InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When things change ❯ My New Life ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co.

Chapter 4:
My New Life

"Inuyasha, what’s wrong?" asked Kagome.

"I smell something else in the well." Kagome looked at Inuyasha with a confused look on her face.

"Are you sure? I was the only one in the well when it opened up." Kagome had asked him.

"Yeah, I am sure, and I think I smelled this scent before…but were. I am going to look into the well." Inuyasha told Kagome. Kagome just nod her head, and with that he took off to the well. When he reached the well he looked inside to make sure nothing was in there, but he did saw something in the well; it was a human girl, and she looked like she was unconscious. He jump into the well to make sure she was breathing. When he got a good look at her, he noticed that she was wearing the same kind of clothes that Kagome was wearing, and he had the feeling that he met her somewhere before, but where? Inuyasha picked her up, and jumped out of the well. He ran to find Kagome to see if she knew her. When he saw Kagome, he stopped right in front of her.

"Inuyasha, who’s that in your arms?" Kagome asked him with jealously in voice. Inuyasha noticed but didn’t do anything about it, instead he showed her the face of this mystery woman. When Kagome got a good look of her, she gasped.

"Oh my God, that’s Emika. How did she get in this time?" Kagome wonder. Inuyasha just shrug his shoulders.

"I don’t know, we should take her to Kaede’s, maybe she will know something about this." Inuyasha had suggested. Kagome nodded her head and they were on their way to Kaede’s hut. When they reached Kaede was surprised to see Kagome again.

"Kagome, you’re back! Are ye here to stay?" Kaede was so happy to see Kagome again, she got up and gave her a hug.

"Yes, I’m here to stay." Kagome told her while hugging her back.

"Oh, and may I ask who this is?" Kaede asked Kagome.

"Oh this is Emika. She from my time, and we don’t know how she got here. Maybe you can look at her and come up with something." Kagome suggested.

"Okay, I will do that." Kaede had told them. Inuyasha had put her down so Kaede can get a good look at her. When looked at her she gasped. ‘No, it couldn’t be…could it?’ Kagome had noticed the look on Kaede and asked….

"Do you know why?"

"Well, I think something is wrong here. She looks like Universe-hime, but she had died. She in a way had the same fate as you Inuyasha, she was pinned to a tree by Kikyou, but unlike you she had died." Kaede had told them. Kagome and Inuyasha had a look of surprise on them.

Then they heard that mat behind them moved it was Miroku and Sango had came in. They all looked at them. Then Miroku had notice the girl on the floor.

"Hmm….Kagome who is this person? Her eyes are blacked out…maybe she a raccoon hanyou?" Miroku had asked.

"Oh no she is human. She like to put on black make up on her eyes. Her name is Emika, and we are going to take good care of her." Kagome had told them.

"Oh okay Kagome." Said Sango.

"Well we need make her warm or she will get sick." Kaede told them. They nodded their head and got things to make sure she was fine, and didn’t get sick. Once that was done they went on with their to normal lives.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

"Well Inuyasha, I think it’s time that we leave." Kagome told them.

"Yeah your right. Shippo you will look after her while Kaede is gone." Inuyasha told Shippo. Shippo nodded his head.

"Oh and Shippo if she wakes, tell her that Kagome and Inuyasha are getting married." Kagome told him with a blush and a smile on her face; then she looked at Inuyasha and he had a smirk on his face. Shippo blush as well…knowing that they are going to mate.

"Well then, we’re off. Bye Shippo see you in three days." Kagome told him, and then gave him a hug and kiss.

"Bye runt." Inuyasha said, while rubbing his head. Kagome put Shippo down, and he waved bye to them. Once they were gone; Shippo looked at Emika and he blushed. ‘Wow she’s beautiful! Too bad I am way to young for her.’ Shippo thought. Then Shippo went to re-wet the rag on her forehead.

"Hmm…might as well change the water." He said to himself. Once that was done Shippo went back and make nothing had change about her. Then he heard the mat move…when he looked back he saw Miroku and Sango, with their kids.

"How’s Auntie Emika?" Said one of their kids.

"No change at Shippo?" Asked Sango. Shippo shook his head. Then they sat down the fire and drank some tea. When they were drinking, they heard a noise. They all looked at Emika. Emika eyes were moving, and her figures were tithing; she made some moaning noises, then she open her eye very slowly. They all wanted to know what color her eyes were, since Kagome never told the, (but they also never asked her XD ).

Once Emika opened her eyes, her head was hurting. ‘Why does my head hurts some much?’ Then she looked around her, she notice that she was not in her room, and there were people that she never seen before in her life.

"Who are you? And were am I?" Asked Emika.

"You are in Feudal Japan, and I am Shippo, and this is Sango and Miroku; and here are their kids." Shippo told her. Emika looked around her again to get a good look at them.

"Nice to meet you all." Emika said with a smile on her face. ‘Wow she has a beautiful smile’ thought Miroku and Shippo.

"Would you like something to drink Emika?" Asked Sango.

"Yes, thank you." Emika told her. Sango went got her a cup of tea.

"Thank you." Emika said with a smile on her face.

"Your welcome." Sango told her. Emika took a drink of her tea.

"Oh yeah I wanted to tell you that; Kagome and Inuyasha are getting married, and if you woke up that she said she’ll be back in three day." Shippo told her. Emika had choked on her tea.

"What Kagome is here, and she is going to get married!" Emika said in excitement.

"Yeah" Miroku told her.

"Well it’s about time they get married. Kagome told me a lot about Inuyasha, and now that I think about it she also told me a lot you guys too." Emika told them. They all looked at each other then.
"Well, that good but I want to ask you some thing." Miroku told her.

"Okay ask away" Emika said.

"Well I wanted to know, is how did you get here?" Miroku asked her.

"Well, I remember that I went to Kagome’s shrine, and saw jump into the well. I wanted to know if she still in there and why did she jump in. But when I looked into the well there was noting in there. Then I thought maybe it was my imagination, then I felt something pull me in; I hit my head really hard on the side of the well, and next thing I know I am here." Emika told them.

"Wow! Do you know anything else? Like did you had someone you loved at home?" Sango asked her.

Emika thought hard about it, but nothing came up. And then she shook her head, "No I don’t I never even been kissed by a boy. All I know is that I lived with my mother and father, and had a normal teenage life. I bet they are worry about me, I have to go home soon. Oh I wanted to know how long was I out for?" Emika asked.

"Three days." Shippo told her.

"THREE DAYS!" Emika yelled.

"Well I need to get up, I want to wash my face can you tell me were it is?" she asked.

"Yeah I’ll take you to the river." Shippo told her. ‘Lucky’ thought Shippo. Emika smiled on Shippo, and Shippo blushed. They got up to leave.

When they reached the river, Emika washed off her makeup. When she was sure that all the makeup was off her face, she looked at Shippo and smile.

"Did I get it off Shippo?" Emika asked. Shippo blushed and hand her a towel to dry off her face. She thanked him.

"Yeah it’s off." Shippo told her.

"Hey Shippo can I tell you something?" Emika asked him. Shippo just nodded.

"Well, I see Miroku and Sango kids, and I can’t helped but feel sad because I always wanted to get married and have kids; and now I see that Kagome and Inuyasha are getting married. But it’s different here when you get married to someone that you love you have sex with them, right? Or demons terms mate with them right?" Emika told and Shippo. Shippo nodded his head.

"Well I hope that I can find him somewhere, and when I do; I’ll will be most happiest women in the world." Emika said, then she turned her head and looked at Shippo and smile at him.

"Do you wish that you can find the person that you love Shippo?" She asked him. Shippo blushed then turned his head.

"Yes I do, but I am with her now. Emika I fell in love with you, and if you will wait for me I will make you the most happiest woman in the whole world." Shippo told her with a big blush on his face. Then Shippo got on his hands and knees and begged.

"Please Emika. I love you." Shippo told her on his hands and knees. Emika eye were wide, and then started to laugh, and then picked Shippo up and put him on her lip.

"Shippo, thank you for saying that, but I can not return your feelings, you are still young and you have long life ahead of you. You don’t want me, you will fall in love again, and that women would be the most happiest girl in her life because she has you. But I will give a kiss." Emika told him. Shippo looked at her, and then Emika bend her face to Shippo and kissed his cheek. Shippo blush ten folds

"You are so cute Shippo! I am not going to give you first kiss you wait for that special someone. Okay." She said with a wink. Then she gave him a hug. Little did they know that Miroku and Sango saw the whole thing, and they had a smile on there faces.

"Well, it seems that Shippo is growing up Sango."

"Yes it does. Let head back Miroku." They said to each other.

"Well, Shippo lets head back; shall we?" Emika asked, and Shippo nodded his head. Emika put him down and held his hand on the way back. When they got back Miroku and Sango were getting ready to leave.

"Oh you guys are leaving?" She asked.

"Yes, we need to the kids to bed." Sango said.

"Okay I’ll you guys later." Emika told them. She each of the kids hugs and then she hugged Miroku and Sango, and then waved bye to them.

"Well, Shippo it seems it’s the two of us now. What should we do?" Asked Emika.

"Well we can make something to eat." Shippo told her.

"Okay, I can make meso soup." Emika told him. Shippo nodded and smile at her. When she was making the soup; Shippo watched her the whole time. Then once the food was done, they ate in slience. Then they heard the mat moved, they both looked and saw a old women in the door way.

"Ahh, I see ye child is a wake. I am Kaede, the owner of this hut and I am also the village priestess." Kaede told her. Emika got up bowed her head.

"Nice to meet you Kaede. I am Emika, I never a priestess before." Emika told her.

"Well now its your first." Kaede said with a smile.

"Well I made us dinner, would please it eat it." Emika told her. Kaede nodded her head and eat the food.

"That was good Emika." Kaede told her. Emika blushed and said thank you. Then she cleaned up her mess.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~

Three days had pasted and Inuyasha and Kagome came back. Kagome saw that Emika was a wake, and gave her a big hug. They talk about things and Emika asked…..

"Kagome do you know how I can get back home I know that family has to be worried about me. I been gone for six days now."

"Yes, I do; but I can not show you but I can tell you how to get there." Kagome told her. Kagome gave her the direction to the bone eater well. Emika thanked her and said her bye to them. Then she left to the well.

"Kagome why didn’t you shown her the well?" Asked Inuyasha.

"Well Inuyasha, something in me to leave her, and Sesshoumaru said that he is going to take care of her now." Kagome told him.
~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~**~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~ *~*

When Emika reach the well, she looked in side of it first, then she jumped in. Nothing has happened; she looked up and saw the sky. She climbed out of the well. ‘Well I guess I will never see my family ever again. Oh well I don’t anyways, I bet they didn’t even notice that I was gone.’ She sighed. Then she felt something was watching her. She looked around and saw nothing. She shrug her shoulders and head back to Kaede’s.

Emika heard something break behind her and she looked. Nothing was behind her, then she turn back around and bump into something. When she looked up she saw golden eyes look at her and sliver hair, then she screamed, and everything went black.


Well sorry that it took long for me to update but I felt the what the point nobody is reading this but you know what I don’t give a fuck if someone reads or not. I had in my head and I wanted to people to read it because I am an artist and I had this in my head ever since I watch Inuyasha.

Plus College also gets in the way. XD

Thanks for reading!!
