InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Saved ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 5


The next day Kagome was supposed to meet Inuyasha in the same field as yesterday. They had parted when it was dinnertime. He asked to meet her in the fields whenever she could. He would be nearby, so he would pick up her scent when she showed up.

Kagome ate breakfast and cleaned the bowls they had used. Her mom as usual went to the neighbors and Souta went to play with friends. Kagome walked outside and went to the field.

She was starting to like Inuyasha. He had a bad attitude most of the time but he showed his soft side every once in a while. She was surprised he'd told her about his past. It sounded like it was hard for him to open up to people. She smiled. She was glad he was able to talk to her.

Kagome thought it was a nice day and made lunch for the both of them. She thought she should repay him for when he broke her fall. She laid out a blanket and put the basket down. She sat down and waited for him to show up.

Not long after he hopped down in front of her. This time Kagome knew he was coming. She recognized his aura now. It calmed her. "Yo." Inuyasha said.

"Hi Inuyasha." Kagome said.

Inuyasha sat down next to Kagome. "What's with the food? Didn't you eat breakfast?" He asked.

"I thought that maybe later we could eat. It's the least I can do for hurting you when I fell out of the tree." Kagome said.

"Oh...Thanks." Inuyasha said. He wasn't used to people being so nice to him.

"So was there a reason you wanted to meet me here so early?" Kagome asked.

"No reason." Inuyasha said. He laid his head down on Kagome's lap.

"What is it with you and laying you head on my lap?" Kagome asked rubbing his ears.

"It's comfortable. I can smell you better this way." Inuyasha said inhaling her scent. "What's with you and my ears?"

Kagome blushed. "They're cute. Besides you seem to like it."

"I do." Inuyasha growled in content.

They spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other's company. Kagome grabbed the basket with the food. "I made soup." Kagome said handing Inuyasha a bowl.

"Arigato." He said. He took the bowl and sipped it. "This is good."

"Arigato." Kagome said.


Kagome started walking home. She had to go eat dinner. Inuyasha had said goodbye and that he'd see her again tomorrow. He didn't specify when he'd see her. She figured he'd snatch her or something.

A weird aura made itself known as Kagome made her way home. She stopped and turned around. A neko youkai that appeared human was standing in an attack position. "Miko." He said.

Kagome backed up a little to ready herself for if he did attack. "What do you want?" She asked.

"You should know what it is." The neko youkai said. "Hand it over and I'll kill you quick."

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about." Kagome said. All she had was the basket and blanket. They were on the ground now.

"Don't play games with me. This is your last chance to hand it over." The neko youkai said.

"I told you, I don't know what you're talking about." Kagome said.

The neko youkai hissed and ran towards her. Kagome was able to jump out of the way before his sharp claws cut her up. She quickly got up and readied herself for another attack.

The neko youkai jumped in the air and ran towards her again. Kagome threw up a shield, knowing she couldn't dodge his attack this time. The youkai slammed into the invisible wall and flew back twenty feet.

He stood up and shook off the fall. He went to attack again. He leapt in the air to come down on her. About half way there someone jumped on him.

Inuyasha had come out of the forest and jumped on him before he could get to Kagome again. When they landed on the ground he dug his foot in the neko's back before stepping off.

He walked over to Kagome. "Are you hurt?" He asked sniffing her.

"I'm fine." Kagome said. "Arigato."

Inuyasha turned towards the neko. "What the fuck were you doing?" He growled.

"She has something I want. Do not try to interfere, hanyou." The neko said.

Inuyasha looked back at Kagome. She had a confused look on her face. "You have no right to attack her." Inuyasha growled.

"She won't give it to me willingly, so I have to use force." The neko hissed.

Inuyasha stood in front of Kagome. "Well if you want it so bad you'll have to get through me first."

"No problem at all, hanyou." The neko spat. He jumped into the air and came down above him.

Inuyasha kicked him behind him over Kagome's head. He crashed into some trees. The neko stood and flexed his claws. He jumped and landed in front of Inuyasha. He swiped at him.

He managed to cut Inuyasha's chest. Inuyasha growled and grabbed his neck. "Don't underestimate me just because I'm a hanyou." Inuyasha said. He squeezed his neck before throwing him into the forest.

The neko youkai hissed as he stood up. He wasn't going to give up so easily. Once again he ran towards Inuyasha. Inuyasha kicked him down to the ground and put his foot on his neck.

He applied pressure to his neck. "You stay away from her. The next time you go near her, you'll be going home in two pieces." Inuyasha growled. "If you manage to survive the beating I give you before hand."

The neko youkai nodded as well as he could with Inuyasha's foot on his neck. Inuyasha let his foot up. The neko youkai glared at Inuyasha and Kagome before running off into the forest.

Kagome ran up to Inuyasha and hugged him. "Arigato."

Inuyasha didn't expect the hug but returned it. It was the first time they hugged. "Are you sure you're all right?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Kagome said. She pulled back and saw blood on her yukata. "You're hurt."

"I'll be fine in a couple of hours." Inuyasha said missing the warmth of the hug.

"It could get infected." Kagome said. "Wait here."

Inuyasha sat down and watched Kagome run off somewhere. She ran into her hut and grabbed some bandages. She ran back to Inuyasha. She kneeled down next to him. "Take off your shirt." She said.

"I'll be fine in a couple of hours." Inuyasha said.

"Just do it. You got hurt because of me again. At least let me do this." Kagome said.

He sighed and slid the haori off of his shoulders. He watched Kagome to see her reaction. She tore off the bottom of her yukata to wipe off the blood. After the wound was clean she wrapped the bandages around his chest.

She was so busy wrapping his wounds that she wasn't paying attention to him not wearing a shirt. After she was done she looked at him. He had a nice chest. Not too built but there were definitely some muscles there. She blushed. "Done." She said.

Inuyasha smirked at her reaction. He pulled his haori back on and tied it up. "Keh, you didn't have to do it." Inuyasha said.

"I wanted to." Kagome said. "You saved me from that youkai."

"What did you have that he wanted?" Inuyasha asked.

"I don't know. All he said was I had something he wanted. When I asked him what was it that I had, he said I knew and not to play games." Kagome said.

"Did you have anything with you?"

"Only the basket and blanket." Kagome said. "He could've easily just taken it and left."

"Just be careful and stay on you guard." Inuyasha said.

"I have to get going. I'm already late for dinner." Kagome said. When she'd ran into her hut she was lucky that no one was around to see her.

Inuyasha nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said. He jumped into the woods.

Kagome could feel his presence around. He was watching her. She smiled and walked home. She walked into the hut and quickly put the bandages away. "Gomen I was late." Kagome said. She looked down and saw blood on her yukata, She'd forgotten about it.

"That's all right. Dinner isn't quite done yet." Her Okaa-san said.

"Well, I'm going to go change." Kagome said. She quickly ran into her room. Her mom hadn't seen the blood.


The next day Kagome woke up early. She decided to make soup for breakfast. "You made breakfast." Her Okaa-san said.

"Hai, I woke up early." Kagome said.

Souta walked in rubbing his eyes. "I'm still tired." He said.

"Well you were out longer than you were supposed to be." Her Okaa-san said.

"I know." Souta said. "Arigato nee-chan."

Kagome smiled. They all sat down to eat. After everyone was done eating they cleaned up. Souta went outside to play. Her Okaa-san decided to stay home and clean up. "I'm going to see Sango and Miroku." Kagome said.

"Hai." Her Okaa-san said.

Kagome walked out of the hut and down the path to Sango and Miroku's village. She was about half way there when she saw Sango, Miroku, and Kirara walking towards her. She waved and walked faster.

She stopped when she felt Inuyasha. She turned around and saw him there. He walked towards her and picked her up. Kagome was about to tell him about Sango and Miroku but she chose to hold onto him instead. She was afraid of falling.

Sango and Miroku saw Kagome get snatched. They didn't know who he was so they chased after him. "Kirara!" Sango shouted.

Kirara nodded and turned into her fire neko form. They watched as flames surrounded Kirara. When the flames died down they got on. "Follow them." Sango said. "Hold on Houshi-sama and watch your hands."

"Hai, hai." Miroku said.

Kirara took to the air after Kagome and the mysterious kidnapper. He was fast but Kirara was able to follow them by their scent. She caught up to them. They were standing in front of a tree.

Inuyasha took a defensive stance in front of Kagome. "What the fuck do you want?" He growled. He knew they followed him.

"We want Kagome-chan back!" Sango yelled.


Hope you like it. Sorry it took so long getting this chapter out. I couldn't think of anything to write and I've been busy for the last few days. I'm also getting sick. I thought I should hurry up and write before I get too sick and can't write later. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Thanks puppy slave for editing, readers, and reviewers. Love ya puppy!
(E/N: Love you too queenie!)