InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Rain Falls ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

InuYasha pressed his hand to his warm forehead as he tried to thwart the headache he knew would be coming. The intense mental anguish that would consume his mind once the reality of his stupidity finally set in.
"Hot damn I'm an idiot," he whispered to himself, for he knew that the fallout would be tough considering he had made a whole lot of mistakes over the last 24 hours. First with his brother's bitch, no, scratch that, with his brother's fiancée. And secondly with his ex who currently had her leg sprawled across his lower body.
"How could I not have known they were engaged, they had been dating since I confronted him about dad's will about four fucking years ago. Of course if she could tolerate the bastard for that long, they would be in the process if not already married. But still the stupid wench could have at least told me… I'm such a fool."
A slight snort alerted him to the woman he was currently sharing a bed with. Her thick red hair framed her lovely heart shaped face while the moonlight illuminated her pale skin. Looking down at her, he remembered many of their firsts and all that they had promised each other. She had been there for him when his father died and all the times his brother behaved, well, like Sesshomaru behaved. She had helped him find a place in such a judgmental and cruel world, and he had thought it was love but...
"I've go to get out of here." Slipping out of the bed as quietly as he could, InuYasha grabbed his clothes and made his way out to the living room to put them on. Having moved and positioned most of the furniture into the condo himself, it was easy for him to maneuver silently through the living room, and make his way to the door. Opening and shutting it behind him with the barest of sound, InuYasha dashed down the stairs and made his way back to his bike.
Straddling the seat, the exhausted man blew out his frustrations into the frigid air of the late night or early day depending on how you looked at it. Placing his palm onto his forehead once again, he sighed and cursed silently to himself. Dropping his hand, he turned his head towards the window of a place he used to call home, before he quietly pulled his bike away from the curb. Trying to keep the sound to a minimum, InuYasha didn't rev the gas until he was out of ear shot. But despite his best efforts, the green eyes he wanted to leave behind followed his silhouette shroud in darkness until they could no longer distinguish him from the distance. A single tear fell from each of their as their owner collapsed to the ground in sorrow.
The wind and the darkness were his only companions as he sped up and down the slippery slopes of the mountain road. But neither of them found him to be good company for only one person occupied his mind a person he never wanted to think about again as long as he lived…his brother.
“I don't have love for him and he sure as hell never had any for me, so why the hell should I feel guilty about poppin his bitch. If he was any man he would have been done it, so why should I feel bad about it? She wanted me…”
Despite the intensity of his words, the consuming heat he felt boring on is back as a rode convinced him that nothing would be able to rid him of his guilt of not only taking his brother's fiancée's virginity, but also wanting more. How much more? He didn't know, but…
“I've never been so satisfied in my life…” Not wanting to go where his thoughts were taking him, InuYasha focused on the road and limited his mind to the upcoming twists and turns. After a few more miles, he had finally reached his ridiculously out of the way destination. High in the mountains looking down on the city was his sweat and blood, his prized possession, his home. The home that he built by himself and for himself after the death of his father and stepmother. After his brother took possession of the will and kicked him out of the only home he had ever known in Japan. After he moved in with Ayame and had realized that he was nothing more than just another case, another volunteer project who just so happened to give her a good roll in the hay when she wanted. After he decided not to rely on anyone else ever again. After he manned-up and resolved to make his own way, independent from his father's name, without the money he was left in the will, without his brother's concern. After he found himself, InuYasha constructed his home from scratch on paper as a testament to the reconstruction of his life. And he was pretty damned proud of it.
His home was beautiful to say the least, or at least I would be when he got finished with it. A mixture of American grandeur, Japanese tradition, and Latino flare that touched on all facets of who he was. His home was his new beginning, but it did house his oldest friend, loneliness. After the death of his mother, he and loneliness had become acquainted despite the comfort of his extended family. And he had almost forgotten about him when he had finally met his dad, but after his death the two became inseparable. He had hoped that falling in love would keep him at bay, but he couldn't do it with Ayame…and who else would there be for him…
Riding his bike up his long driveway, InuYasha pressed the button to the garage and parked his bike inside. Climbing the steps, he turned the knob and made his way into his home, remembering for the first time that night that it wasn't exactly much of a home yet. While most of the utilitarian rooms were completed, some of the more personal areas, including the maser bedroom, were unfinished because the young man just couldn't get a feel for them.
The house was only one half of his dream and without the other part there just didn't seem reason enough to rush. Instead InuYasha worked in each room when he felt the urge too and this restless night, he had something kin to a yearning to work. An unquenchable drive to be productive, so he grabbed his tools and made his way upstairs.
Rough was too weak of a word to describe Kagome's night alone in her apartment, which was pretty weird considering she had previously spent every night in her apartment alone before last night, before InuYasha. Not realizing how much she needed human contact, if not contact with him, Kagome refused her mother's offer to return home with her and decided to sort out everything on her own. Her mother had thought she needed space to deal with the loss of her fiancée, but if she only knew it was his brother that had her tossing and turning throughout the night she would probably…
“I can't think like that, I can't do this to myself. Mama doesn't know and she never will. What's done is done and I just have to move on and take care of me. I just lost my fiancée that is what I should be focusing on not his jerk of a brother.” Not wanting to analyze her own thoughts and words, Kagome made her way to the kitchen to fix herself a cup of tea. Taking the small kettle set with her out onto the balcony, she sat in her wicker chair and stared unseeingly at the park below.
Sipping her hot tea, she kept her eyes closed as the quiet song of her night underneath InuYasha taunted her ears. Breathy moans, from both him and her, played in the background like a soundtrack as an accompaniment to the scene that played before her eyes. Hearing his name fall from the tip of her tongue, she realized just how much of an impact he had on her. But before she could figure out what it all meant her cell phone began to ring.
Cursing herself for leaving it inside, Kagome placed her tea onto the small round wicker table and rushed inside to answer the call. Reaching it before the last ring, she let out a sigh of relief when she heard the caller's rather annoyed, “About time.” Unsure as to who it was talking to her in such a condescending tone, Kagome squeaked out, “Excuse me?”
Undeterred, the caller continued, “I said it was about time you ingrate, are you deaf in addition to being slow?”
No longer concerned as to who had the audacity to speak to her in such a way when he was the one to call on her, Kagome decided to drop all pleasantries and to give him a piece of her mind. “Look buddy, I don't know who you think you are but you have no right to speak to me in such a manner. I don't…” but before Kagome could get to the meat of her curse out, the voice interrupted her with an unconcerned, “I think that I am Jaken, your late fiancée's confidant, and I do have a right to speak to you in anyway that I see fit considering that I am the executor of his will and possessions.”
At his pause, Kagome gulped, “His will?”
“Yes you nimrod, his will, possessions, and burial arrangements. I am in charge of it all, and I thought that I would let you have some say concerning the funeral arrangements, since you obviously meant something to him, although I do not presume to know why.”
Ashamed of herself for not giving any thought to Sesshomaru's funeral arrangements or death, Kagome let her head fall as Jaken continued to throw mildly disguised insults at her. Finally she asked in a small voice, “What does his will say?”
After gaining the young woman's undivided attention, Jaken proceeded to let her in on all of the funeral traditions of the Taishou family, the date and times for everything and mot importantly, her expected role as Sesshomaru's fiancée.
All of the preset arrangements were fine with Kagome, for she really didn't think that she could decide on the nitpicky things like the coffin color all on her own. But one thing was bothering her, “What about InuYasha, have you spoken to him?”
Scoffing Jaken went to no extreme to hide his disgust with InuYasha, “Sesshomaru-sama would have nothing to do with that ingrate when he was alive and I have no intention of him having a role in Sesshomaru-sama's burial.”
Not liking where this was headed, Kagome interjected, “But he should at least know so that he can pay his respects.”
“Look, I don't care about that half-breed, so if you want him there, you need to invite him. He has nothing to do with me. The will shall be read a month after the funeral, I will give you further information about the location and time as we get closer to the date. Good day Ms. Higurashi.” Hanging up the phone, Jaken left Kagome with only a dial tone and a whole lot of things to consider.
“Why does inviting InuYasha have to be left up to me? I don't really want to see him, but he does have the right to attend his brother's funeral…” “I guess I'll have to get in touch with him, but I don't know anything about him.” Sesshomaru had never spoken kindly of his brother, if he had spoken of him at all and she had always thought that he was, well, less than human. But yesterday, his eyes said so much to her as she left and she knew that there was so much more to him. “Just who are you InuYasha?”
A better question to ask would have been, “Just who are you Sesshomaru?” because as the time came closer to his funeral she was confronted with things she never knew about her love. The family “traditions” as Jaken had coined them were a wide variety of ceremonies, protocols, and just plain crap that she was forced to sit through as his “fiancée.” Because his family was so well known, there were several vigils and memorials that she had to make an appearance at before the actual funeral and she was exhausted. She noticed that InuYasha hadn't appeared at any of them, and that was probably because she had yet to reach out to him. But it wasn't her fault that he was so elusive. She didn't even know his last name for heaven sakes, how was she supposed to find him?
“I don't even know where to begin to look for him,” sighed the frustrated Kagome as she collapsed onto the sofa next to her brother. She had been staying at her mother's since the first ceremony and she had easily fallen back into the whole sister/daughter/granddaughter routine.
Shaking his had at his clueless sibling, Sota sighed along with her but not in sympathy for he knew very well that she was not actually putting any effort into finding her deceased fiancée's only living kin. “Why are you making this so hard `Gome, why don't you just google him? I'm sure he did something in his life warranting a hit. Besides, how many people do you think are walking around the earth named `InuYasha?' I mean seriously, it can't be that hard to get a last name, number, or address for him.”
Seeing the practicality in his suggestion, and embarrassed by her own stupidity, Kagome let out a sheepish smile and lightly nudged her brother in the face, “If it's that simple, why don't you find him and let him know about the funeral for me.”
Not really understanding his sister's true need for him to handle all things InuYasha, Sota took on the task without complaint, never questioning why Kagome seemed apprehensive to speak to InuYasha again. He had found out from his mother that InuYasha had spent the night with Kagome the night Sesshomaru died, but she didn't mention whether or not anything had happened between the two of them. His sister had appeared normal since then, but still there was something off. Putting his suspicions aside, Sota made his way to the computer room and set about finding the mysterious “InuYasha” who had his sister tied up in knots.
The internet had never crossed her mind when she thought about finding InuYasha, because she wasn't sure she wanted to. Despite her best efforts, she could not forget about the feel of him inside of her and the thought of seeing him at Sesshomaru's funeral petrified her. Watching the rain lightly tap against the window, Kagome remembered the emptiness she felt the last time she had watched the Kami cry. Their pain was her pain and she could no longer dam the deluge that converged behind her eyes. Falling to the ground, she joined the Kami in their sorrowful song as the rain continued to fall, still not knowing whether the cause of her pain was the loss of her love or his brother.
Sorry about the ridiculous wait, but since I didn't have a paper to write, I wasn't in a writing mood and forgot that so much time had passed. Hopefully I can be a little bit more punctual with the next and move the plot along more. As always, thanks for reading.