InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ A Call ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 37

A Call
Inuyasha waited impatiently until Kagome's training was over with. It didn't end until after the sun went down. The only reason they stopped was because they could no longer see and it was getting cold outside.
Inuyasha finally smelled Kagome's scent near. As soon as she was in view he ran to her, trying not to seem so desperate, which he did anyway. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.
Kagome hugged him back as she dropped the bows and arrows. “Miss me?” She laughed.
“Very funny.” Inuyasha said sarcastically. He stopped and sniffed the air.
“What's wrong?” Kagome asked.
“I don't know. Something” He said. He couldn't really place what it was he smelled. He just knew it was different.
“Off?” Kagome asked.
“Never mind.” Inuyasha shook his head. “Let's grab Shippo and go home.”
“Hai.” Kagome said. “Where is Shippo?”
“Playing with Souta still.” Inuyasha said. “Oi Shippo!”
“What?” Shippo yelled.
“Let's go!” Inuyasha yelled.
“Don't yell. We could've walked over there.” Kagome said.
“Keh.” Inuyasha folded his arms.
Shippo waved bye to Souta and jumped on Inuyasha's shoulder. They only walked a couple of feet before Miroku and Sango ran to them. Miroku nodded to Inuyasha. “Shippo why don't you stay the night at Souta's.” Inuyasha said.
“Why?” Shippo asked.
“Now is not the time to argue.” Inuyasha growled lightly in warning, loud enough for only Shippo to hear.
“Hai.” Shippo said sadly. “Oyasumi Okaa-san.”
“Oyasumi Shippo.” Kagome said. Once he was out of earshot she turned to everyone. “You guys felt it too?”
“His aura is close by.” Miroku said.
“He's over there.” Kagome pointed straight into the forest.
“I'm surprised he'd let us know he was there.” Miroku said.
“He's calling us.” Kagome said.
“Your not going are you?” Sango asked.
Kagome didn't answer. She just walked in the direction she pointed. “You can't be serious!” Sango shouted.
“I have no choice. He knows who my family is!” Kagome said. She gripped the jewel around her neck. “He won't get the jewel so easily.”
“As dangerous as it is, Kagome is right. If he's calling for her then he won't leave so easily.” Miroku said. “I shall accompany you.”
“Let's go.” Inuyasha said.
They all began walking towards the forest. Sango unstrapped her weapon just in case any attacks broke out. She still didn't like the idea of going to someone who just calls for someone but she couldn't leave her friend. All she could do was prepare herself for any traps.
They didn't have to walk far before Naraku showed himself. From behind him Koro stepped out from the shadows. Naraku smiled and held a hand up to signal for Koro to stop.
“So you decided to answer my call.” Naraku said.
“What do you want?” Kagome asked.
“Your voice is filled with anger.” Naraku smiled. “Is there something wrong?”
“Cut the crap Naraku. What do you want?” Inuyasha growled.
“As you may already know, I want the jewel.” Naraku said. “I'm willing to make a deal. I'll let you and your companions live if you give me the jewel right now.”
“No deal.” Inuyasha said.
“I'm not asking you.” Naraku glared at him.
“As much as I hate to put my friends in danger I have to say no. If you desire the jewel so badly then there's no telling what you may do with it afterwards.” Kagome narrowed her eyes at him. “No good could come from you if you possess the jewel. I'd rather die than see it in your hands.”
“That can be arranged.” Naraku glared at her. “I was going to let you live and accompany me. You are much better than Kikyo ever was...”
“I'm not a replacement for your lost love.” Kagome said. “I'd kill myself before I'd let you touch me.”
“So I see you've made your decision.” Naraku said. “Pity, your death would be such a waste. And to think I went to so much trouble talking to your mother for information.”
“Stay away from her family!” Inuyasha growled threateningly.
“This does not involve you!” Naraku said.
“It does when you're threatening my mate's life!” Inuyasha yelled.
“Ah, so it has come to that. Koro and I will take our leave. Be assured we'll be back.” Naraku said. A could formed from under him and Koro. He began to fly into the air on the cloud. Before he disappeared he turned to Miroku. “How long until your curse sucks you and your loved ones in?”
The echo of his laughter could be heard even after Naraku disappeared. “Damn you Naraku!” Miroku shouted before falling to his knees on the ground.
Sango leaned down next to him. She didn't know what to say. His kazaana could be the end of him and no one would know how long he had until it happened. “Houshi-sama...” Sango said.
“Gomen, I lost my composure.” Miroku said. “I no longer feel his aura. I think I shall return home. I'll see you guys later.”
Miroku began to walk back to his village with his head down. “Sango, I think you should go after him.” Kagome said.
“I know.” Sango said. She waved goodbye and chased after him. Once they were out of earshot from Inuyasha and Kagome Sango asked him if he was okay.
“I'm fine. I always forget how easily my life could end. I've never taken my curse seriously. I didn't want to live my life in sadness.” Miroku explained.
“Gomen, Miroku.” Sango said.
Miroku stopped walking and looked at her. “That is the first time you've said my name.” He said.
Sango blushed and turned away from him. “So?” She asked.
Miroku turned her around and embraced her. “Arigato.” He said.
“For what?” Sango asked as she shyly returned the hug.
“For staying with me even though my behavior offends you.” Miroku said. “I never meant to. I guess subconsciously I pushed you away by groping you when I really wanted you close.”
“Baka.” Sango said. She leaned up to him and kissed his cheek.
“Is this the start of a blossoming relationship?” Miroku asked with a lecherous grin.
“Don't ruin the moment.” Sango narrowed her eyes at him.
“Damn that Naraku.” Inuyasha growled as they walked to their hut.
“Calm down Inuyasha. He's gone for the moment.” Kagome said. They walked into the hut and sat down.
“I can't calm down! He threatened you! I can't believe you were able to stay calm in front of him!” Inuyasha said.
“Showing him fear would only give him pleasure. I was only able to keep my composure because you were there.” Kagome said.
“I'll always be there.” Inuyasha said. He pulled Kagome close to him so that her back was to his chest. He moved her hair out of the way and kissed her neck.
“I wonder if Sango helped Miroku out at all.” Kagome leaned into him.
“Who cares?” Inuyasha said.
“I do. They're my friends. They're yours too!” Kagome turned her head to look at him.
“Yeah, yeah.” Inuyasha said. He leaned down and nipped at her neck.
Kagome jumped and turned around. “Was there a different reason you sent Shippo away?” She asked.
“No.” He said.
“Liar.” Kagome narrowed her eyes at him.
He sighed and looked at her. “We never get any time to ourselves. I originally sent him away because of Naraku. I expected a battle, but he didn't start anything.”
“It's not like Shippo tries to be in the way on purpose.” Kagome said.
“I know that.” Inuyasha said. “He's old enough to know about mating, that's why he doesn't argue with me when I sent him away.”
“Shippo knows what we do?” Kagome blushed.
“Of course, he's young not stupid. I'm sure his parents sent him away when they want to be alone.” Inuyasha explained. “Youkai learn about mating at a young age. Shippo may look young but he could be well over twenty years old.”
“What?” Kagome asked.
“Youkai age slowly.” Inuyasha said.
“I always forget about that.” Kagome said.
“It's getting late. We should get to bed.” Inuyasha said. He stood and picked her up.
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Gomen, this chapter is a little short. I'm having some writer's block problems with this fic. Well in most of my fics in general. I do have some other fics I'm writing as of right now. I don't know if I'll post them any time soon since I have so much going on. I wouldn't want to post it then not get to it. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.
Thanks to readers and reviewers!
If you have any ideas don't hesitate to send them to me! I could use some help! Arigato!