldn't dream of not
sharing all of me with Sango,” he gave her a lecherous grin.
Kagome shook her head, but didn't comment on the performance. She would think on it later, for now she had other things on her mind.
“I came to tell you that we'll be having guests staying with us come tomorrow.”
His eyes met hers then.
“Oh? Who is coming?”
“The High Lord and his children,” Kagome replied evenly; leaving him to come to his own conclusions on the matter.
Miroku froze. Last he heard the High Lord of the Youkai Tribunal wasn't in the habit of making house calls. He wondered what was important enough to bring the Lord out of his castle.
“I'm sorry I won't get to meet him,” he said.
Kagome hadn't missed his reaction to her news, but forgot to comment on it when she heard his next words. “Oh?” He'd only just returned. `Where could he be going now?'
“I need to see Mushin-sama.”
“You just came back from seeing him, didn't you?”
“Yes,” he hooded his eyes as he shifted his vision away from hers. “I need to see him again.”
Why did she feel like he was lying to her? Miroku never lied to her. “Will you be taking Sango with you this time? She's not happy when you're not around.”
Miroku tried not to frown. He would rather go alone, but there was no way to convey that without raising suspicion. What man wouldn't want his fiancée around?
“Of course I will take Sango with me if she wishes to come along,” he answered with a bright smile. He left out that he didn't plan on asking Sango.
“Yes, I'll go.”
Kagome blinked then turned to look over her shoulder. They'd spoken at the same time. Because she was facing the other way, Kagome had missed the slight frown that came on the monk's face before he could hide it.
Sango hadn't missed the monk's reaction though. She narrowed her eyes as her chocolate gaze met his purple one. He didn't want her to go with him, she knew. `Too bad.' Miroku was hiding something from them… from her… and she wanted to know what it was.
It didn't make any sense for him to be going back to see Mushin-sama when he had, supposedly, just come from there. And this wasn't the first time Miroku had left and disappeared for days. This would be the fifth time he's done it since they returned from the Eastern Lands. Sango wouldn't have thought anything of it, if he didn't seem to always want to go by himself.
He was, also, always vague about why he was visiting Mushin-sama so much.
Miroku didn't miss the look Sango leveled on him as he watched her. She was angry with him… and, honestly, he couldn't really blame her. He'd been wondering how long his luck was going to hold out before one of them started asking questions. He hadn't been sure which one of the girls was going to approach him first, but he'd figured it would be one of them. InuYasha was too clueless to notice his habits on his own and Lord Sesshoumaru would only bother it felt it required his attention. He hoped as long as he kept Kagome from getting curious he'd be all right. Now he didn't think he had much time before the questions started.
“Great!” he plastered another smile on his face before giving one of his trademark grins. “I will enjoy being alone with you Sango.”
Sango frowned but replied in her usual way, “Hentai!” She kept up the pretense, as she knew it was what he was hoping for, but kept her true thoughts to herself.
“Hello Sango-chan,” smiled Kagome. Sango would keep an eye on the monk. Together they'd find out what Miroku wasn't telling them.
“How are you Kagome?” asked Sango with an answering smile after shifting her eyes from her houshi to her friend. A knowing look passed between them.
“Fine.” She left the `now' unsaid. “You guys will have to wait until the morning to leave. Sesshoumaru wants everyone here when the High Lord arrives. You can leave after.”
“The High Lord?” asked Sango with a look between the two of them.
“Yes,” nodded Kagome. “I'll let Miroku fill you in. I need to go make sure the children haven't killed Jaken. Though I don't know why I should…”
Sango grinned at the frown on her friend's face. The little toad liked to give the new Lady a hard time. “Is it alright if I leave Kohaku here with you?”
“Of course,” smiled Kagome as she turned to face her friend on the way out the door. “You know you guys are always welcome here.”
Sango smiled her thanks as Kagome left then she turned back to look at Miroku. Her smile fell then. She didn't like the feeling she got in her gut every time she looked at him now. Her instincts were telling her not to trust him. But it was Miroku… how could she not trust him?
“We'll get back much faster with Kirara along,” she said quietly after a moment.
Miroku nodded. He had nothing to say to that.
They stood there silently, staring at one another, until after a minute-what seemed like an eternity-when Sango turned and left the room.
Miroku sighed and lowered his head into his hands once more. Things had just become more difficult.