InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We First Met ❯ Seeing Red ( Chapter 44 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang. Rumiko Takahashi does.

When We First Met

Chapter 44

Seeing Red
“Alright.” Kagome said and sat down on the ground at the base of a tree.
Inuyasha sat down next to her trying to think of what to say. He needed to be clear that he wasn't just saying it but actually meant it. He hadn't meant to say it like he did but it just ended up coming out. Still he was at a loss of what to say. In the corner of his eye he saw Kagome shiver. He leaned back against the tree and pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her to keep her warm.
“Thanks.” She said still waiting for him to say something. Seeing as how he wasn't saying anything she thought maybe she should. “So then why'd you say it?”
“What do you mean why'd I say it?” Inuyasha asked.
“You never said it before...” Kagome looked away.
“I didn't mean to say it, it just came out.” Inuyasha said roughly.
“Oh...” Kagome felt tears coming and tried to get out of his lap.
“What are you doing?” Inuyasha kept a hold of her.
“I figured that's...all that you needed to say so I'm going to sleep.” Kagome wiped a tear that had fallen.
Inuyasha turned her face towards his and wiped away a couple of other tears. “That's not what I meant. I meant I would've liked to say it when it was more meaningful. I didn't mean to say it then. You were just making me mad and I needed you to understand why I didn't want you there.” He explained. “I do love you so don't cry. I hate it when you do.”
“I'm sorry. I just thought doesn't matter.” Kagome smiled and wiped the last of her tears. She didn't know what to do. Was she supposed to say it back? Did she feel that way? She did, she had for a long time. She was just so new to this and everything jumbled together was a little overwhelming. “I-”
“Sorry to interrupt but you realize we can all hear you and I'm assuming this conversation should be more private than public.” Miroku said from behind the tree.
“Sorry.” Kagome blushed embarrassed. “I didn't realize.”
“We should get to bed then. We need to wake up early and think of what to do next. After its over with Naraku we won't have to worry about anything and we could live normally.” Inuyasha said. “We can finish this talk later.”
“Alright.” As soon as Kagome said that Inuyasha picked her up and walked over towards the fire. As much as he would've liked to sleep in the tree it was too cold for her. He laid out one of the sleeping futons and sat down so they can both get comfortable. Inuyasha kissed her and watched her drift off into sleep.
The next morning the group was sitting around the fire. It was pretty early and was still a little chilly out. Each of them was trying to think of how to get to Naraku. They only had less than a week while he was vulnerable and weak. Where was he and how would they get him? No one knew how far he could get being so weak.
“You can't pick up his scent?” Miroku asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha sighed. “It could take a while. His scent is everywhere and it would be hard to find his new scent.”
“Why don't we try it that way? It seems we have no other options when it comes to hunting him down.” Sango said. “Not unless you want to ask random youkai around the forest.”
“Whatever we do we need to do it fast.” Inuyasha folded his arms.
“I think the best option is to do what you just said.” Kagome sighed. “It's not like we don't have any better ideas.”
I'll be the one to scout it out. When I find out where he is I'll come back.” Inuyasha stood up.
“But you could just leave us here and try to fight him yourself!” Kagome shouted.
“I won't. I'm sure we all know that you're powers do the most damage.” Inuyasha answered. “We need you.”
“He's right Kagome.” Miroku said.
“I don't believe you.” Kagome stood up and walked away.
“She has a good reason not to believe you.” Sango said and began to fold up her futon.
Inuyasha sighed and took off to chase after her. This was getting tiring. “Kagome!” He shouted when he saw her back.
“What?” Kagome answered, not turning back, she started to pick up her pace.
“Oh come on will you stop!” Inuyasha made one big leap and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “This is pointless.”
“What is? That you're lying to me? I'm not stupid Inuyasha! You may think I am but I'm not! I know what you're trying to do!” Kagome choked. “You're going to rush in and try to take care of things on your own!”
Inuyasha's grip loosened when he heard what she said. She knew what he was really going to do. “It's true isn't it?” Kagome asked. Her hair covered her eyes and a tear fell down her cheek. “That's really what you were going to do.”
Inuyasha turned her around and hugged her. “I'm sorry. I don't want anything to happen to you. I've been alone for so long and finally you came. I'd rather die than even let you get a small scratch on your face.” He explained.
“I don't want to live without you. You idiot can't you understand that!” Kagome shouted. The tears began to fall even harder. “I don't want anyone to get hurt...”
“We can't avoid it. If I go then I'm the only one to be hurt.” Inuyasha whispered. “I'm not going to die. Naraku is too weak to do that much damage.”
Kagome calmed down after a couple of minutes. She pushed back, looked into his eyes and sighed. She looked like she was struggling to say something. “You have one day and if you don't find him you have to come back. Any longer and I'll look for you myself.” Kagome finally said.
Inuyasha leaned down and kissed her. “I won't need any longer than that.” Inuyasha smiled. He leaned down again to give her a deep kiss. “I'm leaving now then. Don't leave this area!”
“Be careful! And remember one day!” Kagome shouted before he was out of sight. She fell to her knees on the ground and cried uncontrollably.
Inuyasha couldn't help the urge to protect his mate. If he were to die as long as she was alive it was enough. He knew where Naraku was. His scent was heavy enough to pinpoint exactly where he was and hopefully he was still weak enough to defeat easily so he could go back to Kagome unharmed.
He was close already. It was almost dark. He had been traveling all day to find where he was. The scent of blood was heavy but it wasn't Naraku's blood. Was he already trying to revive himself? There was no way to tell until he got there.
Soon enough he could see a cave up ahead and the light of fire inside. Naraku's scent was coming from that way. Slowly he made his way towards the cave so he could see inside and make sure it was him and not some trap.
“Here so soon Inuyasha. And alone I see.” Naraku's voice called out. He walked from a dark corner of the cave with a full body.
“So what?” Inuyasha asked.
“I didn't think your mate would leave you, or did you leave her without her knowing?” Naraku asked.
“She knows.” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. “How did you heal so quickly?”
“Ah I have my ways.” Naraku smiled. He leapt towards Inuyasha knocking him to the ground and holding his neck. “Once I kill you, I'm going to track down Kagome. I'd like to hear her scream in pain and pleasure. Soon enough she'll be begging for more and bearing my children.”
Inuyasha growled violently and knocked him off. He quickly stood up and then charged him. “You stay the fuck away from her!” He growled and took another swing but missing.
Naraku laughed as he dodged each swing Inuyasha made. “Oh how I'll love to see her beneath me screaming my name and forgetting any memory of you! She'll love me more than she ever claimed to have loved you! At this very moment there's someone being sent to retrieve her.” He harassed Inuyasha.
Flashes of red leaked into Inuyasha's vision. He was overcome with anger and the only thing he could think of was killing Naraku so he could get back to Kagome. How did Naraku revive himself so quickly? Or did he just look that way? He grunted when Naraku took a swing and managed to hit him, making him slide back a couple of feet.
“You won't live long enough to do anything!” Inuyasha yelled. He charged Naraku once again and managed to cut across his chest. A little bit of blood was visible but it didn't do enough damage to slow him down. Inuyasha was about to advance again when he saw another flash of red. It was distracting him. Naraku took advantage of it and hit him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
“Oh I will. Kagome will serve me until I tire of her, although I could just use her power afterwards while I take on a new mate.” Naraku chuckled.
First Naraku taunts Inuyasha about taking Kagome as a mate and now he taunts him about throwing Kagome away when he tires of her. He couldn't take it. He growled as his vision flooded red. His body felt hot and he was breathing heavily.
“Had enough?” Naraku smirked, but it soon faded when he noticed Inuyasha's scent was changing.
Inuyasha's mind went blank. His body was changing. On his face a purple streak appeared under each eye across his cheeks. His fangs and claws grew longer. He no longer smelled like a hanyou, he had the scent of a full youkai. Inuyasha opened his eyes, they were blood red and the only thing he had on his mind was killing.
Naraku stumbled back a bit. The Inuyasha he was just taunting and about to kill was now a youkai. He barely managed to see Inuyasha as he ran towards him. He changed his form and put a tentacle out, hitting Inuyasha. He crashed into a tree, knocking it over but he just got up like nothing even happened. He picked up a rock and threw it at him before he got to close. It was sharp and cut open his stomach.
Inuyasha just growled violently, ignoring the injury and jumped towards Naraku. He slashed at one of the tentacles, cutting it off but Naraku retaliated and knocked him into another tree. With every hit Inuyasha shook it off as if it was nothing. He had injuries but it didn't affect him at all. In fact because he was ignoring them, he was doing more damage to himself than Naraku was.
Naraku was starting to feel weak. He hadn't fully revived himself. He got some of his strength and all of his body. All the fighting was starting to wear him out. Inuyasha saw him stumble and kicked his feet out from under him. Naraku fell to the ground and Inuyasha jumped on top of him, wrapping his hand around his neck.
He picked him up off of the ground. Naraku did his best to try and release himself but every time he hit Inuyasha with a tentacle his grip tightened around his neck. The world around him was starting to blur and he realized he was losing. A sharp pain through the stomach woke him from his realizations and he was dropped to the ground. He grabbed his stomach looking down, and saw the damage and knew he wasn't going to make it. He coughed and he could taste the blood.
“At...least- I last thing,” He coughed once again. “Before I died...”
Naraku fell backwards onto the ground, lifeless. The scent of death was starting to surround him.
Inuyasha still could only feel the need to kill. He was running through the forest trying to find his next victim when his vision blurred.
“Where's Inuyasha?” Miroku asked when Kagome showed up to camp with red eyes.
“He's gone.” She said in a whisper as if she didn't want to believe it.
“He's gone? You mean he went to find Naraku?” Sango asked.
Kagome nodded and sat down. “He said...he wanted to take care of things on his no one would get hurt.” She cried.
“Oh Kagome...” Sango stopped when she heard yelling. She grabbed her weapon and jumped in front of Kagome. Then she saw it out of the corner of her eye. “Miroku watch out!”
Miroku held out his staff and used it to block the talons of a youkai bird. It was as tall as him and it was trying to claw him. He knocked it away and jumped when it tried to swoop at him again. He heard more coming from above. “Be careful there are more!” He shouted and pulled out some ofuda, throwing them at the youkai.
Kagome grabbed her bow and arrows and shot at the flying birds. She hit one but the others were swooping down towards her. She fell to the ground after being knocked down and shuffled to her feet quickly, but by the time she stood up something had grabbed her. It was a human with wings. She did her best to fend him off but couldn't do anything.
He held her up in front of him and smirked. He touched her forehead and she felt a warm pain. She screamed when he dropped her and watched her fall. Then suddenly the youkai were all gone. Kirara had taken to the sky to catch Kagome, but she was passed out.
“What was that all about?” Sango asked after she made sure Kagome had no injuries.
“I don't know.” Miroku shook his head. “I wonder when Inuyasha will be back...”
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Yes, yes I know, I've been gone for a long time. I have been busy trying to get a job, which I did, though it is only seasonal but works for me. And I also have to worry about school and so on and so on but enough with my boring problems. There will only be one chapter left. Oddly enough all of my fics seem to be ending around the same time. I have been working on another fic but I'm not sure if I'll post it. I've been busy and all and the fic is somewhat darker than I usually write, although I do tend to like the darker fics, it's the way I am. But anyways more than likely I will post it, I just don't know when. I've had the usual writer's block so I don't know when I'll be able to update or update on Awaken, which is also about to end. Enough with my ranting, I hope you liked it! Let me know what you think!
Thanks to readers and reviewers!