InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Starting the Journey ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

When We First Met

Chapter 18

Starting the Journey

The next morning Kagome was gathering herbs in the forest. Suddenly someone dropped down in front of her and she screamed. Shippo heard the screaming and jumped on the person and bit them. "You're going to pay for that Shippo!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome said.

"I thought you were trying to hurt her." Shippo explained as he ran from Inuyasha.

"Couldn't you smell my scent!?" Inuyasha yelled.

"I heard Kagome scream, and that was it!" Shippo said, still running.

"Inuyasha, just leave him alone. He was just trying to protect me." Kagome said.

"He bit my ear!" Inuyasha said.

"I didn't mean to!" Shippo said. He hopped onto Kagome's shoulder and hid behind her hair.

Kagome walked up to Inuyasha to inspect the ear. "It's not bleeding or anything." Kagome said. She rubbed his ear in hopes of soothing him.

Inuyasha closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. "I'll let him off the hook this time." He growled contently.

Kagome giggled and picked up her basket of herbs. "Let's go. We have to wait for Sango, Miroku, and Kirara." She said.

"Kirara?" Shippo said.

"Oh, you didn't meet her yesterday." Kagome said. "She's a cute little fire neko. She transforms into a larger form and flies. She's Sango's pet."

"Oh." Shippo said. "I'm hungry."

"We can eat when we get to the hut." Kagome giggled. "You to, Inuyasha."

They all walked to her hut. "Ah Kagome, I have breakfast ready." Higurashi-sama said.

"Arigato Okaa-san. Inuyasha is here too." Kagome said.

"I figured he'd come by so I made extra." Higurashi-sama said. She handed everyone a bowl of soup and some fish. "Souta should be home soon. He stayed with Hiro."

"Hai, I can introduce him to Shippo before we leave." Kagome said.

"That's if Souta gets here soon. You know him, he's always late." Higurashi-sama said. "If he is, he'll just have to wait until you get back. You'll be back in a couple of days right?"

"Hai, it's not one of the villages I've traveled to before, so it might take a little longer." Kagome said.

After everyone ate their meals, they stepped outside to wait for Sango and Miroku. "What's taking them so long?" Inuyasha asked.

"Remember, we agreed to leave midday. It's barely morning." Kagome said.

"Kagome-sama Kaede-sama wanted to see you before you leave." A villager said.

"Arigato." Kagome said. "You guys wait here. I'll be back."

"Make it quick." Inuyasha said.

"Hai." Kagome said. She waved goodbye and headed for Kaede's hut.

Kaede was sitting outside of her hut drying herbs. "Ah, Kagome, you haven't left yet." Kaede said.

"Not yet. Miroku and Sango haven't come." Kagome said.

"That's good. I can give you these before you leave." Kaede said. She handed Kagome a bow and some arrows.

"But I don't know how to shoot a bow and arrow." Kagome said.

"You shall learn quick. My sister was a master archer. I'm sure that since you are her reincarnation, you shall be able to master the bow." Kaede said.

"Arigato, Kaede-sama." Kagome said.

"I also wanted to give you some herbs. I'm sure you'll come across some youkai." Kaede said.

"Arigato." Kagome said. "I should be going. Inuyasha is getting impatient, and I think he and Shippo might start another argument."

"Ah. Those two seem like they get along great." Kaede said.

"You have no idea." Kagome giggled. She thanked Kaede again and went back to her hut.

"It sure took you long enough." Inuyasha said.

"Kaede wanted to give me some things for our journey." Kagome said.

"Miroku and Sango are on their way." Inuyasha said.

"Then I guess we'll be leaving soon." Kagome said.

As Inuyasha said, Miroku and Sango showed up a couple minutes later. "Gomen, I had to polish hiraikotsu." Sango said.

Everyone packed fairly light. Some clothes, herbs, bandages, food, bedding, and weapons were all they were bringing with them. Inuyasha had nothing. "You're not taking anything?" Sango asked.

"I don't need anything." Inuyasha said.

"No food?" Miroku asked.

"I can hunt." Inuyasha said.

"Let's get going then." Miroku said.

"Okaa-san we're leaving now." Kagome said.

"Have a safe trip." Higurashi-sama said.

"We always do." Kagome said and they all headed north.

"Shippo, this is Kirara. Kirara, this is Shippo." Sango introduced. Kirara sniffed Shippo a bit before jumping into his arms and meowing.

"She likes you." Sango said.

Shippo smiled as he pet Kirara. "By the end of today's walk we should be near a village." Miroku said. "We can either find an inn there or find camp somewhere."

"It depends on how fast we move." Inuyasha said. "And how friendly the village is."

"He's right. Not many villagers would find room for a houshi, a miko, a taijiya, two youkai, and a hanyou." Sango said.

"They would probably find room for us." Miroku was talking about him, Sango, and Kagome. "I suggest we find a campsite."

"Hai, I don't mind. I like sleeping under the stars." Kagome said. "The villagers might feel uncomfortable with us there anyway."

"Then it's settled. We'll find camp before nightfall." Miroku said.

"Is it going to be a long trip?" Shippo asked.

"What do you care? You'll be riding on people's shoulder most of the time." Inuyasha said.

Shippo huffed and stuck his tongue out at him. "Why you little-"

"Inuyasha, don't." Kagome said. "And Shippo, that wasn't very nice."

"Gomen." Shippo said.

"It's not good to argue with kids." Miroku said. "Do you think Kagome would want to have your children if you're so mean to Shippo?"

Kagome blushed bright red. "We aren't thinking of stuff like that right now." Inuyasha yelled.

"Really? I thought all people did. Maybe it's just the act of making the baby that you're thinking about." Miroku said.

"What?" Inuyasha yelled. "Fucking lecher. Is that all you think about?"

"You didn't deny it did you?" Miroku said with a smile. Sango knew if he didn't shut up now his grave would be dug for him. So to save the poor Houshi she hit him. "Itai, Sango what did I do to you?"

"Nothing." Sango said. "If you didn't shut up then Inuyasha would probably kill you. Either that or Kagome would've died of embarrassment."

Everyone looked at Kagome and noticed the redness on her face. If she could blush anymore, she would have. "What?" Kagome asked in a small voice.

"Let's just keep going." Inuyasha said trying to save Kagome from the embarrassment.


Later that night everyone set up for camp. They were just outside of the village when they decided to stop. Inuyasha hunted and caught a couple of rabbits to cook. Kagome started a fire and made some soup to go with the rabbit.

"Kagome, do you want to come to the hot spring with me?" Sango asked.

"I didn't even know we passed one." Kagome said.

"Hai." Sango said.

"Sure." Kagome said. She grabbed her bathing supplies and walked with Sango.

"Shippo, Kirara keep an eye on the guys. Mainly Miroku." Sango said. She shot a murderous glare at Miroku.

"I would never do such a thing Sango." Miroku said as innocently as he could.

"Sure, Miroku, I believe you." Sango said sarcastically. The girls left for the hot spring.

"You can't honestly tell me you haven't thought about mating with Kagome." Miroku said as soon as the girls were out of earshot.

Inuyasha blushed from the sudden rising of the conversation but managed to keep it down so it wasn't visible in the firelight. "I haven't." Inuyasha said.

"I can tell by your voice you have." Miroku said.

"You haven't mated with Kagome." Shippo said jumping onto Inuyasha's head.

"Your too young to be in this conversation." Miroku said.

"Oi, runt...get off of my head." Inuyasha said.

"Oh, I get it. You want to mate with Kagome." Shippo said.

"What? I haven't known her for that long. If we mate, we mate for life. It's the inu youkai way." Inuyasha said.

"It doesn't matter how long you've known her. It matters how much you love her." Miroku said.

"I-" Inuyasha started but was cut off by the girls' screaming.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (I was going to end it here but I think you deserve more. Would've been an evil cliffy too.) (Editor: Yes, it would have! And we do deserve more)

When the girls got to the hot spring they stripped out of their clothing and got in. "It feels so good." Kagome said.

"Yep." Sango said.

"Arigato for hitting Miroku earlier." Kagome blushed.

"No problem. It's what I do best. Someone has to keep him in line." Sango said.

"I bet you love to do that, don't you?" Kagome teased.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sango blushed.

"I'm sure you do. That's why you went to the festival with him." Kagome said.

"I just felt like going, and then he asked me." Sango said.

"Say what you want." Kagome said. "He likes you a lot. He even asked me for advice a couple of times."

"He did?" Sango asked.

"Haven't you noticed he only gropes you now?" Kagome asked.

"That's because of you?" Sango asked.

"Yep. I told him that you love him, but would only tell him if you stopped groping other women." Kagome said.

"YOU TOLD HIM WHAT!?" Sango yelled. She got up to strangle Kagome.

Kagome saw her coming and screamed.

"I didn't say that! Honestly!" Kagome said.

"What did you say?" Sango demanded to know.

"I just told him that groping women wouldn't get him on your good side." Kagome said.

"I thought you seriously might've have told him the other thing." Sango said.

Suddenly Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippo, and a transformed Kirara came running towards the hot spring.

Both girls covered their breasts and dunked under water so that only their heads could be seen. "What are you guys doing!?" Sango yelled. "We're naked!"

"So I've noticed." Miroku said trying to see anything.

"We heard screaming." Inuyasha said.

"Nothing happened. Go back to camp. We'll be out in a minute." Kagome said. The girls were still hiding under the water.

They all walked back to camp. Miroku was disappointed that he couldn't see anything though. A hit in the head shook the thoughts out of him. "You'd better not be thinking of Kagome." Inuyasha said.

"Of course not. I have Sango." Miroku said.

The girls quickly dried off and changed their clothes. Within a couple of minutes they were back at camp. "What was the screaming for?" Inuyasha asked still a little worried.

"Sango was chasing after me." Kagome said.

"That's it?" Inuyasha asked. "I thought you were in real trouble."

"Gomen." Kagome said.

"Why were you chasing her?" Miroku asked.

"She just said something I didn't like." Sango blushed lightly.

"Why are your cheeks red?" Shippo asked.

"They are not." Sango said.

"Are so." Shippo said.

"Um, how about we all go to bed now?" Sango suggested. "We have to get up early and I'm tired."

"Sounds good." Kagome yawned.

"I forgot my futon." Miroku said.

"How did you forget it?" Sango asked.

"I never got a new one from the last trip we took." Miroku said.

"That's right, you gave it to some kids." Kagome said.

"How are you going to sleep then?" Sango asked.

"I could share yours." Miroku said.

"I'd rather sleep on the ground." Sango said dryly.

"That hurts." Miroku put a hand over his heart.

"Use Kagome's." Inuyasha said.

"Then where am I going to sleep?" Kagome said.

Inuyasha jumped down from the tree he'd been sitting on and picked her up. He jumped back up onto the tree and settled her in his lap. "You can sleep with me." Inuyasha said.

"Ah...what if I fall?" Kagome asked a light blushed stained her cheeks.

"I won't let you fall." Inuyasha said.

Shippo curled up with Kirara near the fire and went to sleep. "Arigato Kagome." Miroku said. He set the bedding out as close to Sango as she would let him. "Oyasumi."

"Oyasumi." Sango said.

"This is indecent." Kagome whispered to Inuyasha.

"It's not like we're doing anything." Inuyasha said. "Besides, where was Miroku going to sleep?"

"I guess your right." Kagome said.

Inuyasha leaned down and kissed her. He'd wanted to do it all day. His tongue coaxed her lips open and took a quick taste before pulling back. "Get some sleep." Inuyasha said.

Kagome still felt a little embarrassed about their sleeping arrangement. She was straddling his hips and his legs were stretched out on the branch. "Ano..." Kagome said quietly.

Inuyasha sensed her being uncomfortable with their position and moved her. Now her back was to his chest and his legs were wrapped around hers. It wasn't much better, but Kagome couldn't complain. "Oyasumi." She whispered.

"Oyasumi." Inuyasha said. He kissed her neck and leaned his head back on the tree staying alert for anything that might harm them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~

Woohoo another chapter finished and it's a long chapter. Eight pages again. I'm on a roll. You guys got long chapters and quicker updates. Hopefully it'll last a while longer. Let me know what you think. Ja ne.

Some translations:

Oyasumi nasai is the actual term for oyasumi.

Oyasumi nasai- good night

Oyasumi- night

Ano- umm

Thanks to my puppy slave for editing, reviewers for reviewing, and readers for reading. Love ya!