InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When They Were Young ❯ Everything Can leave In A Heartbeat ( Chapter 2 )
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When They Were Young
Chapter Two
Everything Can Leave In a Heartbeat
Hey! I'm back. I hope you like the story so far. I like it, but of course I would. I typed the story. I kind hope this turns out
right and I'll get alot of good reviews. Oh, there is some harsh words shared with Kikyou. So if you like her, you really
shouldn't read this fic. For only one reason, I am a full and total Kikyou hater. So be warned! This is for all the people like
me. All you Kikyou haters!~Shadow Wolf
Kagome yawned sleepily, as she nervously watched the teacher come her way. She knew the teacher didn't like her, I
mean let's face it; everyone thought she was stupid. Even her step mom and dad. They only took her in because of the
"Kagome." The teacher said, tossing Kagome out of her thoughts.
Kagome looked up into the old womans grey eyes.
"Yes Ma'am?" She asked.
The woman rolled her eyes and pointed at the door, as she walked back to her desk.
"Go to the office!" The teacher ordered, as she sat in her comfy desk.
Kagome nodded and raced out of the classroom, not even looking back.
Kagome sat in the hospital lobby by herself. Her head drooping, as she fought the words the nurse had told her earlier.
*Flash back*
Kagome smiled as she flew through the doors to the office. Her granpa had promised to pick her up early today and take
her to the park. She loved her grandpa so much. He had promised to be her cartaker, ever since that painful day her
family split.
Her smile quickly faded, when she was greeted by her grandpa's smile.
"Where is grandpa?" She asked in a sweet tone.
The school nurse looked at her with pitty, as she kneeled down infront of the impatient kid. Kagome looked surprised, but
hide it quite well.
"He's in the hosptal dear." She spoke slowly, "He had a heart attack."
*End Flash back*
Kagome's small heart sank, as a man dressed in a white doctor suit came her way. She fought the pain and forsed a smile
on her pale face.
The man shook his head and kneeled infront of her.
"Is he ok?" Kagome asked, "I'm ready to go to the park."
The man shook his head again and clenched her tiny hands.
"I'm afraid not." The man replied lowly, "Your grndpa didn't make."
Kagome felt her world stop. Everything around her and in her spun out of control, as she looked at the doctor wide eyed.
Tears welled up in her eyes, as the doctor walked away.
Tears poured from the young girls face, as she clenched her heart.
~The End~
Shadow: I want you guys to keep a look out for a sequal. If you liked this one anyway. Sorry so short. Pleaz review^o^
Chapter Two
Everything Can Leave In a Heartbeat
Hey! I'm back. I hope you like the story so far. I like it, but of course I would. I typed the story. I kind hope this turns out
right and I'll get alot of good reviews. Oh, there is some harsh words shared with Kikyou. So if you like her, you really
shouldn't read this fic. For only one reason, I am a full and total Kikyou hater. So be warned! This is for all the people like
me. All you Kikyou haters!~Shadow Wolf
Kagome yawned sleepily, as she nervously watched the teacher come her way. She knew the teacher didn't like her, I
mean let's face it; everyone thought she was stupid. Even her step mom and dad. They only took her in because of the
"Kagome." The teacher said, tossing Kagome out of her thoughts.
Kagome looked up into the old womans grey eyes.
"Yes Ma'am?" She asked.
The woman rolled her eyes and pointed at the door, as she walked back to her desk.
"Go to the office!" The teacher ordered, as she sat in her comfy desk.
Kagome nodded and raced out of the classroom, not even looking back.
Kagome sat in the hospital lobby by herself. Her head drooping, as she fought the words the nurse had told her earlier.
*Flash back*
Kagome smiled as she flew through the doors to the office. Her granpa had promised to pick her up early today and take
her to the park. She loved her grandpa so much. He had promised to be her cartaker, ever since that painful day her
family split.
Her smile quickly faded, when she was greeted by her grandpa's smile.
"Where is grandpa?" She asked in a sweet tone.
The school nurse looked at her with pitty, as she kneeled down infront of the impatient kid. Kagome looked surprised, but
hide it quite well.
"He's in the hosptal dear." She spoke slowly, "He had a heart attack."
*End Flash back*
Kagome's small heart sank, as a man dressed in a white doctor suit came her way. She fought the pain and forsed a smile
on her pale face.
The man shook his head and kneeled infront of her.
"Is he ok?" Kagome asked, "I'm ready to go to the park."
The man shook his head again and clenched her tiny hands.
"I'm afraid not." The man replied lowly, "Your grndpa didn't make."
Kagome felt her world stop. Everything around her and in her spun out of control, as she looked at the doctor wide eyed.
Tears welled up in her eyes, as the doctor walked away.
Tears poured from the young girls face, as she clenched her heart.
~The End~
Shadow: I want you guys to keep a look out for a sequal. If you liked this one anyway. Sorry so short. Pleaz review^o^