InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ An Interesting Night ( Chapter 43 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 43

An Interesting Night
“How sweet, a confession of love.”
The group turned towards the voice to find Naraku standing in front of them. “What the hell are you doing here?” Inuyasha growled and stepped in front of the group.
“I've been here to whole time.” Naraku said.
“Where? I didn't smell your scent and no one sensed you.” Inuyasha asked.
Naraku laughed and took a step closer. “I am also known as Onigumo.” He said.
“Onigumo?” Kagome gasped. “How?”
“You are all so simple minded. Once a month I turn human, just like the pathetic hanyou.” He said as he looked at Inuyasha.
“Human?” Miroku asked. “Then you just revealed a weakness. We know your human night.”
“You really do underestimate me. I can choose my own human night.” Naraku smirked. “Unlike weaklings such as Inuyasha one night of the month I turn human. Also on that night before I change back I absorb youkai to make myself more powerful. Last night was my human night so my aura and scent was different. Plus I had a masking spell to make it even more difficult to recognize who I was.”
“Why are you telling us this?” Kagome asked. It seemed like something he would want to keep a secret.
“Isn't it obvious? I don't plan on letting you live long enough to see morning. Besides once I get the jewel I won't have to worry about it.” Naraku said. “I spread the rumors to lure you here. I didn't think it would be so easy but it was.”
“I can't believe this!” Kagome shouted.
“Believe it.” Naraku said. “Although I think you'd do better on my side. Your mate wanted to bind you to a tree and leave you utterly defenseless.”
“I was speaking out of anger! I wouldn't have left her unprotected you bastard!” Inuyasha felt a pulse at his hip. The tetsusaiga was pulsing. It seemed like it was calling him, trying to make him pick it up. He pulled out the rusty old katana and held it out in front of him. Once again the tetsusaiga pulsed until it transformed into the shape of a fang. “What the hell...”
“I suppose you aren't going to go down easily.” Naraku chuckled. “Although, I didn't expect you to just stand there while I slain your companions.”
“It's not going to happen!” Inuyasha growled.
Naraku laughed even louder and took something out of his pocket. He pulled what looked like a wooden carving of a doll and threw it on the ground in front of him. A puff of smoke came out from the doll. It rose up to Naraku's height until it finally dissipated revealing another Naraku.
“What the fuck?” Inuyasha shouted and jumped back to dodge one of the tentacles. The original Naraku stood back and watched as they fought the new one. “Kagome get out of here!”
“No, I didn't do all that training for nothing!” Kagome shouted.
“You don't have your bow and arrows!” Inuyasha jumped back once again. Finally he lifted the tetsusaiga in his hands and used it to block another one of the numerous tentacles. The tetsusaiga was able to hold of the tentacle with a good amount of force. He cut one off but it just reattached itself to its limb. “What the hell?”
“Kirara!” Sango shouted as she threw her boomerang. Kirara, knowing what Sango was asking took off without hesitation. No one else knew what she was doing but didn't have long to think of the possibilities.
Miroku saw how Inuyasha and Sango were cutting the limbs off but it wasn't effective. He grabbed his wrist and as much as he didn't want to use the curse he was given he had no choice. He moved in front of everyone and held up his wrist, taking the cloth and prayer beads off. “Stay back!” He shouted.
Everyone did as they were told and watched as everything in front of Miroku was being sucked into what appeared to be the palm of his hand. They didn't know exactly how the kazaana worked but now they were seeing it first hand. All of them were speechless. The tentacles that were cut off were being sucked into his palm.
“Ah sneaky tricks.” Naraku shook his head. He pulled out what looked like a pinecone beehive and threw it towards Miroku. The hive landed on the ground out of the sucking range and out came some big wasp looking bugs. They flew straight into Miroku's palm.
“Ah!” Miroku shouted and quickly covered his hand. He stumbled back at the pain.
“Miroku!” Sango went straight to his aid. “What happened?”
“I think...the bees were...poisoned...” Miroku said as he held his hand.
“Get him out of the way!” Inuyasha said and stepped in front of them.
“He needs help!” Sango shouted.
“We can't do anything until we get rid of Naraku!” Inuyasha shouted and sliced off a couple more tentacles.
One of the second Naraku's tentacles made its way past Inuyasha and hit Sango in the back making her fly forward behind Miroku. She hissed in pain and could feel that her wound was bleeding. Still she made her way back to Miroku with hiraikotsu to fend off any other tentacles.
“Shit!” Inuyasha cut off the tentacle only for it to fuse back to its limb. While he was busy with that he was unable to see one of the tentacles wrap around Kagome until she screamed. “Put her down!”
“And if I don't?” The first Naraku asked. She was currently wrapped in one of his tentacles.
Inuyasha growled loudly and slashed at the second Naraku because he was in the way of getting Kagome back. He sliced right through the middle of his head. The Naraku started to disappear and left only the wooden doll that Naraku had thrown. It was now cut in half with a piece of black hair tied around it.
“Puppets are never as good as the real thing.” Naraku sighed.
Inuyasha growled and charged Naraku. He cut the tentacle that was holding Kagome and caught her in the air. He jumped back to dodge the other tentacles and put Kagome on the ground. It was then they saw Kirara coming back with Kagome's bow and arrows in her mouth. They now realized what she was sent to do.
Kagome caught them and thanked Kirara. She readied her bow and took out an arrow. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening her eyes, taking aim, and finally released the arrow. The arrow flew across towards Naraku and he only looked bored.
That is until the arrow penetrated his barrier and hit his chest. His whole body disappeared leaving only his floating head. “Damn you miko!” He shouted and the rest of him disappeared.
Everyone could only stare in awe at what Kagome had just done. She didn't believe what she had just done. How could she have destroyed his body with only one shot? Everyone else was wondering the same thing. No one knew how powerful she was but she was more powerful than they had thought.
As many questions that were running through everyone's head they needed to get out of the area and treat everyone's wounds. Once everything was taken care of they could talk...
It had taken long but everyone was settled in front of the fire. They had to look for herbs for the poison in Miroku. They had to take care of Sango's wounds and Inuyasha refused to have his wounds checked because he had very few and they would heal within an hour or so. They should've been sleeping but the questions were running through their heads and wouldn't have been able to sleep no matter how tired they were.
“Well I'd like to know what happened.” Miroku finally said.
“So would I.” Sango added.
“I don't know. I just shot the arrow like I normally do when I practice.” Kagome looked at her bow. “I didn't think it would be affective since this was the first time I actually hit something that wasn't a tree.”
“Well we do know that you're the key to defeating Naraku. You eliminated his body which he had just made stronger just before he showed up.” Miroku said. “Next time Kagome can hit him with another arrow either aim for his head or hit his body again and then we can hit his head while his body is dissipating.”
“That is a good idea.” Sango said.
“We don't know how long Naraku will be out though.” Miroku said.
“Well most youkai take a long time to regenerate any limbs but with Naraku's power of absorbing youkai into himself it might be sooner.” Inuyasha said.
“Is Naraku a youkai?” Kagome asked turning everyone's head towards her wondering what she was thinking. “I mean if he has a human night doesn't that mean he's a hanyou?”
“But then why does he have so much power? And why would he talk about half demons like he's not one?” Sango asked.
“The jewel...” Kagome mumbled. “That's why he wants the jewel so desperately. He wants to become a full youkai...”
“It makes sense.” Miroku said. “But it doesn't explain how he has so much power.”
“I can explain that.”
Everyone turned around amazed that no one was sensed or smelled. They turned to see someone they had thought wouldn't show their face again.
“Mitsuo!” Kagome said.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Inuyasha asked pulling out his tetsusaiga and stepping in front of everyone.
Mitsuo took a step back and held up his hands. “I'm not here to fight.” He said.
“Why the fuck should we believe you?” Inuyasha growled. “Last time we did that you tried to kill my mate.”
“I realize in the past that I have wronged you but if you would understand my situation then you might think differently.” Mitsuo said. “You have no reason to trust me but I do offer some information.”
“Inuyasha we have no choice but to at least listen.” Kagome put a hand on his shoulder. “We don't know much about Naraku. Even if he's lying his lie might help.”
“Kagome's right.” Miroku said. “The lie can't hurt our situation any more than it already is.”
Inuyasha thought about it and finally put the tetsusaiga away. “Fine, anything other than talking and I'll rip you to pieces.” He warned.
“Wouldn't doubt it.” Mitsuo sat on the ground where he was. He didn't want to overstep his boundaries. “Well I'll start with what information I think you'll want to know. Naraku is a hanyou.”
“A hanyou?” Miroku asked.
“If what he told me is right then yes he is. He used to be human. His human self was a powerful lord but one that never fought his own battles. He wanted power, strength, and his name known by everyone. He practiced any and all martial arts, sword fighting, anything that would make him stronger, but one day he was badly burned in his castle.” Mitsuo explained. “He couldn't move or anything but he somehow managed to survive. One night while his caretaker left for the day he wished he could have power.”
“This isn't making any sense.” Kagome stated.
“It will.” Mitsuo said. “Well that night he got his wish. Hundreds of demons were absorbed into his body but since he was still human instead of becoming a youkai he became a hanyou, a shape shifting one. Since he absorbed so many he can change forms. He wants to be a full youkai. Hanyous don't get respect and no matter how powerful never will.”
“So even though he's not a full human anymore he still desires power?” Miroku asked.
“Yes.” Mitsuo answered.
“But how did you get involved?” Kagome asked. “Why work for such an evil man?”
“I may be a shape shifter but I hate having to change forms just to fit in. I don't like being fake and having to deceive people. Naraku said there were more like me. That he was proof. At the time I believed him, until he struck me. He finally told me what he was doing and that he wasn't going to keep his end of the deal.” Mitsuo said sadly.
“So that's why you're telling us about him. He deceived you.” Kagome said. “Just as you did to us, well to me.”
“Yes...” Mitsuo looked into the fire. “I can never atone for what I did but I can try.”
“If your information is true then it gives us a better understanding.” Miroku said. “Unfortunately it doesn't help us with defeating him.”
“I don't know a way. He revealed no weaknesses while I worked with him.” Mitsuo said. “I told you what I know. I'm sorry I couldn't help any more.”
“You've helped even if it was a little bit.” Kagome said.
“I should take my leave. I don't want you to stay on guard any longer.” Mitsuo stood up. He took a couple steps before stopping and turned around. “I can tell you that it will take Naraku at least a week to recover. Since you hit him with miko powers and destroyed his body it will take longer to recover no matter how powerful he is.”
“How long have you been watching us?” Inuyasha asked.
“I've been watching Naraku's movements hoping to find a weakness. You just happened to come by and I wanted to see the results.” Mitsuo said and continued to walk away.
“Well this has been an interesting night.” Miroku yawned.
“I think you and Sango should get some rest. We can talk tomorrow.” Kagome said. She pet Kirara good night. They both nodded and got ready to sleep.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome called out. While she was talking to Sango and Miroku he left. She knew she should be walking around alone but she wanted to find him.
“Inuyasha!” She called out again. She heard some rustling up above and looked at the nearest tree. She saw Inuyasha looking at his tetsusaiga. “Inuyasha.”
He looked down at her before putting the katana away and jumped down in front of her. He embraced her in a hug and kissed her. He'd been worried that this was their last night, their last battle with Naraku. He pulled back and buried his face in her neck breathing in her scent.
“I thought that was just a rusty katana.” Kagome said.
“I thought it was too but I guess it has some purpose. It feels like it has a lot of power. I just don't know how to use it.” Inuyasha said.
“I'm sure you'll figure it out.” Kagome smiled.
“We should probably talk about what was said earlier.” Inuyasha looked into her eyes.
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Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I was trying to figure out how to write it. Hope you like it! Let me know what you think!
Oh and for those who don't know Kirara's name is spelled and pronounced with the R's. The Japanese language doesn't really have an L sound so they kind of slur it with the r sound. And a lot of the time when it's translated into romanji words are spelled with both R's and L's. I'm assuming when Kirara is translated into English they spelled it with L's or it was easier to pronounce as Kilala. I go with the Japanese way because that's they way I like it and I don't watch the English episodes. I hate the English dialogue and how they butcher the names. Just clearing it up. If you have questions e-mail me!