InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When true love comes knocking.. ❯ Mission: Protect Kagome! ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back all, time for the next issue of “ Insane Ramblings Weekly!” ~ hands out gift baskets full of candy and assorted weapons of mass destruction ~ Erm… how did those get in there?? ~ kicks basket under a near by table and whistles innocently ~
Summary: Kagome is freaking out big time, what with that call from Naraku. Inuyasha puts his foot down and drags her and her family to his place, where their under protection. While Kagome is starting her miko training with Kaede, Inuyasha is training with Sesshomaru, and their father to be able to protect Kagome. Going to school in a limo, with guarded escort. Seems kinda cool, but Kagome isn't quite so fond of the idea. Just when she's about to snap from the pressure, Inuyasha steps in and distracts her. And now what you've all been waiting for… Chapter 7! Mission Protect Kagome!
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Koga: 18
Rin: 20
Sesshomaru: 23
Shippo: 10 ( though he looks like he's 5)
Disclaimer: I Do not own Inuyasha, and the gang. Rumiko Takahashi owns them… though I'm attempting to clone them.
Kagome tried to fight her way through the darkness surrounding her, her panic welling up inside her. Suddenly a brilliant light flashed before her eyes, making her flinch back and cover her face with her hands. When she felt the light subside she lowered her hands, finding a girl with long flowing black hair that hung down passed her hips, and cold gray eyes staring out at her. Kagome felt her heart breaking at the sad look in the girls' eyes.
“ You are in grave danger Kagome… you must be aware.” Kagome stared at the girl as if she'd just gone mad.
“ Be aware? Be aware of what? If you mean Naraku of course I'm aware of him. He just fucking found me!” Kagome sucked in a deep breath when the girl seemed to float towards her, and tried to back away only to find her legs didn't quite get the message. The girl raised her hands out in front of her as a bright light seemed to gather around her and flow down her arms until it formed a ball of light in her hands. When the light faded away, left in its place was a pendant carved of stone, with a giant inu youkai standing on a cliff with a full moon behind it carved on it. The pendant floated through the air, coming to a stop before Kagome. Cautiously she reached out and grabbed the pendant, running her fingers over the delicate carvings as she looked once more to the strange girl before her.
“ He will protect you with his life, and you will heal his heart. Only together can you hope to defeat the darkness. Trust your heart to guide you, don't believe the lies like I did.” Kagome had a feeling she knew this girl, but couldn't put her finger on it. Swallowing down the ball of panic rising in her throat, she looked from the pendant to the girl once more.
“ What if I'm not strong enough to defeat this darkness?” The girl smiled confidently at her, giving Kagome a slight sense of hope through the ocean of doubt.
“ You will be when the time comes…” Suddenly Kagome heard a far off voice calling to her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the voice.
“ Inuyasha! Where is he? How do I get back to him?” The girl clasped her hands together as she seemed to fade away from sight.
“ Just follow his voice… it will always lead you back to him.” Kagome turned towards Inuyasha's voice and ran through the darkness. Suddenly with a cry she sat up fast, her breath coming in pants as she shook uncontrollably. She jerked when she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning to look into Inuyasha's worried eyes. With a hard tug on her shoulders, he drew her into his arms as he hugged her tightly. Kagome laid her head against his chest, listening to his rapidly beating heart. After a few seconds he drew her away as he looked her over for any injuries.
“ Kagome, what the hell happened? One second you were standing there, then the next you were white as a sheet and you fainted.” With that he dragged her back into his arms as a possessive growl rumbled deep in his throat. Kagome blinked in surprise at his tenderness, even as she felt the anger and worry in the stiffness of his body.
“ I… I'm not sure what happened exactly. The last thing I remember was the phone and… Oh Kami! Naraku… he's back! I need to get to my mom. I need to get out of here!” Kagome started thrashing around as she fought to get out of his arms, as Inuyasha stared at her before dragging her frantic gaze back to his.
“ Kagome! Listen to me. I won't let him hurt you, ok? I promise I'll protect you.” Kagome blinked as she heard that voice in her mind again.
“ He will protect you with his life.”
Some how she knew the voice was right, that he would do anything to protect her. She nodded to Inuyasha as she collapsed against him, all the fight draining out of her. He scooped her up in his arms bridal style as he made for the door.
“ How can we get a hold of your mom? Does she have a cell phone or something?” Kagome nodded her head not even bothering to open her eyes.
“ It's in mine… in the freezer.” She mumbled as she burrowed her head against his chest. Inuyasha raised his brow as he looked down at her.
“ Say wha?” Kagome chuckled softly as she opened one eye to look up at him.
“ You wouldn't stop calling… so I tossed it behind the ice-cream.” Inuyasha shook his head as he made his way to the fridge, opening the door to rummage through for her phone. When he found it he settled Kagome more comfortably in his arms as he went up the steps, and into her room. When he got there he barely glanced around at the room as he laid her down on the bed, before sitting next to her. He glanced down at her sleeping face, brushing her bangs back as she curled up into a ball at his side. With a sigh he scrolled through her phone until he found the number then called her mother.
“ Kagome why are you calling me now? Shouldn't you be in school right now?”
“ Umm… I'm sorry Mrs. Higurashi, but this is Inuyasha.”
“ Oh, hello dear… but why are you calling me from Kagome's phone?”
“ Well ya see, we were standing in the your kitchen when the phone rang. When she answered it, it was that bastard Naraku!” Inuyasha held the phone away from his ear as Megumi started swearing and ranting, using words Inuyasha hadn't even heard before. “ Yea… so anyways she kinda freaked out when he called and fainted. She came to, but she was so exhausted she fell asleep again.”
“ Stay right there Inuyasha, I'm on my way home now.”
“ WAIT! Umm, I mean wait. I think you all should come to my house. I mean my father is way rich and we've got security tighter then fort Knox at our house. There's room for all of you. And maybe my dad can help you guys.” Inuyasha ignored the slight flutter he felt at the idea of Kagome staying in his house, as he listened to the silence over the phone as Megumi seemed to think it over.
“ Ok, I'll be there in ten minutes. I'm going to swing by and get Souta, and Kagome's gramps, then I'll be there to pack up some things for us.” After that Inuyasha hung up and dialed Miroku's number. After a few rings he picked up.
“ Houshi here, what's up?”
“ Listen up monk, I need you and Sango to get your asses to Kagome's house NOW! Some bad shits going down.”
“ Aye aye captain! Is Kagome ok?”
“ Yea she's alright now… just get here quick ok.” With that he hung up and turned back to Kagome. She was sleeping quietly, her face looking peaceful. Inuyasha scooted onto the bed, and tugged Kagome's body against his as he curled around her protectively.
Kagome blinked a few times as she tried to clear her vision. She had no idea how long she had slept, though it had been a thankfully dreamless sleep. She stretched her body, sighing at the feel of the silk sheets against her skin. Kagome froze as her mind snapped into focus. Silk sheets??? With a yelp she sat up and looked around. She was in a dark room, except for the light that shined in from the balcony doors. As she glanced around she took in her surroundings. The walls were painted a deep crimson, with dark mahogany colored wood trim. The bed was made of the same wood, with 4 posts and deep red curtains draped around it, and pulled back and held in place with white cords. She glanced down at the soft velvet comforter of blood red, and matching silk sheets that covered the bed she had been sleeping in. She cuddled one of the pillows to her and inhaled Inuyasha's scent that seemed to be everywhere around her. Looking around the room she noticed a two bookcases along the wall a crossed from her, with an expensive looking entertainment system amongst dozens of books, and other things on the shelves. Not being able to keep a tight hold on her curiosity, she tossed back the covers and blinked in confusion as she noticed she was in clothes she had never seen before. She was wearing a mans silk pajama top that was a deep red, with the letters I,T embroidered on the pocket. The shirt covered everything all the way down to her knees, and the sleeves covered her hands. She giggled at how she looked in the oversized shirt. The only thing she recognized as her own were the socks she wore.
She stood up and made her way to the door and into the hallway. She blinked in surprise when she saw how huge the hall was with dozens of other doors along the hall to the left, and a massive staircase to the right. She made her way to the steps and started down them slowly. As she reached the bottom she heard raised voices and yelling, as well as laughter coming from the living room below. She knelt down on the steps and watched through the banister. Sitting on a huge couch was Sango, Sesshomaru and a girl she didn't know. Sitting in Sango's lap was a small red haired boy, who looked to be about six, or seven years old. It took her a second or two to realize he was a fox demon. Sitting on the floor in front of the couch, was Miroku and Inuyasha, who looked to be in the middle of a fierce battle as they waged war as they played Need for Speed II on a huge big, screened TV. They were shoving each other as they swayed and moved around, so into their games and insulting each other, that no one noticed her as she watched.
“ HA HA! Eat my dust lecher!” Miroku swore loudly as he kicked the table beside him, while Inuyasha jumped to his feet and was doing a rather odd victory dance. It seemed to be a cross between doing a conga line, and the twist all at the same time. He marched around the room as the others laughed wildly at him. Sesshomaru was the first to notice Kagome, as she sat on the steps with a slight smile on her face. The small boy quickly noticed her as well, and he cocked his head to the side as he pointed at her.
“ Who's that?” The others turned to look in the direction he was pointing as they finally noticed Kagome, who was no blushing fiercely at being caught spying. Inuyasha stopped his dance as he leaped over the couch and made his way up the steps. Before Kagome could utter a word, he tossed her over his shoulder and pranced down the steps. Kagome fought between the urge to laugh and the urge to smack Inuyasha as hard as she could. Just when she was about to get lightheaded from being upside down she was flipped right side up again as Inuyasha plopped down into a fat cushiony recliner with her in his lap. He turned and nuzzled her neck softly, making her shiver in delight, as well as burn from embarrassment as the others watched them, looks of surprise plastered a crossed their faces. Miroku cleared his throat, then was the first to speak.
“ Well Kagome, I must compliment you on your taste in clothing. Those black lace panties are very nice indeed.” Kagome's eyes shot open as she realized everyone had seen her underwear when she had hung upside down, and her face turned a red dark enough to rival the color of the shirt she was wearing. She suddenly felt a deep fierce growl vibrate through Inuyasha and into her, since she was still sprawled a crossed his lap. His arms tightened around her, making her squeak as he crushed her slightly. Miroku paled slightly at the evil glare in Inuyasha's eye, as he started backing up slowly.
“ Monk, you have five seconds. Five. Four.” Miroku gave a slightly feminine scream as he lunged to his feat and scrambled a crossed the room, shooting through the swinging door that lead into the kitchen. “ Three. Two. One. YOUR DEAD!” Before Kagome could move she felt herself being picked up and tossed a crossed the room. With a yelp she landed in Sesshomaru's arms from his seat on the couch, as they all watched Inuyasha tear after Miroku… a deadly look in his eye. They heard a steady flow of yells and curses, as well as things crashing to the ground. Suddenly the door swung open as Miroku raced back through it, with Inuyasha hot on his heels.
“ Kagome, quick… call him off! He's gonna kill me!”
“ You fucking better believe I will!” snarled Inuyasha as he chased Miroku around the room. The small boy in Sango's lap cheered and clapped his hands.
“ Get 'em Yash! Kill him good!” Kagome blinked as she stared at the little boy before turning back to the two racing teens. Miroku was making his fifth lap around the sofa as he continued to plead with Kagome.
“ Please Kagome… for the love of Kami, SIT HIM!”
“ Why would I do that Miroku?” she asked innocently, as she fought to cover up the laughter that was fighting its way out of her.
“ SO HE WON'T FUCKING KILL ME!” The others burst into laughter at this. Suddenly the kitchen door was flung open and a man that was at least seven feet tall slammed into the room.
“ What is going on in here?” he roared. Everyone clammed up instantly, and Miroku slammed to a halt in front of the man, but Inuyasha couldn't stop himself in time, so he slammed into Miroku sending them both to the ground. As they wrestled to untangle themselves, Kagome took the time to look at the newcomer. He was wide shouldered, and muscles bulged underneath his white dress shirt he wore, with a tie loosely hanging around his neck, dark black slacks and socks. His eyes had the same amber glow to them as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, except at this moment they were narrowed as he glared down at the two teens on the ground. His long silver hair was pulled up in a ponytail that hung down past his hips. His features were more like Sesshomaru's, yet there was a slight resemblance to Inuyasha as well. Inutaisho began to tap his foot impatiently as Inuyasha and Miroku finally managed to get to their feet. He sighed deeply as he pressed his index finger and thumb against the bridge of his nose to fight off the oncoming headache. “ Inuyasha, when are you finally going to grow up?” Inuyasha smirked slightly as he stared up at his father. He glanced at Miroku, who started to whistle a tune under his breath. Inutaisho raised his brow as his gaze flicked to the lecher. Suddenly Inuyasha broke out into a song.
“ I don't wanna grow up, cuz I'm a Toys R Us kid.” Inutaisho blinked in confusion before his face darkened slightly as Miroku joined Inuyasha in singing, adding a little shuffling dance along with it. Kagome watched from her seat, still in Sesshomaru's arms, as Inutaisho began to growl softly, and grew louder with every passing second. Looking unfazed Inuyasha and Miroku continued to sing as they started skipping around him.
“ THAT'S IT! I'm gonna hurt you boy.” With a fierce yell he leaped towards them, and with a whoop they boys were off, resuming their race around the couch and through the room, now with Inutaisho hot on their heels. Kagome burst out laughing at the sight, drawing Inutaisho's attention to her as he chased down his son. “ Sesshomaru, who is that girl, and since she's not your mate, why is she in your lap?” Kagome stopped laughing instantly and turned a bright red as she scrambled to get out of Sesshomaru's arms, which only succeeding in getting herself dumped on the floor. Sesshomaru smirked slightly as he continued watching his father chase down his younger half/brother and the monk.
“ Her name is Kagome father, we told you about her remember?” Inutaisho slammed to a halt, the two teens that were his prey now forgotten, collapsed to the ground panting from their run around the room. He stepped over them as he advanced on Kagome, who jumped to her feet quickly and stood before him her hands at her sides as she bowed slightly. When she stood up again she blinked in surprise when Inutaisho stopped mere inches from her and stared into her eyes. Kagome began to get really nervous as he stood their silently staring at her. Behind them Inuyasha was now on his feet, a possessive growl coming out of him as he sprang between his father and Kagome.
“ Back off old man, she's freaked out enough as it is, your making her nervous.” Inutaisho blinked as he realized the frightened look in Kagome's eyes. He smiled warmly as he reached out to take her hand, and shake it, giving her a reassuring squeeze.
“ My apologies Kagome… I was caught up in trying to murder my son. Don't worry it happens daily and I haven't managed to catch him yet.” Kagome smiled back at his words, as Inuyasha barked out a gruff laugh.
Keh, like you could catch me you old fart.” Inutaisho flicked his eyes towards Inuyasha, and in the blink of an eye he pounced him, sending the both of them to the ground. The game was on now, and the two started wrestling, and shoving trying to pin the other. Sometimes it would be Inuyasha on top, until Inutaisho would flip him easily and have the advantage. The two continued on until a voice rang out from the stairs.
“ What is going on down here?” The wrestling pair froze as their heads snapped towards the stairs. Kagome looked up as a lovely woman came to rest at the foot of the stairs. She had long black hair that brushed the backs of her knees, and dark brown eyes. She was a petite looking woman, who stood maybe 5'4. Inutaisho jumped to his feet and made his way over to the woman, taking her in his arms.
“ Just teaching your runt who's the top dog in this house.” Inuyasha stayed where he was on the floor reclining back on his elbows, and grinned up at his father.
“ Sure old timer… what ever helps you get through the day.” Inutaisho glared at his youngest son, the promise of payback gleaming in his eyes. The woman sighed as she turned towards Kagome.
“ Don't mind the bakas dear, their all out of their minds. This mutt here is Inutaisho, Inuyasha's father, and my name is Izayoi, and I am forced to claim to be his mother.” Inutaisho growled softly as he swatted Izayoi slightly on the rear.
“ Call me mutt wench, I'll show you.” With lightening speed he swept her up in his arms and made for the stairs, drawing a laugh from his mate. She glanced over her shoulder at the teens as they stared after them.
“ I was coming down to tell you that it's cooks night off, so order pizza if your all hungry.” She yelled as they disappeared up the steps. Sango stood and went to the kitchen to order the pizzas, with Miroku tagging along, while Kagome stared at the floor as she thought. Suddenly she gasped and shot to her feet, but before she could run from the room Inuyasha grabbed her around the waist stopping her.
“ Let me go Inuyasha, I need to get to my mom!” She struggled against his hold, fighting to get away. Inuyasha swore as she shoved her elbow into his side as they wrestled. Just when Kagome was about to really lay into him, the front door opened as Kagome's mother, gramps, and Souta walked in. They stopped in the doorway as they watched the two teens wrestling, until Kagome's eyes focused on her family staring at her. “ MOM! You guys are all right… I was so worried. Wait… why are you guys here, and where is here?” Megumi smiled as she walked over to Kagome, as Souta and gramps made their way up the stairs, dragging a few suitcases, and duffel bags, and a extremely fat and lazy looking Buyo in Souta's arms, along with them.
“ Inuyasha brought us here dear. His father is going to help us keep Naraku from getting to you. He has arranged for us to stay here, as well as body guards for all of us.” Souta grinned as he stopped halfway up the stairs.
“ He even hired someone to stay at the shrine, since gramps wouldn't leave it without someone to take care of it while we were gone.” With a laugh he dodged as gramps swung at him and ran up the steps, the old man following after him. Kagome turned to look at Inuyasha, who suddenly found a spot on the carpet very interesting. She couldn't believe what he had done for her family, and for her. Kagome felt the sting of tears as they filled her eyes, one breaking free and falling down her cheek. Inuyasha's head snapped up, as he smelled the salty scent of her tears, and instantly tugged her against his side to comfort her. Kagome rose up on her toes as she kissed him softly on the cheek.
“ Thank you Inuyasha.” She whispered before she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him fiercely. Inuyasha felt his heart thump wildly in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. He leaned over until his mouth was near her ear.
“ I love you Kagome… and I'll always protect you.” Kagome felt her breath leave her lungs in a wheeze. She jerked back to stare into his eyes, seeing the love he had for her shinning in his amber eyes. She blushed slightly as she mumbled so softly that only he heard it.
“ I love you too Inuyasha.” Inuyasha felt his chest swell with pride as he hugged her once more, before settling down in the recliner and tugged her into his lap. The others came back into the room, arguing over the choice of pizza, but the two never noticed them, as they sat in the chair. The only things on their mind were the happiness they felt at the others declarations of love.
Aww… ain't that sweet. I just had to end it there… my poor brain was killing me, since I'm writing this at 5am after working all night long. I had promised to update ASAP after the 4th so here it is. I hope you all liked it. But don't despair; a new plot twist is on the way. I think you'll be surprised… maybe not but it's my story so it's happening anyways. ~ rubs her hands together and cackles gleefully~ Ooook… time to ease off the sugar. Anywho, life living at the Taikaeda household is loads of fun, except for the occasional bout of beat down Miroku fests. Kagome gets the shock of a lifetime when she has another vision. Find out in Chapter 8: Living with demons… See ya soon!