InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We Return Home ❯ Chapter Seven: Consideration ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Seven
Disclaimer: It's been a while! Not like Takahashi cares. She owns InuYasha.
W-wait," Kaname stuttered, lifting her hand to stop Miroku, "could you... do you think you could run that by me again?"
Miroku, his blue eyes sympathetic nodded at his friend. She sat across from him and the rest of the gang, sitting cross-legged on the ground with Shippou beside her, his head resting on her shoulder. Her face displayed an expected amount of surprise, Miroku having just told her everything that had happened since she'd returned to her era.
Her feelings were to be expected. To find out that her battle with them against Naraku had been what the bastard had wanted, using that battle to his advantage, not only seemed to surprise her, but fill her with intense hatred. It was only natural; that battle had been her vengeance on the man who was the source of all her suffering in their time.
Naraku had destroyed the life of her ancestor Utsugi, manipulating her into calling Kaname back to the past and attempting to use her to become human again. That in turn led to the death of Kakuju, the husband of Utsugi and Kaname's ancestral father.
So Miroku retold the story, trying to keep it short, sweet and to the point.
"Naraku used our battle to fake his death. Afterwards, we fought him along with the Shikon no Tama, in a battle to the death. The Shikon attempted to force him and Kagome-sama to fight forever within it, sustaining it. Kagome-sama wished for the Shikon no Tama to disappear, and in turn, saved us all. She was forced back to her world for three years, returning to us only recently."
Kaname shook, her will all that suppressed the angry tears from springing to her eyes. Losing that battle, she pressed her fists to her eyes, shaking.
"All that pain, that sorrow... was it all for nothing!" She screamed, standing up suddenly, Shippou's presence forgotten. "I...I lost EVERYTHING because of that animal," she screamed, sparks of red gleaming in her brown eyes."
"Kaname-dono," Sango whispered, her voice drawing everyone's' eyes. "I know how you feel."
For a moment, it seemed as though Kaname didn't hear the taijiya. But then her eyes widened, remembering what she knew about her friend's own past, filled with blood and vengeance. Looking at Sango, her eyes warm and caring, seated besides her husband, Kaname's hatred deflated within her, like a balloon. Sango... she had suffered so much, yet she had been able to find happiness.
'Me too, then...'
"Yes," Kaname replied, her eyes turning away from her companions, "I know you do."
She could feel it, the heat of embarrassment rising in her. Brushing off her hakama, Kaname pulled at her hair. "I'm going for a walk. I'm sorry..."
"InuYasha," Kagome whispered, gripping the arm of the man beside her. "Let her be."
InuYasha looked at his companion, his best friend, his life. Her eyes commanded that he listen, her grip on him firm.
"It's just," InuYasha replied, his voice hushed, "I know that it's not just Naraku that bothers her. I think...something..."
"Something happened to her when she returned," Kagome muttered, her eyes looking off into the forest brush through which Kaname had disappeared. "I could feel it pounding off of her in waves when I saw you two coming. An anger that threatened to consume her. All we can do right now is be there for her, InuYasha. I have a feeling... something tells me that is all we can do for now."
InuYasha looked at Kagome, his heart constricting at her tone. She, the most powerful priestess alive, sounded completely powerless as she spoke. InuYasha reached for her, pulling her close. Her arms wound around his neck, her body shaking against him as his arms tightened around her waist. A memory of holding Kaname flashed through his mind, as warm and soft as Kagome was to him at this moment. It confused him.
In that instant, he couldn't discern between them, his wife and his friend.
She stood motionless, her eyes staring up at the warm orange sky. It had looked like this only a few days ago, when she'd stood on the shrine ground steps looking out at the city below.
The flames burned within her, but they were not as angry as she had thought they were.
They were cold, as could as they'd been when her life had ended over two years ago. When she'd felt all her compassion and freedom seep from body like blood.
This was how she should feel, she realized, her fists relaxing. I am furious, but I am rational. I am...
But then she thought of InuYasha. InuYasha and her, like Sango and Miroku. With him, that fire within her burned warm, a feeling she'd missed. With him, the hands that reached for her could never catch her in their grasps. She was safe as long as they were together.
Nodding to herself, Kaname resolved to return to her friends. Yes, it had only been minutes since she'd run off, but she believed that didn't matter. Being with all of them made everything better.
As she turned to leave, Kaname felt it. An evil presence, one that filled the air. In the back of her mind, she knew it was far from where she was, yet she felt it so clearly.
'I must tell the others,' she thought, running through the forest as quickly as she could, 'this is trouble.'
"Do you sense it, InuYasha?" Sango asked, gripping Hiraikotsu as she stood beside her battle-ready friend Kirara at her side.
"Keh," the hanyou replied, his grip on Tetsusaiga tightening. "I wouldn't be standing like this if I didn't. Something's out there..."
"Do you think Kaname's all right?" Kagome called from her place beside Miroku, reaching for her bow and arrows. As she jogged over to InuYasha, she sent out a strand of spiritual power, scanning for her friend.
"I'm sure she fine," Miroku said as he stood, frowning as the youki grew closer, "she's not a priestess for nothing."
"That's onmyouji!"
Running out of the forest, Kaname waved her hand, a smile on her lips. "I'm not a priestess!"
"Oh!" Miroku answered, his brows raised, "a high position among the Shinto to be sure."
Standing before her friends, Kaname dropped her hands to her knees, gasping for breath. "Yea... modern times it's not a court position anymore. It's just a title my family has held onto, and only I can really claim anymore..."
"Pfft," InuYasha exclaimed, "well how about you put those powers to use and get ready for what's coming? I don't like the feel of this..."
"Right," Kaname nodded, moving to stand beside Sango. The girl placed her hand on her shoulder, searching the onmyouji's eyes.
"Are you alright now," Sango asked, her voice worried.
Kaname nodded, "as alright as I'll ever be. Let's kick some ass."
"Should we fight them?" Ichiro asked, looking at his companion. The youkai beside him continued towards the source of the overwhelming power.
"Katsumi-sama," Ichiro called again, hesitant.
Blue eyes looked back at Ichiro, cold and empty. "My mark."
"What," Ichiro asked, a whine in his voice, "what mark?"
Rolling his eyes, the demon Katsumi walked over to Ichiro, gripping his shoulder.
"I feel like having a little fun today, that's all, Ichiro-dono."
"My lord," Ichiro answered slowly, his eyes scanning the uncharacteristically amused face of his leader, "I don't think that's a good idea. Tomorrow..."
"Yes, yes..." Katsumi answered, running his hand through his short white hair, "I know."
"Then you must understand that we don't have time to go play with anyone! If she's marked then you'll be able to find her later, right?
Besides, there are so many marked with your symbol. She can't be that important."
"You're probably right," Katsumi mused, his hand gripping his katana. "I don't even remember marking anyone with this scent. Or this much power. I guess I can always come back another time."
"Thank you, my lord," Ichiro sighed, bowing low before his commander. "Shall we return to the castle then?"
"Yes," Katsumi replied, turning on his heel in the direction of his fortress. "Coming this way was unnecessary anyway. It doesn't seem as though any demons in this area are suited to the battalion."
"We have plenty as it is, my lord. I am sure you will triumph with the number you have recruited over the years."
"Huh," Katsumi grunted, taking off into the air as he ran, feeling the wind scream against his face. 'It's never enough.'
"It's gone," Kagome said, turning to look at her friends. Her confused expression mirrored their own, InuYasha's mixed with irritation. "Damn it to hell," he grumbled.
"Now, now," Miroku laughed, patting InuYasha's head, "you don't need to be so bloodthirsty my friend."
"Shut up, Miroku," InuYasha growled, turning away from the line of friends to plop back on the ground. "I should be going after that youki!"
"I'm worried too," Kagome sighed, moving to sit beside InuYasha, "I don't think it's safe to leave something like that roaming."
"It's vanished now," Kaname answered, looking into the forest. "I don't think we could follow it if we wanted to."
"Well, it's nothing to worry about now," Miroku said, shaking his head. "I think it's time to set up camp. Wait...where's Shippou?"
"Shippou?" Everyone else said, perplexed.
"I'm right here you guys!" the kitsune in question called out, jumping up from behind the boulder where their belongings lay. "Thanks for remembering me."
Everyone laughed at that, the tension forgotten. Kaname ran over to him, holding the youth close to her heart.
"I could never forget you," she laughed, pulling the boy towards her in a warm hug.
"Yea right," Shippou replied dryly, looking down at his friend.
"Shippou! You have my complete attention tonight, I promise," Kaname swore, pulling back to ruffle his red locks. "Tell me how you got so big for starters!"
"Keh!" Shippou answered, blushing as his companions, and InuYasha, snickered. "I'm too old to stay so small you know. I'm a demon you know! I grow fast and age slow."
"Is that so," Kaname laughed, tweaking his nose, "don't get too big or I might have a crush on you. A handsome guy like you!"
Now everyone around them laughed freely.
"O.K, O.K!" Shippou shouted, pushing Kaname away. "Can we just set up camp now?"
A/N: It's been a while, and I'm very sorry this took so long. Please enjoy my work, which should be posted more regularly now.