InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Last Tear Falls ❯ The Dragon King ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer:  I don't own it!!
A/N: Thank you to everyone who is still with me and reading my stories. I apologize for the overly long wait. All I can say is crap happened and I had to step back into the real world and put my stories on hold. I'm back now and hopefully it will remain that way until I can at least finish the stories I have started..
And a special thank you Wendy and Deborah, my betas, who have stuck by me through everything. And who have made this chapter - and all those before it - readable! Lol
He is a king who fears nothing; he is a king who desires nothing!
~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Chapter 3:  The Dragon King
“Sesshoumaru has mated… a ningen?” asked Sachiko in a mild state of shock.  She never thought she'd ever hear those words.  Not after the kind of past he had.   Just the thought of it puzzled her.  What could have possibly gotten Sesshoumaru to mate a human?  It wasn't like him…  While she, personally, had nothing against a youkai taking a ningen for a mate she'd never imagined Sesshoumaru would be one to follow his father and all the youkai before him who had done such a thing.

The Taiyoukai was very upfront about his complete disregard for humans.  He found them to be inferior, unnecessary and-for lack of a better word-filthy.  The fact that he'd gone and bonded with one caused Sachiko not just a little bit of concern.  She wasn't sure whom she should be worried about though; Sesshoumaru or the woman he'd taken for a mate.  He wasn't known for his affinity for humans - rather the opposite.

Sachiko rubbed two fingers on the point between her eyes as she wondered if perhaps she was wrong in thinking there wasn't any truth to the rumors of the young Lord of the Western Lands traveling around with his toad advisor and a little human girl.    She'd immediately dismissed the rumors when she first heard it but now… she couldn't help but wonder if she was a little too hasty in her decision.

“So it would seem,” replied Damascus with a light shrug.

“Is that why we're going there?  To tell Sesshoumaru he can't mate the miko?” she asked worriedly.

“Can you see anyone telling Sesshoumaru what to do and getting away with it?” he asked with an arched brow.  “No,” he shook his head, answering both of their questions, “that is not why we are going to the west, but there are concerns that must be addressed.”

“Concerns?” she narrowed her eyes as she looked from her father to her brother to her father's advisor and back to her father again.  “Concerns like what?”

“We will discuss everything when we reach our destination.  I do not plan to repeat myself, so it shall wait for when I can tell Lord Sesshoumaru as well.”

Silence fell between them for a moment before she nodded her head in reluctant agreement.  She'd accept that answer… for now.

Silently she raised her bared knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them as she watched him quietly from her perch at the end of their bed.    Though he hid it well she could see the tension in the width of his shoulders and the stiffness of his spine as he stood with his back to her watching the sky darken as evening set in.  Her palms almost itched from her wanting to go to him and massage the broad shoulders that he held so ridged, but she remained where she was sitting, watching him.

Kagome lowered her chin to rest on her knees as her heart filled with concern for her mate.  Over the years of knowing him-and the last few months of being mated to him-she'd learned to notice the slight, almost unnoticeable signs that pointed out his aggravation.  Something was weighing heavily on his mind and she had a suspicion it had to do with their guest who was due to arrive in less then fourteen hours.

“Why is he really coming here?” she asked quietly as she kept her eyes focused on his back.  “I know there's more to this visit then what you've told me.”

Sesshoumaru sighed inwardly as he continued to gaze out the window.  He'd wondered how long it was going to take her to voice her suspicions while, at the same time, hoping she wouldn't ask him at all. 

His mind was heavy with the things he was certain Damascus was coming there for and all the things he wasn't certain of   While he knew his choice of mate was one reason for the High Lord's visit he very much doubted it was the only reason.  Despite what was claimed in the High Lord's note he knew that a mating, even one as unconventional as his own, would not have brought the High Lord to his doorstep.  There was something more going on.

Whatever it was that had the High Lord leaving his castle it was something important enough that Damascus didn't believe it was safe to be put in writing… and was best delivered in person.   Apparently there was someone in Sesshoumaru's household the High Lord did not trust since Sesshoumaru doubted anyone-ningen or youkai-would be bold enough to be a traitor inside the High Lord's home.

The fact that there was someone in his home who had not been invited by himself was another problem... that he'd deal with very soon.

Whoever they were they would die for daring to step foot beneath Sesshoumaru's roof and place those important to him in danger.  His claws dug into his palms as he held his anger in check.  It did him no good to get angry while the face of his enemy remained in the shadows.  He would soon discover their identity… and once he found out who set the traitor in his home… then they too would die.

Sesshoumaru was not about to tell all this to Kagome yet though.  He would wait to hear what Damascus had to say and then he would decide what his mate needed to know.  Whatever Damascus had to say about his mate he would not allow Kagome to be harmed or disrespected. 

What belonged to him; he kept.

Gracefully he turned his back to the window and faced her.  His eyes took in her folded form as she sat with her hair cascading in waves down her back and over her shoulders, framing her face in pink and black, to lie gently against the raised futon beneath her.   Her large blue eyes sparkling brightly seemed to glow as they held his hostage.  He'd never imagined he'd find a ningen as beautiful as he thought her to be. 

As his golden eyes held hers, for the first time Sesshoumaru thought he understood what his father felt when he looked at InuYasha's mother.  There was nothing he wouldn't do or give the enchanting vision before him.

“It's not important,” he replied smoothly.

Kagome watched him quietly as he refused to answer her question with a true answer.  She knew he was doing it to protect her and, while she loved him even more for it, it frustrated her.   She didn't want him to always protect her.  She wanted him to talk to her!

“I get the feeling it is,” she breathed quietly with a sigh.  “Why won't you talk to me?”

He moved towards her slowly, coming to a stop beside her.  Kagome tilted her head back as to keep eye contact as he stood, towering, over her.  Reaching out a hand he gently ran a finger along the soft flesh of her cheek.

“There is nothing I have a need to say,” he responded as he leaned down towards her.  Softly he placed his lips against the crescent moon on her forehead that was a smaller version of his own.  “You will know soon enough,” he continued, lips still pressed to her forehead.

Kagome shuddered as a heat wave ran through her and down her spine starting from her the place his lips were touching her.  Sharply she sucked in her breath as he began to run his mouth down over her right eye then down the bridge of her nose to rest on the tip for a second before continuing down, over her top lip to come to a stop against her mouth.
She released a shaky breath as she opened eyes she didn't remember closing to stare straight into intense amber orbs.  Her heart began to beat faster as she saw the lust he didn't try to hide.

“Ooh you're good,” she breathed out against his mouth, “but you won't distract me so easily. I know your tricks…”

He grinned.

She swallowed convulsively, her tongue darting out to wet lips that suddenly felt dry, only to lick his lips instead.  As her stomach dropped she knew why it wasn't a good thing for him to smile.

“That's cheating...” she whispered.

Her eyes widened as she saw something flash in his eyes from her touch; yet he remained perfectly still.  Suddenly she realized he was allowing her to make the next move and with it set the pace for what was definitely to come.

Kagome felt nervous; she'd never initiated their lovemaking before.  But as she stared into his eyes she couldn't help feeling intrigued and not just a little empowered.  It was almost as if he was daring her to take the lead.

Gathering her courage around her she gave him a determined look, accepting his challenge, before shutting her eyes and opening her mouth more.

“I'm not going to forget,” she warned, pulling back from him to speak, looking him in the eyes, before slowly moving back in.

Gently she traced his mouth with her tongue before licking across his bottom lip and wrapping her own lips around it.  Slowly she drew the slightly fleshy appendage into her mouth and sucked on it gently.

Bringing her hands up to either side of his face she felt a spurt of excitement shoot through her as she felt him shake slightly.  Releasing his lower lip she ran the tip of her tongue back and forth across the space between his lips, pressing lightly, not forcing entrance but waiting for him to allow it.

Sesshoumaru was shocked when he felt a shudder rack his tall frame.  She'd never kissed him like that before!  It was taking all his will power to hold back the beast in him that was growling for him to take her and slam into her hard.  He was already stiff and he had yet to even touch her.  He lost the battle completely when suddenly her tongue dipped pass his slightly parted lips to rub against his own before retreating to lick along his upper lip this time.

Growling, he dived in to ravage her mouth as his right hand came up to pull firmly on her hair, tilting her head back for greater access.

Kagome hummed in her throat as she surrendered to his attack.  Throwing her arms around his neck she stuck her fingers in the silky strands of his hair as her tongue did battle with his.

Sesshoumaru straightened, bringing her up with him as he brought the hand in her hair down her back to meet his other hand on the soft curve of her backside.  Rubbing his hands down the back of her thighs he guided her legs around his waist then back up to her behind to press her tightly against him.

Taking the hint, Kagome locked her ankles behind him as she whimpered, undulating against him. She sighed into his mouth as she felt the coolness of the sheets at her back as he laid her down. Kagome arched up against him as he came to rest on top of her. She melted as her body went up in flames as her mate used his hands, mouth and body to send her senses reeling once more.


Sliding the door open, he stuck his head out.  Looking both ways before quietly slipping into the hall, he made his way on silent feet to the lord of the castle's office.  Pausing outside the double sliding doors he looked behind him once more then focused his hearing on his surroundings before slowly sliding the doors open just enough to slip inside and closing them behind him.

He leaned back against the door as he waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.  For the second time in his life he cursed his luck at being a raccoon youkai instead of a neko or something similar.  While his eyes were good a neko's were better.  His hazel brown eyes flashed in victory when he spotted the large desk about twenty feet in front of him. 

He quickly moved towards it hoping he'd find something to send to his master. Nervously he searched the desk and all of its compartments, making sure to conceal his scent so the young lord would not detect it later.  He'd been inside the Western castles for nearly a fortnight and had yet to find anything of use.  Now that he knew the High Lord would be arriving there in the morning he had a feeling that it was something his master would want to know about.   His master was finally close to getting his hands on the Eastern Lands and he didn't want it to be his fault if something got in his way.  His master would kill him.

Suddenly he froze as his hand fell on a piece of parchment baring a familiar seal.  Lifting the paper from the drawer it had been slipped in to, examining it more closely, he grinned to himself as it was confirmed that the seal was, indeed, that of Damascus, Tribunal High Lord.

Silently he thanked Kami and any other God who must have been smiling on him for the inu-lord's unusual carelessness at leaving the letter in a place where it could be seen by prying eyes.  If he was a less capricious demon he might have found such easy pickings suspicious, but since he wasn't the small warning went over his head unnoticed. He said a silent incantation that with a flash of blue light produced an identical piece of parchment out of thin air.  Touching the tip of his index finger to the page he whispered another spell and watched as kanji, identical to the first, appeared down the page.   He laid the newly produced letter down on the desk just as the High Lord's signature and sealed formed.  He could see the imperfections in the copy of the High Lord's seal made with his magic as to the original, but decided not to worry about it - no one was capable of copying the High Lord's seal exactly. Once he compared the two letters and made sure they were truly the same-nothing being missed-he quickly slipped the original back into the drawer and rolled up the copy.

Moving towards the window he slipped a hand inside his left sleeve and pulled out a thin, hollow bamboo stick about six inches long with five tiny holes carved into the top of it and an opening at both ends.  Leaning out the large window he covered four of the five holes with his fingertips as he lifted the stick to his lips and blew lightly through the opening at the top.  The small reed produced a small fluttery tune into the night air before he put the stick back into his sleeve and waited.

Moments later a large black hawk landed on the ledge next to him.  Promptly he wrapped the letter around one of the animal's legs as he spoke quietly.

“Take this to master, Juno,” he instructed.  “Tell him the High Lord will be arriving here in the morning.”

The hawk gave him a small peck on the hand before turning around and taking to the skies on silent wings once more.

He watched the bird disappear into the night sky before tiptoeing back towards the room doors.  Freezing near the opening, his heart rate sped up as he sensed someone in the hall outside the door.  He couldn't tell who it was without risking his own scent being detected, so, with a nervous shutter, he shut his eyes and prayed whoever was out there would move on soon.

Only a few seconds-that felt like an eternity-passed before he heard the presence in the hall finally continue pass the office and out of the hall.  Figuring it must have been a servant doing their rounds, he only waited a few seconds to give the servant time to get further away before slipping into the hall and shutting the door behind him.  As he made his way down the hall in the opposite way of the one who was just there before him he hoped that whatever business his master had for him spying on the young inu lord would end soon.  He had a feeling the taiyoukai  was getting suspicious and he'd rather face his master's disappointment then be caught by Lord Sesshoumaru, son of InuTaisho, in the taiyoukai's home… uninvited.

As he slid silently around the corner and out of the hall he never detected or noticed the pair of amber eyes boring into his back watching him.

Dark crimson eyes watched, without difficulty, the large bird as it passed over head and toward the east.  Perched high in the tall oak tree he turned back to stare at the castle a good distance away from him.  Leaning his back against the thick oak, he shifted his legs to lie along the branch to make himself comfortable as he decided to take his night rest in the tree.
Change was coming.  He could feel it in the breeze.  After 400 years he welcomed a little change... and perhaps the chance to put right his past mistakes.    He was sure that whatever was coming it would have something to do with the occupants of the castle in the distance and, no doubt, the young inu-lord and his new Lady would play a part as well.  But the change would not come easy if the sight of the bird was any indication.  He knew very well who the bird's master was and was sure it would mean trouble those inside the castle very soon.  With the High Lord arriving tomorrow, if things weren't handled carefully there was a good chance that a war would be waged.
While he'd rather leave and let the participants play out the game on their own something inside him was telling him to stay close.  And after living by his wits and instincts for so long he'd learned to listen to them.  Crossing his arms over his chest he gave the night sky one last look before shutting his eyes and resting his chin on his chest.  As his long hair fell forward, shielding his face on either side, he tuned out the natural sounds of the forest as he prepared to sleep.
Before drifting into oblivion he had the fleeting thought that the next few days were going to be interesting

Wrapping his arms around his sleeping miko Sesshoumaru turned his head to the window as his heightened senses picked up the soft swish of feathers in the wind. His eyes hardened when he identified the cause of the sound as he watched the outline of a large bird heading in the direction away from the castle.  

The spy had found the letter.

Now, he would wait for his enemy to make an appearance.  He had a feeling with the High Lord's arrival tomorrow he wouldn't have to wait long.  As for the spy… he'd deal with him soon. 

No one entered his home without his permission or his knowledge… Someone would learn that fact very soon.


He sat perched on the open window sill, watching the sun rise in the horizon as his mind pondered over the events that were planned for the morning… and, more importantly, the guests scheduled to arrive.
Miroku sighed. He didn't have time for this, but he couldn't very well defy Lord Sesshoumaru. He was many things, but stupid wasn't one of them. He didn't need InuYasha to tell him the girls were worried about him and he was sure the word `suspicious' could be used as well.

He didn't blame them. He'd be suspicious of him too if he were in their position. .He needed answers though and the list of people able to give them was, sadly, very short. There were a few answers he figured he already knew, but he wasn't sure since the answers he came up with didn't fit with what he always figured he knew about himself. It was making this whole ordeal a lot more puzzling then it should be.

With the grace of a feline he hoped down from his position and moved to the looking glass by the desk in the room he was occupying. Silently he studied his own features as he took in the markings on his face that hadn't always been there. How his eyes seemed to lean more towards violet or a deep purple then usual and knew he couldn't deny the truth that was staring back at him.

He had always been different, but he had always been able to keep it hidden, a secret, to keep away from those who thought they knew him best. And with everyday that passed his secret was becoming harder and harder to keep.

The glamour his mother had created for him was slowly losing its power. The effects weren't lasting as long as they usually had and he didn't know how to fix it. Even now he was able to use all of his abilities - not just his speed - when still under the protection of the glamour. That hadn't been the case before. But, besides all that there was one thing that he needed an answer to more then everything else: How was he related to Naraku?

If there was one thing the events a couple of seasons ago taught him was that both he and Naraku had been connected to the Takashi line somehow. And if they were both connected to them, then they were connected to each other. He may have been unconscious through part of the events that had taken place then, but he hadn't slept through that.

And despite what Lady Kagome said, the fact was he'd never known his father and it was completely possible the evil hanyou could be his father… wasn't it? He needed to be sure.

Replacing the glamour, he checked to make sure his traveling pack was ready then, grabbing his shakujo, he moved towards the door to his room and slid it open. Stepping out he made his way down to the main hall as he hoped he'd be able to depart soon after the High Lord and his children arrived.

His senses tingled as he became aware of familiar aura behind him just as the sound of her footsteps reached his sensitive hearing.

Stopping, he turned and smiled at the lovely taijiya in greeting.

“Good morning, lovely Sango. Did you sleep well?”

She regarded him quietly for a moment as she fell into step beside him before replying, “As well as can be expected. You seem to have slept well Miroku.”

“Sleeping is the time to give heavy thoughts a rest. I try to follow that line of logic whenever possible.”

“And are your thoughts heavy houshi?” she asked lightly, keeping her gaze in front of her.

He gave her a side-long look from the corner of his eye, the moment stretching between them. “Sometimes… I wonder if there has ever been a time where they haven't been, Sango.”

She stopped and turned to face him then. For a moment they just stared at one another as she watched his face close off, her chance to ask a question slipping away, and the cheerful expression he usually wore returned.

“Why -” she began only to cut herself off with a slight shake of her head. “Nothing. Never mind.” She thought she saw something flicker in his eyes at that moment, but it was gone before she could be sure.

Sighing, she turned and began walking again. Apparently the inu brothers weren't the only ones who wore masks around there, she thought. Question was; just how long had the monk been hiding? She'd always assumed it begun after the events in the Eastern Lands… but, now she wasn't so sure. She'd been seeing that wide smile on his face from almost the moment she'd begun to travel with her friends so long ago…

And now she was beginning to think she was starting to see it for what it really was.


Kagome dressed carefully though one part of her resented the reason why. Today was the day she was to be put on display for the High Lord for him to judge if she was good enough to be mated to Sesshoumaru. Of course, her being ningen she already knew what the answer would be - she didn't see any reason why she should have to go through the process when she was sure - like every other youkai - that the High Lord's mind was already made up.

Would he force Sesshoumaru to leave her? Could he force Sesshoumaru to leave her? A year ago or even a month ago she would have told herself `no' that no one could make Sesshoumaru do anything he didn't want to do, but after everything she'd heard of the High Lord… she wasn't so sure anymore.

And just the thought of being without him was scaring the crap out of her.

And he knew it. She was almost certain that Sesshoumaru could sense her fear, despite how hard she was trying to hide it.

Her hands shook every time she thought about the High Lord and her stomach was feeling so queasy that she'd decided to skip breakfast - knowing she'd only bring the meal back up.

She'd chosen to wear one of the altered kimonos Kaede had made for her; deciding against the traditional ones in her closet. Kagome knew traditional would likely be the best way to go, but she couldn't walk in the damn things and she'd rather look unacceptable in front of the Lord instead of falling on her face… or constantly being caught by Sesshoumaru - no matter how greatly she enjoyed that particular part.

Kagome gave a dejected sigh as she wrapped the soft cloth around her then, grabbing the fuchsia colored obi off the bed, began to tie it around her waist. It wasn't as difficult to do alone as it would have been since it wasn't the traditional type of obi, but a much smaller version. She'd taken the red and white set out of her closet - the one that matched her husband's - but because she was so nervous the Shikon powers had changed the kimono to a dark midnight blue and the obi to the fuchsia it currently was. She knew the cloth would change back to its rightful colors the moment she took them off, but she wanted them to be that way on her.

It couldn't be helped though. The powers of the Shikon always changed her clothing when she was nervous or angry. The only way to change was for her to calm down… and that wasn't about to happen soon.

Sitting down at the desk she tried to brush her hair only to slam the silver-back brush down a moment later with a whispered oath; her hands were too unsteady to be any good. With a sigh she called for Usagi whom she knew was loitering right outside her bedroom door just waiting to be allowed in.

It took the rabbit youkai less then two seconds to be at her mistress's side. Usagi gave the back of Kagome's head a gloomy look as she realized her mistress had dressed herself again. She was forever reminding the young miko that the Lady of the West should not be dressing herself, but her mistress would never listen. She'd just smile sweetly at Usagi, giving the poor servant the feeling that the next time would be different, only for Usagi to be dismayed at finding her mistress had dressed herself again.

“You wanted me, my lady?” she spoke softly from Kagome's left after giving a deep bow.

Kagome turned to eye the servant that had been introduced to her by Jaken as her personal sevant. With her long chestnut hair and gleaming emerald eyes, Kagome thought her very pretty. She'd once asked the servant her age and Kagome's mouth had dropped when the girl had replied she'd just had her 226th birthday that spring.

Then the rabbit youkai had gave a girlish giggle at the look on Kagome's face and, with a grin, had informed her that in ningen years she was what ningens would call eighteen or thereabout. Usagi had then tried to explain how to calculate youkai seasons to ningen ones.

Why she'd never bothered to ask InuYasha or Shippou the same question in all the time she'd known them; she didn't know.

The information had, of course, made Kagome start calculating the age of the three male youkai in her life. Her eyes had bulged when she'd added InuYasha's fifty year siesta on to his age and discovered he was around twenty years old in human years, because even though he was half human his youkai side dominated when it came to aging. Her jaw had dropped when she realized her Shippou was at least a hundred years old in youkai years. Her surprise had been swallowed alive when she'd fallen to the floor with laughter when Usagi had helped her calculate her Mate's age.

Tears of mirth had mixed in with her laughter when, unfortunately, Sesshoumaru had entered the room and arched a regal brow at her. She'd hissed out the words “cradle robber” before succumbing to laughter once more. He'd only had to look at Usagi to get the entire story out of the servant girl before she'd, wisely, made a hasty retreat.

The door had barely been shut behind the girl - Kagome still laughing on the floor - when Sesshoumaru had proceeded to show his mate what a 451 summers-old -- or 36 years-old -- youkai could do.

She never left the bedroom that day.

Kagome was brought out of her musing when her servant spoke.

“My lady, are you … alright?” questioned Usagi with a concerned look at the glazed look in her mistress's eyes. Her eyes widened in to worry when Lady Kagome's face began to flame like the color of Lord InuYasha's clothing. “Lady Kagome?”

Kagome shook her head at the rabbit youkai as she pressed her palms to her heated flesh. She shivered as she shut her eyes, trying to will the delicious images to go away.

Kagome opened shining blue eyes once she was sure the images were gone.
Kagome Usagi. Call me Kagome,” she sighed, scrunching her nose. She hated being called `my lady'. She never felt like the servants were talking to her when they called her that. Yet none of them, not even Usagi, would listen to her when she asked them to stop doing it.

“But my lady it is not appropriate for a servant to do this,” she shook her head, eyes wide.

“It's disrespectful. My lord would have Usagi kil-”

“Please Usagi. I'll tell Lord Sesshoumaru know that I requested you call me by my name. You'll be fine. I promise,” she smiled reassuringly. “We're friends aren't we Usagi?” she added when she saw the lingering hesitation in the rabbit-youkai's emerald eyes.

She waited for the servant's reluctant nod before producing a winning smile. “Great! Now… could you help me with my hair? I'm …” she showed the brunette her shaking hands, knowing the other girl would understand, “not able to do it myself.”

“Of course my la- Kagome,” nodded Usagi, correcting herself. She waited for her mistress to turn back around on her seat before stepping up behind her and gathering the long thick mass in her hands and raking the silky strands with her claws till they gleamed.

“Nothing too severe today Usagi,” she instructed quietly, “I doubt I'll be able to carry it off right now.”

“Of course Kagome,” she responded absently, pausing to give the thick mane a thoughtful look.

Usagi smiled to herself as an idea came to her. She loved doing her mistress's hair; it was so thick and wavy with a natural curl at the end. She thought the pink colored highlights just made the mass of hair more beautiful.

Parting the hair across the middle with the claw of her small finger, she let most of the hair fall to hang down Kagome's back to her waist while she gathered the top half in one fist and twisted it into a loose knot at the back of Kagome's head. Grabbing a black comb with a large red carnation off the desk, she secured the knot in place.

Blinking, she watched in awe as the black and red comb changed to the same shade of pinkish purple as the highlights in her mistress's hair. She'd never get used to that, she thought with a shake of her head to clear it.

Moving to stand in front of Kagome, between her and the desk, she used her claws once more to pull a few strands from the knot to hang by Kagome's ears and frame her face

“There,” smiled Usagi happily. “Lovely, yet soft; befitting the Lady of the Western Lands.”

A light went out in Kagome's eyes then. “I hope so…” she whispered.

Usagi gave her mistress a sympathetic look then, knowing it wasn't her place, spoke anyway. “You worry my la- Kagome… when you should not. I've worked for the Taiyoukai a long time and have known him even longer. True, no one ever imagined he'd mate a ningen, but anyone who has ever heard of the Taiyoukai will tell you he would never settle for anything less then he deserves.”

Usagi stopped and looked towards the doorway when she felt a sensation at the edge of her senses.

“I-I appreciate what you're trying to do Usagi, really, but -”

“Lord Sesshoumaru is not an easy youkai to… umm…,” continued Usagi, cutting her mistress off, when whatever she'd sensed disappeared. She searched her mind for the right word, wanting to finish what she had to say before she lost her nerve to say it. “He is not an easy youkai to live up to. He has much pride in himself and so he should. He is greatest of the Four Corners… and he chose you. Above all others, he chose you because he finds you worthy. Always remember that.”

Kagome blinked. Eyes watering, she smiled. “Thank you Usagi.”

Flushed with embarrassment at her boldness, she nodded. “You'll be fine Lady Kagome. When in doubt - think of him,” she added with a girlish smile. “It makes you glow.”

Kagome's eyes widened as her cheeks began to tinge again; understanding.

Stiffening, Usagi bowed with a whispered “my lady”, forgetting her agreement with Kagome in her nervousness as she suddenly became aware of who was on the other side of the door. She quickly scurried out, never catching the look of approval in her master's eyes.

Turning to look over her shoulder Kagome just barely saw Usagi's tail as Sesshoumaru stepped into the room and shut the door. She'd already known he was there; somehow she was always able to sense when he was close. He just seemed to call to something inside her that was there only for him. Her eyes locked on his as she wondered how she would survive if the High Lord didn't accept them. She wished fervently that her mate would just tell her everything would be fine, like Usagi had, but she knew he wouldn't. He expected her to believe it without him having to say it.

Sesshoumaru took in her appearance as he stared back at her. He liked the way she was wearing her hair with most of it hanging loose down her back while light pieces framed her face. He noticed she was wearing her colors and how the deep blue made the bright blue of her eyes seem to glow against her tanned skin. He knew she'd plan to wear the red and white kimono that matched his own and while he had approved of the statement she wanted to make, he couldn't help admitting that her own colors looked much better.

There was one good side to her nervousness: She looked beautiful.

Kagome turned to sit sideways on the stool as she moved to face him somewhat. She froze when he began to growl and tilted her head at him in question. He'd known since the night before that she was worried, so why was he angry now? She narrowed her eyes at the strange look on his face. Was he angry? He didn't look angry… but with Sesshoumaru looks could be deceiving.

“Sesshoumaru?” she breathed out in question.

The beast in him was trying to claw free. He could feel his blood heating as his hands seemed to itch to get on the flesh she'd just innocently revealed to him when she moved. When she turned towards him her left leg had slid out between one of the side slits in her kimono. He couldn't help but gaze hungrily at the shapely, tanned appendage that was revealed all the way up to her thigh. He could almost feel the warm flesh wrapped around him, pulling him in to the very heat of her like she had only hours ago.

He felt himself hardening and had to curb the urge to strike out at something because he couldn't act on his instincts right then.

“Cover yourself,” he said roughly as a hint of red tinged his amber eyes a deep burnt orange.

Following the line of his gaze, Kagome looked down at her lap and gaped at seeing nearly her whole leg hanging out; from foot to thigh. Quickly righting herself she looked up at him in embarrassment and nearly jumped five feet in the air, he was standing so close! She hadn't even heard him move.

“Stop doing that!” she huffed at him. She couldn't believe he could still sneak up on her like that.

Standing, she wrapped her arms around him as she pressed her face into his chest. Slowly she breathed in the familiar scent and let it take the edge off her nerves. “I'm okay,” she muttered into his chest, unfazed, knowing he heard her perfectly.

Gently he wrapped his hand around the end of her hair and gave it a firm tug, tilting her face upwards. Leaning down he fit his mouth against hers, lightly nipping her bottom lip as he coaxed them open. With precision he darted his tongue inside, languidly rubbing against hers and along the inside of her mouth, leisurely tasting her.

Kagome moaned deep in her throat as he slowly ended the kiss with a lick along the inside of her lower lip. Slowly she opened heavy lidded eyes she didn't remember closing as his mouth left hers. Staring into amber orbs she could read the question he didn't ask.

She found herself reassuring him when only moments ago she'd wanted him to reassure her. “Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.”

Sesshoumaru studied her upturned face for a moment. Looking for any lingering doubt; he was satisfied when he found none. “Indeed.”

He gave her one last look before releasing her to go make sure all was prepared for the High Lord's arrival. It wouldn't be long now.

Slipping her feet into a pair of ankle boots that were similar to Sesshoumaru's but made of deerskin - instead of goat - and had been dyed black with a two inch wooden heel added to them; Kagome followed her husband out of the room, turning in the opposite direction, she went in search of Sango.


“Lord Sesshoumaru.”
Sesshoumaru stopped, turned to his left and, with a tilt of his head, regarded the guard from the corner of his eye.

“Sesshoumaru-sama,” Norio bowed when his lord gave him his attention. “Masaki has spotted the High Lord and his companions. They should reach the castle grounds shortly, my lord.”
Sesshoumaru nodded. “Inform the rest of the guards,” he instructed before turning away and continuing his walk.
Mentally he called for the servant, Usagi, as he walked and, therefore, wasn't surprised when she appeared a few steps behind him.
“My lord, you call for Usagi,” she said softly, head bowed. Usagi tried to hide her nervousness, fearing she was in trouble, as she was fully aware her master had witnessed her earlier boldness with Lady Kagome.
Sesshoumaru could smell the rabbit youkai's fear. He had no intentions of harming the servant though. She had been out of line to speak as she had to his mate, but what she'd said had not been a lie… and she'd done it out of good intentions. He was well aware that Usagi had taken to her new mistress - had done so almost from the start - which was why he had given the youkai the position of being Kagome's personal maid.

He also knew his mate wasn't making it very easy for the servant.

“Find InuYasha and have him meet me in the guest hall. Find the rest of our guests as well. Lord Damascus will be arriving soon; everyone needs to be present. Then go and watch Rin and the children in the garden.”

“Is Jaken to remain with the children as well, my lord?” she asked, looking up at the back of his head through her lashes for a moment before returning her gaze to her feet.

“No. Send the retainer to me,” replied Sesshoumaru after a moment. He would rather leave Jaken with the children, but he knew the toad well enough to know he would feel hurt that Sesshoumaru didn't allow him to be present when the High Lord arrived.
Sesshoumaru would have rolled his eyes (as he'd seen Kagome do often enough) at the thought of the toad youkai being hurt if he didn't find the action just as ridiculous as the cause.

Waiting a moment longer for any other instructions, Usagi bowed, “yes my lord,” than quickly turned to do as instructed. She couldn't help smiling and adding a whispered “thank you” to her master's back before leaving: he wasn't angry with her. The fact Sesshoumaru hadn't addressed the issue one way or the other was proof he held no anger towards the loyal servant.

Sesshoumaru heard the whispered words of gratitude, but did not respond to them as the servant disappeared around a corner to his right as he continued on his route towards the guest hall where he'd welcome the High Lord.

Then, soon after, he'd discover just what was going on in the Youkai Council… and what it had to do with him.

Having made it to the lower level, he walked a little further then turned to his left and entered the guest hall. He wasn't surprised to see his brother sitting in one of the chairs when he entered since he'd caught his scent the moment he'd reached the lower level.

InuYasha sat, chin resting against his chest with his bangs hiding his eyes as he watched his brother enter the room. At a glance, one would think he was sleep considering how still the hanyou was sitting. He'd toyed with the idea of not coming when the servant female had informed him of his brother's summons but had dropped the idea at the pleading look in the servant's eyes. He doubted his brother would take his anger at InuYasha's disrespect out on Usagi, but he knew she wasn't so sure on the subject, so he'd come to find out what his brother wanted and had been surprised when he'd arrived to find the room empty.
Sesshoumaru did not usually allow others to beat him to a destination.

“What do you want Sesshoumaru?” he asked quietly, not in the mood for his brother's mind games.

Sesshoumaru arched a brow at the hanyou's tone, but did not comment. They could fight later. “Lord Damascus will be arriving soon. When he does show some respect for father and do not be rude.”
InuYasha looked up at him then. He narrowed his eyes; it wasn't like his brother to not be insulting.

“I know it will be difficult InuYasha, but try to show some kind of manners.”

And there it was, he thought with a frown. “Fuck off, Sesshoumaru,” he said with no real heat behind it; it was his favorite line though. Lowering his chin once more, he shut his eyes, before adding, “I've met the Lord before, you know.”
Since InuYasha wasn't watching, Sesshoumaru allowed himself to blink in surprise. So he remembers some things. Interesting.

He turned to look out the window beside him. “Indeed. You remember.”
InuYasha fidgeted then. “Hn.” A lot of his memories were resurfacing lately. If he had to pinpoint the change he'd have to say it started sometime after Kagome had gone in his head. He wasn't sure why it was happening though. “It would seem there are a lot of things I'm beginning to remember,” he said quietly.

Arching a brow, Sesshoumaru turned his head slightly to look at him in his peripheral vision. He admitted to himself a slight curiosity.

InuYasha caught the almost silent movement as his ears twitched. “Some things and… others… that I thought I remembered are not as I once thought,” he said; not knowing how to tell the Taiyoukai that he remembered how things had once been different between them.

He wasn't sure if his brother ever really liked him, but he was now sure there was a time when his brother didn't hate him. He wasn't sure how he felt about that.

… InuYasha hid behind his mother's bedroom screen when he scented his brother approaching them. He quickly put out the candle so his brother wouldn't see his shadow in the corner behind the screen, barely making it, before his brother had entered the room. In his haste to hide he'd completely forgotten his brother would be able to smell him.

He'd watched as his brother had stared down at his mother's prone figure lying on the mat inside the room. He was worried about his mother as he feared there was something very wrong with her. Her skin was clammy and she could barely keep her eyes open, even for him. Lately she'd been too tired and weak to even get out of the bed - no matter how much InuYasha had cried and begged. Her scent was steadily changing from the soft smell he knew to something strong and tart that hung heavily in the air. It was not a pleasant smell.
But with all this change, he still didn't understand what was happening to her.

When his mother opened her eyes and began to speak to his brother he moved closer to the screen's edge to hear what was being said.

“Lady Izayoi,” spoke Sesshoumaru quietly.

“Lord Sesshoumaru…” breathed Izayoi as she stared at her stepson. No matter how much the young youkai had disapproved of her he'd never been particularly rude to her or her son. Now she had to entrust the only person left in this world that she loved to him. She was about to do the unthinkable and ask the young lord for his promise… and she prayed he'd give it to her.

She could not die in peace without it.

“I must ask a favor of you though I know you will not like it,” she began, blinking away the tears in her eyes that were blurring what limited vision she had left. “But you understand I must ask it of you for there is no one else.”

When she paused, InuYasha blinked wide eyes when his mother's tears hit his nose. The smell took away some of his worry since the smell of her tears held some of the scent he was familiar with. His ears twitched when she began to speak again.

“I must ask you to - when you leave here - to take Inu Yasha with you. I am dying and I can no longer care for him,” she said, stating the obvious. “You must teach him what I have not been able to. Inu Yasha does not understand the world he has been born into or what it means to be a hanyou in such a world… though, sadly, he is learning.”

Inu Yasha looked from one adult to the other as his mother's tears came faster. He guessed she was too weak to even wipe her own tears for he knew she would have if she could. His mother did not like to cry in front of others. He could count on one hand how many times he'd seen his mother cry - and it usually was his fault.
“He must be taught how to use what Touga has given him - something I could never do, regardless.” She sucked in a painfully deep breath as she allowed the tears to roll freely from her eyes. “It will not be easy. Inu Yasha is stubborn, head strong, and because he is young his heart is easily bruised. Will you promise to do all of this?”
Not being able to stay still any longer, InuYasha darted out from behind the screen and fell to his knees beside his mother. Tears raining down his face, he spoke, “Mother, why are you giving me away? Don't you want me anymore? I promise I'll be good!”

He cried as he buried his face in his mother's chest. The strange smell had become stronger and he knew whatever was wrong with her was getting worse. “I'll take care of you mother. Just tell me what to do,” he mumbled against her.
“Ohhh, InuYasha,” Lady Izayoi cried as she used what strength she had left to wrap her arms around her son for the last time. “Of course I want you. I love you. There is nothing more important to me then you and if I could I'd stay with you forever, but my time is almost up. I'm so sorry, darling.”…

Inu Yasha shook his head to clear his mind of the sad memory. He'd never heard his brother's reply; he'd been too busy crying. His mother had died shortly after and had been buried by Jaken and a few others not too long after that. The entire time he'd hid behind his brother's legs, clutching tightly to his pants, as they'd lowered his mother's body into the ground. He figured Sesshoumaru had agreed to his mother's question, because soon after she was buried his brother had said “ come Inu Yasha” and had taken him away never to return until Inu Yasha had gone back there on his own when he was much older.

He'd later learned from Sesshoumaru that his mother had died from a human ailment called the plague - something that would never affect him.

That was the last time Inu Yasha had cried until the incident at the cliff many, many season's later.

“A lot of memories…” he murmured to himself. Part of him really wished they'd stop.

Sesshoumaru turned around, fully, to look at him then. Seeing how Inu Yasha's shoulders drooped, for the first time he wondered what was going on with the hanyou. He refused to ask the question though. He doubted the half-breed would bother to tell him.
He looked over his shoulder as he sensed a presence heading their way. He watched impassively as the houshi walked in to the room. The monk had been hiding his scent, somehow, lately but Sesshoumaru could still smell him. The fact the ability was new to him showed through the monk's inability to hold the block continuously.

“I take it I'm not late,” said Miroku as he moved through the doorway and only seeing the two of them. “Good morning Inu Yasha, Lord Sesshoumaru,” he nodded at them both. “So, when does the High Lord arrive?”
Inu Yasha gave a light shrug in reply as he eyed his friend speculatively.

Sesshoumaru froze when he felt a shift in the protective shield around his lands. The shift was immediately followed by a strong presence moving pass the barrier just as he felt his shields restored.

“He is here,” said Sesshoumaru softly as Jaken appeared behind the monk. He sent a mental message to Usagi as he waited for one of the servants to bring the High Lord to him.

Kagome froze and drew in a breath as she stood in the doorway of what she called the library as she felt a huge and powerful presence near by.
“What in the world was that?” she breathed in wonder. She'd never felt so much power.

“I imagine that was the High Lord,” replied Sango who stood further in the room to the miko's left. She'd turned away from the window, where she'd been watching the children play in the large field below, when she'd heard Kagome gasp. “I guess he's here.”

Kagome blinked then turned to her left. “Did you feel it too?”

Sango nodded. “Impressive isn't it? Dangerous...” she added in a whisper.

Kagome moved further into the room until she stood beside her friend near the window. Tilting her head, she studied her friend. Sango was dressed in a solid dark purple kimono the same shade as Miroku's robes with a light pink obi, both were made of the finest silk, and matched perfectly with her skin tone. She wore her hair pulled up into a high ponytail with a leather strap and a pink comb with a carnation stuck near the base of her ponytail for decoration.

She looked lovely, thought Kagome, but she could see from the pensive look on Sango's face that something was bothering her friend.

“Sango,” she began quietly, “are you afraid of the High Lord.”

“What?” the exterminator turned surprised eyes to her friend and blinked when the question registered. “No,” she shook her head with a half smile. “The High Lord is the most powerful youkai in the country, but he is known for his fairness as well as his power. Besides, he doesn't hunt ningen like some others. Which, I guess is a good thing since there isn't a human alive that would stand a chance against him.”

Kagome stiffened. “He's… that powerful?”

“Lord Damascus is said to be of the Ancient Race Kagome. I've never seen him for myself, but my father once told me that he was the only one of his kind who could successfully change into a humanoid form and hold it for long lengths of time.”

Sango smiled to herself at the memory of her father. It didn't hurt so much to think of him now that she had Kohaku back.

“Papa use to tell us the more powerful the youkai the larger their true form is, and the larger the true form is even more power is needed for them to change into their humanoid form.” She turned towards Kagome fully then. “And the Ancients were said to be very large.”

Putting that thought on hold for a moment, Kagome shook her head at the hideous monster that had come to mind at Sango's words. “Well if it's not the High Lord, what's wrong?”

Sango sighed and looked back out the window as she hugged herself, not really seeing what she was looking at.

Kagome was worried about her friend. She hadn't seen Sango look so sad since the time she'd realized Kohaku was alive and being controlled by Naraku. “It's Miroku isn't it?” It wasn't a question.

Sighing, Sango nodded.

“What's going on with him? He's been acting very strangely for a while now.”

“I don't know…” she breathed quietly. She'd been wondering the same thing. “I think he's hiding something. I know he's keeping something from me.”

“Really?” she blinked. Kagome had to admit she'd been thinking the same thing. “What do you think he could be hiding?”

Sango shook her head, “I don't know. As soon as I find out… you'll be the first to know.”

“We'll figure it all out Sango, I promise. I'm sure Miroku's okay,” she said with a sigh as she wrapped an arm around the taijiya. “For now, tell me something - what type of youkai is the Ancient Race?”

Surprised, Sango turned wide eyes on her friend. “You mean… you don't know?” She blinked when Kagome shook her head in the negative. “But, I always thought… when InuYasha fought Ryu- No one ever told you?” Her friend shook her head again. “Sesshoumaru hasn't told you what type of de-”

“Sango,” Kagome cut in, rolling her eyes at the comical look on her friend's face. “No. I don't know. Now, will you tell me?”

“Well… remember Ryukotsusei?” she waited for Kagome's nod even as she watched the miko's eyes widen, before continuing, “He was of the Ancient Race. ”

Kagome stared at her friend, wide eyed, as she tried to process what the taijiya had just explained. Ryukotsusei had been one of the most powerful youkai they'd ever faced. True, InuYasha had ended up killing him, but the fight had not been easy. She was glad they were a lot stronger then they were back then.

“So what you're telling me is that Damascus, High Lord of the Tribunal is a… a…” she couldn't even finish; it was not what she'd been expecting… though she couldn't really say what she had been expecting, but she knew that wasn't it.

“Dragon,” supplied Sango helpfully. “Lord Damascus is a dragon youkai. Rumor has it that he's an Elemental Dragon - the strongest type of dragon there is - and if he is as powerful as they say, I imagine his true form is as large as the late Dog General, if not larger.”

Kagome recalled the size of InuYasha's and Sesshoumaru's father's remains and swallowed nervously. Thinking of the power she'd felt only moments before she couldn't help, nodding to herself, as the thought of such a power having a large form making a sense in a disconcerting, yet logical, way.

“The taijiyas of my village preferred to call him… the Dragon King,” said Sango, nodding solemnly.

Kagome blinked. She was about to be judged by… a dragon. Her head was beginning to feel a bit light as she tried to shake away the sudden blurriness of her vision. She needed to sit down. She raised a trembling hand to her forehead as the oddness of the situation was slowly becoming apparent.

Why would the High Lord of the Youkai Tribunal, who was well known for keeping to his own castle and land - the most powerful youkai in the entire country, want to meet her? It didn't make sense! Regardless of whom she was married to, there was no way she merited this much importance.

Something else was going on.

“Something isn't right here…” she whispered to herself more than to anyone else. She raised her head to ask Sango a question when her servant Usagi appeared in the doorway of the room calling for her.

“Yes Usagi?” she replied.

“Lord Sesshoumaru requests you and Lady Sango in the guest hall,” the servant bowed as she spoke. “The High Lord has arrived.”

Kagome nodded. “Thank you Usagi. We'll be right there.”

“Yes my lady,” said Usagi then silently bowed out of the room.

Turning back to Sango she stared at her friend a moment before giving a light shrug, trying her best to hide her nervousness. “I guess it's time.”

She watched as Sango nodded then, after taking a deep breath, followed the exterminator out of the room.


Sesshoumaru stood opposite the High Lord with InuYasha on his left and the monk on his right. He gave a slight nod in greeting, his eyes flickering to the male and female on the either side of the Tribunal Lord, before returning his vision to the Taiyoukai.

Damascus smiled at the young lord. He could not get over how much the inu-youkai was growing to look more and more like his father. While he had his mother's beauty, there was no mistaking the strength and power of his father in the young lord's eyes. His eyes shifted to the hanyou who stood at the taiyoukai's left. There was no mistaking those eyes and that face. It made his heart smile to see the two brothers together again. He'd feared he'd never see such a sight in his lifetime again - and he had a very long lifespan.

Slowly his vision flickered to the male on the other side of Lord Sesshoumaru. He could easily smell the magic surrounding the houshi. It wasn't very difficult if you knew where to sniff. The glamour he wore was old and was conflicting with the powers in him that were slowly awakening. They would be awakening faster if not for the glamour, he knew. With a slight widening of his eyes, he could easily see through the glamour to the hanyou below. Eyeing the monk's forehead he gave a mental nod at finding what he'd come to see then sighed to himself.

Now, that he'd seen the one in question, he knew the problem was not going to be an easy one.
“Lord Sesshoumaru,” bowed Damascus in greeting. “It has been a long time.”
“High Lord,” responded Sesshoumaru with a similar bow now that Damascus had greeted him first, as was custom. “It has, indeed, been a while.”

Sesshoumaru's eyes shifted to the other two in the room he could see once more. He wasn't to introduce the High Lord to his brother and the monk until Kagome arrived to be introduced first. As his mate she held precedence over everyone else.

“Lord Sesshoumaru,” spoke Sachiko and Sorin simultaneously, as they often did in such situations. “It is good to find you healthy,” added Sachiko with a small smile and a twinkle in her silver-blue eyes.
Sesshoumaru nodded.

“Well,” began Damascus, eyeing his children and the Western Taiyoukai individually, “now that we've said hello… Sesshoumaru, where is this mate I've heard so much about? I admit, I'm curious to meet such a rare woman who could grab and hold the Lord of the West.”
Sesshoumaru arched a brow. He didn't care for the thought that his words provoked. He was not some fish who'd been hooked by the miko.
Sesshoumaru opened his mouth to speak his mind when a familiar presence near the doorway caught his attention. Turning to his right, he watched the entrance and wasn't disappointed when the two women appeared a moment later.
Kagome and Sango exchanged identical looks just before stepping through the doorway then coming to a halt. Seven pair of eyes turned in their direction.
Kagome could feel all eyes on her as she eyed the three newcomers; two males and one female.
The male in the middle, whom she guessed was the High Lord, stood a bit taller then Sessshoumaru with long, straight hair as black as her own had once been with a part down the middle so it could fall to either side of his face Silver eyes in a some-what tan face with sharp cheekbones. There were dark blue markings above his eyes similar to Sesshoumaru's and the symbol of the Tribunal on his forehead: an upside down `E' with a scepter atop it. She knew the `E' stood for eternity and the scepter represented the High Lord's authority over all others. He had a strong build with wide shoulders and a narrow waist. He was dressed in black from his head to his feet in an outfit also a lot like Sesshoumaru's, but with a dark blue obi.
The other two - male on the Taiyoukai's right, female on his left - she guessed were twins. Both had the same beautiful pale blue hair that the female wore in a thick braid over her shoulder to her waist, while the male let his hang loose. They both had the same translucent skin with a peachy undertone, thick fluffy tails the same color as their hair and high cheekbones that tapered downward to a full mouth. Both were tall with slender builds, though neither height matched Sesshoumaru's or the High Lord's. The female wore a dark blue and silver double kimono shirt hanging loosely around her neck like that of a Geisha with a pair of dark blue baggy hakamas cinched tightly around her waist with a simple silver obi tied like a sash instead of the traditional way. The brother wore a kimono shirt and hakamas in only dark blue with chest armor like Sesshoumaru's.
The only difference between the twins besides their gender, that she could see, was their eyes, though both were of a lovely color. The male had eyes of a deep blue that seemed black when you looked at them in a certain light. While the females… the female's eyes were a beautiful silvery blue as if they could not seem to decide between the two colors.
All three were armed. The female had twin kitanas strapped to her, one on each side while her brother wore a fierce looking axe strapped tightly to his back and a sword at his waist. Lord Damascus carried three swords; two on one side, one on the other.

All three were beautiful.
Kagome could see them studying her and Sango as she'd just studied them. She tried not to fidget. Still, something wasn't right. Upon entering the hall she could have sworn she'd sensed four unfamiliar auras, yet she only saw… three? Where did the other presence go? She didn't see anyone leave and other then the two windows the door was the only way out. Besides that, she could still sense the other presence.
Narrowing her eyes in confusion, she looked around the room once more before turning back to look at the other three. Kagome refused to believe she was going crazy. Tilting her head sideways in wonder she looked to Sesshoumaru to see if he sensed it to, but she saw he had his mask in place and therefore couldn't be sure.
She knew it was her duty to go and stand beside her husband, where she belonged, so he could introduce her. It was protocol and she knew Sesshoumaru would not speak to her until she did her part.
Squaring her shoulders, she started forward, taking the lead from Sango so that the taijiya followed behind her. Slowly she made her way to her husband, keeping her eyes on his the entire time.
Damascus watched the miko and the other female approach after they'd paused in the doorway. Even without the crescent moon on the shorter female's forehead he would have known which one was Sesshoumaru's mate. The bond between them was almost tangible from the moment the miko entered the room. He'd been surprised to see her beauty had not been exaggerated. With her bright blue eyes, tanned skin tone, and thick wavy hair hanging to her waist - not to mention those luscious curves - he didn't doubt she was one of the most beautiful female ningens alive.
He thought her even more beautiful then Lady Izayou and the warrior miko Midoriko from a long time ago.
She had power as well. He could easily see that the power came from her and not the jewel around her neck. She had truly been chosen. He wondered if the young lord knew just how much power his beautiful mate held… and just how dangerous that power could be if the miko could not control it or it fell into the wrong hands.
“High Lord,” spoke Jaken once Kagome reached his master's side, chest poked out with self-importance. “May I present to you Lady Kagome; Lady of the Western Lands.”
Jaken may not like his Sesshoumaru-sama's choice in a mate, but he knew the miko was powerful and had a good heart and, despite how he acted towards her, he knew she was worthy of his Lord Sesshoumaru.

Kagome's eyes widened slightly at the toad youkai's words. She couldn't help aiming a smile down at the little rodent.
“Lady Kagome, it is a pleasure to finally meet you,” spoke Damascus with a bow. “These are my children; Sorin and Sachiko,” he gestured to the male and then the female in introduction.
“My lady,” spoke Sachiko and Sorin, together again.
Kagome bowed in greeting. “Pleasure to meet you all,” she smiled. Turning slightly to her left she gestured to the hanyou beside her to introduce him. “This is Sesshoumaru's brother InuYasha, son of Lady Izayoi.”
“InuYasha,” smiled Damascus, “I have often wondered about you, child. I feared I would never have the pleasure of seeing you again. Do you know I had cared for you on occasion when your father still lived?”
InuYasha blinked. True, some of his memories from his childhood had begun to surface lately, but he hadn't recalled any from when his father still lived. His father had died long before he'd reached the equivalent of three human winters.
“I don't remember that,” said InuYasha, fighting back a shrug. “I do remember you though, High Lord Damascus.” He bowed stiffly and decided not to say it was a pleasure to see him again, since he wasn't really sure if it was yet. Why say something that could be a lie?
InuYasha eyed the blue haired female named Sachiko for a moment then averted his gaze when she suddenly shifted her head and returned his look.
Kagome caught the look between InuYasha and Sachiko, but decided to ignore it for the moment and finish introducing her friends. “This is Lady Sango of the taijiya village and over here is,” she gestured to Sesshoumaru's other side, “houshi-sama, Miroku. They're to be married soon.”
Damascus arched a brow. “Really?” he looked from one to the other then back to the monk. “Congratulations houshi,” he nodded; a knowing look in his eyes. “If you don't mind my asking, tell me houshi-sama - you are the son of Lord Takeo, no?”
Miroku jerked involuntarily as his eyes snapped to meet the silver gaze of the High Lord.
“Yes,” he responded evenly, trying to hide his discomfort. He did not like the way the High Lord was looking at him. “Though I was raised by Mushin-sama,” he added after a moment. “Did you know my father, Lord Damascus?”

“Your father? No,” he shook his head lightly, before settling his gaze on the monk once more. “I did know his father though - your grandfather. He called himself Miyatsu… though that was not the name given to him at his birth. I also knew his father before him.”
Miroku blinked, swallowing nervously. The look in the strange silver eyes was making him paranoid, he knew, but he refused to look at his friends for fear they'd read his guilt. The High Lord knew his secret, he knew, but what surprised him is that it seemed the Taiyoukai might know more then even he did.
Kagome could sense the turmoil going through the monk at the High Lord's words. Looking between them, she tilted her head curiously, but refrained from asking the questions on her mind. Filing them away to pull out later, she decided to address the issue that had been bugging her from the moment she entered the room.
“Who is he?” she said calmly, stepping forward and successfully drawing everyone's attention to her.
Damascus looked at Kagome with admiration as he waited for her to continue.
She locked gazes with each of them, one by one. “I see three,” she said then focused her vision on the empty spot a few paces behind the High Lord where she sensed the strong aura coming from before adding, “but I can feel one more.”
Sachiko and Sorin exchanged questioning looks before looking back at the priestess. How did she know? They'd known Sesshoumaru would know, but they had not expected the miko would also. Apparently she was more powerful then they presumed.
InuYasha looked around the room in confusion, not sensing whatever it was Kagome was, but he knew it was better to listen and see what happened then interfere. Sesshoumaru would stop Kagome if she was wrong.
Kagome's eyes took on an iridescent look as her powers touched the surface. Her gaze was focused on the spot that appeared empty as she began to speak again. “I don't know who you are or why you hide, but however you're doing it, you will stop… or I will stop it.”
With her last words the fuchsia light became the dominate color in eyes that were usually blue.
Everyone remained quiet.
Sesshoumaru watched his mate as he waited to see what would happen next. He'd seen the confused look in her eyes when she'd entered the room with Sango and had wondered if she'd voice her concern in front of everyone or wait until they were alone. He didn't know why he thought she'd wait.

After a few minutes of everyone staring at one another, InuYasha began to wonder if, perhaps, Kagome's nerves were playing tricks on her. His eyes shifted around the room once more.
“Kagome are yo-”
“Shut up InuYasha!” spoke Kagome over her shoulder, never taking her eyes off of what she couldn't see.
Suddenly the air seemed to shimmer and shift in the spot where she stared. Out of nowhere a man with shoulder length black hair and lavender eyes stood before everyone.
Hands clasped behind his back, the newcomer bowed stiffly. “My lady,” he spoke in a low voice, almost a whisper. “I am Isao. You may call me… Isao.”

Name meanings:

Isao means 'honor' or 'merit';

Usagi means `rabbit'. 
As for the 2 guards: 
Masaki means 'correct record' or 'elegant tree';

Norio means 'man of principles'. 

The Twins:

Sachiko means 'happy child'

I haven't found the meaning for Sorin... I don't even think it's Japanese. 
Damascus : Said to be the oldest city in the world. Present capital and largest city of Syria. Found in the southwest part of the country, inhabited since prehistoric times, the city became a commercial center under the Romans and was a Saracen stronghold during the Crusades. According to the New Testament, the Apostle Paul (then known as Saul) underwent a dramatic conversion while on the road to Damascus to arrest the Christian. The “road to Damascus” represents an image of a sudden turning point in a person's life. Population: 1,570,000.
Some say the name Damascus means `ancient' or `long lasting' but I have not found any proof to support this… I thought the name fit the High Lord perfectly! Don't you?