InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Truth Rings ❯ Victory ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Hello again. Here is Chapter 6 of my story, and I am sorry for the wait. I wrote and edited this chapter a few times until I was satisfied with it. Please review if you can. Enjoy!

When the Truth Rings
Chapter Six:

Rising to her feet next to the stream’s bank, Sango sighed as she dried her face with the sleeve of her damped slayer suit. “Wow. I’m glad to get that blood off my face.”

“I’m sure you are, but can we get going now?” Inuyasha suggested, patiently holding the stripped raw meat over his shoulder.

Turning to face him, she nodded. “Yeah, we really should get going.”

Following her through the trees, Inuyasha wondered what would happen when they returned to camp. Surely, Miroku would want to talk, but Sango probably wouldn’t want to hear it. She’d most likely hit him as hard as she could if he even pretended to get near her. It was official - he’d never get another chance out of the demon slayer.

“We’re almost there,” Sango announced, softly petting the purring Kirara she was holding in her arms. “Finally some food to eat!”

Inuyasha didn’t say anything as the pair entered their temporary dwelling once again. At once he searched for Miroku, and found him sitting directly in front of the dying fire with his back to them. The monk was silent, he seemed to be pondering something. Inuyasha was just going to leave him alone, but Sango wasn’t.

“Move, Miroku. We have to cook this meat,” she ordered rather harshly.

Stirring instantly at the sound of his beloved’s voice, he whirled around. However, the hard look she gave him was even less inviting than her tone. Afraid of her having to repeat herself, he moved quickly away from the fire, and she sat in his place, preparing breakfast.

“Inuyasha, set the meat right there,” she continued, indicating a spot next to where she sat on the ground. Her tone was much nicer, and the hanyou began to worry about her moodswings.

‘She’s a little scary,’ he concluded, but sat on a log nearby to watch her prepare their food. His mouth watering was halted with a quick tap on his shoulder making him turn his attention to Miroku.

“Can we talk?” he whispered, nervously glancing at Sango as if any noise would set her off. Inuyasha stood and followed him into the trees on the edge of the clearing. “How did you get her to come back?”

A pause. “We just talked.”

“About what?”

“The shards… her brother… Naraku… you…”

Eyes now wide, Miroku desperately wanted to know more. “What did she say about me?”

Pausing again, Inuyasha prepared for seeing more tears, but he had to tell him the truth. “She can’t stand to be around you anymore. She pretty much hates you now.”

The sparkle of hope that twinkled in Miroku’s violet eyes faded and clouded over. It was obvious that this whole situation was crushing the monk on the inside. And while Inuyasha desired Sango with everything he had, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for his friend.

'But that's what happens when you weren't the right man for her to begin with,' a voice deep inside his head snickered. Snapping back to reality, he noted that the voice was right. It couldn't be helped.

"So she doesn't even want me around anymore?" Miroku asked, doing his very best to conceal the hurt he was feeling.

"I don't, but it seems we will have to co-exist," the stern but feminine voice of Sango said. Both males turned to look at her as she leaned against one of the trees behind them. "If you want food, then come on. It's ready."

The quartet (including Kirara) sat in silence as they enjoyed their breakfast. Sango was seated next to Inuyasha, and Miroku sat across from him. And while the hanyou was pleased with the proximity of Sango to him, he couldn't help but notice the glances he got from Miroku. It was obvious he wanted to say something, but a comment never came as everyone finished off their meal.

"Ah, that was wonderful!" Sango stood, stretching in contentment and rubbing her belly. "I really did a good job, if I must say so myself."

"Yes Sango, it was delicious," Miroku agreed, desperately trying to get any gentle word from his lost love. He stood as well, and offered to clear away the breakfast dishes; overtly wanting to please her.

"Thanks," she said, rewarding him with cold gratitude as she bent over to pick up her Hiraikotsu. "We should be leaving soon, anyway."

Miroku's hopeful expression fell as he grimly started to clear away dishes. With that, Inuyasha decided that he was starting to grow tired of his moping around and always being dangerously close to tears over Sango.

'I hope we hit a town soon,' he shook his head. 'I can't bear to see him sulk around all the time. It's pathetic, actually. And besides, I would feel guilty for telling Sango how I feel if I knew that idiot wasn't over her yet. Should I do it anyway? No, that would be wrong. But I have to do it soon...'

"C'mon, Inuyasha! Quit daydreaming! We can't be here all day!" he heard Sango shout. Taking his fixed eyes from the bark of a tree he'd been staring at while he thought, he found her waving at him from a little way into the trees. "Let's go! Me and Kirara are ready to leave."

"All right, hold on," he told her and glanced back at Miroku, who was barely finishing wrapping up their utensils for travel. Then he began to walk after her, asking more to himself, "Why is she so geared up to head out?"

But he followed her anyway, he didn't want her mad at him too.

Normally when the group traveled, Inuyasha led them. But not this time; he had a co-leader in Sango. When he had offered to let her be around him more, she gladly accepted. And she did; he didn't have to look far to find her, usually she was within 5 paces of him. Only to be as far from Miroku as she could get. While she didn't completely forget he was alive, she did remember that only minimal contact with him was sufficient.

And through all of this, Inuyasha prayed from them to hit a village, Miroku to become his old self again, and he could have his alone time with Sango to finally get everything off his chest. Then he heard the magic words, more or less.

"I believe there is a village up ahead," Sango announced, pointing. "We can stay there for the night."

"Alright," Inuyasha agreed as casually as he could, but inside his head, he was anything but.

'Thank Kami!'

The sky was dark by the time they reached the town, and Inuyasha was relieved yet filled with anticipation of dumping the monk somewhere. His golden eyes searched for anyplace Miroku might want to go, but the perfect solution found them.

"Mister! Oh mister!" a young maiden shouted from a group of other young women standing around the door of a small tavern. Miroku and Inuyasha exchanged looks as neither of them were sure who she was talking to, but they concluded it was Miroku. They were right was the young lady came up and hooked her arm with his.

He looked down at her with curious violet eyes as she smiled up at him. He couldn't resist taking a moment to stare into her face framed with beautiful, long chestnut colored hair offset with vibrant green eyes. Her flawless skin seem to radiate the softest glow of perfection, and as she giggled, her slightly curled hair bounced harmlessly on her delicate shoulders. Beautiful she was, and it was clear that she had caught his attention.

"Mister," she said again with such a silky tone, "I was wondering if you could spare a moment of your time so we can... talk."

By now, Inuyasha, Sango, and Kirara were interested in the current situation, yet Kirara was the only one to find it amusing. Did she know something the others didn't?

Fully facing her Miroku didn't answer, instead he cut his eyes over at Sango. He was frozen, unsure of what to say now that he knew she was watching.

Drawing in a deep breath and clearing his throat, he did one thing he wasn't known for. "I'm sorry, miss, but my companions and I are currently searching for a place to stay for the night, so..."

"Oh! Is that all?" the girl questioned, unhooking her arm from his and placing her hands on her hips. "My father owns the inn next to the hot springs, and if I beg him enough, he'll let you stay without a fee."

Raising her eyebrows at the words "hot springs", Sango was already in favor of her offer. "We'd appreciate it very much if you could do that for us," she said, giving the girl the warmest smile she could conjure up.

"Don't worry about it, I'll go ask." She turned to leave, but grabbed Miroku's hand first. "Come with me."

"But --"

"Go with her!" Sango almost hissed at him. "If she wants you to go with her, then go!"

Miroku looked back at Sango, surprised she even talked to him; so surely her demand would be followed. He stopped resisting and reluctantly walked down the road hand-in-hand with the maiden. He wanted Sango back.

Through all of this, Inuyasha stayed quiet. He figured if he said anything, he might mess up his chance to be alone with Sango. And for once, his silence rewarded him. 'Take advantage of this one chance,' he nodded to himself. 'Don't screw this up.'

"I hope we get free rooms tonight," Sango sighed, bending down to pet Kirara softly behind her ears. "I really don't feel like killing any demons to earn the money for lodging."

"I don't either," Inuyasha agreed half-heartedly. He wanted to tell her now... he had to. "Hey Sango, we need to talk for a second."

Looking up at him from her spot on the ground, she seemed confused. "Is something wrong?"

"No. Nothing's wrong. There's just something you should know."

Standing but leaving Kirara on the ground, she nodded. "All right, let's talk. Kirara, can you give us a minute?"

A soft mew came from the neko, and somehow Inuyasha knew she was aware of his secret. Sneaky cat.

Once they were alone, he wasn't sure how to start his confession, but he knew he had to hurry; Miroku and the girl would be back soon. Fixing his eyes on the ground, he began. "Um, Sango, I just... well... I'm not sure how to say this..."

He felt a soft hand on his arm and he looked up into her face. Those eyes... "You can tell me whatever it is. I'd like to think that we would at least be able to talk to each other like friends. Now spit it out."

'Yeah, go ahead; spit it out. She deserves to have at least one person being straight-up with her... might as well be you.'

"Sango, I'm in love with you."

Based on her silence, he wasn't entirely sure she'd heard him. Her expression wasn't an indication of her shock, as it remained unchanged. But after a few moments of letting the news sink in came her reaction. A blink and a deep red blush. "I... had no idea."

He had no clue what to say next. Clearly, the news was a bombshell that went off in her head, shaking everyting upside down. He decided to give her a moment to recover.

Exhaling with a whoosh, she shook her head slightly, eyes downcast. "Wow, Inuyasha. This is shocking, but I'm glad you told me."


"It explains a lot, actually."

"Like what?"

"Like why you've been so cold to Kagome," she answered, quirking an eyebrow. "Don't think I didn't notice."

Stunned into silence, he couldn't reply. He hadn't been openly impassive to Kagome, had he? Or maybe Sango is overly perceptive. Or maybe Kagome told her? Probably. That damn miko.

But despite all of that, one big question remained: how does Sango feel about him? Does she feel the same, or is she repulsed on the inside knowing a hanyou harbored such strong affection for her? He had to know; it would bother him until he found out. Might as well be now.

"So ... Sango," he finally said. "What about you? Am I alone on this?"

"Well... I don't know. I'm so confused right now, I think I just need a moment to myself."

He nodded at her, ready to give her any amount of time to sort things out. Just as long as she came back saying she loved him too. "Sure, take your time."

He turned and started walking down the road the way Miroku and the girl went, when he heard his name. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Sango sitting on the ground, crosslegged. "Thank you," she said.


It had been an hour since Inuyasha left Sango alone to think. 'Hadn't she figured something out yet?'he thought, as he shifted his weight to balance himself on a branch of the tree he sat in. 'This suspence is driving me crazy.'

Hearing a sound below, his eyes snapped to the ground, putting him on edge. To his dismay, it was a bunch of children playing in the road. 'Dang kids,' he growled to himself and turned his eyes to the sky. Sighing wearily, he silently wished Sango would hurry back, and with the answer he desperately wanted to hear.

Another rustling sound below him caught his attention once again, he was annoyed to be listening to it once more. Tiredly, he looked down to the ground again, but sat up straight when he saw it was Sango and Kirara, looking up at him from the tree's base. "Let's go see if we got the rooms."

He said nothing as he dropped to the ground next to her and began to follow her. The pair stayed quiet, but he was hoping she'd tell him her answer... right about now. But the absence of her decision worried the hanyou. Maybe she didn't come to a conclusion yet, but any update in her progress would be better than keeping him in the dark.

They approached the inn, and stepped inside. The man at the desk looked up from his scroll and greeted them with a warm smile. "Welcome travelers. I am the owner of this inn, and I've been expecting you."

"You have?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yes, my daughter and her companion described you to me when they were here earlier. A dark-haired beauty with a cat and a harmless demon with silver hair and gold eyes. I assume that's you."

"Harmless?" Inuyasha growled softly until he caught Sango's gaze.

"If he thought you were dangerous, he wouldn't give us free rooms," she whispered to him, and the growl died in his throat.

"Makes sense." It all came together.

"Alright now... at my daughter's request, everything will be free for you tonight," the man said, looking down at the scroll, searching for something. "Actually, your companion is already in your room. Everything is set up as one big room with three separate bed quarters, one for each of you, I suppose. You will find your place at the end of the sectioned off inn quarters. I will send someone with you to escort you there."

"Thank you," Sango bowed. "We appreciate it."

The man smiled again at her and disappeared into a room behind the desk he stood at. Sighing in relief, she turned to Inuyasha. "I'm glad we have place to stay tonight. Sometimes the cold ground is unforgiving."

Before Inuyasha could reply, a younger man emerged from the room behind the desk. "Hello, I'm Akano, and I will show you to your room. Follow me."

Without a word passing between them, the trio allowed themselves to be led to their free abode for the night. Once they were inside, Akano bid his farewell. "Let me know if you need anything," he said, and he was off.

Quiet as it was in the room, Inuyasha was sure Miroku was asleep. "Sound like the monk is off in Dreamland," he said, and walked to one of the doors and slid it open. It was empty, and he turned to Sango. "You can take this one."

"Thanks," she said, and shooed Kirara through the open door. "But I'm going to get something to eat first."

"Good idea," he agreed, and followed her to the small cupboards in the tiny eating area. He sat on the floor while she collected little items for them to snack on before bed. She sat next to him and handed him a peach. She giggled softly as she watched him devour the fruit and ask for another. He wasn't trying to be funny; he was hungry. She gave him another, and the show continued.

Throughout the time the pair spent eating, neither of them noticed the noise that started up in Miroku's bedroom. Their soft laughter seemed to distract them, but the noise grew loud enough for Inuyasha's sensitive ears to pick it up first. 'Oh no.'

A second or two later, Sango froze. She'd heard it too. A loud moan.

"What is that?" she asked, not entirely believing what her ears were telling her.

Another loud moan. Miroku's name gasped.

'Damnit. This isn't going to be pretty.'

Rising to her feet, Sango's feelings were swirling around in her head like storm clouds. Her eyes told everything. Was she mad, or heartbroken? Inuyasha couldn't tell.

Another gasp, much louder than the first. Sango couldn't take it anymore. She ran to her room and shut it behind her.

By himself on the floor in the main area, Inuyasha was pissed. 'That damn monk and his whore messed up the time I was supposed to have with Sango... He's gonna get it in the morning!'

Feeling indirectly defeated and disgusted, he finally stood, flattened his ears against his head, and entered the remaining empty room and sat against the wall. The walls of his and Sango's room were connected and he could hear her crying. The smell of her tears reached his nose, and he became angry all over again. He wanted to go into Miroku's room right then and break his neck... surely that would make her smile. That's all he wanted: her smile. They hadn't been completely rare these days, but more of them would certainly be agreeable. Her smiles always were so beautiful...

He sat there for about half an hour, or until he couldn't smell fresh tears anymore. Also by then, the noises had stopped. 'Wow, seems like Miroku doesn't last long,' he laughed silently. 'He couldn't possibly satisfy Sango with his lack to stamina.'

Closing his eyes, he realized he was tired. Confessing bottled up feelings to his love was draining. As the beginnings of sleep came to him, it eluded him with a gentle knock on his door. 'If it's Miroku, he's in big trouble.' Sliding the door open, he saw it was Sango. Her eyes were red from her tears, and she spoke softly. "Can I sleep in here tonight?"

Her question caught him off guard, but quickly recovering, he nodded. She came in and closed the door behind her, then sat down on his sleeping mat. Watching him reposition himself against the wall, she asked, "Why don't you sleep on your mat? I figure it's more comfortable than sleeping against the wall."

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "Maybe I like to sleep against the wall."

Raising her eyebrow too, she quickly replied, "maybe you'll like it over here too."

"Why are you trying to get me over there?"

"... I... want you to hold me... that's all."

The request delighted the hanyou to no end, and he would be happy to accomodate for her invitation. But catching himself, he didn't let his ecstatic expression cross his face. He wasn't used to all this, anyway. "I will... if you really want me to."

"I do."

He stood up and moved to the mat, and took a seat next to her. As he did so, she laid down with her back to him and shivered a little. She was cold.

Taking off his fire-rat haori, he draped it over their bodies as he lay behind her. He reached his arm around her stomach and pulled her back into his chest, trying to warm her. She stopped shivering, and relaxed into him. She sighed softly, showing her contentment. 'Good job! You didn't mess it up!' he congratulated himself. A muted party commenced in his head at his victory. 'I guess she feels the same way.'

His conclusion calmed him, and made him glad she was in his arms, enjoying his company. He buried his face into her hair and inhaled her scent, the unique smell of her. Never had he been so at peace with himself as he was then, completely lost in his sense of accomplishment in obtaining the object of his deepest affections. It was perfect.

"Inuyasha," came her soft voice in the darkness.


"I love you too."


"I'm serious. The time I had alone was just for me to figure out when to tell you. I knew my answer before you even left."

"You could've told me then."

"I could have, but I'm telling you now. Besides, now seems like... the perfect time to say it."

"I guess so."

He could tell she wanted to say something else by the way she sucked in another breath, but nothing came. However, he didn't care. He finally got his answer, and it was the right one. At last he didn't have to hide his feelings for her anymore, and a weight seemed to lift from his shoulders. It felt good.

Brushing a few strands of hair from her shoulder, he gently nuzzled her neck. As he did so, he heard a faint giggle from the beauty he held in his arms. "That tickles," she told him.

Planting a small kiss where he nuzzled her, he slightly tightened the grip he had on her. He didn't want to let her go for anything, and starting now, anyone who tried to hurt her will face immediate death. The promise was made.

Noticing her slowing breathing, he knew she was falling asleep. He decided he would forego the goodnight bid. He didn't have to tell her everything that came to mind. From the very beginning they had a mutual intuition and it only grew stronger as they grew closer.

And now, the silence between them was understood as words that didn't need to be said. And they weren't.

AN: All right, there it is. That was sweet, wasn't it? By the way, thanks to all of my reviewers, and any suggestions/praise will be appreciated. Onward and upward with Chapter 7!