InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We Return Home ❯ Chapter Five: Ice and Stone ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five
Ice and Stone
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and friends. They belong solely to Rumiko Takahashi-sensei.
Lemon warning: This chapter contains a rape lemon. If this offends you, you can skip it. This goes on most of the chapter, so I'm afraid I won't be able to post a clean chapter. Remember though, the rating is M for this story.
Two months after Kaname's return to the present:
August 16th
“No way,” Kaname laughed, clutching her friend's arm as she doubled over with laughter. “There is no way he asked you that!”
Looking around the plaza mall as though she expected someone to overhear them, Kaname's friend Emily grinning toothily down at her friend. Widening her eyes in mock surprise, she summoned a deep voice, forcing her laughter down.
“Emily…would you like to…?”
“No Emi,” Kaname shrieked, attempting to cover her friend's mouth.
“Would you…”
“No! So embarrassing, oh my god…”
“Like to play God of War with me,” Emily finished, giving in to her laughter. The girls stood there for a few moments, ignoring the disturbed looks passerby were giving them. They were young, fun, and didn't care who saw them making fools of themselves.
Giggling, Kaname and Emily walked on, eager to get to the train. As they neared the station 20 minutes later, Kaname smacked her forehead, groaning.
`I think I left my wallet in the bathroom of the movie theatre…'
“What's wrong,” Emily asked, a frown on her face as she looked at her friend. With a shaky smile, Kaname told her. “Well I'll come back with you then.”
“No,” Kaname answered, waving her hand at her friend. “You really need to get home. I'll just call my dad and tell him what happened. He'll understand…I hope…”
Eyeing her friend for a moment, Emily nodded. “Yea…I promised I'd be home by 9 to watch my brother.”
“O.K then,” Kaname smiled, turning as she waved back at her friend, “I'll see you back at school on the 30th! Call me!”
After another twenty minutes, Kaname made it back to the outside mall. She hadn't bothered running; she was already kind of tired. Sighing as she ran her fingers through her short hair, Kaname looked around, realizing that most of the stores had closed up already.
`This is really creepy, she thought, hating the idea of walking around alone. But she really did need that wallet. It had her train fare, not to mention her high school I.D. She'd rather be yelled at for being late than for having lost something so important.
Running into the theatre, Kaname asked an employee for the manager. After speaking with him for a moment, she sighed in relief as he drew her blue denim wallet from his own pocket. Thanking him, Kaname walked out, deciding it was time to run to catch that next bus.
As she ran, her breathing growing hoarse, Kaname felt a chill go up her spine. `Just the shivers' she thought, dismissing the feeling, even as it began to pervade her senses until she felt as though she was freezing in winter. She stopped running, holding her ragged breaths in. Something. Something was nearby…
Shaking her head after scanning the area, Kaname continued on, forcing herself to slow down. She was just scared, she had to admit. The lack of people and the dark was just frightening her. That was it.
Then, it happened.
An arm encircled her neck, choking her. She grabbed at it, her short nails useless. Another arm grabbed her around the wait, squeezing until she thought she'd vomit.
She couldn't think, couldn't speak. This was something that happened in movies, in the news. This…this wasn't happening to her…
But what was happening?
The arms lifted her into the air, the owner laughing as Kaname frantically kicked out for any part of him she could reach. Grunting as she kicked him somewhere it really hurt, the man threw her over his shoulder, walking calmly over to the alley behind one of the plaza shops.
`No,' Kaname thought frantically, `nononononononononononNONONONONO!'
It was like he could hear her very thought. Grinning, he threw her into a corner against the wall, grinning at her. She could see he was tall, built. He had dark hair, and eyes…blue eyes. But aside from his eyes and grin, she couldn't see anything else. It was as though her mind had shut down, numbing her frantic thoughts to a buzz that sickened her.
`Scream,' she told herself, clenching her hands. `Someone comes when you scream. They always do…'
He seemed to have read her thoughts, he moved so quickly, crouching down before her huddled form. He gripped her face, his nails digging into her cheeks as he whispered hoarsely in her ear, his tone filled with something that froze Kaname inside and out.
It was desire.
“Try and calm yourself down,” he whispered, his hand loosening its grip as he proceeded to cup her cheek in his hands. His breath quickened as she closed her eyes, tears pricking her lashes. She didn't want to see those eyes, those horrifyingly loving eyes.
“Good…you're good. Best pre-fuck I've ever had. You listen.”
Those words scared her, terrified her. “Please,” she begged, her voice shaking as his eyes turned to ice again. “Please don't-please, please-“
He grabbed her skull, shaking it. His grip on her was painful, his shaking disorienting her. Slouching against the wall, she barely heard as the man continued to whisper to her. She felt drunk, her mind barely understanding his words.
“Tell me your name.”
Her lips parted, still shaking as she answered, “Kaname…”
“Your whole name,” he grunted, grabbing her short hair and slamming her head against the brick wall. “Your whole name, Kaname.”
Her name falling from his lips hurt her more than the brick wall. Shuddering with sobs, Kaname screamed out her name. “Kururugi Kaname!”
“See,” he said passively, pulling her towards the ground with her hair as he moved to lie atop her, “now that wasn't so hard.”
It hurt. He was so heavy on her, Kaname tried to squirm, attempting to reposition her knee against his crotch.
“You're smart,” he remarked, slapping her face with his hands until she saw stars, “I knew you were smart.”
It was when she heard the sound of a fly unzip that Kaname lost all hope. The fear and anger that had raged within her moments ago died out, leaving her in utter despair.
But she couldn't close her eyes. For some reason, she knew it would be more horrific in the dark. A voice whispered to her, a voice she'd never heard before.
Her eyes fixated on the sky above her, her body aching as her mind shut down.
An hour went by, perhaps more. For that hour, he laid inside her, refusing to move. He hadn't kissed her, ripped through her like he wanted.
No. He would wait. He would wait until she wanted it.
When he'd entered her, shuddering at the intense shock of pleasure that burned through his senses, he'd seen it. The look of pain and shame that crossed her face for a moment. He hadn't relished it as much as he thought he would, but it was still quite a turn-on. The best thing she could give him though was to want him.
They all did in the end. Want him. It took minutes, maybe half an hour, before they resigned themselves to it and decided to go along. He didn't like it when they told him how good he was. `They have to mean it. Kaname has to want me with everything she has.'
He waited his patience never-ending. Slowly, he saw her come back from wherever she'd disappeared to, her eyes nervous and fearful at his calm demeanor. Finally???
Hesitantly, he leaned down, his hands running down the front of her blouse. Mistaking her shudder as one of arousal, he continued, fingers gripping the buttons as he slowly removed the shirt, dragging it from under her back and throwing it behind him. Lowering his face to her belly, he kissed her, hearing her heartbeat skyrocket. He licked her. It stopped for an instant.
That was all he needed to hear. His mind fuzzy and his body hot, he dropped his lips to hers; biting her the way he knew she liked it. His teeth found her tongue, biting down lightly on it. The retch he perceived to be a groan of pleasure excited him. She really did want him. She was home with him, finally…
Growling as he ripped her brassiere off viciously as his mouth found her breast, biting it. He played with her nipple, an image of a child sucking from it teasing his thoughts. His child.
The thought excited him. Gripping her waist, he pulled out of her, inciting a scream of pain from Kaname. But he was deaf to it. He thrust back into her again, moaning as he listened to her screams and pleas. Grabbing her arms to wrap them around his neck, he thrust harder and harder, his pleasure spiraling out of control as pain flooded the body of his girl.
“My girl,” he whispered to himself, laughing in ecstasy, “my sweet girl.”
The tightness of her, the warmth, called to him. It wanted him to give in, to give to her what they both wanted. `A family. Our family.'
Reaching his climax, he arched his back, his cries mingling with hers as he flooded her. He felt her hands on his arm, her nails digging into him until blood dripped from them. Lifting his arm to lick his wound, he pressed his mouth to hers and bit her cheek, his happiness escalating as their blood mingled.
Pressing his forehead against hers, he sighed, the scent of her sex and their cold sweat lingering in his nose.
“You were so good, Kaname,” he smiled, tenderly pushing her bangs from her forehead, “the best. My little blossom…”
He looked at her eyes, glazed over with tears. They fell from her eyes, dripping down the sides of her cheeks. “So happy,” he muttered, kissing her lashes. How she fell unconscious with her eyes open he didn't know. It was cute though.
They lay that way for hours more. Realizing that the sun was going to rise soon, he pulled out of her, grimacing. He'd done her so hard that he felt numb. Grinning his toothy grin as he stood, he laughed. “You really wore me out, sweetheart.”
He put his clothes on, his fingers shaking from the experience. She really called out to him, didn't she? Her smell, her body, they'd wanted him so bad. He could hear her very blood calling him to her, begging her to show her all he had.
It just took a little convincing, didn't it?
Standing over her, he drew a pin from his pocket, one he always carried. With it, he carved his symbol into the top of her breast, kissing it as it bled. Now he would always know where she was, what she was feeling. Turning towards the alley entrance, he grimaced at the sight of the sunrise. He felt horrid leaving her there, but she'd come to soon enough. She'd find the symbol and know that he could find her anywhere, any time.
The sirens. The shouts of horror. That was all she heard. Her eyes were open, but she couldn't see. The sight of the dark sky engrained in her pupils. She didn't want to see anything else, didn't want to know that it was all over…
She felt a hand on hers, a strong hand. His hand. She wanted to pull away, but she knew it would be no use. He'd hit her; hit his blossom, his baby. He said he would. He promised her pain for his pleasure.
But the voice she heard was her daddy. He spoke to her in soft tones, words of guilt and sadness. But she still heard it. His shame. It poured from him. He was ashamed.
Of her.
But she'd known, hadn't she? That her life ended the moment he'd touched her. She couldn't think anymore, she didn't want to. Him deep inside her was all that was familiar anymore, the only thing she could recall. It was he that anchored her to the depths of despair.
And she knew that despair would linger on in her forever, a stain on her soul. Nothing could save her now; she'd been taken from her life, murdered and thrown into a hole she could never escape.
Even when she did awaken, slashed, bruised, and aching, she could still feel him near her, watching. The voice in her head echoed throughout her hospital stay, whispering to her when she returned home.
`The flame…the beast…'
She'd been weak. Had forgotten her powers in her terror.
But she would never forget again. She would find him again, reunite with him.
And when she did, both of them would burn together, along with his demon race.
O.O….T.T oh KANAME. I felt so bad writing that, first time I ever did anything that dark. It was hard to do, but I toned it down quite a bit. Believe me; He was much rougher with her than this chapter let on…
But anyway, R&R people. I'm sorry about the angst, but it's something an Inu/Kan would eventually have, you know? This pairing is hard to work with, especially when Kagome and Kikyou (GRR) get into it. Thanks for reading so far!
P.S: Still looking for a beta reader!