InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Lives Collide ❯ Just Another Ordinary Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The silver haired man sighed before taking another swig of his sake. He could hear his daughter's steady breathing as she slept and he shook his head slightly.

'Lost another day with Rin....' he thought to himself with regret, then reached inside his jeans pocket to retrieve tonight's "payment". Even though he hated his degrading job, he had to admit that it paid well...he had received at least a good five-hundred dollars. That would be enough to pay his latest bills and cover the groceries. He shook his head again. What happened to his life? He grew up in luxury, since his father was a successful business man who still owns the infamous Takahashi Corp. (just used a last name I've heard used for Sesshy many times in fanfics), and despite the fact that he had impregnated a woman his age when he was just fifteen, and married at the age of sixteen becuause of that, his father was paying all his expenses while he had been attending one of Japan's top five colleges at the top of his class, and his wife Yura stayed at home with Rin simply because she loved the little girl...or so she said. One day he came home from his classes and Yura wasn't there. Upon walking into the kitchen he found a note attached to the refrigerator with the aid of a magnet that read that she had left him for some bastard named Naraku. That was it. No goodbye, no 'I'm sorry', no 'tell Rin I love her', not even an explanation. Just a simple 'I'm leaving you.' She taped her wedding ring to the note. After that he couldn't find the time for school since Rin needed somebody to be at home with her and he simply didn't trust someone he wasn't related to around his precious little girl, so he dropped out and his father stopped helping him financially, the bastard. He needed a job that could pay him a decent amount of money in a short amount of time, so, even though he hated the thought of performing for horny middle-aged women who needed a better life besides watching young men take off their clothes, he jumped at the well paying job. It really does seem like all this happened centuries ago, but it didn't. It was hard to believe it had been only a year since his life went straight to hell. The phone ringing brought him out of his musings and after growling slightly at the fact that someone would call his house at midnight, he picked up with a grumpy sounding 'hello?' Laughing could be heard on the other side.

"Bad night, Fluffy?"

Sesshomaru groaned. He didn't need his baka brother's ridicule tonight. He just couldn't get over the fact that his proud, dignified older brother was a male stripper.

"What do you want, half breed?"

"What's wrong, Sessh? Get your ass pinched by one too many horny old rich ladies?"

Sesshomaru growled once again and was about to hang up when his brother's voice interrupted.

"Kami, don't get your G-string in a bunch."

"Goodbye, Inuyasha." Sesshomaru hissed, gripping the phone tighter in preparation to slam it down into the cradle.

"Damn, okay! Don't throw a hissy fit, I'll get to my point."

Sesshomaru relaxed his grip slightly. "I'm waiting."

"Patience is a virtue, dancing queen."


"Dad wants you and Rin to come over to dinner tomorrow. And don't say you can't because the next two days are your days off. It's about something important, apparently..."

"What is so important that you must call me about it at midnight?"

Inuyasha started to get defensive at this point. "I don't know, Fluffy! The old man wouldn't say! Kami-sama! Someone tries to pass a message to his brother and this is the thanks he gets! Aren't male strippers supposed to be, like, sensitive or some shit like that?"

At this point, Sesshomaru did hang up, then look to the doorway to find his six-year-old daughter standing there. His usually expressionless eyes softened and he held an arm out for Rin to run into.

"Rin...shouldn't you be asleep? It is very late..." he remarked as he hugged his daughter.

"You came home late again..." her voice was muffled slightly by Sesshomaru's T-shirt.

"I know. I apologize. We were short of workers so my boss had me work overtime." His boss...the nazi spin bitch from hell. By the Kami he wanted that woman to burn...just because ONE stripper didn't show she made HIM work late. Him. The only one there who had a mother fuckin' kid to take care of at home (me: btw Rin does NOT know what Sesshy does for a living and he intends to keep it that way)



"When are you gonna be able to stay at home again?"

"I have a day off tomorrow and the day after." he replied quietly as he stroked his daughter's hair absent-mindedly. She looked up at him with a face that had excitement written all over it.

"Really, daddy?!?''


Rin jumped off Sesshomaru's lap and started jumping around the room like some hyperactive monkey while speaking a mile a minute. "Oh, daddy, it'll be so much fun! We can go to lunch, and go to the movies, and visit an amusement park, and--"

"Settle down, Rin." Sesshomaru ordered softly, "We can have all the fun we want, but first you must get some sleep. I intend to do the same thing."

Sesshomaru stood up and picked up his daughter before walking to her room and tucking her in. "Goodnight, Rin." he spoke before kissing her forehead.

"Night, daddy." a now tired Rin responded before wrapping her arms around her father's neck and giving him a big kiss on the cheek. As her father walked out, Rin sighed. Things sure have been different ever since her mommy went away...

~~*~~Somewhere in downtown Tokyo~~*~~

"Tamaki!!! It's half past midnight! You get off work at eight. What the hell are you still doing here?"

Tamaki Mujitsu shook her head at her best friend, Sango, before turning back to her computer. "I just have to finish this last page and I'll be-hey!" she pouted as Sango dragged her from her chair.

You know you're going to my bachelorette party in two days, right?" Sango asked as she wrapped an arm around Tamaki's shoulder and led her to the nearest elevator of Takahashi Corp., where they both worked as secretaries. Tamaki blinked her aquamarine colored eyes in confusion as she looked up from putting on her coat and gloves.

"What bachelorette party?"

An exasperated sigh could be heard from Sango as she playfully knocked on Tamaki's head. "Is your bun tied too tight? I reminded you three times! We're going to that new strip club in two days. Ringing a bell? Kami, what kind of maid of honor are you?"

Tamaki sighed and pulled her hat over her pointed ears (remember...DEMON!). "What's the point in having a bachelorette party on a Monday?" (me: today is Friday in this story and Sesshy has weekends off.)

Sango laughed. "A day off of work. What else?"

"You're unbelieveable." Tamaki sighed as they both stepped out of the elevator. She wrapped her scarf around her neck as she and Sango stepped out into her snow covered city.

"I love Tokyo during the winter." she sighed contendedly, then narrowed her eyes as she heard Sango chuckle beside her. "And what is so funny?" she snapped.

"You're just so passionate about everything! It's...entertaining sometimes..."

Tamaki simply scowled before turning to the tedious task of hailing a taxi. Sango grinned stupidly before wrapping her arms around Tamaki's small frame. "Awww, Tamaki, you know I love you!"

Tamaki's aquamarine eyes turned towards her friend before she suddenly burst out laughing. "What would Miroku say if he saw you hugging me like this?"

Sango joined Tamaki in her laughter. "He would try to persuade us into a threesome, being the pig that he is." She then gave a teasing glance to Tamaki. "Do all water demons have dramatic mood swings or are you just pregnant?" A dramatic gasp exited Sango's mouth. "Did my little virgin friend finally get laid? YOU SLUT!" she yelled, just on the verge of laughing again. She loved teasing Tamaki.

Tamaki's reply was cut short as a taxi pulled up to them and, relieved to get out of the cold weather, both women stepped into the cab. After telling the driver where to go, Sango turned her attention towards Tamaki.

"Let's do something tomorrow!"

"Like what, Sango?" Takami asked, blinking at her hyper friend.

"I dunno. Girl stuff!" she replied, grinning. Tamaki closed her eyes momentarily and sighed, then opened them with a smirk. "Alright, what time?"

"Noon-ish..." Sango retorted curtly with a shrug, not taking her eyes from the cab window, which had become her new favorite spot in the time span of two seconds.

"Hm...kay. See ya then!" she told her best friend with a smile before stepping out of the cab, which had stopped in front of her house, then watched as Sango stuck her hand out the window of the now driving cab and waved, then playfully flipped her off. Tamaki sighed, flipped her topaz colored hair, which she had long since taken out of its bun, over her shoulder, then grinned.

"I love you too, Sango!" she called after her. Tamaki turned to her house, her smile still intact. She loved her traditional Japanese house. It was nice and cozy. Just the way she liked it. She walked up the three steps that led to her porch before extracting her house key from under the Welcome mat and inserting it into the keyhole. Upon opening the door, Tamaki was greeted by her cat, Itokuzu-mari (fluff-ball).

"Hello, Itokuzu." she cooed, picking the small blob of fur up and cuddling him. "Have you been good today?"

A meow was Itokuzu-mari's response. After giving him a scratching between the ears, she put her cat down and walked to her bedroom, yawning. Upon walking into the bathroom attached to her room, she discarded her clothes and stepped into the shower, sighing in relief as the warm water hit her skin. After a good ten minutes Tamaki stepped out and dried herself, then walked into her bedroom and dressed in an oversized T-shirt and pajama bottoms. She fell asleep almost as soon as she climbed into her bed.